Research is carried out at the coast of South Leitimur Subdistrict, Naku Village Coast, Ambon City. The objective of research is to determine the suitability of coast area to the development of beach tourism of recreation category. Method of research is survey with descriptive and evaluative approaches. Data are obtained from primary and secondary data. The suitability of the development of coast area for beach tourism is assigned into 4 (four) classes, which are: Class S1 (Highly Suitable), Class S2 (Quite Suitable), Class S3 (Suitable with Condition) and Class N (Not Suitable). Result of analysis indicates that coast area of Naku Beach has beach area in the Class Highly Suitable (S1) by score total of 146 or 93 %. The beach remains between 2 (two) capes on the right and leaf. It has 2.5 meters depth, white sand (sandy beach) and 15 meters beach width. Base material of waters is dominated by rock and sand. The current speed is 0.12-0.25 meters/second with the pattern of long shore current. Beach slope is between 3-6 degrees. The clarity rate of waters is good and therefore, the water base is clearly seen. Land coverage of the beach is dominated by various vegetative such as coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) and ketapang tree (Terminalia catappa). Dangerous biotas such as pig fur (Echinodermata), jellyfish (Chrysaora quinquecirrha), and shark (Carcharhinus) are not found.
Keyword: - Suitability; Coast; Beach Touris; South Leitimur; Ambon City
Cyclic constrained groove pressing (CCGP) are widely used for the production of an ultra finegrained, Nano/sub microcrystalline structure in industries to compensate the high strength metal plates components used in automobiles. The present paper focus on The mechanical properties in nanostructure Al/Sic composite plate processed by a new technique, cyclic constrained groove pressing (CCGP), were studied using micro hardness tester. Taguchi technique and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) techniques were carried out to investigate the degree of importance of CCGP process parameters i.e. Percentage of Sic, strain rate, number of passes, plate thickness and heat treatment for four different levels. The results indicated that the percentage of Sic factor has a major influence on the hardness of the composite plate, followed by no. of passes, Heat treatment, plate thickness and strain rate. The Taguchi method and the ANOVA technique was an effective tool to predict the degree of importance of the CCGP parameters on micro hardness CGP specimens.
Key words: - Severe plastic deformation, CCGP, Al/SiC composites, Taguchi method, Micro hardness
Urban Green Open Space (UGOS) in Kupang city is absolutely needed because it produces various environmental benefits for urban communities. However, the fact is that changing on UGOS function shift to physical buildings massively which is not appropriate with any principles of sustainable development. This issue produces instabilities on the urban ecosystem. Specifically, this research is undertaken in Kupang, the capital city of province of Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. The main reason using Kupang is the center of province government and one of developing cities in Indonesia has changed pattern of land use reducing UGOS. According to that reasons, the research purpose is to analyze the priority of UGOS development in Kupang based on its functions (ecology, social, economic, and esthetics), design or model (area, node and path), and location. Research methode generates quantitative approach applying Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. It is one of method to assist constructing priority based on multi creteria from structural and logical processes. Research findings suggest that the priority of UGOS at Kupang city is the Ecological UGOS with path model and it needs to be developed in the Path No.5 of the Frans Seda street, Oebobo district, Kupang – Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).
Keywords: - Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Urban Green Open Space (UGOS).
With an enormous amount of data stored in databases and data warehouses, it is increasinglyimportant to develop powerful tools for analysis of such data and mining interesting knowledgefrom it. Data mining is a process of inferring knowledge from such huge data. The mainproblem related to the retrieval of information from the World Wide Web is the enormousnumber of unstructured documents and resources, i.e., the difficulty of locating and trackingappropriate sources. In this survey of the research in the area of data mining andsuggest data mining categories and techniques. Furthermore, a data miningenvironment generator that allows naive users to generate a data mining environment specific to a given domain by providing a set of specifications.
Keywords: - Association, Clustering, Data Mining, Discrimination, Prediction.
This paper is intended to compare between a new MIMO system proposed using the Modified
Hermite pulses and MIMO-OFDM system in the coherent case (the channel is supposed perfectly known by the
receiver). The studied system exploit space time block coding and integrate the technique BICM as a powerful
tool to ensure a robust communication. The estimate of the symbols in reception is articulated on the maximum
likelihood criterion. Simulations results proved that the MIMO system using modified Hermite pulses offers
better performances than the MIMO-OFDM system.
Keywords: - MIMO, Hermite pulses, STBC, OFDM, BICM.
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