January - 2016 (Volume-6 ~ Issue-1 ~ Part-4)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Similation of the Dynamic Characteristics of Launch Vehicle Stabilization During Longitudinal Oscillations



United Kingdom



Nickolay Zosimovych ||, Denys Zosimovych

Page No.



0.4/3021-06140109 aned
3021-0601-0409 iosrjen

Frequencies of natural longitudinal oscillations of liquid at the inlet to the service feed line were calculated for a spherical fuel tank installed in a spacecraft. The authors are also developed a structural scheme for the spacecraft orientation system and synthesized continuous regulators in the frequency and time domains.


Keywords: - Mathematical modeling, service simulating test, stability, system, oscillations, amplitude oscillator, damping, fuel tank, management system, orientation, LV - launch vehicle, SGA - strain gauge amplifier, LPRE – liquid prolellant rocket engine, SC – spacecraft, EMF - electromotive force, FR - frequency responce, PR - phase response

[1] V. Mishin, Динамика ракет (Учебник для студентов вузов / К. А. Абгарян, Э. Л. Калязин, В.П. Мишин и др.: 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Машиностроение, 1990. – 464 с.: ил.). // V. Mishin, Rocket Dynamics (Textbook for University Students / K. Abgaryan, E. Kalyazin, V. Mishin et al.: 2nd Rev.and Enl. Ed., - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1990).
[2] Конструкция и проектирование космических летательных аппаратов (Учебник для средних специальных учебных заведений / Н.И. Паничкин, Ю.В. Слепушкин, В.П. Шинкин, Н.А. Яцынин. М.: Машиностроение, 1986. – 344 с.: ил.). //Spacecraft Design and Development (Textbook for Specialized Colleges/ N. Panichkin, Y. Slepushkin, V. Shynkin, N. Yatsynin. M.: Mashinostroenie, 1986).
[3] E.И. Кринецкий, Основы испытаний летательных аппаратов (Учебник для втузов / Е.И. Кринецкий, Л.Н. Александровская, В.С. Мельников, Н.А. Максимов. (Под общ. Ред. Е.И. Кринецкого. – М.: Машиностроение, 1989. – 312 с.: ил.). // E. Krinetsky, Fundamentals of Aircraft Testing (Textbook for Engineering Colleges. E. Krinetsky, L. Aleksandrovskaya, V. Melnikov, N. Maksimov. - M .: Mashinostroenie, 1989).
[4] Вибрационные процессы при работе двигателей третьей ступени ракеты «Минитмен», Вопросы ракетной техники, 1972, №7. С. 33-45. // Vibrating Processes in the Engines of the Third Stage of the Minuteman Missile, Problems of Rocketry, 7, 1972, 33-45.
[5] А.В. Солодов, Инженерный справочник по космической технике (А.А. Алтырцев, А.И. Алексеев, М.А. Байков, Ю.Н. Богданов. Под ред. Солодова А.В. 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: Воениздат, 1977. - 346 с.). // A. Solodov, Engineers' Reference Book on Space Engineering (A. Alatyrtsev, A. Alekseev, M. Baykov, Y. Bogdanov. Ed. A. Solodov, 2nd Rev. and Enl. Ed., M .: Voyenizdat, 1977).


Paper Type


Research Paper



The reservoir characteristics research of the Qijia nan region in songliao basin






Tian Xiaoxiong ||, Zhang Dejian ||, Hu Daiguo ||, Sun Jiarui ||, Wei Wei

Page No.



0.4/3021-06141016 aned
3021-0601-0416 iosrjen

The Qijia nan region in songliao basin has substantial conventional and unconventional oil and gas resources. In this paper, the casting thin sections, permeability overburden pressure measurement and scanning electron microscopy (sem) and other experimental technology for integrated test evaluation of the reservoir in the region. Study shows that reservoir rocks in the region are lithic arkose and feldspathic lithic sandstone, maturity is relatively low; Clay minerals are mainly illite and chlorite and the slip layer, clay mineral content accounts for about 25% of the total. Sedimentary grains finer, more for silt, the median size is mainly distributed in between 0.1 ~ 0.15. According to the seismic facies and well logging data analysis research area exist delta and lake facies, delta front subfacies, front delta facies, shore and shallow lake subfacies and equal to four types of subfacies and semi deep lake. Widespread fossil ostracod, verified, ostracod fossils of diagenesis mainly tend to devastating effect. Poroperm towards density, average porosity is 11.6%, the average permeability of 0.46 x 10-3 μm2, strong heterogeneity, and exist secondary porosity zone; Diagenesis is mainly for the dissolution and small amounts of carbonate cementation. Through all of the micro and macro information, using the characteristics of physical property and sedimentary facies sand body composite reservoir can be divided into Ⅰ, Ⅱa and Ⅱb, Ⅲ four kinds, provide reference basis for the exploration and development.


