October - 2016 (Volume-6 ~ Issue-10 ~ Part-2)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Some indicators of Big Data






Makrufa Hajirahimova || Aybeniz Aliyeva

Page No.



this article the issue of big data is dedicated, the essence of big data is described which is considered key motivating force of the information society. Big data incorporates along the volume of collected information, as well as storage, computing technologies, combines and services. Big data has become one of the rapidest developing spheres of the information technologies and has great potential and value in many fields. Economic potential of big data has been explained briefly. In order to assessment of big data current situation have been analyzed according to some indicators


Keywords: Big Data, Big Data indicators, Big Data potential

[1] R. M. Alguliyev, M. S. Hajirahimova, "Big Data" phenomenon: Challenges and Opportunities, Problems of Information Technology, 2, 2014,3-16.
[2] X. Jina, W. W Benjamin, X, Chenga, Y. Wanga, Significance and Challenges of Big Data Research, Big Data Research, 2(2),2015,59–64.

[3] Big Data, Big Impact: New Possibilities for International Development, 2012, http://www.weforum.org/reports
[4] S. Buchholtz, M. Bukowski, A. Śniegocki, Big and open data in Europe: A growth engine or a missed opportunity? www.microsoft.com/global/eu/Report.pdf
[5] European Big Data Value Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda - http://www.nessi-europe.eu/Files/SRIA__v099%20v4.pdf


Paper Type


Research Paper



Conformational study of different surfactants in bentonite and PET nanocomposites






Itamara F. Leite || Suédina M. L. Silva || Marcus V. P. Santos || Oscar M. L. Malta || Ricardo L. Longo

Page No.



The interlayer swelling and molecular packing of the organic salts in organoclays is important to the formation and design of polymer nanocomposites. The sodium bentonite clay (AN) were modified by the MA, (C16H33N(CH3)3)+, and BP, (C16H33P(C4H9)3)+ cations yielding the organoclays ANOMA and ANOBP. Infrared spectroscopy, thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction characterization of the modified clays showed that the BP cation induces a larger basal interlayer separation than MA. However, nanocomposite with an intercalated morphology was observed for the poly(ethylene terephthalate)....................


Keywords: - Organoclays; folded and extended conformations; intercalation; nanocomposites

[1] D Burgentzle, J Duchet, JF Gerard, A Jupin, B Fillon, Journal Colloid Interface Science, 278, 2004, 26.

[2] EP Giannelis, Advanced Materials, 8, 1996, 29.

[3] RA Vaia, EP Giannelis, Macromolecules, 30, 1997, 399.

[4] A Gu, SW Kuo, FC Chang, Journal of Applied Polymer and Science, 79, 2001, 1902.

[5] P Maiti, K Yamada, M Okamoto, K Ueda, K Okamoto, Chemistry of Materials, 14, 2002, 4654.


Paper Type


Research Paper



The role of surfactant type on morphology and thermal behavior of PET nanocomposites






I. F. Leite || O. M. L. Malta || S. M. L. Silva

Page No.



A bentonite (Argel 35) in its pristine and purified form and a sodium montmorillonite (Cloisite Na+) were organically modified with alkyl ammonium and phosphonium surfactants as well as a mixture of both salts to prepare poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) nanocomposites by melt blending. Intercalated nanocomposites were obtained when ammonium and ammonium-phosphonium salts mixture modified clays were used. Organoclays obtained with the salts mixture, especially the purified clays, seem to be best suited to obtain PET nanocomposites with higher thermal stability. The Argel 35 clay characteristics were similar to those of Cloisite-Na+ when modified with the same surfactants.


Keywords: - Nanocomposites; Organoclays; Ammonium; Phosphonium

[1] Y Wang, J Gao, Y Ma and US Agarwal, Study on mechanical properties, thermal stability and crystallization behavior of PET/MMT nanocomposites. Composites: Part B, 37(6), 2006, 399-407.

[2] SS Ray, M Okamoto, Polymer/layered silicate nanocomposites: a review from preparation to processing. Prog Polymer Sci, 28, 2003, 1539-1641.

[3] A Sánchez-Solís, I Romero-Ibarra, MR Estrada, F Celderas, O Manero. Mechanical and rheological studies on polyethylene terephthalate-montmorillonite nanocomposites. Polym Eng Sci ,44, 2004, 1094-1102.

[4] Y. Imai, Y Inukai, H Tateyama. Properties of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/layered silicate nanocomposites prepared by two-step polymerization procedure. Polym Journal,35(3), 2003, 230-235.

