International Conference on Innovation and Advance Technologies in Engineering


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Android Application Controlled Robotic Arm using Bluetooth Module HC-05
Country :: India
Authors :: Milan Trivedi || Darshan Pangare || Ranjan Rao || Kajal Yadav || Dr.Bhavin Shah
Page No. :: 01-03

Robotics is the current emerging field in the era of modern technology. Robotics has become more significant as it requires low cost, low maintenance and is more accurate as compared to human work. This paper has proposed a technique to replicate a human arm by controlling it via smart phone. The smartphone uses an application built using the android platform. This project is designed with an aim to operate the robotic arm with a single touch on the android application. To accomplish the following, we develop a Human Machine Interaction System (HMIS) based on a smartphone. The command center for the robotic arm is the android application. The bluetooth module (HC-05) forms the interface between the smart
phone and the robotic arm. The robotic arm will have 3 DOF which will enable efficient movement.

[1]. Devaraju A., Chen L., Negenborn R.R. (2018) Autonomous Surface Vessels in Ports: Applications, Technologies and Port Infrastructures. In:
[2]. Cerulli R., Raiconi A., Voß S. (eds) Computational Logistics. ICCL 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11184. Springer, Cham
[3]. Gert Jan Gelderblom, Mathijs Soede, Leon Adriaens, Klaus Miesenberger Assistive Technology Research Series vol 29 isbn 978-1-60750- 813-7 (print) | 978-1-60750-814-4 (online)
[4]. Saurabh Khoje1, Devendra Urad2, Monika Shirke3, Prof. Anita Shinde4 Saurabh Khoje et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 7 (2) , 2016, 773-776
[5]. Surbhi Verma, Android App Controlled Bluetooth Robot. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 152 – No.9,

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Robotic Prosthesis with Brainwave Control
Country :: India
Authors :: Amit Parab || Viraj Parab || Mohit Naik || Mishal Roy || Dr. Bhavin Shah
Page No. :: 04-07

The field of Robotics has a speedy growth in order to make people's life easy. There different kinds of machines designed and produced in this specific field to aid the specially abled people facing issues like poor vision, broken legs or arms, body part dislocation etc. Thus, to surmount the given issue, we are producing a robotic arm so as to increase its utility for the people in the mentioned category. The project targets to construct an arm which shall be operated straight by human brainwaves. These brainwaves will be discerned by using EEG (Electroencephalogram) technology. People who are specially abled are the prime foci behind the project. They can make use of the robot arm to take control over various actions which are impossible for them.

Keywords: BCI, Brainwaves, EEG, Myoelectric, Neurons, Robotic arm

[1]. Dumic, Dalibor & Đug, Mehmed & Bilic, Damir. (2016). Brainiac's arm - Brain-Controlled Robotic Arm. 10.13140/RG.2.2.36467.94241.
[2]. Beyrouthy, Taha & Al Kork, Samer & Akl Korbane, Joe & Abouelela, Mohamed. (2017). EEG Mind Controlled Smart Prosthetic Arm – A Comprehensive Study. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal. 2. 891-899. 10.25046/aj0203111.
[3]. Mattar, Ebrahim & Al-Junaid, Hessa. (2018). Manipulation Related EEG Brainwave Feature Extraction and Events Recognition for Robotics Learning Applications.
[4]. Lenhardt, Alexander. "A Brain-Computer Interface for robotic arm control." (2011).
[5]. C. Fonseca, J. P. Silva Cunha, R. E. Martins, V. M. Ferreira, J. P. Marques de Sá, M. A. Barbosa, and A. Martins da Silva, "A Novel Dry Active Electrode for EEG Recording", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOL. 54, NO. 1, pp 162-166, January 2007.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: NRF24L01 Transceiver Based Hand Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm Replication
Country :: India
Authors :: Milan Trivedi || Darshan Pangare || Ranjan Rao || Kajal Yadav || Dr.Bhavin Shah
Page No. :: 08-11

Robotics is the most influential field in technology. Use of robots is exponentially growing in every industry. A gesture controlled robotic arm is proposed in this paper. The structure of the arm comprises of four fingers, a thumb, a rotating arm, and an elbow. Bend sensors also known as flex sensors are used to control the movements of the fingers and accelerometers for the movement of the arm and the elbow respectively. The arm is controlled wirelessly using transceivers. The movements of the fingers are controlled by cables that act as cords of the human arm. The interface between hardware and software is achieved using ATmega microcontrollers.

