International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

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Resume Ranker
Devraj Redkar || Sanjay Payiri || Durgesh Sawant || Vishal Prajapati || Nileema Pathak

The proposed method is to understand the intelligence behind the hiring pattern and apply the machine learning to accommodate the identified intelligence. The proposed method offers the ranking system according to the hiring patterns. This paper proposes a highly trained models along with the traditional search method, predicts the ranking and sorting of resumes with high accuracy and simplifies the job of human resourcing efficiently..


Keywords: - Docopt, Hiring Pattern, Human Resources, PyPDF2, Python, Resume

[1]. "Machine Learning Methods for Solving Complex Ranking and Sorting Issues in HumanResourcing", Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 2017 [2]. "IntelligentHiringwithResumeParserandRankingusingNaturalLanguageProcessingandMachine Learning", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering(IJIRCCE) [3]. Swapnil Sonar, Resume Parsing with Named Entity Clustering Algorithm, IEEE Research, may2012, [4]. Sovren Resume/CV Parser, [5]. Connectifier,


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Camouflage Color Changing Robot For Military Purpose
Hitesh Shinde || Kirti Sonawane || Pranit Rane || Atharva Pathak || Sumita Chandak

Camouflage robot is solution for reducing human losses in military operations or terrorist attacks. They play major role in saving human lives. The proposed system consists of one colour sensor camera as part of camouflaging feature and other camera for surveillance purpose. Colour sensor camera senses the colour of surface and according to that robot will change its colour. Because of this feature this robot can't be easily detected by enemies. We have used Wireless transceiver for communication between transmitter and receiver. This robot can quietly enter into enemy area and send us the information via camera. The movement of this robot is wirelessly controlled computer. Since human life is always valuable, these robots are the substitution of soldiers in war areas.

Keywords: Camera, Camouflaging, Colour sensor, Wireless robot, ZigBee

[1]. Yadnika Warang, Tejali Mahadik, Supriya Ojha, Asha Rawat,"Camouflage Robot-A Colour Changing Spy Robot", International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, Vol-3 Issue-2 2017. [2]. 2] Vivek Khot, Ravindra Joshi, Aashay Chavan, Sanket Dhumal ,"Camouflaged Colour Changing Robot for Military Purpose", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015. [3]. Xiang Zhang, Ce Zhu, "Camouflage modeling for moving object detection", IEEE, 03 September 2015. [4]. Vishesh Goel, Tarun Jain, Sahil Singhal, Silica Kole, "Specific Colour Detection in Images using RGB Modeling in MATLAB",International Journal of Computer Applications,Vol.161-No 8,March 2017. [5]. N.Jayanthi, S.Indu, "Comparison of Image Matching Techniques", International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. (7) Issue (3), pp. 396-401.


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Wireless Cnc Plotter
Poonam Revankar || Shrey Kharde || Hitesh Mangaonkar || Nakul Pawar || Ameya Jadhav

In today's world humans and man labor is being taken over by machines and the future of humans in the field of engineering will be replaced by these machines which will be fully automated, now in today's automation field "CNC" is a machine which is used to do particular jobs by just a click or in a press of buttons, inspiring to this we have created a CNC plotter which does the job of creating easy and complex designs by just simple software and it is just made out of scrap dvd drives, the idea of using dvd drives strikes because it consists of two stepper motors which has proper provision of axis. Transmission of command is done wirelessly using Zigbee which makes this system portable. The power requirement of this CNC plotter is very low because it is based on a very low level motor mechanism. The project has a main Arduino input as its brain to understand the language and convert it to the digital signals understood by the servo motors in axis.


