December - 2016 (Volume-6 ~ Issue-12 ~ Part-1)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Innovation In The Technique Of Thermal Lens Spectroscopy For Water






Jaime Hugo Puebla Lomas || Jose Luis Hernández || Aguilar, Juan Carlos Martínez Díaz

Page No.



This Paper Presents An Original Idea To Be Applied In Photothermal Techniques, Especially In The Thermal Lens Technique For Spectroscopic Detection, Where Instead Of Using Lasers Modulated By A Mechanical Chopper, An Electronic Card And Driver Are Used To Modulate Any Laser Diode Under The Scheme That Is Proposed In The Experiment That Applies For The Analysis In The Photothermal Techniques Presented. The Stability Of The Modulation Allows Us To Guarantee An Adequate Response Of The Experiment With The Amplitude And Face According With The Frequency. Keywords: Control, Diode Laser, Hardware, Stability.


Keywords: ................

[1] Patel, C,K,N. And A.C. Tam, Optical-Absorcion Coefficients Of Water.Nature,1979.280(5720):P.302-304.
[2] Buiteveld, H.,Hakvoort, J.H.M., And Donze M. The Optical Properties Of Pure Wáter. In Ocean Optics XII.1994,
[3] Pope, R.M. And E.S. Fry,Absorption Spectrum (380-700nm) Of Pure Wáter.2. Integrating Cavity Measurements. Applied Optics, 1997. 36(33):P. 8710-8723.
[4] Morel, A., Et Al., Optical Properties Of The "Clearest" Natural Waters. Limnology And Oceanograpy, 2007.52(1):P 217-229.
[5] Bialkowski, S.E., Phototermal Spectroscopy Methods For Chemical Analysis.1996, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.584.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Optimization through an Atomic Excitation Model






Mateus de Araujo Fernandes

Page No.



This paper intends to introduce a new metaheuristic, designed to solve optimization tasks. The proposed algorithm is a population-based neighborhood search inspired by a simplified atomic excitation model, where the energy state of an atom has influence in its orbital radius (region around the atom's nucleus with probability of finding electrons). An initial population of atoms is distributed in the search space, evaluating the cost function – which here mimics the energy level – at their nuclei's positions and with this establishing the surrounding space that will be investigated by the electrons that orbit each atom.......


Keywords: - Combinatorial optimization, Metaheuristics, Neighborhood Search, Population-based algorithms

[1] E. Elbeltagi, T. Hegazy, and D. Grierson, Comparison among five evolutionary-based optimization algorithms, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 19, 2005, 43-53.
[2] P. Hansen, and N. Mladenovic, Variable neighborhood search methods, in: C. A. Floudas, and P. M. Pardalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Optimization - 2nd Edition (New York, NY: Springer, 2009) 3975-3989.
[3] J.-S. Jang, C.-T. Sun, and E. Mizutani, Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing: A Computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1997).
[4] C. Blum, and A. Roli, Metaheuristics in combinatorial optimization: overview and conceptual comparison, ACM Computing Surveys, 35(3), 2003, 268-308.
[5] D. E. Goldberg, Genetic algorithms in search, optimization and machine learning (Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., 1989).


Paper Type


Research Paper



Software design to apply in thermal lens tests for spectroscopic detection of contaminant species, Iron Oxide II






Jaime Hugo Puebla Lomas || Raúl Kevin Monteón Valdés || Juan Carlos Martínez Díaz

Page No.



This article presents the design of software for controlling the amplitude and frequency modulation. The main reason for controlling the amplitude is because Iron Oxide II is an element found in some drinking water pipelines.One of the most demanding techniques for detecting contaminant species is the thermal lens. This paper presents only the design of the system that will have the function of controlling the modulation of one of the laser diodes


Keywords: - Control, Laser diode, Modulation, Software

[1] Ríos Medellín, M. A., Puebla Lomas, J.H., Hernández Aguilar J.L.(Control Prototype Excitation Laser Diodes Using Differencial Pair Transistor Configuration And Interface) Vol. 04, Issue 12 (December. 2014), ||V3|| PP 29-33. Recuperado de ISSN (e):2250-3021.

[2] Lara Valadez F.I. Puebla Lomas, J.H., Hernández Aguilar J.L.( Modulation In Frequency of a Laser Diode with a Low Power Bipolar Transistor) Vol. 04, Issue 03 (March. 2014), ||V4|| PP 31-35.
Recuperado de ISSN (e): 2250-3021.

