January - 2016 (Volume-6 ~ Issue-1 ~ Part-5)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Replacement of Coarse and Fine Aggregate by Coconut Shell and Quarry Dust Mix






Nagajothi S || Akash kumar || Pradip kumar || Sanjay kumar

Page No.



0.4/3021-06150108 aned
3021-0601-0409 iosrjen

In developing countries where concrete is widely used, the high and steadily increasing cost of concrete has made construction very expensive. The production of concrete requires various materials like Cement, Fine aggregate and Coarse Aggregate .Due to extensively use of concrete which lead to an increase in cost of materials. Therefore an alternate material is used for partial replacement of Fine aggregate and coarse aggregate in concrete. This project is experimented to reduce the cost of concrete. In this research work experiments have been conducted with collection of materials required and the data required for mix design are obtained by sieve analysis and specific gravity test. Sieve analysis is carried out from various fine aggregates (FA) and coarse aggregates (CA) samples and the sample which suits the requirement is selected. Specific gravity tests are carried out for fine and coarse aggregate.


Keywords: - Coconut shell, Quarry dust, coarse aggregate, Fine aggregate.

[1]. J. Karthick,T.Rama,N.ManiBharathi, An Experimental Study on Usage of Quarry
[2]. Rock Dust as Partial Replacement for Sand in Concrete.
[3]. Yogesh Narayan Sonawane, Chetan Jaiprakash Chitte ,Waste Coconut Shell as a
[4]. Partial Replacement of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete Mix – An Experimental Study.
[5]. AmarnathYerramala et al., Properties of Concrete with Coconut Shells as Aggregate


Paper Type


Research Paper



Experimental Study on Development of High Strengh Concrete Using Alccofine1108






sathish Kumar.U.K || Sathish Kumar.P || Surya Prakash.P || Bharathi.G

Page No.



0.4/3021-06150918 aned
3021-0601-0416 iosrjen

This experimental study based on using alccofine1108 enhance early strength in concrete. The experimental work is carried out to evaluate mechanical properties such as compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength for high strength concrete. High strength concrete is made by replacing alccofine1108 by weight of cement various percentage 0%, 5%, 7% , 9%, 11%, 13%, using constant water cement ratio 0.45a for M40 concrete. Casting specimen is cured in atmospheric temperature and hardened properties for 7, 14 and 28days.


Keywords: ALCCOFINE1108, High strength concrete, Compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength.

[1]. Abhijitsinh Parmar, Dhaval Patel, Dron Chaudhary, "Utilization of Pond Fly Ash as a Partial Replacement in Fine Aggregate with Using Fine Fly Ash and Alccofine in HSC Hards Concrete Properties", ISSN: 2321-9939| January 2009.
[2]. Pairpex - Indian Journal of Research, Volume : 2 | Issue : 3 | March 2013 ISSN- 2250-1991"Study on Strength Development of High Strength Concrete Containing Alccofine and Fly-Ash" Suthar Sunil B, Dr. (Smt.) B. K. Shah.
[3]. Patel et al, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN2249–8974 IJAERS/Vol. II/ Issue III/April-June,2013/154-157 "Study on Durability of High Performance Concrete with Alccofine and Fly ash" Yatin H Patel, P.J.Patel, Prof. Jignesh M Patel, Dr. H S Patel.
[4]. Jay Patel, Kunal Patel, Gaurav Patel, Utilization Of Pond Fly Ash As A Partial Replacement In Fine Aggregate With Using Fine Fly Ash And Alccofine In HSC Volume: 02 Issue: 12 | Dec-2013


Paper Type


Research Paper



Experimental Investigation on High Performance Concrete Using Silicafume and Flyash






Bharathi R || Ajay Ganesh || Hari Krishnan || Jagan Kumar

Page No.



0.4/3021-06151926 aned
3021-0601-0420 iosrjen

In this experimental investigation the behavior of High-Performance Concrete (HPC) with silicafume and flyash were studied. HPC used in this study was manufactured by usual ingredients such as pozolonic cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, portable water and admixtures both mineral and chemical such as Silica Fume (SF) and Fly ash at various replacement levels and with Super Plasticizer. The water cement ratio (w/c) adopted is 0.30. In this investigation the concrete was proportioned to target a mean strength of 60 MPa. Specimens such as cubes, cylinders and prism beams were cast and tested for various mixes. Seven mixes M1 to M7 were cast with 0%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% replacement of silica fumeand 10% constant replacement of Fly ash to study the mechanical properties such as compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength at 7 and 28 days.


