International Conference on Innovative and Advanced Technologies in Engineering

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Devices Used For Measuring Solar Radiation – A Review
Vishrut Shenoy || Priyanka Tripathi || abhishek Mahadik || Puja Nalawade || Aditya Mahajan

Different instruments, satellite data and simulation softwares are available for measuring solar irradiation intensities but efficiency and accuracy of all devices are different. This paper represents detailed comparison of various measuring instruments based on efficiency, cost effectiveness, availability, accuracy, compactness and reliability .Importing solar radiation measurement instruments is very costly from economic and maintenance point of view for developing countries so it is preferred to construct devices from locally available equipments


Keywords: - Photodiode, Pyranometer, Pyrheliometer , Solar Radiation, Thermopile

[1] S.Nwankwo, M. N Nnabuchi and J.E Ekpe, Construction and characterization of a pyranometer using locally available materials forglobal solar radiation measurement,Asian Transactions on Basic and Applied Sciences 2 (04). [2] Solar Radiation Instruments Information, IEEE GlobalSpec. Olivia, Difference between Pyranometer and Pyrheliometer. [3] R. D. Parmar, Solar radiation and Pyranometer : a review, Journal of information, knowledge and research in electrical engineering. [4] Wilfred I Okonkwo,Design, construction and evaluation of a pyranometer for solar radiation measurement.


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Analyzing Effect of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Approach in E-Commerce
Priyanka Sharma || Pragyamani Sharma || Pranoti Nage || Dimple Bafna || Vaishali Salvi

The purpose of this study is to improvise and enhance the existing methods for adoption of eshopping in India. The intention behind this work is to offer a more comprehensive understanding of online consumer behavior by identifying the compound effects of various external behavioral beliefs, attitude, intentions and perceived risks, social influence, etc using Structural Equation Modeling Approach. As part of the study a survey has been conducted and the data obtained has been used as input for the integrated model. The data has been entered in IBM SPSS and after preliminary processing the model is developed using IBM AMOS. Structural EqationModeling is used to analyse the model..

Keywords: - Structural Equation Modeling, Perceived Usefulness, Technology Readiness, Compatibility, Peer Influence, Computer-Self Efficacy, Perceived Risk

[1] Ahluwalia, R. (2002, September), " How prevalent is the negativity effect in consumer environments?"Journal of Consumer Research, 29, 270−279. [2] Ahluwalia, Rohini, Robert E. Burnkrant, and H. RaoUnnava. 2000. "Consumer Response to Negative Publicity: The Moderating Role of Commitment." Journal of Marketing Research 37 (May): 203-214. [3] Ba S., P.A. Pavlou, Evidence of the effect of trust building technology in electronic markets: price premium and buyer behavior, MIS Quarterly 26 (3) (2002) 243–268. [4] Bambauer-Sachse, Silke and Mangold, Sabrina."Brand equity dilution through negative online word-of-mouth communication".Journal of retailing and consumer services 18 (2011) 38 – 45. [5] C. Whitelaw, N. Garg, and S. Argamon, "Using Appraisal Groups for Sentiment Analysis," Proc. 14th ACM Int'l Conf. Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), pp. 625-631, 2005.


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Fog Computing and Its Comparative Study with Other Cloud Based Technologies
Divya Kumawat || Aruna Pavate || Suvarna Pansambal

Cloud computing is having a significant impact on IT sectors as it provide economical solution for dynamically changing hardware & software related requirement of users but as the users are moving towards hand held mobile devices having lesser computation capability, storage and power availability. There are different technologies available which solve the above given problem. This paper compares several emerging technologies for which cloud has formed the basis. It also provides general overview and performs comparative study of this technology..


Keywords: - Cloud Computing, Cloudlet, Fog, IOT devices, MEC.

[1] pdf [2] [3] [4] Koustabh Dolui, Soumya Kanti Datta, Comparison of Edge Computing Implementations: Fog Computing, Cloudlet and Mobile Edge Computing, Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), 2017, 6-9 June 2017, 10.1109/GIOTS.2017.8016213 [5] Open Fog Computing and Mobile Edge Cloud Gain Momentum Posted on November 22, 2015 by gkhttp://


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Comparative Analysis of Fine Based 1 Bit Full Adder for Different Logic Styles
Mahalaxmi Palinje

Due to physical limitation on scaling and seriousness of the problem of SCE, leakage current the need of low supply voltage is increasing with the scaling of the transistor.There is need for some alternative to overcome the challenges. Multigate Devices are considered to be the most attractive to succeed the planar MOSFET. Due to its double gate structure it offers innovative circuit design styles. As addition is the most commonly used arithmetic operation in micro-electronic system and is one of the speed limiting elements. There are various full adder designs have been designed owing to its significance in many micro-electronic circuits. The development of adder in terms of efficient parameters such as speed and power consumption should be pursued. This paper concludes the impact of FinFET on design of 1-Bit full adder using different topologies. FinFET based 1-Bit full adder are developed.......