[3] Gómez López P., González González V. Garza Navarro M. Esquivel González R. Síntesis y caracterización de nanocompósitos de óxido de hierro en un polímero semiconductor. Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica-UANL.

Paper Type


Research Paper



Effect of fenugreek (Trigonella foneumgraecium) seeds flour on amino acids profile, physical and organoleptic properties of Sudanese wheat bread






Sami S.A. Sidahmmed || Abdelmoneim I. Mustafa

Page No.



Purpose - The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of fenugreek seeds )raw (R.F) and germinated (G.F) ) flour at 2%, 4% and 6% levels on amino acids profile ,physical and organoleptic properties of the supplemented wheat flour bread ( loaf and baladi ) . Design/methodology/approach - Fenugreek seeds obtained from the local market were carefully cleaned, germination and a sample was milled into fine powder. Sudanese wheat grains obtained from the Agricultural Research Corporation (Wad Madani) were milled into white flour (72% extraction rate).The wheat flour was supplemented with 2%, 4% and 6% fenugreek flour (raw and germinated)............


Keywords: - Fenugreek; germinated fenugreek ; amino acids; Tin bread; Flat bread

[1] A A C C (2000). Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chem, 10th ed., St. Paul, MN., USA.
[2] Addisu, K. (2011). Optimization of Extrusion Conditions for Developing Ready-to-Eat Defatted Soy-rice and Chocolate Blend Extrudate. M.Sc. Thesis. Addis Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.
[3] Agrawal, S.R. (1990). Prospects for small-scale biscuit industry in the nineties. Indian Food Industry 9:19–21
[4] Badi, S. M.; Elfaki, H. A. and Perten, H. (1978). Evaluation of Sudanese wheat varieties. Sudan J. of Food Sci. and Techno., 10: 5.
[5] Bright, S.W.J. and Shewry, P.R. (1983). lmprovement of protein quality in cereals. CRC Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 1, 49-93.

Paper Type


Research Paper



Investigation of Different Geometrics of an Air-Cooled Heat Sink for Temperature Reduction by Using Finite Element Analysis






Patrick Petzka || Tien – Dat Hoang

Page No.



In the following study, the optimal geometry for an air-cooled heat sink of a 3D printer head was investigated, whereby the temperature in the inner area should be minimized. It has been seen that a maximal surface through a high number of fins is advantageous. The accumulation of material for a better heat conduction from the critical area has no essential influence on the cooling properties


Keywords: - Heat sink, Heat-break, 3D printer head, Fused Deposition Modeling, Finite element analysis, Radiation, Conduction

[1] PrinterextruderApplicationBriefCase-Study,ANSYS,Inc,2016Additive Fertigung, Laser-Sintern Und Industrieller 3D Druck, Vorteile Und Funktionsprinzipien, Schriftenreihe Des IÖW 206/14, Berlin, 2014.Additive Fertigungsverfahren, 2014.
[2] Https://Www.Vdi.De/Fileadmin/Vdi_De/Redakteur_Dateien/Gpl_Dateien/VDI_Statusreport_AM_2014_WEB.Pdf.
[3] Tabellegenerativeverfahren-IHK Blenzhttp://Www.Ihkkoblenz.De/Blob/Koihk24/Innovation/Downloads/1479422/1a7c72b4e6d2930bb91b4c19badd5fde/Uebersicht_Additive_Fertigungsverfahren-Data.Pdf

Paper Type


Research Paper



Physical Land Suitability Assessment Based On FAO Framework






Ranya Fadlalla Abdalla Elsheikh

Page No.



The land should be evaluated broadly based on physical and environmental condition. This paper provides the user with a flexible method to evaluate the land based on FAO framework (1976). The method presented in the FAO (1976) is used to provide the physical suitability assessment. The framework was adapted to suit the Malaysian agricultural requirements focusing particularly on mango cultivation in Terengganu as a practical case study. The selection of land qualities and land characteristics were pursued by carefully considering the available data, texts, and literature..............


Keywords: - FAO, GIS, Suitability, Spatial, Soil.

[1] Kihoro, J., Bosco, N. J., & Murage, H. Suitability analysis for rice growing sites using a multicriteria evaluation and GIS approach in great Mwea region, Kenya. SpringerPlus, 2, 265,2013
[2] Baniya, N. Land Suitability Evaluation Using GIS for Vegetable Crops in Kathmandu Vally/Nepal. University of Berlin ,2008.
[3] FAO. A framework for land evaluation. Soils Bulletin 32.FAO, Rome. : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1976.
[4] Baniya, N., Boehme, M., and Baniya, S. Physical Land Suitability Assessment for the Large Cardamom Amomum subulatum Roxb. Cultivation in Hills of Kathmandu Valley. Chinese Journal of Population, Resources and Environment, 2009, 7(4), 59-63.
[5] Mu, Y. (2006). Developing a Suitability Index for Residential Land Use: A case study in Dianchi Drainage Area. University of Waterloo, Canada ,2006.

