September - 2014 (Volume-4 ~ Issue-9 ~ Part-2)

Paper Type


Research Paper



B3LYP/DFT Calculations of Donor-πbridge-Acceptor Molecular System






Jaafar Tuma Ahmed ||, Hamid. I. Abbood

Page No.



0.4/3021-04920108 aned
iosrjen   3021-0409-0208 iosrjen

Present study deals with designing donor -π bridge - acceptor molecular system depending on Aviram–Ratner model and calculating the geometrical parameters and energies for the D-π B-A and it is components. The LUMO-HOMO energy gap for the studied structures showed that the substituents adding to the phenyl ring lead to a new electronic materials and the D-πB-A molecular system has a suitable small energy gap. The results of polarizability showed that this new molecular system is more reactive in charge transfer process.


Keywords: - B3LYP, DFT,, energy gap, HOM , LUMO and polarizability

[1] Marcus, R. A. (1985),Sutin, N. Biochim. Biophys.Acta, 811, 265–322.
[2] Barbara, P. F., Meyer, T. J., Ratner, M. A. (1996), J. Phys. Chem.100, 13148–13168.
[3] Bixon, M.,Jortner (1999), J. AdV. Chem. Phys, 106, 35–208.
[4] Berlin, Y. A., Kurnikov, I. V.,Beratan, D., Ratner, M. A., Burin, A. L. Top.(2004), Curr. Chem. 237, 1–36.
[5] Matyushov, D. V., Voth, G. A. ReV.(2002)Comp. Chemistry, 18, 147–210.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Dynamic Monitoring vertical Deflectionof Small Concrete Bridge Using Conventional Sensors And 100 Hz Gps Receivers - Preliminary Results







Page No.



0.4/3021-04920920 aned
iosrjen   3021-0409-0220 iosrjen

The last four decades have been significant for Brazil‟s highway network development. The country received financial incentives for its expansion and created various structural solutions for bridges and overpasses. Concurrent to this development, in recent years these structures have increasingly shown advanced deterioration stages due to the lack of preventive maintenance programs. Thus, this paper proposes the use of a GPS in a short-term monitoring plan to oversee the structural behavior of a curved reinforced concrete highway bridge already in service. Accordingly, this article presentsthe first research results with the L1 carrier and recorded data at 100 Hz in order to monitor the dynamic behavior of the central span of a small curved concrete bridge, the bridge over the Jaguari River in Extrema, Minas Gerais. The problem is that such structures exhibitsmall peak-to-peak amplitude vertical deflections– up to 5 mm.The challenge lies in the fact that the vast majority of Brazil‟s highway network is characterized by small and medium sized concrete bridges. The bridge monitored in the study consists of two traffic lanes and a total length of 134 m, located in the Fernão Dias highway– BR 381, km 946 + 300m, Extrema, Minas Gerais. The bridge under study is significant to this work because this type of structure is largely found throughout the country. Thus, the line of work to be presented will contribute to implementing other monitoring actions forthese types of structures throughout Brazil – quickly and effectively,which will serve as a strategythat can beadded to the conventional monitoring methods. Therefore, GPS data observations were conductedfor two days using two GPS receivers with data sampling intervals of 0.01 seconds- 100 Hz. The Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) was used as filtering model to analyze the frequency response of the bridge generated by the residues of the L1 double difference through the highest GPS satellite constellation.


Keywords: - Small Concrete Bridge; GPS;Dynamic Monitoring.

[1] ANDRADE R. G. M., et al. (2013). Comparison and calibration of numerical models from monitoring data of a reinforced concrete highway bridge. IBRACON, vol. 6, n.1, p. 121-138.São Paulo, 2013.

[2] ARAUJO NETO, J. O., et al., (2013). Monitoring the Vertical Deflections of the Small Concrete Bridge with the adapted Phase Residual Method using High Rate GPS Data. In: 2nd Joint International Symposium on Deformation Monitoring (JISDM), 2013, Nottingham, Inglaterra.

[3] BARBOSA A. C. B. (2007)Estudo da Variabilidade Acoplada Oceano – Atmosfera no Atlântico.Dissertação (mestrado), IAG/USP – São Paulo, 2007.

[4] BARBOSA A. C. B.;BLITZKOW D. (2008).Wavelet: History and Application. Lecture Notes. Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences – University Sao Paulo - IAG/USP and POLI/USP. May, 2008.

[5] BRIGHAM E. O. (1974).The Fast Fourier Transform. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1rd ed.,cap. 1, p.1–8, 1974.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Design and Implementation of Low Density Parity Check Codes







Page No.