Keywords: Qijia nan region; Ostracod; Dense oil reservoir; Reservoir characteristics

[1] Zou Caineng,Zhu Rukai,Wu Songtao,et al Types,characteristics,genesis and prospects of conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon accumulations:taking tight oil and tight gas in China as an instance[J] Acta Pertolei Sinica 2012,02:173-187.
[2] Jia Chengzao,Zou Caineng,Li Jianzhong,et al Assessment criteria,main types,basic features and resource prospects of the tight oil in China Acta Petrolei Sinica[J] Acta Pertolei Sinica 2012,03:343-350

[3] Pan Shuxin,Liang Sujuan,Shi Yongsu,et al Origin of ostracod extinction event of the Upper Cretaceous Qinshankou Formation in Songliao Basin[J] Journal of Palaeogeography 2010,04:409-414

[4] Shi Lizhi,Wang Zhuozhuo,Zhang Yongsheng Distribution and geological characteristics of tight oil in Gaotaizi oil layer of Qijia area,Songliao Basin[J] Natural Gas Geoscierce,2014,25(12):1943-1950. [5] C.R.Clarkson,N.Solano,R.M.Bustin,et al Pore structure characterization of North American shale gas reservoirs using USANS/SANS,gas adsorption,and mercury intrusion
[6] Tang Haifa,Peng Shimi,Zhao Yanchao,et al Analysis of main control factors of the physical property of tight sandstone reservoir[J] Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University 2007,01:59-63+123


Paper Type


Research Paper



Controlling the Global Warming with mathematical formulae is the first solution to reach Sustainable Development Goals of "UNO"






K.V.Nageswara Reddy

Page No.



0.4/3021-06141720 aned
3021-0601-0420 iosrjen

Human lively hood activities are increasing pollution which leads to global warming. One among such activities is air pollution. Air pollution is increasing due to industrialization and transportation. Today Vehicle's pollution is one of the major causes for Polluting Air. So world community (Global Community) should put an end with a formula for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of United Nations Organization (UNO).


Key words: Global Warming, Sustainable Development Goals, Vehicle Pollution, Livelihood business agriculture and Economy.

[1]. http://scied.ucar.edu/longcontent/biogeochemical-cycles
[2]. http://www.catf.us/resources/publications/view/3
[3]. http://www3.epa.gov/ozonepollution/
[4]. https://www.mpg.de/9405012/mortality-air-pollution
[5]. http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/


Paper Type


Research Paper



A Novel IEEE 802.11p Make Before Break Handover for Connected Car






Ronny Yongho Kim

Page No.



0.4/3021-06142125 aned
3021-0601-0425 iosrjen

In this paper, a novel IEEE 802.11p make before break handover scheme is proposed. IEEE 802.11 based Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) does not provide handover mechanism because cellular like centralized control is not possible. In order for IEEE 802.11 Station (STA) to communication with Access Point (AP), association procedure is required. Similarly, in order to handover to a new AP, re-association with the new AP is required which causes some delay until the commencement of communication with the new AP. Since IEEE 802.11p STAs are normally vehicles and make connection with other vehicles and Road Side Units (RSUs), association procedure with a communication party can be skipped in IEEE 802.11p. By exploiting simple association procedure and multi-channel operation of IEEE 802.11p, a novel and seamless IEEE 802.11p Make Before Break (MBB) handover scheme is proposed. The proposed scheme utilizes two IEEE 802.11p communication channels for seamless handover. By exploiting the proposed scheme, seamless connected car control is possible.


Keywords: - Connected Car, IEEE 802.11p, Handover, Make before break, WAVE

[1] 3GPP Technical Specification 36.300, "E-UTRA and E-UTRAN Overall Description Stage 2 (Release 10 )", www.3gpp.org
[2] "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems Amendment 3: Advanced Air Interface," IEEE Std 802.16m-2011, May 12 2011.
[3] "IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between
systems Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN MediumAccess Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications," IEEE Std 802.11-2012, 2012
[4] Mohamed M. Abo Ghazala, Mohamed F. Zaghloul, and Mohammed Zahra, "Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Streams Over Wireless Computer Networks (WLANs)," International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 13, pp 63-76, December 2009
[5] Raja Hasyifah Raja Bongsu, Nazirah Abd. Hamid, Ahmad Nazari Mohd. Rose and Shamala Subramaniam, "Enhanced Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Multihop Wireless LANs," International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 49, pp 63-72, December 2012


Paper Type


Research Paper



Quad-Channel Seamless Handover Scheme for Vehicular Networks






Ronny Yongho Kim

Page No.