Keywords -CMOS, Full Adder, FinFET,Multigate Device, Transmission gate (TG).

[1] Mr. Kapil Mangla, Mr. Shashank Saxena, "Analysis of different CMOS full adder circuits based on various parameters for low voltage VLSI design", International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-5, May 2015.. [2] Aqilah binti Abdul Tahrim, Huei Chaeng Chin, Cheng Siong Lim and Michael Loong Peng Tan, " Design and performance analysis of 1-bit FinFET full adder cell for Subthreshold region at 16 nm process technlogy",Journal of nanomaterials,volume 2015. [3] Prateek mishra, anish Muttereja, Niraj jha, " FinFET circuit design", Springer [4] Aminul Islam, M.W. Akram, S.D. Pable, Mohd. Hasan, "Robust 1-bit full adder design using FinFET at 32 nm technology node", 2010 International Conference on Communication, Computers and Devices, Kharagpur, INDIA December 10-12. [5] A. M. Shams, T. K. Darwish, andM.A. Bayoumi, ―Performance analysis of low-power 1-bit CMOS full adder cells, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 20–29, 2002.


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Design And Development Of Virtual Instrumentation System For Disabledusing Labview
Amita Bhandari || Bhagyashree Koli || Komal Bhosle || Komal Bhosle || Shruti Yadav || Akanksha Bhargava

In real life people faces several physiological problems so hospitals should have improved version of measurement system. Now a days personal computers are easily available in low cost so that we can use this personal computer for the people who are suffering from this kind of physiological problem. This project is related to eye blinking which is helpful for the disabled people. There are many use of keyboard to operate computer to reduce this dependency hand gesture is an alternative way. Hand gesture recognition system is an alternative way which is interface and communicate to computer via person. This hand gesture system used for uneducated people who can operate keyboard by various types of symbol. This symbol like one finger denotes one alphabet from keyboard after that get the output to check whether it is correct or not through via voice. All this can be done by using LabView. The main aim is using virtual instrumentation design on LabView helps disabled people..


Keywords - Virtual instrument, eye blinking sensor, hand gesture recoginisation.

[1] International journal of advanced research in electrical and electronics engineering."Design and development of VI for signal acquisition and processing using LabView" by Sandra D'souza. [2] "A Reliable Hand gesture recognition system using multiple scheme" by Priyanka Chavan, Mohit Goyal. In November 2012 "International journal of research in engineering." [3] "Perfomance analysis CPVSS- LMS and CP-LMS Adaptive algorithm in LabView''by Mahinder Kaur ,Rashminder Kaur,Published in International Journal in current engineering and technology. [4] April 2003 Edition, LabView user manual , national instrument. European Union, "Heart Program " by Witte et al..


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Proposed System for Iota Based Prepaid Electric Billing Meter
Mukul Ramchandani || Siddharth Bellani || Aishwarya Aryamane || Shraddha Bhinge || Indu Dokare

The curve for the demand for electricity in India has always been on the increasing side while the curve for the supply has been on the decreasing side. This paper proposes an IoT based prepaid electric billing meter with an objective to let the end user know his/her real time consumption of electricity. This will enable users to make a conscious effort to reduce consumption. The end user can track his/her real time consumption of electricity on the web interface with a unique login id and password. The end user can also recharge from the same interface. This real time awareness of consumption will also help end user to control his/her electricity theft..

Key words: - cloud-based infrastructure, IoT based electric meter, prepaid electric meter, Raspberry Pi.

[1] Sapna Ganurkar, Pravesh Gour, Prepaid Energy Meter for Billing System Using Microcontroller and Recharge Card, International Journal of Core Engineering & Management(IJCEM) Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2014. ISSN:2348 9510. [2] Nabil Mohammad, Anomadarshi Barua and Muhammad Abdullah Arafat, A Smart Prepaid Energy Metering System to Control Electricity Theft, 2013 International Conference on Power, Energy and Control (ICPEC). [3] Sneha Salunkhe, Dr. S. S. Lokhande, Raspberry Pi based automatic meter reading, International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), Volume 5, Issue 9, September 2016. ISSN 2319 – 4847. [4] P Arun Chandra, G Mohith Vamsi, Y Sri Manoj, Gerardine Immaculate Mary, Automated Energy Meter Using WiFi Enabled Raspberry Pi, IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends In Electronics Information Communication Technology, May 20- 21, 2016, India. [5] S. Shahidi, M. A. Gaffar and K. M. Salim, "Design and implementation of digital energy meter with data sending capability using GSM network" Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2013 International Conference on, Dhaka, 2013, pp. 203-206.


