As software development has become a crucial part of any organization, so as to minimize the risk of faults in software, user have to file these bug information repositories. User reports bugs to repositories. Users of these repositories are usually non-technical and cannot assign correct class to these bugs. Triaging of bugs, to developer, to fix them is a tedious and time consuming task. Developers are usually expert in particular areas. For example, few developers are expert in GUI and others are in java functionality. Assigning a particular bug to relevant developer could save time and would help to maintain the interest level of developers by assigning bugs according to their interest. However, assigning right bug to right developer is quite difficult for tri-ager without knowing the actual class, the bug belongs to.
Keywords: - classifications, software repositories, software projects, triaging
A 2 m3 floating dome anaerobic digester has been developed and its performance is compared with that of conventional mild steel dome biogas digester The overall objective of carrying the work is anlalyze the efficiency of biogas production for better performance of the digester tank and to optimize the biogas generation under normal operating conditions. The lab scale experiments are carried out in both the digesters in order to determine the composition of biogas and their efficiency. The gas samples which are collected through gas balloons from the biogas plant are taken to the laboratory for determination of composition of biogas by using gas chromatography. The results reviewed that methane composition is increased from 63.40% to 64.22% which holds good as of performance is considered .The greater methane yields results in better performance of the plant and proves to be more effective when compared to that of mild steel dome digester.
Keywords: Anaerobic digester, transparent fibre dome, mild steel dome.methane yield.
This study aimed to analyze the behavior of glass material to mechanical tests in CAE platform of Add-in toolbar of Simulation of Solidworks software. The method used was based on an evaluation of the behavior of glass of different thicknesses and sizes to static testing simulation using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The experiments considered the tension, deformation, and reaction force under the influence of applied loads, as well as the analysis of thermal stress due to different temperatures in glass sheets. Results from analysis presented in the simulator have shown that it is possible to test the mechanical behavior of glass.
Keywords: - Glass, mechanical tests, simulation, solidworks, temperature
In Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANETs), security is a primary concern, as it affects traffic safety. Authentication in essence is an important security requirement to avoid attacks on vehicular communication. To provide authentication with some privacy to the users, we propose an authentication framework that uses pseudonyms, which are self-generated are used as key value in communication among vehicles. ID-Based Signature (IBS) Scheme and the ID-Based Online / Offline Signature (IBOOS) Schemes are used, which provides authentication for the basic three types of communication in VANET, namely the vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication, Vehicle to Roadside (V2R) communication. and Roadside unit to Vehicle (R2V) communication. Simulation result demonstrate that the use of IBS/IBOOS has improved reduced packet delivery ratio and decreased storage latency and hence this approach proves to be very suitable for VANET architecture.
Keywords: – Vehicular Ad-hoc Network, Identity Based Signature, Identity Based Online/Offline Signature.
Now a days, manufacturing of machine components with complex flange geometry or segmented protrusions which are very difficult to produce by the conventional forging, can be easily produced by lateral extrusion. Because of the low machining cost, reduced material waste, improved mechanical properties and subsequent increase in the industrial demand of these parts, has accelerated the progress of research in this field. So this paper presents the experimental and dynamic simulation study of lateral extrusion of spur gears with involute tooth profile in terms of load requirement, die filling and material flow. Three dimensional finite element analyses are carried out to investigate the effective stress and strain, die filling, flow patterns and prediction of extrusion loads. Series of experiment has been carried using tellurium lead with three sets of die profile. The comparison between the simulation and the experimental results show good agreement.
Keywords: - Extrusion load, Finite element, Flow pattern, Strain effective, Stress effective
Maintaining the day to day scaling network nodes is challenge. The existing hierarchical and non- hierarchical is handling the growing network nodes randomly with overhead of recursive logic with repeaters and power consumption which comes at cost. The span of individual network which is a cluster of nodes is limited, if there are multiple individual networks which are grouped together, then forms the non- hierarchical structure. The existing algorithms to link the source with the destination is purely random propagation, which uses more number of repeater nodes and looping leading to the consumption more power, which is redundant. To overcome the overhead of purely random propagation algorithm ,there came another algorithm called non-repetitive random propagation ,which uses the concept of distant repeaters ,which also creates redundancy .In order to overcome the above said overheads ,we have devised an optimized algorithm which deals with the problem without using any repeaters and looping. The algorithm uses the concept of minimum eccentricity. Calculating the minimum eccentricity would identify the dominant node which can connect or communicate with rest of the nodes independently reducing the redundancy. The node identified as dominant node should possess maximum battery power and without any selfish behavior such as distributing the available resource impartially with every other node under the coverage area.
Keywords: - Mobile ad hoc networks, multicast, wireless networks, protocol.
The effect on the microstructure obtained in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) and the carbide zone in the weld metal properties of Casted grey cast iron plates (grade-GJLEN 1561) are used as base material. The welding was carried out with manual shielded metal arc welding using ENiFe–CI filler metal. The welds were prepared by using the arc welding process and filler Nickel base filler materials are used in welding as electrode, which is ductile in nature 85 ENiFe-CI is the grade of nickel base filler electrode. For knowing the effect of preheat treatment, the plates were firstly heated to near about 400- 450˚C by the help of gas cutting torch and the post weld heat treatment (PWHT) was limited only for 45 minute at 810oC. The welds were characterized by micro structural analysis, impact test, and tensile test. The Charpy-impact properties of the weldment specimens improved with the PWHT and were somewhat lower than previously developed data on the wrought material.
Keyword: - gray cast iron, impact test, microstructure, post weld heat treatment (PWHT), tensile test.
In a wireless sensor networks, the communication of the network will be affected by the attacks. The most common attacks are denial of service, packet droppers and packet modifiers .In a wireless sensor networks the communication between the hosts is static (the hosts addresses are predefined).If any attacks disrupt the communication then the network performance degrades. To address this problem, a simple yet effective scheme is proposed i.e., the communication between the hosts will be dynamically perform. By this scheme, the performance of the network will be the effective and efficient.
Index Terms: - Approximation algorithm, Caching algorithm, Wireless sensor networks.
[1]. Chuang Wang, Taiming Feng, Jinsook Kim, Guiling Wang, Wensheng Zhang, "Catching Packet Droppers and Modifiers in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems, vol. 23, no. 5, ,May.2012, pp.835-843.
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[4]. Karlof and D. Wagner, "Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Attacks and Countermeasures," Proc. IEEE First Int'l Workshop Sensor Network Protocols and Applications, 2003.
[5]. M. Kefayati, H.R. Rabiee, S.G. Miremadi, and A. Khonsari, "Misbehavior Resilient Multi-Path Data Transmission in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks," Proc. Fourth ACM Workshop Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (SASN '06), 2006.
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