0.4/3021-06142630 aned
3021-0601-0430 iosrjen

In this paper, a seamless handover scheme using 4 channels for vehicular networks is proposed. IEEE 802.11p defines multi-channel operation in order to provide multi-channel service to single physical module devices. In order to provide reliability, multiple physical module devices can use multiple channels simultaneously. Reliable communication using multiple physical modules is possible not only during normal communication but also during handover. In this paper, an efficient seamless handover scheme using 4 wireless channels is proposed. With the proposed scheme, zero handover interruption time can be achieved. Seamless handover can be achieved with two wireless channels and further reliability can be achieved with additional two wireless channels.


Keywords: - IEEE 802.11p, ITS, Multi-channel, Quad-channel, WAVE

[1] 3GPP Technical Specification 36.300, "E-UTRA and E-UTRAN Overall Description Stage 2 (Release 10)", www.3gpp.org
[2] "IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16: Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems Amendment 3: Advanced Air Interface," IEEE Std 802.16m-2011, May 12 2011.
[3] "IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications," IEEE Std 802.11-2012, 2012
[4] Mohamed M. Abo Ghazala, Mohamed F. Zaghloul, and Mohammed Zahra, "Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Streams Over Wireless Computer Networks (WLANs)," International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 13, pp 63-76, December 2009
[5] Raja Hasyifah Raja Bongsu, Nazirah Abd. Hamid, Ahmad Nazari Mohd. Rose and Shamala Subramaniam, "Enhanced Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Multihop Wireless LANs," International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 49, pp 63-72, December 2012


Paper Type


Research Paper



Computation of Big Data in Hadoop and Cloud Environment






Sheikh Ikhlaq ||, Dr. Bright Keswani

Page No.



0.4/3021-06143139 aned
3021-0601-0439 iosrjen

Big Data is a new phenomenon that needs high attention due to the wealth it possesses only if it is addressed and if it is not addressed it will lead to a situation of Data Explosion and a huge amount of garbage will be formed. Various technologies like Hadoop, Map Reduce, and NoSQL etc. are used but since these technologies are very costly and cannot be afforded by the mid and small size organizations and most of the governments. Therefore there is a need of technology which is cheap and could be afforded by everyone. Cloud computing is a viable option that can prove as a boon for everyone .Implementing Cloud computing for big Data computation is very difficult task to do and has various challenges associated with it. In this review paper we will review various Big Data methods, Approaches and how cloud computing is implemented with challenges posed by it being addressed. Also we will try to know what else needs to be done.


Keywords- BigData, Cloud Computing, Hadoop, Map Reduce, NoSQL

[1] International Data Corporation, (2011), "The 2011 Digital Universe Study: Extracting Value from Chaos", Accessed at: http://www.emc.com/collateral/demos/microsites/emc-digital-universe-2011/index.htm
[2] W.H. Inmon, "Building the Data Warehouse", John Wiley. pp. 33, 1996
[3] M.S. Chen, J. Han, and P.S. Yu, '' Data Mining: An Overview from a Database Perspective'', IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 8(6), pp. 866-883, 1996
[4] R. Agrawal , R. Srikant, "Mining Sequential Patterns", In: Yu P, Chen A (Eds).Proceedings of the eleventh international conference on data engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, pp.3–14,1995
[5] R.P Schumaker, et al., "Sports Data Mining Methodology, Sports Data Mining, Integrated", In: Information Systems 26, Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC, 2010


Paper Type


Research Paper



P-persistent Based OFDMA Uplink Transmission in the Next Generation Wireless LAN






Ronny Yongho Kim

Page No.



0.4/3021-06144044 aned
3021-0601-0444 iosrjen

In this paper, a novel p-persistent based Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) transmission scheme in the next generation Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is proposed. In order to enhance the throughput performance, OFDMA is adopted for both uplink and downlink transmission. Since Access Point (AP) cannot pre-schedule all potential uplink users, random access based OFDMA is also adopted. In the random access based OFDMA, AP allocates random amount of uplink resource for uplink random access since AP does not know how many Stations (STAs) would transmit how large packets. Depending on the number of STAs attempting random access, allocated random access resource can be wasted. If the number of STAs attempting random access is small, allocated random access resource would be under-utilized. If the number of STAs attempting random access is large, allocated random access resource would not be used for actual packet transmission because of packet collision. In this paper, in order to alleviate of random access congestion, a novel p-persistent based random access scheme is proposed. In the proposed scheme, depending on the possible number of STAs attempting random access, access probability is set in order to regulate number of attempting users. Also, the proposed scheme considers priority between access classes. Depending on the access class, differentiated access probabilities are assigned to provide differentiated priorities. By using the proposed scheme, next generation WLAN is able to provide a very efficient random access based OFDMA transmission scheme.


