International Conference On "Internet of Things (IOT)"

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: M commerce in Android Application
Country :: India
Authors :: Aamina Ayman T || Sindhu T
Page No. :: 01-04

M-commerce (stands for mobile commerce) is the transaction of goods and services through wireless handheld devices. It's a complete online shopping experience, but with all the convenience of being on a cell phone or tablet. M commerce enables users to access the Internet in a wireless environment. This paper provides a way to ease the shopping experience with the help of m-commerce.


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: A Survey on Neural Network in Robotics
Country :: India
Authors :: A. Aasifa Kouser || N. Maliha Safeen
Page No. :: 05-09

The robotics plays an important role in this digital world. The neural network in robotics is the wide spreading concepts. In this context we would like to stress on the process of neural networks in robotics by the use of vacuum cleaner. A robot is an invention which serves as a computer and so it can be used by the higher authorities to serve works to their house hold workers and also the capacity of robots can be accessed with the help of neural network.
The vacuum cleaner robots should have a mechanisms for example the 'artificial intelligent '(AI). The artificial intelligence (AI) is used to automate the system and to work independently without human intervention. Neural networks is a parallel computing devices.............

[1]. Christopher M. Bishop. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. Oxford University Press, 1995.
[2]. Zoo Liang Cao, Yoyo Huang, and Ernest Hall. Region filling operations with random obstacle avoidance for mobile robots. Journal of Robotic Systems, 5(2):87–102, 1988.
[3]. E. Gonzalez, A. Suarez, C. Moreno, and F. Artigue.Complementary regions: a surface filling algorithm. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages909–914, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 1996.
[4]. Christian Horner and Gunther Schmidt. Path planning and guidance techniques for an autonomous mobile cleaning robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 14:199–212, 1995.
[5]. Teuvo Kohonen. Self-Organizing Maps. Springer, second edition, 1997.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Analyzing and Tracing of Various Packet Dropping Attacks Using Containing Order Rough Set
Country :: India
Authors :: V. A. Afsal Basha || N. Syed Siraj Ahmed
Page No. :: 10-16

Intrusion detection systems (IDS) aim at determining attacks against information systems in general. It is difficult to provide secure information systems and maintain them in a secure state for their entire lifetime. Maintenance of such information system is technically difficult as well as economically costly. With the invention of new vulnerabilities to information system new techniques for determining these vulnerabilities have been implemented. Today containing order rough set (CORS) has appeared as a useful mathematical tool for dealing with uncertain data. The main theme of this paper is the analysis and evaluation of packet dropping attack data set through the applications of containing order rough set (CORS) and other concerned notations,
formalizes method of data analysis of various packet dropping attacks and rule generation.

Keywords: IDS; CORS; Data Analysis; Vulnerabilities; Criteria

[1]. Zadeh, L. A., (1965) Fuzzy sets, Information and Control, Vol. 8, pp338-353.
[2]. Pawlak, Z., (1982) Rough Sets, International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, Vol. 11, pp341-356.
[3]. Pawlak, Z. and Skowron, A., (2007) Rudiments of rough sets, Information Sciences, An International Journal, Elsevier, Vol. 177, No. 1, pp. 3-27.
[4]. Pawlak, Z. and Skowron, A., (2007) Rough sets and boolean reasoning, International Journal of Information Sciences, Elsevier, Vol. 177, No. 1, pp. 41-73.
[5]. Slowinski, R. and Vanderpooten, D., (2000) A generalized definition of rough approximations based on similarity, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 331-336.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Discussion on E-Payment System, Payment Gateway and Security
Country :: India
Authors :: S.Uma Mageshwari || Umme- Iman taskeen
Page No. :: 17-20

The electronic payment system has grown increasingly over the last decades due to thegrowing spread of internet-based banking and shopping. When it comes to payment options, nothing is more convenient than electronic payment. One need not have to write a check, swipe a credit card or handle any paper money; all we have to do is enter some information into your Web browser and click your mouse. It's no wonder that more and more people are turning to electronic payment -- or e-payment -- as an alternative to sending checks through the mail. This research paper reviewsthe types of electronic payment, discuss its benefits and limitations and explain about the security in electronic transactions.

Keywords: E-payment, Security, Transaction.