Keywords: - CNC plotter , Arduino, Zigbee, wireless, dvd drives

[1]. Udit Pandey ,Swapnil Raj Sharma," Model and Fabrication of CNC Plotter Machine", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering ISO 3297:2007 Certified Vol. 6, Issue 6, June 2017. [2]. Harsh B. Panchal , Mayur S. VAJA ,Priyanka D. Patel ,Uday N.Padia, "ARDUINO BASED CNC MACHINE", International Journal of Research In Science & Engineering Special Issue 7-ICEMTE March 2017. [3]. Aneeta Pinhiero , Beljo Jose , Tinsemon Chacko , Nazim TN, "Mini CNC Plotter", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS, INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING Vol. 4, Issue 4, April 2016. [4]. Kajal J. Madekar , Kranti R.Nanaware , Pooja R. Phadtare ,Vikash S. Mane, "Automatic mini CNC machine for PCB drawing and drilling" International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 03; Issue: 02; Page No. 1106-1110; 2016. [5]. James Floyd Kelly, Patrick Hood-Daniel, Build your won CNC machine(The United States of America, Paul Manning, 2009)


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Video Analytics
Prof. Akanksha Bhargava || Santosh Gaikwad || Mayur Bangar || Vijay Chalke

In today's world, face recognition is an important part for the purpose of security and surveillance. Hence there is a need for an efficient and cost effective system. Video analytics or intelligent video surveillance (IVS) is a technology that uses software to automatically identify Specific objects, behavior or attitudes in video footage. Face detection applications employ algorithms focused on detecting human faces within larger images that might contain landscapes, objects and other parts of humans. Video Analytics helps security and public safety organizations develop comprehensive security, intelligence and investigative capabilities using video. Now to provide two level security we have added abnormal activity detection feature with face recognition to our proposed system. This is done by using hardware section. Thus our system will provide automatic monitoring to protect our important things from intruders in efficient and efficient way.


Keywords -Cascade Classifier , Face Recognition , PCA (Principal component Analysis), MATLAB (matrix laboratory) , VIOLA-JONES algorithm

[1]. P. Viola and M. J. Jones, "Robust real-time face detection," International journal of computer vision, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 137–154, 2004. [2]. Jing Zhao, "The Research of Face Recognition Based on HMM". Master thesis, Dalian University, 2008. [3]. N. A. I. Q. S. Z. Rameez Qasim, M. Mutsaied Shirazi, "Comparison and improvement of pca and lbp efficiency for face recognition," 2013. [4]. Yan Yan, Yujin Zhang, Face Recognition Research in Video. CHINESE JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS, [5]. Qi YuTing, J.W.Paisley,L.Carin. Music Analysis Using Hidden Markov Mixture Models. Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on.2007,pp,52095224.,


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Web Based Farming App
Akshay Chaudhar || Arjun Salgaonkar || Apoorv Tiwari || Amruta Mhatre

We make the direct link between the vendors and farmers through which farmers should sale their production directly to vendors without any commission agent. A push towards higher productivity will require an information-based decision-making agricultural system. Farmers must be get information at the right time and place. Farming systems are defined by the patterns in time and space in which producers grow their crops; the management decisions regarding the inputs and production practices used; the management skills, education, and objectives of the producer; the quality of the soil and water; and the nature of the landscapes and ecosystems within which production takes place. It is a web based application.


Keywords - degradation, depletion, sustainability.

[1]. 'Does Digital Divide or Provide? The Impact of Cell Phones on Grain Markets in Niger', mimeo, 61. Ballantyne, Peter, Ajit Maru, and Enrica M. Porcari (2010). [2]. 'Information and Communication Technologies-- Opportunities to Mobilize Agricultural Science for Development', Crop Science, 50 (Supplement 1). [3]. A rural case study in Peru', "Mobile 2.0: Beyond Voice?" Pre-conference workshop at the International Communication Association (ICA), Aker, Jenny C. (2008)..


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Web Based Student Information Management & Analysis
Sudharani Metkari || Afra Shaikh || Mahesh Jadhav || Omkar Choudhari || Reena Mahe

Nowadays, maintaining records and information is Very crucial task in any field. However, managing a record of a particular student is a very tedious task as there are lumps of information which needs to be considered starting from student's attendance to their performance into tests/semesters and so on. Maintaining records of a student along with their overall growth in their curriculum and coordinating with their parents is quite difficult in real life. This study on "Web Based Student Information Management & Analysis" is to design and transform the way of searching, sorting and accessing the information for a student into electronic records which can be viewed not only by the students or their respective mentors but also by the parents. The existing system was studied and hence a computer- based website is provided to replace this manual method of reaching out to the parents of a student by a mentor

Key words: - Analysis, Electronic Records, Searching, Student Information, Student Parent.

