8th National Conference on "Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering" [RDME-2019]

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Predictions of Vacuum Pump Degradation By Condition Monitoring and Improving Performance
Country :: India
Authors :: H. G. Patil || V.G.Arajpure || R.P.Kale
Page No. :: 01-13

Condition Monitoring is an area that has seen substantial growth in the last few decades. The purpose for implementing condition monitoring in thermal power plant is to decrease maintenance costs and increase safety of the equipment. Condition Monitoring identifies the issue of vacuum pump degradation in thermal power plant. The ability to identify the number of factors depend on the effect of vacuum pump degradation and predicts the Remaining-Useful-Life (RUL) of a vacuum pump and reduces the instances of unexpected pump failures, which can incur significant costs. Some typical causes of low vacuum levels, including: open valve in the vacuum line or header; plugged screens at the vacuum pump inlet; low seal water flow, number of leakages in system includes valve gland, manholes..............

Keyword : Cavitation, condition monitoring, performance, degradation, vacuum, leakages.

[1]. W. Burgmann and K. Gohler,¨ "Modern vacuum pumps for the vacuum degassing of steel in small and large vacuum-degassing units," Metallurgist, vol. 57, no. 5-6,2013, pp. 516–525.
[2]. H. M. Yu, "Analysis on selection of water ring vacuum pumps in the chemical industry," Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 327, 2013, pp. 1435–1439.
[3]. Y. M. Vertepov, V. N. Matsenko, and V. M. Antonov, "Advances in water-ring vacuum pumps and compressors," Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, vol. 33, no. 5,1997,pp. 522-523.
[4]. NASH Vacuum pump TC-11 manual
[5]. Condition monitoring report of Gardner Denver NASH TC-11 vacuum pump installed at unit-1 and 2, millennium enterprise date 07-10 march 2017.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Design for Manufacturing and Assembly Technique Applicable For a Gearbox
Country :: India
Authors :: T. S. Shete || P. R. Kulkarni || P.V. Pawar
Page No. :: 14-19

In traditional manufacturing approach considered as a "over the wall approach "and it consist of few steps and they are identification of Customer needs, conceptual design of the product, trial and error developing and testing methods and after the successful testing of the prototype the actual manufacturing of the product will start. Geoffrey Boothroyd stated that almost 30% of the product cost is dedicated to the design stage. Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) guidelines helps to optimize the product design and development .DFMA guidelines combines the process and it results in part reduction and cost reduction. This paper presents a guideline which used the concept of Design for Manufacturing and Assembly methodology for specific application on design and manufacturing of gearbox. The main goal of this guideline was to orient the engineers during the gearbox development phase, such that a better gearbox design is achieved. It aims to improve the assembly for easy manufacturing of the gearbox with low cost, high quality and the best optimized condition. A case study is shown to testify the advantages and benefits achieved when the proposed guidelines are used.

Keywords: Cost reduction, DFA, DFM, DFMA

[1]. Geoffrey Boothroyd ,Product Design for Manufacturing and assembly‟,Published by Copyright © 2002 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved
[2]. C .D NaijuPranav.V.Warrier and V. Jayakrishnan, School of Mechanical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India ,"Redesigning of Shopping Cart for Cost Reduction Using DFMA", MATEC Web of Conferences 95,ICMME 2016 10003 (2017) 10003,
[3]. G BalaMurali, B V L Deepak, M V A RajuBahubalendruni, BibhutiBhusan Basal, Product Design and Development Laboratory ,National Institute of Technology- Rourkela, India-769008 ."An Intelligent Strategy for Automated Assembly Sequence Planning While Considering DFA Concept"
[4]. Boothroyd G, Dewhurst P, Knight W (2014) "Product design for manufacture and assembly", 1st edn. M. Dekker, New York
[5]. Claudio Favi, Michele Germani, Macro Mandolini, "Design for manufacturing and assembly Vs.Design to cost : toward a multiobjective approach for decision –making strategies during conceptual design of products.", 26th CIRP Design Conference 2016, Elsevier, doi- 10.1016/j.procir.2016.04.190

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Experimental Analysis of Performance of Centrifugal Pump
Country :: India
Authors :: Aashay Desai || Umair Siddiqui || Sher Afghan Khan || Emaad Ansari
Page No. :: 20-27

In the world of hydraulics, the most preferred pumping devices are centrifugal pumps. This is due to their advantages like small in size, easier for maintenance, high efficiency, etc. [1]. The hydraulic machines which convert the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy are called hydraulic pumps. The hydraulic energy is in the form of pressure energy. A pump is a device that transfers fluids from one place to another by doing mechanical action. Thus according to the standard definition, Centrifugal pump is a device that converts Rotational form of energy (via motor) to energy in a moving fluid. The most essential parts that are included in centrifugal pump are Impeller, Casing, Suction pipe with a foot valve and strainer, and delivery pipe. We will discuss about this in depth afterwards.