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Thermal Analysis of Liquid Crystal Mixtures
Dr. Jyoti R. Amare

The thermal behavior of mixtures formed by ferroelectric nanopowder, monomer, and nematic liquid crystal (LC) were investigated by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and phase identified by Polarizing Microscopy (PMS). The DSC and PMS result clearly indicates that synthesized mixtures produced display liquid crystalline properties. The phase transition temperature (PTT) values obtained in DSC experiment are in line with the PMS observations. Investigation of thermal properties of mixture reveals that nematic range of synthesized mixtures is affected in a ways that is dependent different in attached moieties to the chain length on both the mixtures ratio and furthermore, the phase transition temperature values of ternary mixtures increases with increasing heating rate..


Keywords - Liquid Crystals (LCs), Polarizing Microscopy (PMS), Fabry Perot Spectroscopy (FPSS), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Phase Transition Temperature (PTT.

[1] Renitzer ,F: Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Cholesterins. Monathefte fur Chemie 9,421(1888). [2] Demus,D.,Rerichter,L.; Texture of Liquid Crystals. Verlag Chemie, Weinheim (1978). [3] Gharde Rita, Phonde. S.V., Nanostructure Material for Electronics, Energy and Environment. APP.,2010,97-102. "Characterization and Mesomorphic behavior of Liquid Crystal doped with nano powder" Rita A. Gharde , Santosh A. Mani, Jyoti R. Amare, Madhavi S. Pradhan. International journal in computer application. [4] "Study on Thermal Properties of Liquid Crystal Ternary Mixture" Rita A.Gharde, Jyoti R. Amare, Santosh A Mani. International journal scientific and Engineering Research. Volume 4, Issue.5, May2013 ISSN 2229-5518.


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Comparison of Hormonal Variations Using Mathematical Trivariate Normal Distribution under Placebo and Progesterone Treatments
Akanksha A. Desai || Poonam M. Deshpande

The problem of generating Trivariate Normal Distributions from univariate ones is drawing the attention of the reliability analyst. Amongst these approaches the characterisation approach and the modelling approach are very appealing. Infact the characterisation approach is of great interest to both theoreticians and applied workers. Here we have used a Trivariate Normal Distribution for application by extending univariate distribution through characterisation approach. In our application part we have considered post-menopausal women. We have concentrated on a 24 hr profile of Melatonin, TSH , and GH under the treatment with Placebo and with Progesterone. In this respect we have developed a mathematical model which describes the purpose of the present study. The study investigates in post-menopausal women, the effects of a 24-hr profile of progesterone and placebo administration both on sleep architecture and on multiple hormones profile. The protocol allows us to explore the effects of the placebo and progesterone treatment on combined effects of hormones.

Keywords –Trivariate Normal Distributions, Melatonin, TSH , GH..

[1] Batra SK, MillerWL1985 Progesterone inhibits basal production of follicle-stimulating hormone in ovine pituitary cell culture. Endocrinology 117:2443–2448 [2] Chakravarty S, Rizvi SI: Physiological effects of melatonin: implications on human health. Biomedicine 2008, 28:252–255. [3] ClevelandW1979 Robust locally weighted regression and smoothing scatterplots. J Am Stat Assoc 74:829–836. [4] de Matos CA, de Bruin P, de Bruin V, Nunes D, Pereira E, Cavalcante M, Andrade G: Melatonin reduces lung oxidative stress in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomise, double-blind,placebo-controlled study. J Pineal Res 2012, 53:238–244. [5] Dr.Lakshmi,S and Agalya,M., A Mathematical model for finding the Association of Thyroid Stimulating hormone with LH and FSH ,International Journal of Mathematical Sciences Vol-13,No.1-2.P-85-93,2014.


