March - 2015 (Volume-5 ~ Issue-3 ~ Part-3)

Paper Type


Research Paper



wavelet collocation method for solving integro-differential equation






Asmaa Abdalelah Abdalrehman

Page No.



0.4/3021-05330107 aned
3021-0503-0307 iosrjen

Wavelet collocation method for numerical solution nth order Volterra integro diferential equations (VIDE) by expanding the unknown functions, as series in terms of chebyshev wavelets second kind with unknown coefficients. The aim of this paper is to state and prove the uniform convergence theorem and accuracy estimation for series above. Finally, some illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the proposed method.


Keywords: chebyshev wavelets second kind; integro-differential equation; operational matrix of integrations; uniform convergence; accuracy estimation.

[1] Asmaa A. A , 2014, Numerical, Solution of Optimal Control Problems Using New Third kind Chebyshev Wavelets Operational Matrix of Integration, Eng&Tech journal,Vol 32,part(B),1:145-156.

[2] Tao. X. and Yuan. L. 2012. Numerical Solution of Fredholm Integral Equation of Second kind by General Legendre Wavelets, Int. J. Inn. Comp and Cont. 8(1): 799-805.

[3] A.Barzkar, M.K.Oshagh, 2012, Numerical solution of the nonlinear Fredholm integro-differential equation of second kind using chebysheve wavelets, World Applied Scinces Journal (WASJ),Vol.18, N(12):1774-1782.

[4] E.Johansson, 2005, Wavelet Theory and some of its Applications.

[5] Jafari. H and Hosseinzadeh. H. 2010. Numerical Solution of System of Linear Integral Equations by using Legendre Wavelets, Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Math., 3(5): 1998-6262 .


Paper Type


Reveiw Paper



Virtual Medical Support Application






Prof. S.A. Mahajan ||, Mayuri Mehta ||, Shweta Oza ||, Rupali Funde ||, Ruchi Muldudwar

Page No.



0.4/3021-05330815 aned
3021-0503-0315 iosrjen

With the emerging need of hospitals to be more responsive, proactive and quick to fight against disease, the Virtual Medical Support App provides the transparency between doctors and patients and other users with secure access to information. The vision behind developing an online comprehensive virtual medical support application is to engage patients, doctors and hospitals. This smartphone app can be constantly accessible which involves and educates the patient, and provides a repository for patient and proper medication information. It Facilitate appropriate communication between all stakeholders - discussion chat or mail use this application more securely login details are provided to registered user by administrator. This helps the doctor to maintain patients' records as authorized user. Users may be Patients, Doctors, Relatives, Nurses or Volunteers. The patients can interact with doctors, their relatives and other patients connected through this app., by chats, video calling, and blogs and also by group video chats. The app provides emergency messages which can be sent by patients themselves or hospital volunteers. Patient's all records, charts and progress reports can be maintained using this app. The Reports can be viewed by the Doctor, patient and their close relatives (who all are registered through this app).This system aims in bringing the patients, doctors, patient's relative, volunteer and nurses together in a virtual environment so that the patient is never alone. A help is always a call away.


Keywords -Adherence, Applications, Cloud, Multilingual, Reminder, VMS.

[1] Lindsey Dayer, Seth Heldenbrand, Paul Anderson ,Paul O. Gubbins and Bradley C. Martin. Smartphone medication adherence apps: Potential benefits to patients and providers. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2013 ; 53(2): 172–181. doi:10.1331/JAPhA.2013.12202.
[2] Radhika Kinage, Jyotshna Kumari, Purva Zalke, Meenal Kulkarni.Mobile Tracking Application.International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and TechnologyVol. 2, Issue 3, March 2013.
[3] Amit Kushwaha, Vineet Kushwaha.Location Based Services using Android Mobile Operating System.International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, © IJAET ISSN: 2231-1963.
[4] Prof. Seema Vanjire, Unmesh Kanchan, Ganesh Shitole, Pradnyesh Patil.Location Based Services on Smart Phone through the Android Application. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2014.
[5] Jui –Chien Hsieh ,Ai-Hien Li,Chung-Chi Yang. Mobile, Cloud, Big Data Computing: Contributions, Challenges and New Directions in Telecardiology. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health DOI:10.3390/ijerph10116131 sep 07,2014