[1]. Mentoring programs for students - a review of the PubMed literature 2000 – 2008. [2]. A cross-sectional study of mentoring programs for students in Germany (2011-12). [3]. UMass Mentoring Survey (2012-2014). [4]. Feldman MD, Huang L, Guglielmo BJ, et al. "Training the next generation of research mentors: The University of California, San Fra& ncisco, and Clinical Translational Science Institute Mentor Development Program." ClinTransl Sci. 2009; 2:216–22 [5]. TANG Yu-fang, ZHANG Yong-sheng, "Design and implementation of college student information management system based on the web services". Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(Y2008G22), 978-1-42443930-0/09 2009 IEEE.


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Rfid Based Attendance System Using Face Recognition
Gayatri Gupta || Shweta Jadhav || Vinaya Gurav || Akshay Juwale || Disha Bhosler

Face is the identity of a person. The methods to exploit this physical feature have seen a great change since the advent of image processing techniques. Traditional approach for attendance is professor calls student name & record attendance. Students attendance in the classroom is very important task and if taken manually wastes a lot of time. This system consists of five phases- RFID tag detection, face database, face detection, face recognition and marking attendance. This attendance is recorded by using a RFID card and camera attached in the system that is capturing images of students. The system first registers student's information , in that student's RFID tag number, stores the faces in database, and then face detection is done . The detected faces are compared with faces stored in database. If system recognizes the face then attendance will be marked..


Keywords - biometric, face database, face detection, face recognition , RFID tag detection

[1]. M.R.V. Venkatesa Vimal Chand1, M.Syed Meeran2- Secured Attendance Management System Using RFID Technology,International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 02 Issue: 08 | Nov-2015 [2]. Chitresh Saraswat et al.- An Efficient Automatic Attendance System using Fingerprint Verification Technique / (IJCSE) International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 02, No. 02, 2010, 264-269 [3]. IAmena Khatun, 2A. K. M. Fazlul Haque- Design and Implementation of Iris Recognition Based Attendance Management System,2nd Int'l Conf. on Electrical Engineering and Infonnation & Communication Technology (ICEEICT) 2015 Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh, 21-23 May 2015 [4]. Dr. Ramprasad.P- An Efficient Automated Attendance management System Based on Eigen Face Recognition,7th International Conference on Cloud Computing ,Data Science and Engineering – Confluence,2017


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Obstacle Detection Using Ultrasonic Sensor For Amphibious Surveillance Robot
Shashank Parkar || Vaibhav Paradkar || Akshar Parmar || Devashish Panchal || Dr. Bhavin Shah

Obstacle detection is highly significant in remotely operated surveillance devices. In the proposed paper a sensing system using ultrasonic sensor is developed for obstacle detection in an amphibious robot. The sensor used is JSN-SR04T. Using this sensor the device can detect the obstacles in the path for both land and water areas. This sensor is a different version of the conventional and widely used HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. It follows the same principle as the orthodox ultrasonic sensor. It can detect any object up to a range of 2-4 meters which is highly effective for a small scale underwater drone. The proposed model is controlled by a Raspberry Pi 3 module. It has been designed for static and dynamic obstacle detection

Keywords – Surveillance, Navigation, Ultrasonic sensor, ROV, Amphibious, Obstacle detection

[1]. Lukács Gutási, Ervin Burkus, Péter Odry, "Facilitation of obstacle detection by utilization of low-cost sensors in the case of mobile robots", SISY 2015 • 13th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics • September 17–19, 2015, Subotica, Serbia. [2]. Dr. Sunil B. , Sharan Vhanale, "Real Time Obstacle Detection For Mobile Robot Navigation Using Stereo Vision", 2016 International Conference on Computing, Analytics and Security Trends (CAST) College of Engineering Pune, India. Dec 19-21, 2016. [3]. G. Barrientos, J. C. G.Vidal, E. S. E. Quesada, J. P. O. Oliver, F. R. T. Macotela and M. O. Domínguez, "Design and Construction of Mini-Robot for Gas LP Detection Using a Mobile Device", IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS, VOL. 11, NO. 6, DECEMBER 2013. [4]. Satya Veera Pavan Kumar Maddukuri, Uday Kishan Renduchintala, Aravinthan Visvakumar, Chengzong Pang, Sravan Kumar Mittapally, "A Low Cost Sensor Based Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Fire-Fighting Squad Robot", 2016 Sixth International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design (ISED). [5]. J. S. Lamancusa, "Sensors, Ultrasonic'', The Encyclopedia of Robotics., Wiley, New York, 1988.