[1]. A survey on E-payment System Elements, Adoption, Architecture, Challenges and Security Concepts by Muddassir Masihuddin Burhan UL islam khan, M mueen UL Islam matoo and Rashidah F Olanrewaju-Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 10(20), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i20/113930, May 2017
[2]. Security in electronic transaction by Smita kakade, Jyoti charade ,Volume: 04, Issue: 04, Apr -2017
[4]. How Secure Are Your Online Payments-

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Digital Twin: Genetic Algorithm in Technology
Country :: India
Authors :: R.Elango || IFRA V.Z
Page No. :: 21-23

DIGITAL TWIN is used to get the best outcome of the result in industry, other researcher had presented much idea which was typical but here we present a paper on digital twin which will be most useful in the upcoming smart generation with the help of genetic algorithm for the best outcome. Digital twin is the "living object‟ of the physical that represents the asset memories and group consciousness which gathered interest in a short time. As before the digital twin technology is just used to know how that the process of the object or entity will be success in the most particular field, but now if the digital twin is implemented with genetic algorithm then the confusion in the several processes will be sought out to get the perfect result in every field, where this kind of technology is the key for the mysterious success of all industries.

[1]. Cerrone, A., J.Hochhalter, G.heber and A.Ingraffea (2014). "On the effects of modeling as manufactured geometry: Toward Digital Twin." International Journal of Aerospace Engineering2014.
[2]. Tuegel,E.J.,A.R.Ingraffea, T.G.Eason and S.M.Spottswood (2011)."Reengineering Aircraft Structural Life Prediction Using a Digital Twin." International Journal of Aerospace Engineering2011.
[3]. Dr. Grieves, Michael and Vickers, John (2001). Digital Twin: Mitigating Unpredictable,Undesirable Emergent Behavior in Complex Systems (Excerpt)
[4]. Negri E, Fumagalli L, Macchi M. A review of the roles of digital twin in cpsbased production systems. Procedia Manuf 2017;11:939–48.
[5]. Rosen R, von Wichert G, Lo G, Bettenhausen KD. About the importance of autonomy and digital twins for the future of manufacturing. IFACPapersOnLine 2015;48(3):567–72.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Handwritten Character Recognition Using Neural Network
Country :: India
Authors :: R.Elango
Page No. :: 24-27

Neural networks are most used for processing any kind of the information, this efficient capability of neural network paved the way for its uses in recognition of patterns. The term "Recognition" plays an important role in our practical lives. It is the basic and most important property of every human. When we see an object for the first time we gather all information about that and compare its behaviors with the existing knowledge stored in our mind. This amazing feature of human brain can be built in systems and machines through the "neural network". Pattern recognition involves recognizing various patterns by finding its association with past experience or knowledge.

[1]. Cheng, B. and Titterington, D. M. (1994). Neural networks: A review from a statistical perspective. Statistical Science, 9, 2-54.
[2]. Dewolf, E.D., and Francl, L.J., (1997). Neural networks that distinguish in period of wheat tan spot in an outdoor environment. Phytopathalogy, 87, 83-87.
[3]. Dewolf, E.D. and Francl, L.J. (2000) Neural network classification of tan spot and stagonespore blotch infection period in wheat field environment. Phytopathalogy, 20, 108-113.
[4]. Gaudart, J. Giusiano, B. and Huiart, L. (2004). Comparison of the performance of multi-layer perceptron and linear regression for epidemiological data. Comput. Statist. & Data Anal., 44, 547-70.
[5]. Hassoun, M. H. (1995). Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks. Cambridge: MIT Press

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Frequent Item Set Mining Using Various Data Mining Techniques
Country :: India
Authors :: G.Ramesh Kumar || Dr.K.Arulanandam
Page No. :: 28-30

Frequent item sets assume a basic part in numerous Data Mining undertakings that attempt to discover fascinating examples from databases, for example, affiliation rules, relationships, groupings, scenes, classifiers and bunch. The mining of affiliation rules is a standout amongst the most well known issues of all these. The recognizable proof of sets of things, items, manifestations and qualities, which regularly happen together in the given database, can be viewed as one of the most fundamental errands in Data Mining. The first inspiration for looking continuous sets originated from the need to break down alleged market exchange information, that is, to inspect client conduct as far as the obtained items..........