Key words: High performance concrete, silica fume, fly ash, superplasticizer,compressive strength, split tensile strength, flexural strength.

[1]. Amir Fam, Bart Filsak, and Sami Rizkalla, " Experimental and Analytical Modelling of Concrete- Filled Fiber- Reinforced Polymer Tubes Subjected to Combined Bending and Axial Loads", ACI Structural Journal, V.100, No 4, July – August 2003.
[2]. Chien- Hung Lin, Shih-Ping Lin and Chih-Han Tseng ., "High-Workability Concrete Columns under Concentric Compression" ACI Structural Journal, V.101, No.1, January-February 2004.
[3]. Indian Standard 456-2000 "Plain & R.C- Codes of practice "(Fourth Revision).
[4]. Malathy,R, Subramanian.K, "Role of Admixtures in Reducing Permeability and Corrosion of High Performance Concrete" CE&CR December 2006.
[5]. MadhuKhuntia and S.K.Ghosh, "Flexural Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Columns and Beams: Analytical Apporach" ACI Strctural Journal V101.No 3, May-June 2004.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Study on Behaviour of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete with Addition of Mineral Admixtures






Suganya R || Balaji D || Jaganath B || Prithivi Raj R

Page No.



0.4/3021-06152735 aned
3021-0601-0425 iosrjen

It is now well established that one of the important properties of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) is its superior resistance to cracking and crack propagation. Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) is very useful in extreme climate where shrinkage of concrete causes cracks. The Fibre Reinforced Fly ash concrete (FRFAC) has been successfully used to minimize cavitations / damages in hydraulics structures. This experimental investigation is to study the effects of replacement of cement (by weight) with three percentage of fly ash and the effects of addition of steel fiber composite. A control mixture of proportions was designed. Cement was replaced with three percentages (10%, 20% & 30%) of Class C fly ash. Three percentages of steel fibers (0.30%, 0.45% & 0.60%) having 20 mm length were used. This study reports the feasibility of use of steel fibres and their effect due to variation in fibre length.....


Keywords: - Concrete, Fibre, mineral admixtures, Composite Concrete.

[1]. ACI Committee – 544 (1973), "State-of-the-Art Report on Fibre Reinforced Concrete", ACI Journal, 70(11), pp 729-742.
[2]. Swamy R.N (1974), "Fibre-reinforced Concrete: Mechanics, Properties and Applications", Indian Concrete Journal, 48(1), pp 7-16.
[3]. Ghosh, S, Bhattacharya, C and Ray, S.P (1989), "Tensile Strength of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete", IE (I) Journal –CI, 69, pp 222-227.
[4]. Job Thomas and Syam Prakash, V (1999), "Strength and Behaviour of Plastic Fibre Reinforced Concrete", Journal of Sructural Engineering (SERC), 26(3), pp 187-192.
[5]. IS-456: 2000, Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete (Fourth Revision), Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.


Paper Type


Research Paper



3T XOR Gate Using Dual Mode Gate







Page No.



0.4/3021-06153641 aned
3021-0601-0430 iosrjen

In this brief, we introduce novel low-power dual mode logic (DML) family, is designed to operate in 3T XOR gate in the sub threshold region. This proposed logic family can be switched between static and dynamic modes of operation according to system requirements. In static mode, the gates (DML)feature very low-power dissipation with moderate performance, while in dynamic mode they achieve more performance, with increased power dissipation. This is achieved with a simple concept.The simulation results are discussed by using Tanner. The proposed methodology is shown in 3T XOR GATE by using 45nm process.


Keywords: - Dual mode logic, High performance, 3T XOR Gate

[1]. ArkadiyMorgenshtein and Eby G. Friedman(2010) ‗Unified Logical Effort—A Method for Delay Evaluation and Minimization in Logic Paths With RC_Interconnect'. IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (vlsi) systems, vol.18, no. 5.
[2]. Benoit Lasbouygues, Sylvain Engels and Robin Wilson,(2005)'Logical Effort Model Extension to Propagation Delay Representation'. IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, vol. 25, no. 93.
[3]. D. Bol, R. Ambroise, D.Flandre, and J. D. Legat, ‗Analysis and minimization of practical energy in 45 nm subthreshold logiccircuits'.IEEE int. conf. comput. design, oct. 2008, pp.294–300.
[4]. Massimo Alioto, ElioConsoli, and Gaetano Palumbo(2010)'GeneralStrategie to Design Nanometer Flip-Flop in the Energy-Delay Space'. IEEE transactionson circuits and systems—i: regular papers, vol. 57, no. 7.
[5]. A. Kabbani, D. Al-Khalili, and A. J. Al-Khalili(2005) ‗Delay Analysis of CMOSGates Using ModifiedLogical Effort Model'. IEEE transactions on computer-Aideddesign of integrated circuits and systems, vol. 24, no. 6.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Zigbee Based Automatic Rover






E.Saranya || M.Priyadarshini || S.Priya

Page No.



