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Research Paper |
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A Fault Diagnosis Monitoring System of Reciprocating Pump |
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China |
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Wang Yong an |
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01-06 |
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This paper develops the intelligent fault diagnosis system of reciprocating pump. The system takes fault diagnosis system as the core, using the Visual c++ as the software language. The software controls the data acquisition of pressure, position and flow signal synchronously. The different fault types corresponding signal curve is also different, so the main fault signal is pressure signal, flow signal is auxiliary signal. Then use the wavelet neural network which based on artificial intelligence theory and wavelet packet decomposition technique for data processing, preservation and fault diagnosis. The diagnosis results from wavelet neural network show that the intelligent fault diagnosis system of reciprocating pump has fast speed and high accuracy.
Keywords: Wavelet Neural Network; Reciprocating Pump; Fault Diagnosis; Diagnosis System
The eastern block of Chao202-2 area belongs to the channel sand body deposition,where the faults are well developed and complex combination. The oil, water and gas distribution is relatively complex and influences the injecting-producing relation, so the study of control factors is needed. According to the geological characteristics of the eastern block of Chao202-2 area, clear regional geological characteristics, logging identification technology as the core technology and logging identification technique for identifying oil and water layer, oil-water layer logging interpretation chart was established. With a combination of the oil-water layer interpretation results, the test resultsand the existing research results of regional geological features, the characteristics of the oil and water distribution in the block were induced and analyzed. In the study area, structural reservoir is the main reservoir type. Oil-water distribution is controlled by structural factors and space configuration of fault and sand body control the oil-water distribution border. From the fault analysis of the plane, oil-water distribution was determined.
Keywords:oil-water distribution,fault,structure,channel sand body,logging interpretation
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Research Paper |
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Introduction to accounting professional judgment manipulation |
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China |
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Cheng Zijian |
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13-15 |
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Professional judgment of accounting is procedures and criterion of handling of accounting events, and the compilation of the financial and accounting reports,according to accounting regulations, accounting standards, accounting system,related laws request and the enterprise financing environment and business characteristics.
Keywords:- Accounting profession; Judge manipulation; Presumption of discriminant
Concrete industry is one of the largest consumers of natural virgin materials and its primary constituent cement is one of the main source of carbon dioxide emission during its manufacturing. For one ton of cement produced, one ton of carbon dioxide is released into atmosphere. In order to address environmental effects associated with cement manufacturing and constantly depleting natural resources, there is a need to develop alternative binders to make concrete industry sustainable. This work examines the possibility of using coal ash as partial replacement of cement for new concrete. In this study coal ash was partially replaced as 5%, 10%, and 15% in place of cement in concrete for M-25 mix and tested for its compressive strength and tensile strength up to 28 days of age and compared with conventional concrete. From the results obtained, it is found that coal ash can be used as cement replacement up to 5% by weight to prevent considerable decrease in strength and a fair increase in workability. For further increase in coal ash content, strength decreased considerably but workability increased.
Keywords: - Compressive Strength, Slump, Splitting Tensile Strength, Coal Ash Concrete, Workability.
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[3]. 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement – Specification. IS 8112:1989, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi.
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Gaonan Region has been in development and production since 1986. In recent years, there are more pre-researches in Gaonan Region, the shallow layer in Gaonan Region is major oil-bearing horizon, which has great potential to build and extend production.The geological target is from looking for the large structure develop to searching for the subtle structural and non structural subtle reservoir. The identification of lithologic trap is a favorable method in looking for non-structural concealed reservoir. Based on the analysis of regional geological background conditions, combined with acoustic curve reconstruct wave impedance inversion; seismic attribute analysis; Seismic facies andsedimentary microfacies analysis to complete the identification of lithologic traps.
Keyword: seismic attribution, sedimentary microfacies, lithologic traps
[1] Ye Tairan, Tang Jianming, Wen Xuekang, et al. Application of 3D3C seismic data for predicting deep tight gas reservoir in Western Sichuan Basin[J]. Geophysical Prospecting for PetroLeum, 2011, 50(6): 558-564
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[3] Lu Hongxia, Chen Zhenlin, Li Tianyi. Theory of developmental model of subtle trap formed by structural slope break zone[J]. Offshore Oil, 2009, 29(1): 42-46
[4] Hao Q, hang J J, i X, t al. eismic attribute oil-gasreservoir prediction technology and its application[J]. ournalof Hubei University(in Chinese), 010, 2(3): 39-343
[5] Fang Xinxin, Wang Hua, Jiang Hua, et al. Sedimentary system analysis in Dongying formation of Liunan region, Nanpu sag. Geological Science and Technology Information[J], 2010;29(2): 38-43
This article is mainly about making indoor polymer flooding injection capacity experiment scheme, in view of the three groups of different permeability of artificial heterogeneous cores, selecting four kinds of molecular weight to make up the four kinds of concentration of polymer solution, and measuring the injection speed. According to oil layer injection ability boundary line delimitation, we give the polymer compatibility relations of different sedimentary microfacies oil layers in development zone. The research results can be used to guide select field polymer solution type, as to achieve the expected effect of polymer flooding.
Key words: - polymer; injection speed; compatibility relations
[1] Chai Fangyuan.Study on improving polymer flooding development and the analysis of economic effectiveness [D]. Beijing: China University of Geosciences(Beijing),2013.