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Study of various phishing detection methods
Diksha Todankar || Sakshi Seth || Vidhika Jain || Prof.Reena Mahe

Phishing websites are essential to determine as the world is moving towards digitalisation and all the major communication and transactions are carried out through various websites. However, many reported methods include Blacklist, content based, non-content based which use various algorithms to differentiate between legitimate and phishing sites. These methods consider various features. To name some are page rank, URL features, using blacklisted database, positioning of content in a website, domain name, etc. Given a URL the goal of differentiating it as legitimate or phishing is quite challenging based on the reported methods as the attacker will try their best to deceive the user. Numerous techniques have been developed to detect it efficiently and the purpose of this paper is to discuss these methods and their limitations.


Keywords - phishing, legitimate, features, URL, random forest, blacklist.

[1]. APWG. (n.d.). APWG Reports. Retrieved from Unifying the Global Response to Cybercrime APWG: [2]. Circulation. 2002;106(25, article 3143).Colin Whittaker, B. R. (n.d.). Research at Google. Retrieved from Research at Google: [3]. Gupta, A. K. (n.d.). Phishing Detection: Analysis of Visual Similarity Based Approaches. Retrieved from Hindawi: [4]. How the random forest algorithm works in machine learning. (n.d.). Retrieved from Dataaspirant: [5]. Luong Anh Tuan Nguyen, B. L. (2013). Detecting Phishing Web sites: A Heuristic URL-Based Approach. The 2013 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC'13)..


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SayliLad || SiddheshNaik || DevendrasinghJhala || AnjaliBagade || Dr.BhavinShah

Inmanyindustrialapplications,automationofcolorbasedsortinginrawmaterialsistheneedofhourtooptimiz eresourcesandsavetime.Theaimofthispaperistominimizethesubjectiveerrorsofvisualinspection.Thesystemisdevelo pedforsortingoffoodmaterialsbasedonthresholdinginimageprocessing.Theimageoffoodmaterialwillbecapturedby aUSBCameraandimageprocessingwillbecarriedoutinSCILAB softwareformoreaccurateresults.Oncetheimageprocessingiscompletetheresultswillfurtherbedisplayedonthescree nandaccordingtotheresultobtainedtheMicrocontrollerwillcarryoutthesortingmechanism.Forsortingpurpose,weus ethepushingmechanisminterfacedwiththeMicrocontrollercircuitry.Thispaperproposesthesystemforanautovisionfo odindustryusingSCILAB softwareforhigherspeedandaccuracy.


Keywords - Conveyerbelt,IRsensors,camera,SCILAB,CIELABcolorspace,Microcontroller..

[1] Low CostAutomationforSortingof ObjectsonConveyorBelt,International JournalofInnovativeResearchin Science,Engineering andTechnology(AnISO3297: 2007 CertifiedOrganization)Vol.5,SpecialIssue10,May2016 [2] StephenL.Campbell,Jean-PhilippeChancelier,RamineNikoukhah,ModelingandSimulationinScilab/Scicos,Springer,NewYork,2006. [3] AFruitQualityManagementSystem BasedOnImageProcessing,IOSRJournalofElectronicsandCommunicationEngineering(IOSRJECE) e-ISSN:2278-2834,p-ISSN: 2278-8735.Volume8,Issue6(Nov.- Dec.2013),PP01-05 [4] Rafael C,Gonzalez,RichardE.Woods, "DigitalImageProcessing",second edition,2005 [5] International Journal ofInnovativeResearchin Science, Engineering andTechnology(AnISO3297: 2007 CertifiedOrganization).5,SpecialIssue10,May2016


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Analysis for Designing a Micro strip Patch Antenna at 2.4 GHz
Aishwarya Nemade || Priyanka Sale || Shubham Shinde || Apeksha Magar || Prof. Gauri Salunkhe

Communication Plays an important role in the worldwide society nowadays and communication system are rapidly switching from wired to wireless. The antenna is one of the important elements of the wireless communication system. In this Paper, microstrip patch antenna is used for wireless communications to provide high Bandwidth, Efficiency, and Gain. The Proposed of this paper is to design microstrip patch antenna at resonant frequency 2.4GHz.


Keywords - HFSS (High-Frequency Structure Simulator), Dielectric, microstrip, DGS.

[1] Rachmansyah, Antonius Irianto, and A. Benny Mutiara, "International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 5, October 2011", "Designing and Manufacturing Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Communication at 2.4 GHz". [2] After A. Roy, Joseph M. Môm, Gabriel A. Igwue, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria, "American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER) eISSN : 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936 Volume-02, Issue- 09, pp-23-30", "Enhancing the Bandwidth of a Microstrip Patch Antenna using Slots Shaped Patch". [3] Vikram Thakur, Sanjeev Kashyap ", International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering", "A Review Paper on Techniques and Design for Microstrip Patch Antenna"..