Paper Type


Research Paper



The Effective Knowledge Management In Local Brazilian Building Incorporation And Construction Enterprises






Msc Jefferson A. Krainer ||, PhD Helena de F. N. Silva ||, Msc Christiane W. M. Krainer || Dr. Cezar A. Romano

Page No.



0.4/3021-05331629 aned
3021-0503-0329 iosrjen

We display the Knowledge Management (KM)as a process, following a basic model based on seven dimensions. Our goal is to verify the level of effectiveness of KM in building incorporation and construction of enterprises located in Curitiba and its metropolitan area, Brazil. Therefore, we made a survey in a sample of local companies and analyzed the data using descriptive statistics. The results indicate the existence of processes and characteristics moderately associated with the KM, consistent with "Traditional Companies". We show a reference of where (in what dimension) and with which intensity the initiatives of the KM occur, allowing one to draw a profile of how knowledge is being managed by the contractors.The organizational culture dimension showed the greater effectiveness of KM, giving evidence that the organizational environment tends to be pleasant, prevailing freedom, trust and respect;fertile ground for the creation of knowledge.


Keywords– Civil construction, knowledg management,organizational processes and characteristics, sevendimensions of knowledge

[1] J. M. Etchalus and A. A. Paula, Aspectos da tecnologia da informação em pequenas empresas da construção civil, Pato Branco. Synergismus scyentifica UTFPR, 2006.

[2] H. F. Vieira, Logística aplicada à construção civil: como melhorar o fluxo de produção nas obras (Pini, 2006).

[3] M. D. C. D. Freitas, L. M. S. Lima and J. E. E. Castro, J. E. E. A aplicação das novas tecnologias para seleção da informação no setor da construção civil, Florianópolis, Produção On-line, 1(1), 2001.
[4] J. R. S., Santiago Junior, O desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para gestão do conhecimento em uma empresa de Construção Civil, dissertação de mestrado, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil, 2002.

[5] L. A. do Nascimento and E. T. Santos, A indústria da construção na era da informação,Ambiente Construído, 3(1), 2003, 69-81


Paper Type


Research Paper



An Improved Technique for Frequent Itemset Mining






Patel Atul R. ||, Patel Tushar S.

Page No.



0.4/3021-05333034 aned
3021-0503-0334 iosrjen

An association rule mining is important in data mining. Two Steps important in association rule mining. First, find the frequent itemset from dataset and Second, find the association rule from frequent itemsets. A frequent itemsets mining is crucial and most expensive step in association rule mining. In Apriori and Apriori-like principle it's known that the algorithms cannot perform efficiently due to high and repeatedly database passes. In this paper we proposed a improved technique for frequent itemset mining. This technique scan the database only once and reduces the number of transaction.


Keywords: Frequent, Support, Confidence

[1] R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and A. Swami,"Mining association rules between sets of items in large databases," ACM, 1993, pp. 207- 216.

[2] Han, J., J. Pei, and Y. Yin ,"Mining frequent patterns without candidate generation" Proceedings of the ACM, NY, pp. 1–12,2000.

[3] Hanbing Liu and Baisheng Wang," An Association Rule Mining Algorithm Based On A Boolean Matrix, Data Science Journal,2007.

[4] Wei Song, Bingru Yang and Zhangyan Xu, " Index-BitTableFI: An improved algorithm for mining frequent itemsets," Proceedings of the Elsevier, March 2008.

[5] Guoxiaoli, Fengli and Guoping, " Research on Mining Frequent Itemsets based on Bitwise AND Algorithm," Proceedings of the IEEE, 2011