0.4/3021-06154249 aned
3021-0601-0439 iosrjen

In the current generation, most of the countries do not have sufficient skilled man power specifically in agricultural sector and it affects the growth of developing countries. The problem focused here is direct seeding. The manually operated seed sowing technique associates exposure of seeds to rats, birds and snails. So, it is mandatory to automate this sector and a progressive innovation becomes necessity for raising the demand on agro product quality. To give an elucidation to these problems, a sensor guided rover for digging, precise seed positioning and sowing has been proposed to reduce the human effort and also to increase the yield. The rover's navigation is performed by remote........


Keywords- Direct Seeding, Digging, Ultrasonic mapping, Robot positioning, Seeding sowing, Autonomous robot. wireless communication

[1]. Gholap Dipak Dattatraya, More Vaibhav Mhatardev, Lokhande Manojkumar Shrihari, Prof. Joshi S.G, "Robotic Agriculture Machine",International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization Volume 3,Special Issue 4, April 2014.
[2]. Shivaprasad B S, Ravishankara M N, B N Shoba, " Design and implementation of Seeding and fertilizing Agriculture robot"International Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering& Management (IJAIEM)Volume 3, Issue 6, ISSN 2319 –4847,June2014.
[3]. XUE Jinlin,XU Liming,"Autonomous Agricultural Robot and its Row Guidance", International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 2010.
[4]. Pallavi A. Malwade, M.S.Andhare, " MPPT tracker for optimized battery charging with Robotic arm" ,Proceedings of IRF International Conference, Pune, India, ISBN: 978-9384209-04-9, 13th April-2014
[5]. Ajit G Deshmukh& V.A. Kulkarni, " Advanced Robotic WeedingSystem ",ITSI Transactions on Electrical and Electronics Engineering(ITSI-TEEE)ISSN (PRINT) : 2320 -8945, Volume -1, Issue -3, 2013


Paper Type


Research Paper



Study of stiffness characteristics of Aramid Fiber Wound Hybrid Pipe







Page No.



0.4/3021-06155057 aned
3021-0601-0444 iosrjen

The composite pipe are produced with variable reliability depending on their specific application. Reliability various with many factors like selection of materials, manufacturing process, environmental conditions and etc. Glass fiber, Aramid fiber and hybrid fiber was selected for control variable. pressure burst after compression either with stress corrosion or without stress corrosion was taken as response variable. The aim of this research work is to study about the effect of stiffness and find residual pressure of composite pipe. This study will also help to know the with stand of composite pipe. Composite materials are continuously gaining more importance in the field of engineering........


Keywords: - Aramid fiber, composite pipe, epoxy matrix.

[1]. Mamalis AG, Manolakos DE, Ioannidis MB, Papapostolou DP. On the crushing response of composite sandwich panels subjected to edgewise compression: experimental. Compos Struct 2005;71:246-57.
[2]. Yan LB, Chouw N, Jayaraman K. Effect of triggering and polyurethane foam-filler on axial crushing of natural flax/epoxy composite tubes. Mater & Des 2014;56:528-541.
[3]. Bois PD, Chou CC, Fileta BB, Khalil TB, King AI, Mahmood HF, et al. Vehicle crashworthiness and occupant protection. Michigan: American Iron and Steel Institute; 2004.
[4]. Yan LB, Duchez A, Chouw N. Effect of bond on compressive behaviour of flax fibre reinforced polymer tube-confined coir fibre reinforced concrete. J Rein Plast Compos 2013;32(4):273-285.
[5]. Kang KT, Chun HJ, Park JC, Na WJ, Hong HT. Design of composite roll bar for the improvement of bus rollover crashworthiness. Composites Part B 2012;43:1705-1713


Paper Type


Research Paper



Taming Information Stealing Smartphone Application






Mrs. M. Behima || Mr. S. Niresh Kumar || Dr. Robert Masillamani

Page No.