Keywords: Discharge,Efficiency,Head,Power,Pump,Rotations per minute(R.P.M)

[1]. https://andersonpumpprocess.wordpress.com/2013/03/20/centrifugal-pump-advantage-disadvantage/
[2]. https://pumpbiz.com/blog/cat/pump-mentenance/post/right-centrifugal-pump-impeller-three-type/
[3]. https://www.nuclear-power.net/nuclear-engineering/fluid-dynamics/centrifugal-pumps/casing-volute/
[4]. http://userwww.sfsu.edu/ozer/302-EXP7%20S13.pdf
[5]. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877705813001033

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Tribological Behaviour Analysis of Tin Based Babbitt Alloys and Brass Materials
Country :: India
Authors :: R. K. Babberwal || Prof. R. B. Patil
Page No. :: 28-33

In this study, the tribological behavior of Tin-based Babbitt and Brass material has been analyzed with the dry and wet sliding conditions. The Experiment is carried out on wear testing machine based on the design of experiment (DOE). At various normal loads and sliding speed, a variation of wear and coefficient of friction (COF) with duration of rubbing is studied. The experiment is performed under both Dry and wet (SAE 50) conditions. Application of such materials is found in bearings, gears, cams and follower, piston rings etc. After conducting test it is observed that for same operating condition, Brass has low COF compared to Tin based Babbitt. However the brass has higher wear rate compared to tin based Babbitt which helps to reduced power lost due Wear and Friction, increase overall performance of a system. Wear rate raise with the rise in normal load and sliding speed.

Keywords - Brass, Design of experiment, Friction, Wear, Tin based Babbitt, Tribology

[1]. E. Feyzullahoglu, A. Zeren, M. Zeren,(2008,December) Tribological behavior of tin based materials and brass in oil lubricated conditions, Material and Design 29,pp 714-720.
[2]. Hairong Wu, Qinling Bi, Shengyu Zhu (2011, May) Friction and Wear Properties of Babbitt alloy 16-16-2 under Sea water Environment, Tribological International 44 , pp 1161-1167.
[3]. A.Zeren, E.Feyzullahoglu, M.Zeren (2007, May) A Study on Tribological behavior of Tin based Bearing material in dry sliding, Material and Design 28(2007),pp 318-323.
[4]. A.Chowdhury, M.nuuruzzaman, A.Hannan (2012,April) Effect of Sliding velocity and Relative Humidity on Friction coefficient of Brass sliding against different Steel counterfaces, IJERA volume 2 issue 1, pp 1425-1431.
[5]. D.Zhang, John K.L.Ho, Guangneng Dong, Hui Zhang (2015,March) Tribological Properties of Tin based Babbitt bearing alloys with Polyurethane coating under dry and starved lubrication condition, Tribological International 90 (2015), pp 22-33

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Tribological behaviour of Fluorocarbon Coating under Dry and Lubricated Sliding Conditions
Country :: India
Authors :: A. J.Bodhale || R. B. Patil
Page No. :: 34-39

Due to positive tribological performance, fluorocarbon coatings have established an importance in many applications, as a possible replacement to enhancement and substitute traditional liquid lubricants. The literature in this area is to a certain extent limited, especially on the Tribologicalbehaviour of fluorocarbon coated and fluorocarbon uncoated components in aggressive conditions. In this work, fluorocarbon coated on HSS M2 and fluorocarbon uncoated components were tribologically evaluated using Ducom friction and wear machine under specific conditions, which included rotating sliding conditions. The coatings showed good to excellent tribological performance, and in general fluorocarbon coating exhibited better friction and wear behaviour than uncoated specimen............

Keywords: Fluorocarbon coating, Friction, Wear, Wear rate, Coefficient of friction, Regression equation.

[1]. F. P. Bowden and D. Tabor, The friction and lubrication of solids, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1950.
[2]. J. F. Archard, Contact and rubbing of flat surface, Journal of Applied Physics, 1953, 24, pp.981-988.
[3]. F. P. Bowden and D. Tabor, Friction, lubrication and wear: a survey of work during the last decade, Journal of Applied Physics, 1966,17, pp.1521-1544.
[4]. Kenneth G. Budinsk., Fluorocarbon coatings for wear applications, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, 1975, 12, pp. 786.
[5]. G. S. Senior, tribology international, April 1978,pp.145-149.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Study on Tribological Investigations of Alternative Automotive Brake Pad Materials
Country :: India
Authors :: A. S. Banait || V. N. Raibhole
Page No. :: 40-43

Brake is a component which plays an important role in automobile with respect to safety and performance. The function of the braking system in an automobile is to slow down or completely stop the vehicle by converting its kinetic energy into heat energy by means of friction. Due to friction heat is generated at the pad and rotor interface; therefore the brake pad should quickly absorb heat to withstand at the higher temperatures and not to wear out. Hence the objective of this paper is to discuss different environment friendly and healthy alternative materials to asbestos. In order to meet different requirements of brake performance, friction materials for brake pads is made up of various constituents like binders, filler material...........

Keywords - Asbestos, friction material, reinforcing elements, tribological properties, wear.

[1]. E. Surojo, Jamasri a, V. Malau a, M.N. Ilman, "Investigation of Friction Behaviors of Brake Shoe Materials using Metallic Filler" Tribology in Industry, vol. 37, 473-481, pp 473-481, 2015
[2]. Vibhav A. Lalhapure and Dr. H. P. Khairnar, "Wear Mechanism and modeling for Automotive Brakes with Influence of pressure, Temperature and Sliding Velocity: A Review Article", European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, vol. 5, pp 333-343, 2018
[3]. N.S.M. El. Tayeb Kia Wai Liew, Vc Venkatesh, "Evalution of new frictional brake pad material", International Journal for Manufacturing Science and Technology, vol. 10, pp 97-103, 2008
[4]. Xingming Xiao,Yan Yin, Jiusheng Bao, Lijian Lu and Xuejun Feng, "Review on the friction and wear of brake materials", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 8, pp 1-10, 2016
[5]. Harshvardhan Zula, N. D. Ghetiya Dipali Pandya, "Development of friction pad and study of its wear characteristics", International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, vol. 5, pp 5-8,2017

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Review on Expansion Joints for Process Equipment and Piping Systems
Country :: India
Authors :: A.S. Palve || S. Shinde || K.S.Bhole
Page No. :: 44-50

Expansion joint is a highly engineered mechanical component designed to compensate thermal expansions and stresses in various thermo-mechanical systems. Hence expansion joint are always considered as a crucial element in utility systems. This paper presents review of different types of expansion joints used in process equipment and piping systems. Various codes and standards such as American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association (EJMA) are established to provide design guidelines for the expansion joints. These standards are used as per the utility under consideration or as per the customer requirements. Paper also presents the significance of these standard codes in design of expansion joints. This focused review will provide a guideline to the designers and practitioners in this field for better understanding of expansion joint.

Keywords: ASME, EJMA, Expansion joint, process equipment, thermos-mechanical system

[1]. Code, P. V. Rules for Construction of Pressure vessels. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1992(1995), 1998-2001.
[2]. Kim, J. B. The effects of convolution geometry and boundary condition on the failure of bellows. Indian Journal of Science and Technology,2015, 8(S1), pp. 462-466.
[3]. Ando, M., Yada, H., Tsukimori, K., Ichimiya, M., & Anoda, Y. Experimental Study on Ultimate Strength of Single and Double Type Bellows Under Internal Pressure., In ASME 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (pp. V003T03A082- V003T03A082). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
[4]. Ando, M., Yada, H., Tsukimori, K., Ichimiya, M., & Anoda, Y. Experimental Study on the Deformation and Failure of the Bellows Structure beyond the Designed Internal Pressure,Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology,2017, 139(6), 061201.
[5]. Veiga, J. C., Kavanagh, N., Sousa, A. M. F., Medeiros, J., & Veiga, J. L. Determination of Gimbal and Hinged Expansion Joints Reaction Moments, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology,2013, 135(5), 055001.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Experimental and Numerical Approach to Investigate the Effect of Tool Geometry for EDM- Drilling
Country :: India
Authors :: P. R. Vader || M.S. Nagrale || S. A. Mastud
Page No. :: 51-57

Electrical discharge machining (EDM) has been used through decades in various industries like Medical, Defence, Aerospace etc. For EDM process different tool geometries are used such as a tubular and multi-channel. The study includes experimental analysis carried out by varying various process parameters voltage, current, pulse time, etc. on Micro-EDM machine. Material removed in EDM is due to spark erosion process. Finite element analysis (FEA)modelling of EDM will be carried out to predict the MRR. Gaussian heat flux distribution equation is used in the single spark calculation of MRR. The volume of material removed is calculated from the temperature distribution profile.............