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Effectiveness Of Virtual Learning And E-Learning In Engineering Education
Mahendra Patil || Dr. Mamta Meena || Nikita Patil || Foram Shah || Nisha Varghese

This paper aims to explain didactic learning in engineering education aided by the implementation of Spoken Tutorial. In experiential learning the learner learns from the experiences and then develops new skills, different outlook or innovative thinking through reflection of such experiences. Experiential learning coupled with Spoken Tutorial guarantee accurate achievements by improved and increased employability through active and continual learning. This paper forces one to look into different aspects of experiential learning by means of comparison of Teaching Learning and Spoken Tutorial. It also attempts to present the outcome of experiential learning resulting from identification of environmental effectiveness and facade of the entire learning process.


Keywords - Experiential Learning, Online Learning, Active Learning, Practicing Experiential Learning, Project Based Learning

[1]. Michelle Schwartz, Best Practices in Experiential Learning, The Learning and Teaching Office, file:///C:/Users/Student/Desktop/ST%20Paper/ExperientialLearningReport.pdf [2]. Lewis, L.H. & Williams, C.J. (1994). In Jackson, L. & Caffarella, R.S. (Eds.). Experiential Learning: A New Approach (pp. 5-16). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. [3]. Wurdinger, S.D. (2005). Using Experiential Learning in the Classroom. Lanham: Scarecrow Education. [4]. Mahendra Patil , Mamta Meena, Effect of Practicing Experiential Learning (Like Online Learning - ICT) in Engineering Education, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations , Volume 31 , No. 3, January 2018, ISSN 2349-2473, eISSN 2394-1707 [5].


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Conventional Data Mining And Sentiment Analysis In Predicting Stock Values
Sachin Gavhane || Sanchit Chavhan || Amruta Pokhare || Snigdha Wasnik || Jyothi Arun

In this research work importance of sentiment analysis for stock market indicators such as Sensex and Nifty has been done to predict the price of stock. Stock market has traditionally been the proving grounds for data mining applications. There is a lack of efficient models which can emulate the heuristic reasoning of humans based on current events/trends. The proposed system is an attempt to reconcile computed sentiments alongside traditional/more common data mining. Datasets consisting of historical data as well as recent headlines will be mined to ascertain stock price movement. This system aims to predict stock price movement more accurately by emulating instinctual reasoning by implementing sentiment analysis.


Keywords - Historical Data, Prediction, Data Mining, Stock Market, Stock Value.

[1]. J. Bollen and H. Mao, "Twitter mood as a stock market predictor". IEEE Computer, 44(10):91–94. [2]. C.-C. Chang and C.-J. Lin, "LIBSVM: A library for support vector machines." ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 2:27:1–27:27, 2011. [3]. G. P. Gang Leng and T. M. McGinnity, "An on-line algorithm for creating self-organizing fuzzy neural networks." Neural Networks, 17(10):1477–1493. [4]. A. Lapedes and R. Farber, "Nonlinear signal processing using neural network: Prediction and system modeling." In Los Alamos National Lab Technical Report. [5]. A. E. Stefano Baccianella and F. Sebastiani, "Sentiwordnet 3.0: An enhanced lexical resource for sentiment analysis and opinion mining." In LREC. LREC.


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Microcontroller Based Fruit Sorting Using Image Processing In Matlab
Devendrasingh Jhala || Anjali Bagade || Siddhesh Naik || Sayli Lad || Dr. Bhavin Shah

The objective of this system is to do automatic fruit sorting. For fruit sorting the fruit colour ratio which is calculated by RGB colour model which is used for classification feature. For evaluating the quality of fruit, image processing using MATLAB software is used than the sorting part is done by the microcontroller and motor. The purpose of using automation is to evaluating the quality of fruit using traditional method which can bring human error so to minimize it this system is being designed..


Keywords - Camera, Conveyor Belt, Image processing RGB Model, MATLAB, Microcontroller, Sensor.