[1]. Shamsheer Verma, "Hand Gesture Remote Control Robotic Arm", Advance in Electronic and Electric Engineering. ISSN 2231- 1297, Volume 3, Number 5 (2013), pp. 601-606
[2]. Afzal, Waseem. (2017). Gesture Control Robotic Arm Using Flex Sensor. Applied and computational mathematics
[3]. Rodríguez Fdez I., Mucientes M., BugarínDiz A. (2015) Application of Fuzzy Techniques to Autonomous Robots. In: Kacprzyk J., Pedrycz W. (eds) Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence. Springer Handbooks. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
[4]. Raheja, Jagdish &Shyam, Radhey&Rajsekhar, Arun & Bhanu Prasad, P. (2012). Real-Time Robotic Hand Control Using Hand Gestures. 10.5772/25512.
[5]. R. Slyper and J. Hodgins, "Action Capture withAccel-erometers," Euro Graphics/A CMSIG GRAPHS Sympo- sium on Computer Animation, 2008.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Autonomous Swarm Robots for Industrial and Disaster Mitigation Application Communication and Swarm Intelligence
Country :: India
Authors :: Kinjal Jayesh Patel || Swarnima Sunil Bhosale || Shivani Yashvantrao Desai || Prachi Ganpat Kate || Dr. Bhavin Shah
Page No. :: 12-15

Contemporarily in analysis swarm artificial intelligence is associate degree flowering division underneath artificial intelligence. The nomenclature swarm intelligence is sparked from, nature swarm where swarm means a group. It consists of a master bot controlling multiple slave bots. In this paper, a brief idea about the branch of swarm robotics and their application in industrial and disaster management has been brought out. It is based on swarm intelligence and wireless communication, bearing coordination, synchronization and obstacle avoidance

[1]. Towards practical application of swarm robotics: overview of swarm tasks Aleksis Liekna, Janis Grundspenkis Riga Technical University, Latvia aleksis, Publication date:2014/5/29, Engineering for Rural Development (Latvia) ISSN: 1691-5976
[2]. Swarms Robots and their applications Yazdani Hasan Department of Computer Application Sri Satya Sai University of Technology & Medical Sciences, Bhopal, India. IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) e-ISSN: 2278-0661, p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 19, Issue 1, Ver. II (Jan.-Feb. 2017), PP 46-47 DOI: 10.9790/0661-1901024647 46
[3]. A Survey on Swarm Robotic Modeling, Analysis and Hardware Architecture Seeja Ga , Arockia Selvakumar Ab , Berlin Hency Vc* a,c SENSE, b SMBS, Vellore Institute of Technology
[4]. An extensive review of research in swarm robotics, Authors- Yogeswaran Mohan; S. G. Ponnambalam, ISBN NUMBER- 978-1- 4244-5053-4 Published in: 2009 World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC)
[5]. Efficient Strategy for Collective Navigation Control in Swarm Robotics Volume 80, 2016, Pages 814–823 ICCS 2016. Journal ISSN: 1877-0509 The International Conference on Computational Science, Luneque Silva Junior1 and Nadia Nedjah2 1 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil 2 State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Wireless Autonomous Aerial Swarm Robots for Industrial and Disaster Mitigation Application Using Swarm Intelligence
Country :: India
Authors :: Kinjal Jayesh Patel || Swarnima Sunil Bhosale || Shivani Yashvantrao Desai || Prachi Ganpat Kate || Dr. Bhavin Shah
Page No. :: 16-18

The paper projects the concept of the primary decentralized multi-robot slave flock that performs constant autonomous outside flight with one commanding master robot. By decentralized and autonomous we tend to mean that every member plots a route themselves, supported by the active data received from the master robot within the section. Collaborative activities originated from the localized management structure with biologically enthused from physical modeling of animal swarms. The mechanism of swarms is piloted by swarm intelligence ideology. It has applications in the surveillance area, military and defense tasks.