0.4/3021-06155861 aned
3021-0601-0451 iosrjen

Smart phones are becoming ubiquitous and mobile users are increasingly counting on them to store and handle personal information. The limitations here is the disturbing fact that users' personal information is put at risk by (rogue) smart phone applications. Existing solutions exhibit limitations in their capabilities in taming these privacy-violating smart phone applications. In this paper, we argue for the need of a new privacy mode in smart phones. The privacy mode can empower users to flexibly control during a fine-grained manner what sorts of personal information are going to be accessible to an application. Also, the access to data can be dynamically adjusted at runtime in a fine-grained manner to better suit a user's needs in various scenarios (e.g., in a different time or location). We have proposed a system called TISSA that implements such a secured mode on Android. The evaluation with quite a dozen of information-leaking Android applications demonstrates its effectiveness and practicality. Furthermore, our evaluation shows that TISSA introduces negligible performance overhead.


Keywords: - TISSA, Android

[1]. M. Backes, S. Gerling, C. Hammer, M. Maffei, and P. von Styp-Rekowsky, Appguard 2014 fine-grained policy enforcement for untrusted android applications,' in Data Privacy Management and Autonomous Spontaneous Security, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
[2]. S. Bugiel, L. Davi, A. Dmitrienko, T. Fischer, A. Sadeghi, and B. Shastry 2012 'Towards taming privilege-escalation attacks on android,' in 19th Annual Network and Distributed System SecuritySymposium, NDSS 2012, San Diego, California, USA.
[3]. M. G. Christian Funk 2013, 'Kaspersky security bullettin'.
[4]. W. Enck, P. Gilbert, B.-G. Chun, L. P. Cox, J. Jung, P. McDaniel, and A. N. Sheth 2010, 'Taintdroid: An information-flow trackingsystem for realtime privacy monitoring on smartphones,'in Proceedings of the 9th USENIX Conference on OperatingSystems Design and Implementation, ser. OSDI'10. Berkeley, CA, USA: USENIX Association.
[5]. A. P. Felt, E. Ha, S. Egelman, A. Haney, E. Chin, and D. Wagner 2012, 'Android permissions: user attention, comprehension, and behavior,' in Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security, SOUPS'12, Washington, DC, USA .
[6]. K. S. Labs 2014, 'Kindsight security labs malware report '.


Paper Type


Research Paper



A Node Based Privacy Approaches for Preventing Selective Jamming In Wireless Networks






Mrs. Thaiyalnayaki S || Dr. A.N. Nanda Kumar || Mr. S. Niresh Kumar

Page No.



0.4/3021-06156267 aned
3021-0601-0460 iosrjen

Wireless networks are still an emerging field in terms of security. Taking advantage from unreliability nature of wireless medium, antagonists can easily accomplish numerous attacks. Among those attacks, spot jamming is more clever technique during which jammer will target and corrupt only the messages of high importance. There are existing methods to prevent selective jamming in internal threat model like strong hiding commitment scheme(SHCS), cryptographic puzzle hiding scheme(CPHS) during which they focused only on the proper message delivery to the receiver node. But on the other side, jammer node can solve the puzzle by taking entire packet, making the adversary to know the secured message that was transmitted. initially, a mechanism to spot the existence of spot jamming is demonstrated. Later, an answer to understand the precise node that's performing spot jamming springs . Then two novel techniques called Embedding Future Key (EFK) and Medial node Method (MNM) are proposed to prevent selective jammi Finally, experiments are conducted on proposed methods and it is established that better throughput is achieved than the existing methods.


Keywords: - Jamming, Wireless Network

[1]. A. Chan, X. Liu, G. Noubir, and B. Thapa. Control channel jamming: Resilience and identification of traitors. In Proceedings of ISIT, 2007.
[2]. A. Juels and J. Brainard. Client puzzles: A cryptographic countermeasure against connection depletion attacks. In Proceedings of NDSS, pages 151–165, 1999.
[3]. B. Greenstein, D. Mccoy, J. Pang, T. Kohno, S. Seshan, and D. Wetherall. Improving wireless privacy with an identifier-free link layer protocol. In Proceedings of MobiSys, 2008.
[4]. G. Lin and G. Noubir. On link layer denial of service in data wireless LANs. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 5(3):273–284, May 2004.
[5]. G. Noubir and G. Lin. Low-power DoS attacks in data wireless lans and countermeasures. Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 7(3):29–30, 2003.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Study of Advanced Techniques Onreal Time Analysis of Muscle Activities






Mr.B.Shanmugam || Ms.R.Padmavathy || Mr.R.Srinivasan

Page No.