Keywords - Data Mining , Frequent Itemset Mining, Proposed Algorithms, Association rules in data mining

[1]. Jiawei Han, and Micheline Kamber. Data Mining – Concepts and Techniques. Morgan Kaufmann, 2 edition, 2006. [2]. Manila, H. Local and global methods in Data Mining: Basic techniques and open problems. In Widmayer, P., Ruiz, F., Morales, R., Hennessy, M., Eidenbenz, S., and Conejo, R., editors, Proceedings of the 29th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming.
[3]. Han, J., Pei, J., Yin, Y., and Mao, R Mining frequent pattern without candidate generation. A frequent-tree approach. Data Mining and Knowledge discovery, 2004.
[4]. N. Pasquier, Y. Bastide, R. Taouil, and L. Lakhal. Pruning closed itemset lattices for association rules. In Acres des 14" journ~es ¢ Bases de donates avanc&s 4, pages 177-196, Oct. 1998.
[5]. N. Pasquier, Y. Bastide, R. Taouil, and L. Laldml. Discovering frequent closed itemsets for association rules. In Proc. of the 7th lnt~ Conf. on Database Theory (ICDT), pages 398-416, Jan. 1999.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: A Survey On Inventory Management System
Country :: India
Authors :: Halima Sadiya .F
Page No. :: 31-33

Inventory management is the supervision of non-capitalized assets (inventory) and stock items. Inventory management softwaresystem is to track inventory levels, orders, sales and deliveries. It can also be used in the manufacturing industry to create a work order, bill of materials and other productionrelated documents.Inventory Management System which is helpful for the businesses operate hardware stores, where owner keeps the records of sales and purchase. In this model, all the information regarding the stock of the organization will be presented and generates a billing to the customer. A key function of inventory management is to keep a detailed record of each new or returned product as it enters or leaves a warehouse or point of sale. Inventory Management System will have the ability to track sales and available inventory, tells a store owner when it's time to reorder and how much to purchase..

[1]. Literature Review and Survey of Inventory Model -
[2]. PunamKhobragade, RoshniSelokar, Rina MaraskolheProf.ManjushaTalmale – "Research paper on Inventory management system" e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 05 Issue: 04 | Apr-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Review: Robotics in Artificial Intelligence
Country :: India
Authors :: G.Lokeshwari || D.Nandhini || P.Aishwarya || B.Monisha
Page No. :: 34-36

The wildest imagination of AI has been captured in scientific community as well as in the general public. Artificial intelligence and robotic both have a same common root interaction and scientific discussion. Robots and robotics leaded from intelligent machine.Robotics as a preferred testbed for artificial intelligence. Robotics researchers have also tackled some of the issues that all dealt with in the present paper but the view of robotics research towards Artificial Intelligence may not be properly reflected in the paper.

[1]. R. C. Arkin. Just what is a robot architecture anyway? Turing equivalency versus organizing principles. In AAAI Spring Symposium on Lessons Learned from Implemented Software Architectures for Physical Agents, 1995.
[2]. A. Bicchi, and G. Tonietti. Fast and soft arm tactics: Dealing with the safety-performance tradeoff in robot arms design and control. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 11(2), 2004.
[3]. A. Bonarini, M. Matteucci, and M. Restelli. Filling the gap among coordination, planning, and reaction using a fuzzy cognitive model. In RoboCup 2003: Robot Soccer World Cup VII, pages 662–669, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2003. Springer-Verlag.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: An Analysis of Swarm Optimization Algorithms
Country :: India
Authors :: D. Jasmine Priskilla || Dr. K. Arulanandam
Page No. :: 37-40

Swarm intelligence alludes to aggregate knowledge. Researcher and characteristic researcher have been concentrate the conduct of social creepy crawlies because of their productivity of tackling complex issues, for example, finding the most limited way between their home and nourishment source or arranging their homes. Notwithstanding the way that these creepy crawlies are unsophisticated independently, they make ponders as a swarm by communication with one another and their condition. In most recent two decades, the practices of different swarms that are utilized in discovering preys or mating are mimicked into a numerical enhancement method. In this section, eight distinctive swarm intelligence– based algorithms are condensed and their working advances are recorded............

[1]. Glover, F. and Laguna, M. (1997). Tabu Search, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston:MA.
[2]. Kennedy, J. and Eberhart, R.C. (1995). Particle swarm optimization, in: Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 1942–1948.
[3]. Koziel, S. and Yang, X. S., (2011). Computational Optimization, Methods and Algorithms, Springer, Germany.
[4]. Yang X. S., (2010). Engineering Optimisation: An Introduction with Metaheuristic Applications, John Wiley and Sons.
[5]. Gandomi, A.H., Yang, X.S. and Alavi, A.H. (2013). Cuckoo search algorithm: a meteheuristic approach to solve structural optimization problems, Engineering with Computers, 29(1), pp. 17–35 (2013).