[2]. 8-3-642-32723-0_1
[3]. 60231471_Outdoor_flocking_and_formatio
[4]. n_flight_with_autonomous_aerial_robots
[5]. 54041174_Indoor_Navigation_with_a_Swa rm_of_Flying_Robots

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Detecting Key Actors In a Multiperson Video
Country :: India
Authors :: Gauri Chandgude || Viraj Hajare || Nahush Dange || Shubham Keni || Gauri Salunkhe
Page No. :: 19-22

Recognision of a key person in multiperson video is a challenging task, with many people active in the scene but only detecting the desired person. Detection of a desired person in videos has hugely benefited from the introduction of recent large-scale datasets and models. This is mainly limited to the domain where the videos contain only one actor performing only one action. In our project, we are presenting a model and dataset for this particular setting. Videos captured in public places typically contain many people interacting with each other. In our work, we use annotation to highlight the detected key person. We show how to use a neural network to represent information of a desired person; the annotation model is trained with selecting the most relevant figure of that person in each frame. We are introducing an annotation based model for detection in multi-person videos. Our method can generalize to any multi-person setting.

Keywords: dataset bias, deep learning, Labelling, Tensorflow, Open CV.

[1]. A Krenker, J Bešter and A Kos," Introduction to the Artificial Neural Networks", Edited Kenji Suzuki, Published by InTech,, JanezaTrdine, Croatia, (2011), pp 3-18.
[2]. Er. P Kumar, Er.P Sharma, "ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS-A Study", International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research and Technology, vol. 2, no. 2, (2014), pp. 143-148.
[3]. Vignesh Ramanathan1, Jonathan Huang2, Sami Abu-El-Haija2, Alexander Gorban2,Kevin Murphy2, and Li Fei-Fei, "Detecting events and key actors in multi-person videos" IEEE 2016.
[4]. [4]NouarAlDahoul, AznulQalid Md Sabri, and Ali Mohammed Mansoor, Research article,Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience ",Volume 2018, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[5]. Athanesious, J. & Suresh, P., 2012. Systematic Survey on Object Tracking Methods in Video. Int. J. Adv. Res. Comput. Eng. Technol. 1, 242–247.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Self Learning Braille Keyboard
Country :: India
Authors :: Prof. Jyoti Kolap || Rushabh Acharya || Omkar Shinde || Chaitanya Rathod || Yash Mehta
Page No. :: 23-26

The project consists of Braille keyboard and learner. A Braille learner enables visually impaired people to learn Braille. The learner consists of 6 vibrating motors arranged in a 3x2 matrix as a Braille cell. A Braille keyboard is specially designed and constructed to provide easy typing technology for the visually impaired. There are totally 6 logical sensing switches that are used for acquiring the characters. The whole keyboard works based on Braille system. There are also five other specially used switches like SHIFT (Number Alphabet toggle button), SPACE, BACK SENSE, CAPS LOCK and SPEAK. This keyboard is a device made of logical switches and uses Braille system technique...........

[2]. pdf
[6]. A cost effective electronic Braille for visually impaired individuals.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Analysis of PLL circuit for Single Event Transient
Country :: India
Authors :: Mahalaxmi Palinje
Page No. :: 27-31

Space exploration provides us with valuable information about the universe. Progress in this held is based upon understanding and solving number of issues. Radiation experienced by aircraft in the outer space is one of them, where the sun is the main source of radiation. Electronic components on board the aircrafts/spacecraft are exposed to these radiations which can cause reduction in the lifetime of a craft and even mission failure. Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are an integral part of many electronic systems. They are used for a number of applications such as local oscillator (LO) in wireless communication systems, clock recovery circuitry at the serial or parallel high speed data links, synchronizing data transmission and as a frequency synthesizer in digital systems. This report summarizes effects of radiation which is introduced in a phase locked loop circuit in the form of a current pulse.