0.4/3021-06156874 aned
3021-0601-0460 iosrjen

The Electromyogram is an Electro diagnostic medical technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced byskeletal muscles occurring during the contraction are measured at a given electrode location. The relationship between humans' muscles activity and generation of EMG signal is investigation by different methods. This EMG signals were captured from the right-hand muscles and measured in response to various stimuli. EMG is an electrical signal related with the activation of the muscle. This may be unsimilar muscle contraction such as normal, adding weights 1kg, 2kg with support and without support is related tension. This technique can be adjusted to allow the required percentage of match to be obtained between the signals. The collected data was then used to extract a set of features using various techniques such as MATLAB and is classified.


Keywords: - EMG, BIOPAC, neuromuscle, medical safety standard

[1]. Hemlata Shakya1 and Shiru Sharma2, A Survey on EMG Biofeedback System. International Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-Technology Vol.7, No.5 (2015), pp.311-316
[2]. Tejal Udhan1, Shonda Bernadin2, Survey of Different EMG Signal Analysis Techniques. International Journal ofInnovative
[3]. Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2017
[4]. MihaelaCorina Ipate1, Analysis of Electromyography Records During Voluntary Contraction and the Identification of Specific Characteristics of Muscular Activity. The 7th international symposium on advanced topics in electrical engineering. May 12-14,2011
[5]. BipashaChakrabarti, SwarupMaity, Swati Barui, ShilpiPalbhowmik, Saptarshi Das, BiswarupNeogi, Overview on Literature Survey towards EMG Interpretations Technique in Addition to Several Interdisciplinary Work Related to EMG Interpretations. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 5, May-2015 419 ISSN 2229-5518
[6]. 1Pradeep Kumar Jaisal, 2Dr. R.N.Patel 1Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication, Multimode Monitoring of Electromyographic (EMG) Signals with USB Interface/Human Computer Interaction: A Complete Model for EMG Signal Filtration, Feature Extraction and Classification using ICA Wavelet and SVM. IJECT Vol. 6, IssuE 4, oCT - DEC 2015ISSN : 2230-7109 (Online) | ISSN : 2230-9543 (Print)


Paper Type


Research Paper



Experimental Investigation on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Methyl Ester Neem Oil with Turbocharger






G.Saravanan || K.Shanmugasundaram || R.Senthil Kumar

Page No.



0.4/3021-06157583 aned
3021-0601-0460 iosrjen

In our project, we made the analysis in the compressed ignition engine and it is a Direct Injection engine. In this engine fuel is directly injected in to the combustion chamber. Direct injection means the fuel is directly injected into the combustion chamber. The fuel is injected under high pressure through a nozzle with either single or multiple tiny orifices. This results the fuel to issue as very fine spray making it easier to ignite and burn. In this project, the investigation process is done by using biodiesel (B20) with the turbocharger and the comparison process is done between the diesel and biodiesel. The comparison process is done both by connecting and without connecting the turbocharger.

[1]. Sundarapandian S. and Devaradjane G. "Performance and Emission Analysis of Bio Diesel Operated CI Engine", Journal of Engineering, Computing and Architecture. USA (Scientific Journal International), ISSN-1934-7197, Vol. 1,2007.
[2]. Hideki Fukuda, Akihiko Kondo and Hideo Noda " Biodiesel fuel production by trans-esterification of oils", Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Vol.92, pp. 405-416, 2001.
[3]. Azam M.M., Waris A. and Nahar N.M. "Prospects and potential of fatty acid methyl esters of some non-traditional seed oils for use as biodiesel in India", Biomass Bioenergy, Vol.29, pp.293-302, 2005.
[4]. NurunNabi, ShamimAkhter and Mhia Md. ZaglulShahadat "Improvement of engine emission with conventional diesel fuel and diesel-biodiesel blends", Bioresource Technology, Vol. 97, pp. 3372-3378.oil performance in a diesel engine", ASAE, Vol. 29 (1), pp. 70 - 73, 2006.
[5]. VenkateswaraRao T., PrabhakarRao G., and Hema Chandra Reddy K. "Experimental Investigation of Pongamia, Jatropha and Neem Methyl Esters as Biodiesel on C.I. Engine", Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 2, pp.117-122, 2008.