Paper Type


Research Paper



An approach of TRIZ methodology with inventive solutions for toys used by children with special needs based on the requirements of quality house (QFD)






Marcos dos Santos || Mariana de Carvalho Fernandes || Fernanda Mattos Carpinteiro dos Santos || Fabrício da Costa Dias || João Julio Almeida || Jair Agner Júnior

Page No.



This paper will present a work based on the methodology of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) with some solutions for the development of lego foam toy, so that it can attend the learning of children with special needs. In this sense, a research was done with professionals who work with children of this segment, and also companies that manufacture this type of educational toy. The relationships of the needs of these children have established new requirements for the lego foam toy designs. The quality house elaborated at the end of this study showed the distance between the market and the segment serviced, as well as new possibilities to manufacture more efficient and effective products


Keywords: - Children, QFD, toys, TRIZ methodology

[1] SANTOS, Marcos; MARTHA, L. C.; QUINTAL, R. S.; MARTINS, E. R. Redimensionamento da linha de produção por meio da Simulação de Eventos Discretos: o caso do processo de acabamento em uma fábrica de sacos de lixo. Caderno de Cultura e Ciência, vol. 15, n. 1, p. 104 – 112, out. 2016.
[2] SANTOS, Marcos; Lima, I. C.; Lima, A. C.; QUINTAL, R. S. Otimização do portfólio de uma confecção de moda íntima: uma abordagem utilizando Programação Matemática. Revista CONTEXMOD, vol. 4, n. 1, out. 2016.
[3] CUNHA, Nylse. Brinquedos ajudam formar a personalidade de crianças com deficiência mental e autismo. Associação Brasileira de Brinquedos.
[4] MELLO, Carlos. Apostila Capítulo QFD. Itajubá, 2012. Available in: <>
[5] SLACK, N.; CHAMBER, S.; HARDLAND, C.; HARRISON, A. e JOHNSTON, R. Administração da Produção (São Paulo, Atlas, 2006).

Paper Type


Research Paper



Selection Of The Most Proper 100 Kw Wind Turbine For Electric Generation






LutfuSagbansua || Figen Balo

Page No.



A rising attraction in sustainable power resources, owing to,country level levy inducement and increasing fuel expensesare driving the search toadvance a series of developing novelpower production equipment and unified solutions. The wind energy is one ofthe bestinstances on this issue. Small and micro wind turbine systems can be competitive with conventional energy counterparts. As a result of negative effects of bad emissions and increasing awareness on global warming, there is a rising interestin setting up domesticsmall wind energystations. Small wind turbine systems have a number of advantages.........


Keywords: - Sustainable energy, Small wind turbine choose, Multi-criteria decision making, AHP, Energy efficiency.

[1] Chong Li*, Youying Liu, Gang Li, Jianyan Li, Dasheng Zhu, Wenhua Jia, Guo Li, Youran Zhi, Xinyu Zhai, Evaluation of wind energy resource and wind turbine characteristics at two locations in China, Technology in Society 47 (2016) 121-128.
[2] A. V. Da Rosa, Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, California: Academic Press, 2009.
[3] J. F. Manwell, J. G. McGowan and A. L. Rogers, Wind Energy Explained, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2002.
[4] "Noise from Wind Turbines - The Facts," 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed December 2011].
[5] [5] J. Bukal, K. Damaziak, H.R. Karimi, K. Kroszczynski, M. Krzeszowiec, J. Malachowski, Modern small wind turbine design solutions comparison in terms of estimated cost to energy output ratio, Renewable Energy 83 (2015) 1166e1173

Paper Type


Research Paper



A model for the cost of accidents considering drivers' alertness criteria






Shahin Shabani || Azadeh Ghanbarpour || Pedram Esmaeeli

Page No.



Human factors are the main reasons of the traffic accidents. Among the human characteristics, alertness, directly affects the attention and concentration of the drivers which have impact on the severity and consequently, imposed cost of the accidents. In this study, focusing on the human factors, a cost model is generated based on the drivers' alertness parameters. In determining the alertness factors, considered parameters are; driver life style, behavioral habits, social and personal issues. Obtaining a 90 percent reliability level, variables like, age, sex, daily average work hour, illness and sleepiness indexes are statistically meaningful...............