[1]. Utkarsh Gupta. Aunnasha Sengupta. Nachiket Nanadikar, Kapil Majumdar and S S Rathod, " Design of voltage charge pump Phase Locked Loop (PLL)", 2nd International Conference on global technology initiative, March 2013
[2]. B.Razavi , " Design of Analog CMOS Integrated circuit". McGraw-Hill International Edition.
[3]. Surendra Singh Rathod , A.K Saxena, Sudeb Dasgupta, " Radiation Effects in MOS based Device and Circuits : A Review" , IETE Technical Review, Vol-28, Issue-6, Nov-Dec2011
[4]. A.N Nemmani, "Design Techniques for Radiation Hardened Phase Locked Loop", (Master of Science, Thesis Paper)
[5]. Sung-Mo Kang,Yusuf Leblebici, "CMOS digital integrated Circuits", McGraw-Hill International Edition, Pg No. 357.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Review on Physical Layer Waveform Designing For 5G Wireless Technology
Country :: India
Authors :: Shikha Malik || Ruchi Chauhan || Pooja Sonawane || Susan Tony
Page No. :: 32-34

There has been major paradigm shift in cellular technology due to increase demand of mobile internet and Internet of things leading to the challenging requirements that includes very high carrier frequencies with high spectral efficiency and massive no of antennas for unlimited connectivity among the users. The multiple access techniques for waveform design has gained momentum at each cellular generation and has been key technology to distinguish different wireless systems. The 1G based on frequency division multiple access, transformed into Time division multiple access for 2 G, code division multiple access standard for 3G and orthogonal frequency division multiple access has become a dominant approach for Wi-Fi and LTE cellular standard. It is natural that transition to 5G requires enhanced technologies in signaling and multiple access formats............

[1]. J.G. Andrews et al., "What Will 5G Be?", IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 1065-1082, June 2014.
[2]. A. Farhang, et al., "Massive MIMO and waveform design for 5th generation wireless communication systems," Proc. of International Conf. on 5G for Ubiquitous Connectivity, pp. 70–75, Nov. 2014.
[3]. K. Mizutani and H. Harada, "Universal time-domain windowed OFDM," Proc. IEEE VTC2016-Fall, pp. 1-5, Sept. 2016.
[4]. A. Farhang, et al., "Massive MIMO and waveform design for 5th generation wireless communication systems," Proc. of International Conf. on 5G for Ubiquitous Connectivity, pp. 70–75, Nov. 2014.
[5]. Parna Sabeti; Arman Farhang; Nicola Marchetti; Linda Doyle "Performance Analysis of FBMC-PAM in Massive MIMO" 2016 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps) Washington, DC, USA, pp.1-7, 2016

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Power Theft Detection Using Gsm Module
Country :: India
Authors :: Kaustubh Gharat || Tejas Koli || Harshad Chormare || Prasad Chavan || Gauri Salunkhe
Page No. :: 35-37

This paper introduces a discovery of energy theft in every house and in trade for varied ways for theft. voltage is crucial for normal day to day existence and spine for the business. Power is undiscipline to our daily existence with increasing want of power the ability theft is likewise increasing, management theft is a difficulty that keeps on plaguing power section crosswise over entire nation the goal of this endeavor is to stipulate such a framework which is able to plan to reduce the illicit utilization of power and moreover decrease the percentages of theft. This task can naturally acknowledge the theft. This model decreases manual management work and plan to accomplishestheft management.

Keywords: Sim Card Interface, Gsm Module, Current Sensor, LCD Display, Pic16F874A/877A, Alarm Driver Circuit, Relay Driver Circuit, Buzzer, Relay, Meter Line.