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Measurement &Verification off Voltage Optimization by Using Voltage Optimizer for Conserving Energy.
Tarang Chandresh Mehta

Talking of Voltage Optimization, concerned topic of interest so far, has been related to a co-ordinate control & reduction of power. We receive power from an energy consumer to reduce the energy use with meeting the reactive power demand. Mostly in Japan, these units are essentially installed at commercial sites in between the raw main transformers & main low voltage distribution board. Voltage optimizer is the device used for this purpose. The savings we achieve in terms of energy by applying this technique is actually aggregation of the efficiency that is improved which further leads to improvements in power quality problems.


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Detection of Phishing Site Using Efficient Approach
Dhanashree Pawar || Dhanalakshmi Sherbhai || Akshata Shelar || Neha Singh

Phishing is an online criminal act that occurs when a malicious webpage impersonates as legitimate webpage so as to acquire sensitive information from the user. Phishing attack continues to pose a serious risk for web users and annoying threat within the field of electronic commerce. This paper focuses on discerning the significant features that discriminate between legitimate and phishing URLs. These features are then subjected to associative rule mining. The rules obtained are interpreted to emphasize the features that are more prevalent in phishing URLs. Analyzing the knowledge accessible on phishing URL and considering confidence as an indicator, the features like transport layer security, unavailability of the top level domain in the URL and keyword within the path portion of the URL were found to be sensible indicators for phishing URL. In addition to this number of slashes in the URL, dot in the host portion of the URL and length of the URL are also the key factors for phishing URL. The objective of the proposed system is to provide efficient approach for the detection of phishing site..


Keywords - Phishing attack, C4.5, Naïve Bayes

[1] Altyeb Altaher, "Phishing Website Classification using Hybrid SVM and KNN Approach", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 6, 2017 [2] Rahul Patil, "Hybrid model to detect Phishing sites using Clustering and Bayesian Approach", International Conference for Convergence of Technology – 2014 [3] A. P. Deore, "Phishing Detection Information Identification using Support Vector Machine" , Internation Journal of Innovation in Engineering and Technology, 2015 [4] Badr HSSINA, "A comparative study of decision tree ID3 and C4.5", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Special Issue on Advances in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networking and Applications [5] Zhu Xiaoliang , Wang Jian, "Research and application of algorithm C4.5 on decision tree", 2009 International Conference on Test and Measurement


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Controlling Lights Using Bluetooth
Pradeep Giri || Hardik Dhanmeher || Ajay Shingade || Akshay Shelke || Prof. Dimple Bafna

Bluetooth based Home Automation is no more in the beginning stage. Home Automation alludes to Controlling of electronic aplliancesin the house utilizing at least one experts and any Communication medium like Bluetooth, RS232, Ethernet and so forth. Choice of Communication medium is very crucial when it comes to home Automation. Factors such as range, security, data rate, cost and accessibility need to be considered whle choosing a medium. Nowdays Bluetooth is available in almost all the phones, making it perfect medium for wireless communication between a mobile phone and central controller. This paper describes use of blutooth communication to automate various appliancses in the house through a mobile phone. Any controller can be used for this purpose. In this paper, Aruduino UNO is used for its ease of programming....


Keywords - .....

[1] Deepali javale, Mohd. Mohsin, Shreerang Nandanwar, Mayur Shingate, "Home Automation and Security System Using Android ADK", [2] International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology(IJECCT), Volume 3, Issue 2(March 2013). [3] Zeshan Ahmed, Mujtaba Ali, Saman Majeed, "Implementing Computerized and Digitally Mobile Home Automation System towarsds Electric Appliance Control and Security System", nt. J.Emerg.Sci., Volume 1, issue 3, 487-503. [4] Android official website. Http:// [5] Appinventor official website. A simple 2-way Bluetooth based android controllerfor Arduino. Http://


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Simulation and Linear Stability Analysis of Mathematical Model for Bacterial Growth
Poonam M. Deshpande || Prajakta Patil || Akanksha Desai

Linear Stability analysis plays a major role in understanding the efficiency of mathematical models. The analytical methods and numerical methods can be used effectively to compare the accuracy of the model. In this paper we will investigate the model using linear stability analysis. In particular we find equilibrium of the model, analyze the behaviour of the system in the vicinity of the equilibrium, and investigate the behaviour of the equilibrium when parameter values change especially when it concerns stability properties. We will also investigate the model numerically, that includes writing a MATLAB function that computes the right-hand side of the dynamical equations given by Bacterial.......