Keywords: - Regression model, alertness criteria, traffic accident, sensitivity analysis

[1] Kaplan, S. and C. G. Prato. (2012) "Risk factors associated with bus accident severity at United States: A generalized ordered logit model", Journal of Safety Research, 43 (3), pp. 171-180.

[2] Stradling JR., Barbour C., (2000) "Prevalence of Sleepiness and its relation to autonomic evidence of arousals and increased inspiratory effort in community based population of men and women", Journal of Sleep 9, pp.381-388.

[3] Dawson, D., Noy, Y.I., Härmä, M., Akerstedt, T., Belenky, G. (2011) "Fatigue modeling: Practices and principles in real world settings", Accidents, Analysis and Prevention, 43, pp. 549-564.

[4] Roth, T., Roehrs TA., (2012) "Etiologies and squeal of excessive daytime sleepiness" Clinther18, pp. 562-576.

Paper Type


Research Paper



The Proposal of Investigation and Restoration of Historical Kastamonu Castle's Architecture






Ahmet Gökdemir || Can Demirel

Page No.



Historical places and constructions are important forms of expressing of the cultures and identities of societies. The ensurement of the sustainability of the Kastamonu Castle, which shelters the experiences of the regional and the country's history inside and which briefly has witnessed history, emerges as the most important value. In this study; characteristic properties of The Historical Kastamonu Castle, used materials and the reasons of the constructional deterioration of the castle have been suggested. The Historical Kastamonu Castle is important in terms of the transfer of the cultural heritage of the region to the next generation, by conserving the original features of this heritage.


Keywords: - Historical Construction, sustainability, constructional deterioration.

[1]. Yıldırım, K. Ve Hidayetoğlu, ML., (2009), Türk Yaşam Kültürünün Geleneksel Türk Evlerindeki Yansımaları. 4th International Turkish Culture and Art Congress/Art Activity , Egypt, 02-07 November.
[2]., Erişim Tarihi : 20.04.2016

[3]., Erişim Tarihi : 15.05.2016

[4]. , Erişim Tarihi : 18.05.2016
[5]., Erişim Tarihi : 18.05.2016

Paper Type


Research Paper



RBF Identifier Based Adaptive Sugeno Type FLC for Vector Controlled Asynchronous Motor






Sami Sit || Hasan Riza Ozcalik || Erdal Kilic || Osman Dogmus

Page No.



In this paper a simulation study of Adaptive Sugeno type Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) for indirect field oriented controlled (IFOC) asynchronous motor drive system have been suggested. The structure of control scheme consists of neural network identifier and FLC. The Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network parameters are online updated by using back-propagation method. The consequent parameters of FLC are tuned online by using the RBF identified model. Speed control of asynchronous motor performance parameters such as steady state error, rise time, overshoot, undershoot and settling time are obtained for the suggested controller and compared with the conventional PI controller. Simulation results are included to show the suitability, effectiveness and robustness of the adaptive Sugeno type FLC. Adaptive Sugeno type FLC using the Matlab / Simulink simulation software was compared with the results obtained from conventional PI type controller.


Keywords: - Adaptive Sugeno type FLC, Asynchronous Motor, Indirect Field Oriented Control, PI Control, Radial Basis Function.

[1] Kilic, E., Ozcalik, H.R., Yilmaz, S., Sit, S., A Comparative Analysis of FLC and ANFIS Controller for Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive, 2015 IEEE International Aegean Conference on Electrical Machines & Power Electronics (ACEMP2015), 2-4 September 2015, Side-Antalya, Turkey.
[2] Eltamaly, A.M., Alolah, A.I., Badr, B.M., Fuzzy Controller for Three Phases Induction Motor Drives, 2010 IEEE Autonomous and Intelligent Systems - First International Conference, (AIS 2010), Povoa de Varzim, Portugal, June 21-23, 2010.
[3] Sit, S., Kilic, E., Ozcalik, H.R., Altun, M., Gani, A., Model Reference Adaptive Control based on RBFNN for Speed Control of Induction Motors. International Conference on Natural Science and Engineering (ICNASE'16), p. 3355-3364. 2016.
[4] Kim, G-S.,Ha, I-J., Myoung-Sam KO., Control of Induction Motors for Both High Dynamic Performance and High Power Efficiency. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 39, No. 4, August 1992.