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Woocommerce- The New Smart Plug in for Doing Electronic Commerce
Country :: India
Authors :: Dr. B.Manjula || Ms.Umrah.Daaniya Khulood
Page No. :: 41-45

A few years ago, building an online store used to be an incredibly complex task. You had to install bulky software onto your own website and pay expensive developers a significant sum of money to customize even the simplest elements of your store. Luckily, nowadays, adding e-commerce functionality to your WordPress-powered website can be done by installing a single plugin and that is WOOCOMMERCE. WooCommerce preserves many of the functions core to the standard WordPress experience, but adds eCommerce capability, configuration, and customization. WORDPRESS is one of the most popular and efficient content management platforms in the world and WooCommerce was developed by it. This alone stands as a major advantage for the uses of the plugin..

Keywords - Woocommerce, plugin, ecommerce, platform.

[1]. Wwww.http/
[2]. Wwww.http/
[3]. Wwww.http/
[4]. Wwww.http/
[5]. Wwww.http/woocommercecookbook,PatrickRauland,PACKT publishing,Mumbai

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Implementation of Research Scholar Utilizing Web Based References
Country :: India
Authors :: R. Sangeetha
Page No. :: 46-50

Research is the work that implicates new idea and trying to discover facts happening in diverse organizations. The revolution in web nowadays helps the research scholars' in research preparation, research activity, research oriented skill development and to communicate between the research groups by using different aspects like online journals, web references, research forums and social networks. In this current scenario, most of the research scholars are using web for a better understanding and research outcome. The main purpose of this research work has been carried out to identify and analyze available internet facilities and its impact on research oriented productivity.

Keywords: Research, Social Networks and Web References etc.

[1]. AsamenewDemessieBireda, "Challenges to the doctoral journey: a case of female doctoral students from Ethiopia", October 2016, Vol.7, No.4, pp.287-297(ISSN 2304-070X).
[2]. LiuisCoromina,"PHD students Research Group Networks- A qualitative Approach", MetodoloskiZvezki, vol.8, No.2, 2011, pp173- 189.
[3]. JegarPitchForth , "Factors affecting timely completion of a PHD: a complex systems approach", vol.12,No.4, December 2012, pp.124-135.
[4]. Anne Moyer, "Challenges facing female Doctorial students and Recent Graduates", Psychology of women quarterly, 23(1999), pp. 607-630.
[5]. AbigaliDiamond,"The impact of doctorial careers", November 2014.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Analysis of Ontology Development, Editing, Mapping, Prompting, Visualizing and Analyzing Tools Based On Different Paradigm
Country :: India
Authors :: A. Shabeen Taj
Page No. :: 51-55

Ontologies are helpful for to enable the interoperability across different systems and semantic web applications. It plays a vital role for capturing domain knowledge as well as the knowledge of the domain that can be recycled and distributed across many applications and groups. Appropriate tools are available to develop ontology more efficiently and effectively. But finding those tools are quite difficult and some tools might be available as open source while some may be commercial. There are varieties of tools that can be used to make user more comfortable with their features. Each and every tool might provide best feature when compared with other tools. To build the ontology, tool support is must. So, developers or users should know the different
tools that are available to build

Keywords: Ontology, Semantic web, Editing tools, etc.

[1]. Namyoun Choi, Il-Yeol Song, and Hyoil Han, ―A Survey on Ontology Mapping Tools‖, SIGMOD Record, Vol. 35, No. 3, Research gate, Sep. 2006.
[2]. Sabin CorneliuBuraga, LilianaCojocaru, OvidiuCătălinNichifor, ―A Survey on Web Ontology Editing Tools‖, Vol.NN (ZZ), 2006, ISSN 1224-600X, Research gate, 2006.
[3]. M. RahamatullahKhondoker, Paul Mueller, ―Comparing Ontology Development Tools based on Online Survey‖, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2010 Vol IWCE 2010, June 30 - July 2, 2010.
[4]. T.Aruna, Saranya.K, Bhandari.Chetna, ―A Survey on Ontology Evaluation Tools‖, IEEE paper, 2006.
[5]. Dr. SunithaAbburu, G. Suresh Babu, ―Survey on Ontology Construction Tools‖, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Applications of Neural Networks in Intrusion Detection
Country :: India
Authors :: T.Sindhu || V. Safa Mehrin
Page No. :: 56-59

Intrusion detection systems are employed to detect the intrusion which has found its applications in securing both public data and private data. This paper deals with various aspects by providing different intrusion detection systems using neural networks for several purposes. It has various tools and databases to focus on proper intrusion detection techniques. There are several methodologies in neural networks that cause detection of intrusions using newer technologies.