0.4/3021-04922125 aned
iosrjen   3021-0409-0225 iosrjen

LDPC is one of the best in coding theory nowadays. In this paper I Design and Implement this LDPC codes in Xilinx VHDL platform. I achieved two results one for data sending with error and make correction and send without error. This code which helps in both communication based transmission as well as data based binary transmission. Here all the concepts are known by the information theory and coding techniques. This paper which shows how the data's are sending from transmitter to receiver and resend again by correcting the same.


Keywords: - Tanner graphs, Bipartite graphs, V_ nodes, C_ nodes, LDPC decoder, Hard decision decoding, Soft decision decoding.

[1] Amin shokrollahi, "LDPC codes", Digital Fountain, Inc.
[2] Bernhard M.J. Leiner, "LDPC codes", April 8, 2005
[3] Sarah Johnson, "Introducing low density parity check codes ", ACoRN Spring School version 1.1
[4] C.E.Shannon,"A mathematical theory of communications" Bell system Technical journal,
[5] vol 27,pp 379-423,1948.
[6] B.Bollobas, External graph theory. Academic press,1978


Paper Type


Research Paper



Analyzing of Non-Uniform MIMO Radar MMSE Beampattern Design






Amirsadegh Roshanzamir ||, M. H. Bastani

Page No.



0.4/3021-04922630 aned
iosrjen   3021-0409-0230 iosrjen

Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar is an emerging technology which has attracted many researchers recently. The problem of beampattern design of MIMO radar in uniform arrays and with the covariance based method of point targets has been investigated by many papers so far. In this paper it is desirable to consider this problem in non-uniform arrays. Actually the main purpose of this paper is to examine the optimization of the transmitted beampattern respect to transmitter antennas locations and investigated how this parameter can affect the transmitted beampattern. MATLAB software is being employed for simulations.


Keywords: - MIMO radar, non-uniform, beampattern matching design

[1] Chun-Yang Chen, "MIMO Radar Waveform Optimization With Prior Information of the Extended Target and Clutter" Signal Processing, IEEE Transaction Vol. 57 , Issue: 9 pp. 3533 - 3544 Sept. 2009.
[2] D. R. Fuhrmann and G. S. Antonio, "Transmit beamforming for MIMO radar systems using partial signal correlation," in Proc. 38th IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Comput., Nov. 2004, pp. 295–299.
[3] D. R. Fuhrmann and G. S. Antonio, "Transmit beamforming for MIMO radar systems using signal cross-correlation," IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., vol. 44, pp. 171–186, Jan. 2008.
[4] P. Stoica, J. Li, and Y. Xie, "On probing signal design for MIMO radar," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 4151–4161, Aug. 2007.
[5] J. Li, L. Xu, P. Stoica, K. W. Forsythe, and D. Bliss, "Range compression and waveform optimization for MIMO radar: A Cramér–Rao bound based study," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 218–232, Jan. 2008.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Covariance based MIMO Radar Beampattern Design in Non-Uniform Arrays






Amirsadegh Roshanzamir

Page No.



0.4/3021-04923142 aned
iosrjen   3021-0409-0242 iosrjen

Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar is an emerging technology which has attracted many researchers in recent years. A MIMO radar system unlike a conventional phased array radar, can choose freely the probing signals transmitted via its antennas to maximize the power around the locations of the targets of interest, or more generally to approximate a given transmit beampattern, and also to minimize the cross correlation of the signals reflected back to the radar by the targets of interest. In this paper, we show how the above desirable features can be achieved by designing the covariance matrix of the probing signal vector transmitted by the radar and location of antennas. Until now many papers have investigated cross correlation matrix only, but in this paper we will include location of transmitter antennas as well to improve the results. And we will show that changing into location of antennas is equivalent to change into career frequency. Additionally, we demonstrate the advantages of several MIMO transmit beampattern designs, including a pushing away sidelobes which are next to main lobe design case and to maximize the power around the locations of the targets of interest with producing any extra sidelobes.


Keywords: - MIMO radar, Beampattern matching design, covariance based method, non-uniform arrays.

