Soil erosion is a worldwide problem that cause environmental degradation. The problem is severe in African countries including Ethiopia. Afa river watershed is also the victim of this problem. This study was aimed to estimate soil loss in the watershed by GIS based USLE model, and prioritize sub watersheds for soil conservation planning. Rainfall erosive effect, soil erodibility, topographic effect, land use land cover and supportive conservation practice factors were used as an input for the model to determine the amount of soil loss from the watershed. A combination of GIS application, Remote Sensing technique, and USLE model were used for soil loss estimation and the result showed that the annual soil loss from the watershed was in the range of 0 to 129.58 ton ha- 1year-1 with mean soil loss of 20.04 ton ha-1 year-1........
Index terms: Afa watershed, Soil loss, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
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