[5] CF Ou, MT Ho, JR Lin. The nucleating effect of montmorillonite on crystallization of PET/montmorillonite nanocomposite. J Polym Res, 10, 2003, 127-132.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Pattern Evaluation Using Data Warehouse: A Case Study






Trivedi Prakashkumar Hitendrabhai

Page No.



Data pattern to be obtain by cretin advance system using different network. Event occur at particular places, for this purpose pattern evaluation perform. Data warehouse played important role in the contemporary system for pattern evaluation.The study wants to convey different s style for pattern evaluation system. Case study is using as research methodology which is utilizing for proving the identical objective of the research. The study take support from the past researches base on pattern evaluation. In many cases data utilized as a secondary data. Here secondary data is important because the study using case study methodology. The work tries to observe this cases and observing the pattern evaluation is important for data warehouse


Keywords: - Pattern Evaluation

[1] Dr.S.P.Gupta , Statistical Methods - 37 Revised,2008 Published by Sultan Chand & Sons.
[2] B. Chazelle. Cutting hyperplanes for divide-andconquer.Discrete and Computational Geometry, 9(2):145–158, 1993.
[3] T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein. Introduction to Algorithms. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2nd edition, 2001.
[4] J. Erickson. New lower bounds for convex hull problemsin odd dimensions. SIAM Journal of Computing,28:1198–1214, 1999. - A.U. Frank, J.F. Raper, and J.-P. Cheylan, editors. Lifeand motion of spatial socio-economic units. Taylor &Francis, London, 2001.L. J. Guibas, M. H. Overmars, and J.-M. Robert. Theexact fitting problem for points. Computational GeometryTheory and Applications, 6:215–230, 1996.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Coculture of Saccharomyces CerevisiaeC8-5and Candida TropicalisC0-7use foramylase production on Starch Products Medium






YapiYapi Eric || Alloue-Boraud W. A. Mireille || Ake M. D. Francine || DjeKoffi Marcellin

Page No.



This study was conducted to evaluate the capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida tropicalis to product amylase on agricultural product starch.Three starch samples were collected from different local products such as cassava, millet and corn.All isolated colonies of microorganisms were screened by amylase production on solid medium with iodine used solution for revelation. The effect of pH andsubstrate concentration were investigated in solid medium. Then the cell proteins, pH and amylase activity were followed during three days of liquid fermentation at 30°C. The results indicated that the best hydrolysis zones were obtained for using the corn starch(14±1.32 mm; 9± 1mm)and millet starch.............


Keywords: - Amylase activity, Candidatropicalis, coculture, Saccharomycescerevisiae

[1] Suganyadevi P., Rinku S., Liji T., Rajila C. Amylase production by Aspergillusniger undersubmerged fermentation using ipomoeabatata. International Journal of AppliedBiology and Pharmaceutical Technology2012,3: 175-182

[2] Aiyer P. V. Amylases and their applications.African Journal of Biotechnology2005, 4(13):1525-1529

[3] Vidyalakshmi R., Paranthaman R., Indhumathi. J. Amylase production on submerged fermentation by Bacillusspp. World Journal of Chemistry 2009, 4(1): 89-91 [4] Yalçın H.T., Çorbacı C. Isolation and characterization of amylase producing yeast and improvement of amylase production.Turkish .Journal ofBiochemistry 2013, 38(1): 101–108

[5] Akansha K., Varsha N. Production of amylase enzyme by isolated microorganisms and it'sapplication.International Journal Research of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences 2013, 3(4): 354 – 360


Paper Type


Research Paper



Discreteness charge in Josephson juncture






H. Torres-Silva || D. Torres Cabezas

Page No.



We discuss the connection between the inductance of LC circuit under the charge discreteness approach and the constitutive relation given by the inductance of a Josephson juncture where the discreteness of Cooper pair tunneling causes the periodic flux dependence of the current, with a period given by a universal quantum constant, the superconducting flux quantum h/2e.


Keywords: - Charge, discreteness, juncture, inductance, Josephson

[1] R. Tsu, Superlattice to Nanoelectronics, Amsterdam: Elsevier (2006)
[2] K. von Klitzing, G. Dorda and M. Pepper, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 494 (1980)
[3] D. J.Thouless, J. Math. Phys. 35, 5362 (1994)
[4] Y. Q. Li and B. Chen, Phys. Rev. B 53 , 4027 (1996)
[5] B. Chen, X. Shen, Y. Li, L. L. Sun and Z. Yin, Phys. Lett. A 335, 103 (2005)


Paper Type


Research Paper



Study of The Stress-Strain State of The Shaking Conveyor Mechanism






Algazy Zhauyt || Sagadat Mederbekkyzy || Yerzhan Akimbek || Nauruzbek Narzulloyev || Kemel Boribekov

Page No.