[1] D. J. Rabideau and P. Parker, "Ubiquitous MIMO multifunction digital array radar," in Proc. 37th IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Comput., Nov. 2003, vol. 1, pp. 1057–1064.
[2] D. W. Bliss and K. W. Forsythe, "Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar and imaging: Degrees of freedom and resolution," in Proc. 37th IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Comput., Nov. 2003, vol. 1, pp. 54–59.
[3] A. M. Haimovich, R. S. Blum, and L. J. Cimini, "MIMO radar with widely separated antennas," IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 116–129, Jan. 2008.
[4] J. Li and P. Stoica, "MIMO radar with colocated antennas," IEEE Signal Process. Mag., vol. 24, no. 5, Sep. 2007.
[5] E. Fishler, A.M. Haimovich, R. S. Blum, D. Chizhik, L. J. Cimini, and R. A. Valenzuela, "MIMO radar: An idea whose time has come," in Proc. IEEE Radar Conf., Apr. 2004, pp. 71–78.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Multipath Effect on Covariance Based MIMO Radar Beampattern Design






Amirsadegh Roshanzamir

Page No.



0.4/3021-04924352 aned
iosrjen   3021-0409-0252 iosrjen

In a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar unlike conventional phased array radar, we can choose freely between the probing signals transmitted via its antennas to maximize the transmitted power around specific target locations or to approximate a desire beam-pattern in different manners that many papers have taken into consideration so far. In an operational radar or communication environment, one of the usual phenomenon that happens is multipath. In this paper we'd like to take this effect into consideration and show that how this effect can influence our beam-pattern in a covariance based MIMO radar beam-forming. We will show that multipath can change beam-pattern peak direction, increase side-lobe level and either produce false peaks in our desire beam-pattern. MATLAB software is being employed for simulations.


Keywords: - MIMO radar, MIMO communication, beam forming, covariance based method.

[1] Chun-Yang Chen, "MIMO Radar Waveform Optimization With Prior Information of the Extended Target and Clutter" Signal Processing, IEEE Transaction Vol. 57 , Issue: 9 pp. 3533 - 3544 Sept. 2009.
[2] D. R. Fuhrmann and G. S. Antonio, "Transmit beamforming for MIMO radar systems using partial signal correlation," in Proc. 38th IEEE Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst., Comput., Nov. 2004, pp. 295–299.
[3] D. R. Fuhrmann and G. S. Antonio, "Transmit beamforming for MIMO radar systems using signal cross-correlation," IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., vol. 44, pp. 171–186, Jan. 2008.
[4] P. Stoica, J. Li, and Y. Xie, "On probing signal design for MIMO radar," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 4151–4161, Aug. 2007.
[5] J. Li, L. Xu, P. Stoica, K. W. Forsythe, and D. Bliss, "Range compression and waveform optimization for MIMO radar: A Cramér–Rao bound based study," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 218–232, Jan. 2008.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Analysis of Various Engine Parameters in Multicylinder Diesel Engines corresponding to Fuel Injection Timings






Nilesh B.Totala ||, Rahul K. N. Singh ||, Ankit Bansh ||, Mohd. Salman Mohd. Yaqub ||, Rupesh Solanke

Page No.



0.4/3021-04925359 aned
iosrjen   3021-0409-0259 iosrjen

The performance of diesel engine depends on fuel timings. Optimum fuel timing gives correct combustion of charge, less losses of charge, correct heat release pattern, reduced smoke level and NOx in exhaust. This leads to efficient performance of engine, reduced pollution hazards. Hence in this paper five tests on four cylinder diesel engines had been carried out at five different fuel timings. Each test is five mode tests and the effect of injection timing on various performance parameters is studied leading to conclusions.


Keywords: - Site specific fuel consumption, reference ambient conditions, Fuel injection, ISO 1878

[1] Jonas Asprion, Oscar Chinellato , LinoGuzzella,A fast and accurate physics-based model for the NOx emissions of Diesel engines,2013, Journal of applied energy, Elsevier, pp 221-23.

[2] H.E.Saleh, Effect of exhaust gas recirculationon diesel engine nitrogen oxide reduction operating with jojoba methyl ester,2009,journal of Renewable Energy,pp 2178-2186

[3] IsmetSezer, Thermodynamic, performance and emission investigation of a diesel engine running on dimethyl ether and diethyl ether, 2011, International journal of Thermal Sciences 50, pp1594-1603.

[4] L. Tartakovsky, M. Veinblat, V. Baybikov, M. Gutman, and Y. Zvirin,EffectsofMotorsilkOil and Fuel Additives on Fuel Consumption and Emissions of Diesel Engine,2006,Logus Ltd.

[5] AvinashkumarAgrawal, Shrawan Kumar Singh, ShailendraSinha, Mrityunjay Kumar Shukla, Effect of EGR on the exhaust gas temperature and exhaust capacity in compression ignition engines ,June 2004,Sadhana Vol. 29, Part 3, pp. 275–284.