[1]. Cheng, B. and Titterington, D. M. (1994). Neural networks: A review from a statistical perspective. Statistical Science, 9, 2-54.
[2]. Dewolf, E.D., and Francl, L.J., (1997). Neural networks that distinguish in period of wheat tan spot in an outdoor environment. Phytopathalogy, 87, 83-87.
[3]. Dewolf, E.D. and Francl, L.J. (2000) Neural network classification of tan spot and stagonespore blotch infection period in wheat field environment. Phytopathalogy, 20, 108-113 .
[4]. Gaudart, J. Giusiano, B. and Huiart, L. (2004). Comparison of the performance of multi-layer perceptron and linear regression for epidemiological data. Comput. Statist. & Data Anal., 44, 547-70.
[5]. Hassoun, M. H. (1995). Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks. Cambridge: MIT Press.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Discussing Security Aspect In Cryptography
Country :: India
Authors :: S.Uma Mageshwari || Dr. R.Santhi
Page No. :: 60-63

Cryptography is a science of writing secret messages. The various cryptographic algorithms do this process with different methodology. Each algorithm differs on the basis of key size and the number of steps invloved to produce ciphertext.. The key plays a vital role for Encryption (plaintext to Ciphertext) and Decryption(Ciphertext to Plaintext) process. This paper emphasizes terminology used in Cryptography, various algorithms, key illustration of each algorithm and shown implementation of Encryption/Decryption process with sample data by using different approaches.

Keywords: Encryption, Decryption, Algorithms, Key.

[1]. Cryptography and Network Security – William Stallings, Fourth Edition, PHI,2006.
[2]. D.Lohit Kumar,Dr.A.R.Reddy, Dr.S.A.K.Jilani,‟Implementation of 128 – bit AES algorithm MATLAB‟, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology(IJETT), Vol.33, Issue No.3,March 2016,ISSN: 2331-5381.
[3]. HimjaAgrawal, Prof.P.R.Badadpure,‟A Survey Paper on Elliptic Curve Cryptography‟, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET),Vol.3, Issue No.4,April 2016. e-ISSN: 2395- 0056.
[5]. D.Stinson, Cryptography : theory and practice, CRC Press Inc.,Boca raton,(1995).
[6]. Atul kahate " Cryprography and Network Security", Tata McGraw –Hill Companies, 2008.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Awareness about Public Libraries in Vellore District: A Study
Country :: India
Authors :: Dr.Aariefa Basheer || Dr.K.Kaliyaperumal
Page No. :: 64-69

This study determines the user awareness about the Public Libraries and their services in Vellore District. Objective of the paper is to study the frequency of the visit and reasons for Non Use of the Library. Dependency of Library Resources for Socio – Economic Development and their use of library on the particular day of their visit. Research methodology- Vellore Distric has 179 Public libraries it includes, branch library, village libraries and partime library and one Distric Central Library. Among these five blocks of libraries selected for data collection. A systematic questionnaire has administered for data collection. Findings - It is found that more than 85 per cent of the respondents in all the libraries under study are disseminating the local information for the community developments. However, the fact "Area library supports lifelong learning in the present educational system" is opined positively by 84 per cent and 71 per cent , 87 per cent of the Ambur and Ranipet, Vellore public libraries respectively. Suggestions were given to conduct awareness programme and orientation programme among the public about the features and benefits of reading in Public Libraries.

[1]. D'Elia, and Eleanor Jo Rodger, (1987) Library and Information Science Research, Vol. 9 (1) Jan Mar, pp 5-20.
[2]. Subramanian, N. (2014) Electronic Information Use Pattern of Yercaud Tribal Students in Salem District, Tamil Nadu, Journal of Advances in Library and Information Science, 3 (1) pp 47-52.
[3]. Thanuskodi, S. (2012) Assessing the Efficacy of Library Services of District Central Libraries in Tamil Nadu from Users Perception, DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, 32, (6) pp 485-492.
[4]. UNESCO (2004) "The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto".