Online social networks (OSNs) gradually integrate nancial capabilities by enabling the usage of material and virtual currency. They attend as new programs to host a variety of business activities, such as online promotion events, where users can possibly get virtual currency as rewards by taking part in such consequences. Both OSNs and business partners are signicantly concerned when attackers instrument a set of scores to collect virtual currency from these cases, which cause these events ineffective and result in sign can't nancial loss. It becomes of great importance to proactively detect these malicious accounts before the online promotion activities and subsequently decreases their priority to be paid back. In this report, we suggest a novel arrangement, namely ProGuard, to achieve this objective by systematically integrating features that characterize accounts from three perspectives, including their general behaviors, their recharging patterns, and the exercise of their currency.............
Keywords: Online social networks, virtual currency, malicious accounts.
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