In this paper is studied a vibratory conveyor that is placed on an elastic base. Using the closed contours method it was determined the system that needs to be solved to obtain graphical representation for the generalized coordinates determining the position of the mechanical system elements. The shaking conveyor represents the chase hanged or supported to the fixed section. The chase commits oscillating motions hereupon the cargo which is in the chase, migrates concerning to the chase..............


Keywords: - Stress-strain state, vibrating conveyor, equation, APM structure 3D, differential equation

[1] Andrea, V., Nicolae, U. and Loana, A. M., Determining the maximal relative motion speed considering the influence of two parameters, using a new optimization method. ACTA Technicanapocensis, №4 (55) (2012) 949-954.
[2] Wyk, A. J., Snyman J. A., Heyns, P.S., Optimization of a vibratory conveyor for reduced support reaction force. N&O Journal,№1 (10) (1994) 12-17.
[3] Andrea, V.,Nicolae, U. and Loana, A. M., Contribution to the optimization of relative motion on a vibrating conveyor. ACTA Technicanapocensis, №2 (55) (2012) 519-522.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Studies of Physical Properties Changes of Epoxy Compositions Including Elastomeric Polyurethanes Prepared With Different Polyols



 South Korea



Daeyeon Kim || Taehee Kim || BongkukSeo || Choong Sun Lim

Page No.



Elastomeric polyurethanes (PUs) were synthesized and added to epoxy resin. This was done to com-pensate for the brittleness of the epoxy resin. The PUs, which comprisesoft segments and hard segments, are often used as a toughener for an epoxy resins. Different types of polyols such as polycarbonate diol, polybuta-diene diol, polypropylene glycol, and polytetrahydrofuranhave been used to change the soft segments of the PUs. The modified soft segments of the PUs were added to the epoxy resin in order to see how the modified soft segment changed the physical properties of the epoxy resin compositions...........


Keywords: - Polyurethane, Epoxy resin, Adhesive, Physical property, Adhesive property

[1] J.I. Moon, Y.H. Lee, H.J. Kim, S.M. Noh, J.H. Nam, M.S. Kim, J.K. Kim, J.H. Kim, J. Adhesion In-terf.,12, 99(2011).
[2] B.L. Zhang, G.L. Tang, K.Y. Shi, Y.C. You, Z.J. Du, J.F. Yang, J. Huang, Eur. Polym. J.,36, 205(2000).
[3] R. Thomas, S. Durix, C. Sinturel, T. Omonov, S. Goossens, G. Groeninckx, P. Moldenaers, S. Thomas, Polymer,48, 1695(2007).
[4] S.G. Hong, C.K. Chan, ThermochimicaActa,417, 99(2004).
[5] T. Ashida, A. Katoh, K. Handa, M. Ochi, J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,74, 2955(1999).


Paper Type


Research Paper



Partial Replacement of Cement with Fly Ash In Concrete And Its Effect






Authors: Vinod Goud || Niraj Soni

Page No.



Fly ash a waste generated by thermal power plants is as such a big environmental concern. In modern decades, the industrialization and urbanization are the two phenomena that are spreading all over the world. Apart from the requirement of these phenomena, there should also be investigation into their negative impacts on the worldwide environment and common life. Most important poor effect of these international processes has been the production of large quantities of industrial wastes. Therefore, the problems related with their safe management and dumping has turned into a major test to environmentalists and scientists. Another problem is the stress on land, materials and resources to sustain the developmental activities, including infrastructure. The thermal power plants produce considerably large quantities of solid byproduct namely fly ash


Keywords: - Fly ash, Cement, Compressive strength

[1] Li Yijin, Zhou Shiqiong,Yin Jian and Gao Yingli, ―EFFECTS OF FLY ASH ON THE FLUIDITY OF CEMENT PASTE, MORTAR AND CONCRETE.‖, International workshop on sustainable development and concrete technology, Central South University, PRC, pp.339-345.
[2] Xianyu Jin and Zongjin Li.], ―Effects of Mineral Admixture on Properties of Young Concrete‖, Journal of materials in Civil Engineering @ ASCE, pp.435- 442 Sept-Oct- 2003.
[3] M.S.Shetty, ―Concrete Technology Theory and Practice‖, S. Chand & Company LTD, pp.124-147, 174-183, 349-361, 2011.
[4] Fly Ash For Cement Concrete, Ash Utilization Division NTPC Limited.
[5] M. L. ambhir, ―Concrete technology‖, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2004.