[1]. 4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio- Informatics (AEEICB- 18) 978-1-5386-4606-9©2018 IEEE Simulation of GSM Based Power Theft Detection Using Proteus
[2]. 2015 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT] 978-1-4799-7075-9/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE Development of ARM Processor based Electricity Theft Control System using GSM Network
[3]. 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Control Science and Systems Engineering Theft Detection Based GSM Prepaid Electricity System
[4]. 2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies – iCoMET 2018 978-1-5386-1370- 2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE Wireless Controlled Smart Digital Energy Meter and theft control using GSM with GUI
[5]. 2017 Third International Conference on Science Technology Engineering & Management (ICONSTEM) Advance Metering Infrastructure for Smart Grid using GSM

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: PCB Design Machine
Country :: India
Authors :: Nikita Patil || Sayali Patyane || Shraddha Padaye || Bhagyashree Redkar || Akanksha Bhargava
Page No. :: 38-40

Printed circuit board (PCB) is the most essential part of every electronic instrument that we use in daily life, be it on any industrial or student level. The machines used in industries for production of PCBs are costly and bulky. In consideration with the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine technology used in today's world, we aim to construct portable and cost efficient PCB design machine. This machine automatically draws circuit on the PCB as well as drills it with ease.

Keyword: Computer Numerical Control(CNC), G-code, Inkscape, MATLAB, Universal Gcode Sender(UGS)


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: PCB Design Machine
Country :: India
Authors :: Nikita Patil || Sayali Patyane || Shraddha Padaye || Bhagyashree Redkar || Akanksha Bhargava
Page No. :: 41-43

Printed circuit board (PCB) is the most essential part of every electronic instrument that we use in daily life, be it on any industrial or student level. The machines used in industries for production of PCBs are costly and bulky. In consideration with the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine technology used in today's world, we aim to construct portable and cost efficient PCB design machine. This machine automatically draws circuit on the PCB as well as drills it with ease.

Keywords: Computer Numerical Control(CNC), G-code, Inkscape, MATLAB, Universal Gcode Sender(UGS)


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Solar Gardenbot
Country :: India
Authors :: Prof.Manoj Mishra || Shrutika Sawant || Shriwari Shedge || Sweety Vade || Ketaki Waikul
Page No. :: 44-48

In this project we have studied the importance of solar energy and converted the solar energy to electrical energy in order to drive our project,We also studied the working of wireless transmission and reception with the help of HC-12 wireless module,And studied the working of 8051 microcontroller with solar panel,battery,7805 voltage regulator, push buttons,hc-12 module,mosfet switch,motors and L293D motor driver.Thus this make our project eco friendly,less time consuming and less human efforts.

Keywords- Objective,Working,Project implementation,Applications,Advantages.


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Military Medibot
Country :: India
Authors :: Bholaram Muni || Parag Parab || Yash Ghori || Sonu Kushwaha || Mohan Kumar
Page No. :: 49-53

Military and piece of ground areas that primarily would like the progressive technologies that will provide wise service in varied aspects, and robotic systems square measure one altogether the key solutions for such wants. Time is also a vital issue once handling troopers UN agency experience a unforeseen medical service that sadly could result in death due to inconvenience of the emergency treatment. Therefore, Associate in Nursing on the spot treatment exploitation remote emergency medi-kit in military areas ought to be administered to the victim at intervals some minutes once collapsing where doctors could not provide service. Hence, we've designed and developed the medi-kit providing automaton.............

[1]. Rajeshwari Madli, Santosh Hebbar, Praveenraj Pattar, and Varaprasad Golla , "Automatic Detection and Notification of Potholes and Humps on Roads to Aid Drivers "
[2]. Alessio Carullo, Marco Parvis , "An ultrasonic sensor for distance measurement in automotive applications"
[3]. Parivesh Pandey ; Vijaya Laxmi,"Design of low cost and power efficient Wireless vision Sensor for surveillance and monitoring"
[4]. Akash Singh ; Tanisha Gupta ; Manish Korde "Bluetooth controlled spy robot"
[5]. Eka Firmansyah ; Lafiona Grezelda ; Iswandi, "Wireless Communication Technology Based on Bluetooth and Its Application to a Manipulator"
[6]. Jo, Y.; Ryu, S. Pothole Detection System Using a Black-box Camera. Sensors 2015, 15, 29316-29331.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Multipurpose Student Smart Card
Country :: India
Authors :: Prof. Nilesh Gode || Rinky Yadav || Rutuja Kadam || Mayank Vyas || Viraj Kolekar
Page No. :: 54-58