Keywords : EDM, FEA, single spark, MRR, Tool Geometry.

[1]. Jithin, S., Raut, A., Bhandarkar, U. V., & Joshi, S. S. FE Modeling for Single Spark in EDM Considering Plasma Flushing Efficiency. Procedia Manufacturing, 26, 2018, 617-628.
[2]. Yilmaz, O., & Okka, M. A. Effect of single and multi-channel electrodes application on EDM fast hole drilling performance. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 51(1-4), 2010, 185-194.
[3]. Singh, H. Experimental study of distribution of energy during EDM process for utilization in thermal models. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55(19-20), 2012, 5053-5064.
[4]. Joshi, S. N., & Pande, S. S. Thermo-physical modeling of die-sinking EDM process. Journal of manufacturing processes, 12(1), 2010, 45-56.
[5]. Zhang, F., Gu, L., & Zhao, W. Study of the Gaussian distribution of heat flux for micro-EDM. In ASME 2015 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015, V001T02A024- V001T02A024).

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Design and Analysis of Forging Component and Die
Country :: India
Authors :: M.A. Khatode || S.V.Badnale || Y.N. Chate || H.S.Deshmukh || Prof.M.N.Vaidya
Page No. :: 58-65

This paper deals with the some of forging defects that occur in a forging company in the front arm suspension part. Due to this causes high rejection rates in the components and this paper describes the remedial measures that can reduce these defects in the hot forging. This part is used in the chassis of car. The study of issue was done with the help of quality assurance department within the industry. The various defects that occur in the components during forging are identified. The result of the study indicates that the rejection rate in the company was so much thanpercent of the total productions made each month. The defects in the forged component include mismatch, underfilling and bending of stem............

Keywords: Hot forging,Forging defect remedies,controlling measures

[1]. Ravi Singh, "Process To Reduce Rejection Rates Of Forging Defects"| Volume 2 Issue 7,IJIRT,December 2015 , ISSN: 2349-6002
[2]. Manesh L. Thorat, RahulR.Ligade, On "on Defects in Hot Forging Process-Investigation." Volume 3 Issue 4, ISSN:2455-2631| JSDR| April 2018
[3]. Aju PiusThottungal&Sijo.M.T."Controlling Measures to Reduce Rejection Rate due to Forging Defects." Volume 3 Issue 3| IJSRP| March 2013
[4]. Mahendra G. Rathi, Nilesh A.Jakhade, "An overview on forging process with their defects." International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 6, Government college of engineering Aurangabad Maharashtra India, June 2014
[5]. C. J. Van Tyne and J.Walters, "understanding geometrical forging defects," april1,2007

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Development of Alternate fuel system for drone technology to make it Hydrogen adaptive
Country :: India
Authors :: K. A. Mahajan || V. R. Joshi || S. T. Banerjee || M. J. Deo
Page No. :: 66-69

This paper focuses on the details of a Drone system which utilizes the electricity produced from Hydrogen Fuel Cells ; the system also relies on the buoyant force obtained from the Hydrogen storage tank which gives a major thrust and drastically reduces the Lift required for hovering of the Aerial System. The paper also highlights the applications in which the above said system can be made operational. Presently, drones are quint essential for the ease of security systems especially in the field of surveillance and attack. But, the major drawback encountered in the conventional drone systems is that they lack hovering capability and also rely heavily on the power obtained from heavy battery packs.............

Keywords: Aerial, Battery, Buoyant Force, Drone, Fuel Cells, Hovering, Lift, Surveillance, Hydrogen gas

[1]. Y. Shiratori, Q.-T Tran, M. Tajima, T. Ogura, O. Higashi, S.M. Lyth, Springer, Japan 2016, Hydrogen energy Engineering, Green Energy and Technology.
[2]. Y. Shiratori, Q.-T Tran, M. Tajima, T. Ogura, O. Higashi, S.M. Lyth, Springer, Japan 2016, Hydrogen energy Engineering, Green Energy and Technology.
[3]. K. Ito, Hua Li, Yan Ming Hao, Springer, Japan 2016, Hydrogen energy Engineering, Green Energy and Technology.
[4]. Gas Flow Meter with Digital Display, http://www.aalborg.com