[2] Yue Xiang'an. Enhanced Oil Recovery basis[M].Beijing: Petroleum Industry Press,2007:96-150.
[3] Wang Demin,Cheng Jiecheng,Wu Junzheng.Application of polymer flooding technology in Daqing Oilfield [J]. Acta Petrolei Sinica, 2005,26 (1): 74-78.
[4] Yuan Ye.The quantitative describe of contribution of the elasticity and injection parameters optimization of polymer flooding Based on Numerical Simulation[D].Daqing: Northeast Petroleum University,2012.
Social networking has become a popular way for users to meet and interact online. Users spend a significant amount of time on popular social network platforms (such as Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter), storing and sharing personal information. This information, also attracts the interest of cybercriminals. There has been a lot of development regarding spam detection in the recent times. This paper tries to address, if there is a way to leave off a video in a social video platform without checking if it is spam or not. That is, predicting if it is spam or not.
Keywords: YouTube, Spammers, video spam, social network, Supervised Machine Learning, Machine Learning, SVM, video predictions, predictive analysis.
[1] Alexa top 500 global sites.
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[3] M. Cha, H. Kwak, P. Rodriguez, Y. Ahn, and S. Moon. I tube, you tube, everybody tubes: Analyzing the world's largest user generated content video system. In Proc. of IMC, 2007.
[4] C. Castillo, D. Donato, A. Gionis, V. Murdock, and F. Silvestri. Know your neighbors: Ib spam detection using the Ib topology. In Int'l ACM SIGIR, pages 423–430, 2007.
[5] Z. Gy¨ongyi, H. Garcia-Molina, and J. Pedersen. Combating Ib spam with trustrank. In Int'l. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, pages 576–587, 2004.
L oilfield located in the south-central of the basin central depression area, belongs to the medium to low permeable oil fields, with complex rock structure, strong heterogeneity and clear difference between layers, the logging data interpretation is difficult. On the basis of the well coring analysis testing, testing, pre-production and production performance data, establishing reservoir porosity, permeability, oil saturation and gas saturation logging interpretation model. Application and interpretation model and the secondary interpretation of all the Wells in the studied area, the result of which shows the interpretation models have higher accuracy, further providing foundation for geologic modeling and remaining oil redevelopment.
Key words: - log interpretation; interpretation model; porosity; permeability; oil saturation;gas saturation
this paper presents a performance comparison between Minimum-Mean-Square-Error (MMSE) adaptive receiver as a reception algorithm utilizing a new specific template Ultra-wideband (UWB) pulse shape, and the performance of conventional Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Rake receiver with different number of Rake fingers. MMSE adaptive algorithm is more efficient and powerful because of its ability and features of adaptation to the substantial changes in the UWB multipath wireless communication channel model proposed by the IEEE 802.15.3a working group based on modified (S-V) channel model; employing two commonly used transmission and multiple access schemes in UWB communications which are Direct-Sequence (DS-UWB) and Time-Hopping (TH-UWB). Moreover, the performance comparison between the two reception schemes presented in this paper is assumed to be performed in the presence of both; narrowband interference coming from other networks (e.g. IEEE 802.11a WLAN), and also the presence of Multiple-Access-Interference (MAI) coming from other UWB users in the proximity of the desired UWB user.
Key Words: - Ultra-Wideband (UWB), Multiple-Access-Interference (MAI), Federal-Communication-
Committee (FCC), Bit-Error-Rate (BER), Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR), Signal-to-Interference-Noise Ratio
(SINR), Power-Spectral-Density (PSD), Minimum-Mean-Square-Error (MMSE), Channel-Model (CM).
[1] Ian Oppermann, Matti Hamalainen "UWB Theory and Applications," Book, pp. 15–80.
[2] M.Ghavami, L.B.Michael "Ultra-Wideband Signals and Systems in Communication Engineering," Book,
pp. 26–113.
[3] B. M.Mezzour, "Direct Sequence UWB performance over STDL " paper Journal, vol.3.
[4] Nadir. Abd Elaziz, Abdelrasoul. Alzubaidi, "Performance of the 6th derivative Gaussian Pulse Shape in IEEE 802.15.3a Multipath Fading Channel" IOSR journal of Engineering, Vol3, Issue December 2014.
[5] Rashid A. Fayyadh, F. Malik "Adaptive Rake receiver using Matched Filter with Three Combining Techniques" Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(5): 26-33, 2013 ISSN 1991-8178.
Well logs are usually used to constrained inversion during reservoir predicting. However the seismic inversion cannot be accurately guiding because of the logs affected by the various factors, which will affect the accuracy and reliability of prediction. Combined with the actual situation of Saertu areas, SP and RMN curve is fitted through multi-curve reconstruction technology. Remove the interference information, and remain the valid information of SP curve against the way that errors generate. Suppress the effects of high lithological differences and random interference to their baseline by standardization, normalization, linear filtering method and then fit SP and RMN curves. Proposed high-resolution, high-fidelity curve reconstruction, seismic inversion guidance sand prediction, and achieved good results [1]. This indicates that the method is a simple, practical and effective curve reconstruction techniques can be promoted in practical applications.
Keywords: - Well logging, Standardization, Multi-curve reconstruction technology,Seismic inversion
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