Keywords - Linear Stability Analysis, Runge-Kutta 6th order method, numerical methods, Eigen values, Eigen vectors, Dynamic Modelling, Simulation of mathematical model.

[1] Deshpande, P., (2008), "Individual Project in Dynamic Modelling and Simulation‟, Project submmitted to the University of Leicester. [2] Morrozov, A., (2009), Lecture Notes for "Dynamic Modelling and Simulation‟, University of Leicester. [3] Kapur, J. N., Q. J. A. Khan ; (1979), "Some mathematical models for population growth‟, Indian J. pure app. Math., 10(3); 277- 286. [4] Baranyi, J., Roberts, T. A., McClure, P., (1993); "A Non- Autonomous Differential Equation to Model Bacterial Growth‟, Food Microbiology,1993, 10,43-59 [5] A. Juskat, G Gedminiene, R Ivanec, (2006), "Growth of Microbial Population‟ Biochemistry and molecular Biology Education vol.34, no.6, 417-422.


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Power Factor Improvement of LED by Using Buck-Boost Converter for Residential Load
Karuna Nikum || Prachi Khamitkar || Jyoti Panmand || Akanksha Mane || Namrata Jadhav || Supriya Awasthi

This paper presents Buck-Boost converter which operates in continuous conduction mode (CCM). The proposed methodology improves power factor (PF) by using buck boost converter through pulse width modulation. To reduce the harmonics in Light Emitting Diode (LED), improved switching topology of DC to DC converter is proposed. This methodology has been simulated in MATLAB for verifying results. The various parameters of LED based power quality (PQ) has been evaluated. This proposed technology gives satisfactory results for PF improvement.


Keywords - Buck Boost converter, CCM, Harmonics, LED, power quality, pulse width modulation, power factor.

[1] Richard J. Bravo and Nagy Y. Abed, Experimental Evaluation of the Harmonic Behaviour of LED Light Bulb, IEEE Southern, California Edison. [2] S. Bunjongjit and A. Ngaopitakkul, Analysis of Harmonics in Indoor Lighting System with LED and Fluorescent Luminaries, IEEE, Bangkok, Thailand. [3] Sohel Uddin, Hussain Shareef, Azah Mohamed and M A Hannan, Department /Electrical, An Analysis of Harmonics from LED Lamps, Malaysia. [4] Piyush Verma, GSMIEEE, Nitish Patel, MIEEE, and Nirmal-Kumar C. Nair, CFL to LED Transition: An Analysis from Harmonics Perspective. [5] Fajar Abdul Karim, Mohamad Ramdhani, Ekki Kurniawan, Low Pass Filter Installation for Reducing Harmonic Current Emissions From LED Lamps Based on EMC Standard.


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Automated Parking System Using Web Application Sejal
Sejal D'mello || Prof. Ashmita Shetty || Bhavesh Yadav || Shraddha Shahane || Vidya Ugale

As we know, now-a-days population has increased, it also caused to increase vehicle population. So, more spaces are required to park our Vehicle. In this project we are introducing a new parking system called Automated parking system using Web Application. This System gives us efficiency to find vacant slots to park a vehicle in parking area. A user can book a slot using mobile to park his vehicle. In short, this system helps us to save our time to find vacant place to park our vehicle. The application contains the data of all existing vehicles in parking area, the reserved park area, a vacant place to park vehicle etc. The proposed system is made up of a less human dependent interaction. It helps user to find a parking slot using a short distance algorithm. In our project we use EM 18 module to sense RFID reader, RFID reader to know the status of our parking system. i.e. which car is on which place in parking slot. This system also proposed ewallet method. This system also includes multilevel parking. We will get to know all these features in brief in our paper..


Keywords - Automated Parking, Web Application, Multi-level parking, e-wallet System.

[1] Road Accidents in India 2016, Ministry of road transport and highways, Government of India. [Online]. Available: idents%20in%20India%202016.pdf.
[2] Thorough analysis of accident studies, Accident investigations.[Online].Available:
[3] Understanding GPS NMEA sentences.[Online].Available: sentences/.
[4] Statistics of accident worldwide, Crimes in the countries compared by cartheft.[Online].Available:
[5] Kyungroul Lee, HyungjunYeuk, Jaein Kim and KangbinYim, "Anti-theft Solutions for In-vehicle Electronic Devices", Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, pp. 549-551, July 2014.