Keywords: - OFDMA, Uplink, Random Access, Access Class, Priority, IEEE 802.11ax

[1] "IEEE Standard for Information Technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks--Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications," IEEE Std 802.11-2012, 2012
[2] Mohamed M. Abo Ghazala, Mohamed F. Zaghloul, and Mohammed Zahra, "Performance Evaluation of Multimedia Streams Over Wireless Computer Networks (WLANs)," International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 13, pp 63-76, December 2009
[3] Raja Hasyifah Raja Bongsu, Nazirah Abd. Hamid, Ahmad Nazari Mohd. Rose and Shamala Subramaniam, "Enhanced Packet Scheduling Algorithm for Multihop Wireless LANs," International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 49, pp 63-72, December 2012
[4] IEEE 802.11-14/0165r1 802.11 HEW SG Proposed PAR, 2014
[5] Bianchi, G., Performance analysis of the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., (2000) 18, 535–547.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Deriving River Bathymetry Using Space Borne Remote Sensing Techniques In Bangladesh






Md. Shafiqul Islam Khondoker ||, Md. Zahid Hasan Siddiquee

Page No.



0.4/3021-06144551 aned
3021-0601-0451 iosrjen

The Multispectral Remote Sensing (RS) Satellite - WorldView-2 - imagery has the ability to measure water depth up to 25m. Studies have been conducted based on the band ratio algorithm to determine water depth in the study area - the Ganges River in Bangladesh. Ratio assessment has been done for coastal-blue/blue, coastal-blue/green and coastal-blue/yellow bands. Green and NIR-2 bands are used for isolating the water area. The results of the RS investigation have been classified based on statistical analysis and graphical visualization of cross section profiles and DEM between actual depth and RS derived depth.


Keywords: - Remote Sensing, Actual Bathymetry, Relative Bathymetry, Absolute Bathymetry, Ratio algorithm, Worldview-2, Linear Regression, Atmospheric Correction, Pre-processing

[1]. A. Naif, (2012). The Potential of Using Worldview-2 Imagery for Shallow Water Depth
[2]. Atmospheric Correction. Retrieved from http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/labs/GC/atmo/ Access date: 20-03-2014
[3]. Camacho, M. A., (2006). Depth analysis of Midway Atoll using Quickbird multi-spectral imaging over variable substrates. M. S. Thesis, Dept. of Space Systems Operations, the Naval Postgraduate School.
[4]. D. Zhongwei, J. Minhe, Z. Zhihua (2008). Mapping Bathymetry From Multi-Source Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study In The Beilun Estuary, Guangxi, China. The International Archives of the Photogrammetric, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol. XXXVII. Part B8. Beijing.
[5]. ENVI. (August 2009). Atmospheric Correction Module: QUAC and FLAASH User's Guide Retrieved from http://www.exelisvis.com/portals/0/pdfs/envi/Flaash_Module.pdf Access date: 21-03-2014


Paper Type


Research Paper



A Review on the Basin-Scale Evaluation Framework of Potential Sedimentary Basins for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration






Dayang Zulaika Abang Hasbollah ||, Radzuan Junin

Page No.



0.4/3021-06145260 aned
3021-0601-0460 iosrjen

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission in the atmosphere has become one of the most discussed topic recently. With the increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere over the decades, a proper mitigation alternative should be taken to resolve this problem and at present, injection into underground geological formation is the most promising and developed method although these formations naturally need to be characterized and screened to ensure long-term sequestration. A proper framework should be established to plan the workflow in evaluating the potential storage sites suitability for CO2 sequestration in sedimentary basins before commencing large-scale deployment of CO2 sequestration and also to aid the selection of promising CO2 storage sites with characteristics suitable for long term storage. This is to prevent work redundancy, to keep the idea organized and to keep track of the project progress. Indirectly, with a proper planning, it will increase the work efficiency and save project costs. This review paper discusses and compares the basin scale evaluation frameworks used by Australia, Norway, Netherlands, China and Malaysia for the evaluation of potential sites to sequester CO2. Some of the countries have been successfully implemented the geological CO2 storage project and some of them are still in preliminary evaluation phase.


Keywords: -carbon dioxide capture and storage, carbon dioxide sequestration, geological storage, sedimentary basin, evaluation framework, greenhouse effects

[1] E. Bryant, Climate process & change (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997).

[2] World Energy Outlook 2006, (Paris, France: International Energy Agency Technical Report, 2006).

[3] S.M. Benson, Monitoring Carbon Dioxide sequestration in deep geological formations for inventory verification and carbon credits, Proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., 2006.

[4] B. Bennion, S. Bachu, Dependence on temperature, pressure, and salinity of the IFT and relative permeability displacement characteristics of CO2 injected in deep saline aquifers, Proceedings of the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., 2006.

[5] H. Hashim, P. Douglas, A. Elkamel, E. Croiset, Optimization model for energy planning with CO2 emission considerations, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 44, 2005, 879–890.