[1]. Devendra. A. Itole, Madhura. R. Lodam, Sneha. N. Panse, Vaishnavi. S. Kulkarni, Fruit Quality Management & Sorting system, ISSN: 2348-4098, Volume 3 Issue 2, 2015. [2]. Ms. Rupali. S. Jadhav, Prof S. S. Patil, A Fruit Quality Management System Based On Image Processing , IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE), e-ISSN: 2278-2834, p- ISSN: 2278-8735.Volume 8, Issue 6. [3]. Manoj. B. Avhad , Satish. M. Turkane, ARM Based Fruit Grading and Management System Using Image Processing , ISSN: 2278 – 1323, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), Volume 2, Issue 1. [4]. Mr.M.V.N.R.P.kumar, Mr.Ashutosh kumar ,Ms.Narale P.T, Ms. PatilA.V, Ms. Mulani S.I, Fruit Quality Measurement System, International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.3, No.5, May 2015, E-ISSN: 2321-9637. [5]. Manoj Sabnis, Vinita Thakur, Rutuja Thorat, Gayatri Yeole, Chirag Tank, Object Sorting In Manufacturing Industries Using Image Processing, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, Volume IX, Issue V, May 2015, ISSN 2321-3469.


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Raspberry Pi Based Live Streaming For Amphibious Surveillance Robot
Devashish Panchal || Vaibhav Paradkar || Shashank Parkar || Akshar Parmar || Dr. Bhavin Shah

Surveillance has a paramount importance in today's fast changing world. Real-time surveillance is an indispensable component in any environment where there is an immense need of security for both personal and commercial resources. Technology today is used in various ways in order to provide us such surveillance. This feature is extremely useful for real-time surveillance and monitoring.The optimum amount of sensing devices must be integrated into the system for efficient real-time surveillance.There is a rise in demand for a compact and robust surveillance system that can function both on land and water, which requires a proper real-time surveillance set-up, for effective supervision of surrounding environments. In this model live streaming is achieved by using net-cat streamer. Raspberry Pi 3 is used for live streaming. The client-server model is TCP/IP. This real-time streaming model is a part of a semi-autonomous land and water surveillance system.


Keywords -Surveillance, Net-cat, Mplayer, G-Streamer, Raspberry Pi, Local network.

[1]. Jun Zhang, and Guangming Song, "An Indoor Security with a Jumping Robot as the Surveillance Terminal," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 57, No. 4, November 2011. [2]. Christian Micheloni, "An Autonomous Vehicle for Video Surveillance of Indoor Environments," IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 56, No. 2, March 2007. [3]. O‟Reilly Media.MajdGhareeb, A li Bazzi, Mohamad Raad, S amihAbdulnabi, " Wireless robo-Pi landmine detection" , IEEE, Beirut, Lebanon IEEE, 26-28 April 2017 [4]. Umeshchandra, Ramesh reddy, "Raspberry Pi Based Surveillance & Live Monitoring Robot", International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research,ISSN 2348–2370, Vol.08,Issue.16, October-2016, Pages:3142-3145.


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Revolution In Travelling With Intelligent Road Safety System
Vijaykumar Gupta || Trilok Patel || Tanay Ash || Suraj Yadav

Every year there are thousands of highway accidents and serious injuries due to "Run-Off-Road".In most of the cases crashes occurs either due to carelessness or due to lack of road safety awareness.Various modules can be installed inside vehicles, embedded with various features to improve the safety of road . The features that are proposed in the project are automatic collision notification ,sign board notification system which notifies driver about controlling of speed in different zones, no honking notification, smart overtaking system for other vehicles specially on single lane roads and Alcohol detection system which detects drunk driving . This all are the features which together can give impetus to an efficient road safety system


Keywords - Android, App, Bluetooth, Controller, System, Ultrasonic, Road safety, Embedded System, Collision Notification, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), GPS (GlobalPositioning System).