Smart cards have been around for a while now, it has institutes and makes use of the current 'Digital India' movement. There is a need for students to carry a separate identification card and a different library card while all this could be combined into one single card with the entire detailed information of an individual student is stored in that particular card. This student card system can be usable in the educational, retail sector. The smart card will he used as means for identification and cash. From there we can see the potential and power of smart describes the overall versatility, practicality and usability.

Keywords: RFID,Microcontroller,web page,Database

[1]. N.I. Zainal , K.A. Sidek, T.S. Gunawan, and H.M.M. Kartiwi , "Design and development of portable classroom attendance system based on Arduino and fingerprint Biometric", IEEE International conference on information and communication Technology for the Muslim world, Nov. 17-18, 2014.
[2]. A.N. Ansari, A. Navada, S. Agarwal, S. Patil, and B. Sonkamble, "Automation of Attendance system using RFID ,Biometrics, GSM modem with . Net framework", IEEE International conference on multimedia technology, July 26-28, 2011, pp. 2976-2979.
[3]. B. Benyo, B. Sodor , T. Doktor, and G. Fordos, " Student attendance monitoring at the university using NFC" , IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), April 18-20,2012.
[4]. G. Talaviya, R. Ramteke, and A.K. Shete, "Wireless Fingerprint Based College Attendance System Using Zigbee Technology", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Vol. 2, Issue 3, 2013, pp. 201-203.
[5]. A. Jain, L. Hong , S. Pankanti, and R. Bolle , "An Identity Authentication System Using Fingerprints", Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 85, Issue 9, 1997, pp. 1365-1388.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Sixth Sense Technology
Country :: India
Authors :: Aniket Mhetar || Jyoti Kumbhar
Page No. :: 59-61

In the present wherever nearly everything is digitized, completely different suggests that of interacting with the digital devices are gaining vast quality and importance. This is due to the advancements of technologies that modified the concept that interacting with the technology is restricted to dial pads, keyboards, mouse and touch screens. This project is intended to perform various tasks on computer such as capture an image, play audio, open MS PowerPoint and work with it etc. with the assistance of gesture recognition and image process principles solely with the assistance of colored sensors(caps/LEDs) worn on the fingers of the user. It is a gestural interface that augments the physical world around us with digital information and lets us use our natural hand gestures............

Keywords: SixthSense,,Webcam,,,Gestures

[1]. Subiya Yaseen, Shireen Fathima, Surendra K.V, .Jebran P, Saba Sanober, "Gesture Controlled Touch Less Response using Image Processing", International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing, ICECDS-2017
[2]. Bhowmick S., Kumar S. and Kumar A., "Hand gesture recognition of English alphabets exploitation artificial neural network", within the Proceedings of IEEE Trans. on Recent Trends in Information Systems (ReTIS), pp. 405 - 410, 2015.
[3]. Hsien-I Lin, Ming-Hsiang Hsu and Wei-Kai Chen, "Human hand gesture recognition using a convolution neural network", In the Proceedings of IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp. 1038 - 1043, 2014.
[4]. M. K. Saha and S. Hore, "Sixth Sense Technology: a quick Literary Survey,"Proceedings of International Journal of Engineering analysis Technology (IJERT), Vol. 2 Issue 12, December 2013.
[5]. I.-L. Jung, N. Akatyev, and Won-Dong Jang, "Touchless user interface based on marker detection and tracking for real-time mobile applications," In the proceedings of the International Journal of Innovative Computing(ICIC), Information and Control, Vol. 9 Issue 2, February- 2013

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: 3D Printing using Holography
Country :: India
Authors :: Deepthi Sekhar || Supriya Dicholkar
Page No. :: 62-65