[1]. [2]. Qudsia Memon; Muzamil Ahmed; Shahzeb Ali; Azam Rafique Memon; WajihaKKLShah "Self- Driving and Driver Relaxing Vehicle"in 2016 2nd InternationalConference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI)"Year: 2016 [3]. Amiya Kumar Tripathy; Sejal Chopra; Samantha Bosco; Srinidhi Shetty; FirdosSayyed" "Travolution-An Embedded System in Passenger Car for Road Safety"in2015 In ternational Conference on Technologies for Sustainable Development(ICTSD)" [4]. Ovidiu Stan; Liviu Miclea "Road Traffic Safety Solution" in 2014 IEEEInternational Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics [5]. R. P. Mahapatra; K. Vimal Kumar; Gaurav Khurana; Roopam Mahajan "UltraSonic Sensor Based Blind Spot Accident Revention System"in 2008 InternationalConference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering


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Android Based Secret Information Sharing Using Steganography
Srishanth Shetty || Pawan Sharma || Om Kadam || Ritu Sharma

In this paper, we have proposed an Android Application based on Image Steganography using Least Significant Bits (LSB) algorithm. Steganography technique helps to share secret information behind an image cover object by changing the least significant bits of the Image pixels as Image acts as a best source for hiding message which cannot be detected by Human Eye. In this application, text information is encoded behind Image cover object at the sender and decoded at the receiver, provided by additional security features in the application..


Keywords - Steganogaphy, Least Significant Bit (LSB), Android Application..

[1]. R. Chandramouli, M. Kharrazi, and N. Memon, "Image Steganography and Steganalysis: Concepts and Practice", T. Kalker et al. (Eds.): IWDW 2003, LNCS 2939, SpringerVerlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, pp. 35–49. [2]. F. A.P. Petitcolas, R. J. Anderson, "On the Limits of Steganography", IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, 16(4):474-481, May 98, Special Issue on Copyright & Privacy Protection. ISSN 0733- 8716, pp 474- 482. [3]. P. Salee, "Model–based Steganography", In: Proceeding of the 2nd International workshop on digital water marking, Seoul, Korea, October 20-22 2003 , LNCS , vol.2939, pp. 254- 260. [4]. J. Silman, "Steganography and Steganalysis: An Overview", SANS Institute, 2001. [5]. W. Huaiqing and W. Shouzhong, "Cyber Warfare: Steganography vs. Steganalysis", October 2004, Vol. 47, No. 10 communication of ACM, pp. 76-82.


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Visual Cryptography For Color Images
Akshay Gawade || Mitesh Rambade || Kuntan Sutar || Sudarshan Chavan || Prof. Priyanka Sharma

Visual Cryptography (VC) is a secret sharing scheme, which implements the technique of secretly sharing the visual information like pictures, text etc. Existing VC technologies are not able to maintain the contrast quality of original image after the processing. So to preserve the contrast quality of original image and provide a higher security, this project presents a novel solution in which image is broken down into number of shares. These shares are send to receiver through different transmitting medium in encrypted format. In this method, the one with all the shares is able to achieve secret information; otherwise it is not possible to reveal any information..


Keywords - Steganography,visual cryptography, Encryption, Decryption.

[1]. M. Naor and A. Shamir, "Visual cryptography," in Proc. Adv. Cryptol.:EUROCRYPT, vol. 950. 1995, pp. 1–12. [2]. "Contrast-Enhanced Visual Cryptography Schemes Based on Additional Pixel Patterns", by Thomas Monoth and Babu Anto P, 978-0-7695-4215-7/10 2010 IEEE. [3]. "Multi-pixel Visual Cryptography for color images with Meaningful Shares", by Ms. Kiran Kumari et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(6), 2010, 2398-2407. [4]. "Color Extended Visual Cryptography Using Error Diffusion", by InKoo Kang, Gonzalo R. Arce, and Heung-Kyu Lee, 1057-7149/ 2010 IEEE. [5]. "An Efficient Tagged Visual Cryptography for Color Images", by R.M.Shiny, P.Jayalakshmi, A.Rajakrishnammal, T.Sivaprabha Abirami.R, 978-1-5090-0612-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE


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Heart Disease Prediction Using Data Mining
Palash Ukey || Vinit More || Pravin Patil || Amruta Sankhe

In today's modern world we have various heart related problems that require immediate diagnosis and remedy. So, to overcome these diseases, we are designing a Web application with the help of Data Mining Techniques that will help us identify various heart related problems and provide solutions to it. We decided to build a project which we name as HEART DISEASE PERDICTION. In this, we are giving the user quick guidance about heart disease through an Intelligent System Online. By adding basic details about the heart disease, patient can diagnose the condition or problem he/she is having with this Web based application. The application is fed with various details and the heart disease associated with those details. Through this application we allows user to share their heart related issues. In order to guess the most accurate illness that could be associated with patient's details, Data mining techniques are being used. Based on result, system automatically shows the result along with the specific doctors for further treatment..


Keywords - Disease Predication, Data Mining, Naive Bayes Algorithm, Neural Network, Decision tree..

[1]. Heart Disease Prediction System Using Data Mining Technique Abhishek Taneja ,Department of Computer Science, S.A. Jain College , Ambala City ,India.(Received:November15, 2013; Accepted: November25, 2013). [2]. Intelligent Heart Disease Prediction System Using Data Mining Techniques, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.8No.8 August2013. [3]. Prediction of Heart Disease using Data Mining Techniques Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(39),DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i39/102078,October2015 [4]. Fayyad,UDataMiningandKnowledgeDiscoveryinDatabases:Implicationsfromscientificdatabases͟,Proc.ofthe9thInt.Conf.onScientificandStatisticalDatabaseManagement,Olympia,Washington,USA,2-11,2013 10.1109/AICCSA.2013.4493524. [5]. Human Heart Disease Prediction System using Data Mining Techniques, Theresa Princy. R and J. Thomas Department of Computer Science and Engineering Christ University faculty of engineering DOI-10.1109/ICCPCT.2016.7530265


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Automated Electric Meter Reading And Monitoring System
Harshvardhan Sakhare || Shaishav Oza || Suyash Gaonkar || Vishal Gorule || Prof. Sumita Chandak

In recent years, automated meter reading systems (AMR) are being utilized in most developed countries. The advantages these electric metering system offers make is a more accurate measuring device than the conventional electromechanical meter reading system. AMRs capacity to automatically transmit data real-time increases the reliability of this metering system, unlike electromechanical meters which occasionally make use of previous readings as a basis of the consumer's current billing. It also puts consumers at a disadvantage as the accuracy of power consumption readings is being compromised.


Keywords - Automation Electric Meters, ZigBee, Arduino, Android, Internet of Things

[1]. M.S. Dunuweera, G.D. Porawagamage, KTMU Hemapala and N.D. Silva. Design. "Implementation of an Optimized Communication Method for Remote Meter Reading using ZigBee", IEEE, 2017. [2]. S. Elakhumi and A. Ponraj. "A server based load analysis of smart meter systems", IEEE, 2017. [3]. N. Gupta and D. Shukla. "Design of Embedded Based Automated Meter Reading System for Real Time Processing", IEEE, 2016. [4]. K.T. Islam, A.M.J. Islam, S.R.H. Pidim, S. Moraslin and A.H.Md.T.H. Khan. "A Smart Meter System for Wireless Power Measurement with Mobile Application", IEEE, 2016. [5]. S.M. Soliman, B. Magdy and Mohamed A.A.E. Ghany. "Efficient Implementation of the AES Algorithm for Security Applications", IEEE, 2016.
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A Study Of Structure From Motion Photogrammetry For Generating 3D Model From 2D Images
Yug Shah || Suyog Raut || Sagar Wadle || Smita Pati

With the advancement in technology and the rapidly increasing usage of internet applications for online shopping, there is an increase in the need and expectation of the online consumers.The online commerce that are used now for shopping mostly provide a 2D view of the products . Therefore buyers have only partial view of the product they intend to purchase. Therefore We aim to develop a 3D grocery review application that would provide a 3D object view of the products online using reconstruction.3D modeling is a process of mapping an object into the real-world coordinates in 3 dimensions representing the height, width and also the depth.. Traditional and recent technology for building 3D models from images include photogrammetry, structure from motion and other 3D scanning approaches such as laser, lidar, etc have been discussed in this study. Photogrammetry is a process of extracting features from images that measurement of an image(distance,height etc) and then structure from motion , to build a 3D model from those images.Later,using three.js generated model will be displayed .THREE.JS is a WEB API for 3d modelling


Keywords - 3D modelling, photogrammetry, structure from motion, 3D from 2D images, 3D reconstruction

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