3D printing is a field of interest for Industry and there are a number of research going on to incorporate and utilize advanced technologies aiming toovercome the and to overcome the shortcomingsexisting techniques.Recently holography technique was used to improve the 3D printing technique by printing the object as a whole instead of layer by layer deposition. Volumetric 3D printing is yet another application of holography which prints 3D objects instead of 3D images of objects(Holograms). In this new process flashes lasergenerated, hologram-like images onto photosensitive resin, printing a 3D shape all at the same time rather than layer by layer. Holography is capable of recording and reconstructing 3D information, this shaping of the light field can enable direct 3D fabrication in photopolymer resins. Here we report the review and analysis of Volumetric 3D printing and various types of photosentive resins which can be used for the technique.

Keywords- Volumetric printing, Photopolymer, Holography, Spatial Light Modulator

[1]. Maxim Shusteff1,Robert M. Panas, Johannes Henriksson, Brett E. Kelly, Allison E. M. Browar, Nicholas X. Fang, Christopher M. Spadaccini, Additive fabrication of 3d structures by holographic lithography, Solid Freeform Fabrication 2016: Proceedings of the 276th Annual International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium – An Additive Manufacturing Conference
[2]. I. Gibson, D. Rosen, and B. Stucker, Additive Manufacturing Technologies. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2015.
[3]. K. Ohlinger, J. Lutkenhaus, B. Arigong, H. Zhang, and Y. Lin, ―Spatially addressable design of gradient index structures through spatial light modulator based holographic lithography,‖ J. Appl. Phys., vol. 114, no. 21, p. 213102, 2013.
[4]. Stefan Leonhardt, Martin Klare, Maurice Scheer, Theresa Fischer, Burghard Cordes and Markus Eblenkamp, Biocompatibility of photopolymers for additive manufacturing, DOI: 10.1515/cdbme-2016-0028
[5]. Biocompatibility of photopolymers for additive

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Involuntary Action Enabled Robotic Prosthesis with Brainwave Control
Country :: India
Authors :: Viraj Parab || Mohit Naik || Amit Parab || Mishal Roy || Dr. Bhavin Shah
Page No. :: 66-68

As the field of robotics grows, robotic arms are becoming more and more popular among the specially abled people. The robotic arms controlled directly by brainwaves, or mind-controlled robotic arms as they are called, can carry out a wide range of actions and can greatly improve living conditions for the user. However, most of these arms can only carry out voluntary functions, involuntary (reflex) actions cannot be completed. To rectify this drawback, we shall be proposing a robotic arm which can carry out reflex actions, just like a normal human arm. Our aim would be to put forward an arm which detects motion of the objects in its vicinity, and accordingly carries out reflex actions. The detection of motion shall be done using ultrasonic, proximity and tactile sensors. Arduino and MATLAB software shall be used for transferring the command signal from the sensors to the arm

Keywords: Proximity sensor, Ultrasound sensor, TakkFast, Reflex actions,

[1]. Lee, H.K., Chang, S.I. and Yoon, E., A Flexible Capacitive Tactile Sensor for Robots Implemented with Proximity Sensing Capability on a Single Polymer Platform.
[2]. G. Benet, F. Blanes, J.E. Simó, P. Pérez,Using infrared sensors for distance measurement in mobile robots,Robotics and Autonomous Systems,Volume 40, Issue 4,2002,Pages 255-266,ISSN 0921-8890,
[3]. P.M Novotny, N.J. Ferrier, "Using infrared sensor and the Phong illumination model to measure distances," International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Detroit, MI, vol. 2, April 1999, pp. 1644- 1649.
[4]. G. Benet, F. Blanes, J.E. Simo, P. Perez, "Using infrared sensors for distance measurement in mobile robots," Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 10, 2002, pp. 255-266.
[5]. A. Sabatini, V. Genovose, E. Guglielmelli, A. Mantuano, G. Ratti, and P. Dario, "A low-cost, composite sensor array combining ultrasonic and infrared proximity sensors," International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, vol. 3, August 1995, pp. 120-126..