July - 2016 (Volume-6 ~ Issue-7 ~ Part-2)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Study of The Adoption Aquaculture on Their Socio Economic Status.In Flds Under Krishi Vigyan Kendra Dewas, Madhya Pradesh, India






Ms. Nidhi Camble || Dr. Sandhya Choudhary || Dr. V.K. Swarnakar || Dr. Laxmi

Page No.



Studies revealed that the maximum profit from fish production can be achieved by adoption of proper recommended technology. Extent of adoption of the recommended fish production technology is one of the main reason contributing to low fish production. To improve the adoption of fish production technology, it is necessary to assess its level existing at actual situation. The perusal of data "overall average adoption of fish technology" revealed that out of the total fish farmers, the highest proportion of the fish farmers 36.67 per cent have adopted medium level of "overall average adoption of fish technology" technology before FLD's followed by low adoption 35.00 per cent and high adoption 28.33 per cent of "overall average adoption of fish technology" technology before FLD's respectively.


Keywords: ............................

[1] Carballo,Eira.; Eer,Assiah Van; Schie,Ton Van and Hilbrands,Aldin (2008). Small-scale freshwater fish farming. Agromisa Foundation and CTA, Wageningen

[2] Ewoukem,T.E.; Aubin,J.; Mikolasek,O.; Corson,M.S.; Eyango,M.T.; Tchouboue,J.; Werf.H.M.G, and Van,Der Omdredance,D. (2012). Environment impacts of farm integrating aquaculture and agriculture in Cameroon. Journal of Cleaner Production. 28:208-214.
[3] Fagbenro,O.A. (2005). Aquaculture in Nigeria: history, status and prospects. A report of FAO World Fish Centre Workshop. Cameroon.
[4] Mruthyunjaya (2004). Strategies and options for increasing and sustaining fisheries and aquaculture production to benefit poor households in India. National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research New Delhi, India.
[5] Reij,C. and Bayer,A.W. (2001). Farmer Innovation in Africa, Earthscan Publications Ltd., London. pp:362.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Integration of online Teaching Resources of University Ideological and Political Theory Course in the Era of Big Data







Page No.



In the era of big data, the integration of online teaching resources of university ideological and political theory courses is confronted with challenges' of large amount of data, diversity and the hide of the value. To take the opportunity and meet the challenges, we should clarify the connotation and components of the integration of online teaching resources of university ideological and political theory courses, following three integration principles. The guideline for the integration of online teaching resources of university ideological and political theory courses lies in integrating three different levels of teaching objectives: competence, knowledge and quality into three corresponding resource modules to enrich online teaching resources, so as to improve the effects of university ideological and political theory courses online teaching.


Keywords: - Big Data era, university ideological and political theory courses, online teaching, resources integration

[1] Snijders, C., Matzat, U., Reips, U.-D., 'Big Data': Big gaps of knowledge in the field of Internet, International Journal of Internet Science Theory, (7), 2012, 1-5.
[2] Hilbert, Martin. Big Data for Development: A Review of Promises and Challenges. Development Policy Review. Martinhilbert.net. Retrieved October 7, 2015.
[3] Liang Jiafeng, Qi Zhenhua. Ideological and political education in college in the era of big data. Studies in Ideological Education, (6), 2013.


Paper Type


Research Paper



A Case Study of Talent Training Scheme for English Major in Local Normal University in China: Also on Necessity of offering Business English Course






GAO Xia || HE Ji-fei

Page No.



Business English Course helps students develop international business theory ability for English majors, which can lay a good foundation for their future employment. "Normal" English curriculum is abundant in current talent training scheme for English Major of local Normal Universities. But some "non-normal" English Curriculum (such as business English) is set up seldom, which is unfavorable to the cultivation of the talents who adapt to today's society........


Keywords: - English talent training scheme, Survey report, Analysis and study, English Major, Business English course

[1] QIN Xiubai, Adhering to the Humanistic Concept of Teaching and Learning and Implementing college English Curriculum Requirements in an All-round Way, Computer-Assisted Foreign Language Education, (3), 2008, 3-7.
[2] LIU Runqing, On Reform of the Syllabus of English Teaching -- from Separate Syllabus to Unified Curriculum Standard, Foreign Language Teaching and Research, (6), 2002, 403-404.
[3] LIU Runqing, DAI Manchun, On the Reform of College English Teaching in China, Teaching English in China, (4),2004,3-8.
[4] Syllabus for English Majors in Colleges and universities (revised in 2000) ,http://wenku.baidu.com/link?url=MpSQItc0UD8Kh5YSlzIbcjKzGWfLUrUIXQYwMI3Fq0aa0em5H2q1QdjdfiwTK9zJCD8kkk0YvoMGv6Z8Aj4jOvsWaDPZgx9Z_vHIeiKLvI3, Nov 7,2015.
[5] Ellis M & John C. Teaching Business English . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994: 3-14.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Spatial distributions of forms of phosphorus of sediments by use of geographic information systems






Ali Dehbi || Hind Omari || Adil Lammini || Abdelaziz Abdallaoui

Page No.



In Mediterranean countries to semi-arid climate like Morocco, the phenomenon of eutrophication of water bodies is posed with great acuity. The enrichment of water of retaining dam by nutrients, especially phosphorus compounds causing an accelerated growth of algae and higher forms of plant. This development leads to an undesirable disturbance to the equilibrium of organisms present in the water and leads a degradation of the water quality. So it seems particularly useful to seek to determine the various forms of phosphorus bound to sediment and of evaluate in particular the contents of bioavailable forms...........


Keywords: - Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Phosphorus, Retaining of Sidi Chahed dam, Sediment, Spatial variations

[1] D J Conley, H. W. Paerl, R. W. Howarth, D. F. Boesch, S. P. Seitzinger, K. E. Havens, C. Lancelot, and G. E. Likens, Controlling eutrophication: nitrogen and phosphorus, Science, 323, 2009, 1014–1015.
[2] B A Mhamdi, A. Azzouzi, J. Elloumi, H. Ayadi, M. A. Mhamdi, and L. Aleya, Exchange potentials of phosphorus between sediments and water coupled to alkaline phosphatase activity and environmental factors in an oligo-mesotrophic reservoir, Comptes Rendus - Biol., 330, 2007, 419–428.
[3] H L Golterman, Fractionation of sediment phosphate with chelating compounds: a simplification, and comparison with other methods, Hydrobiologia, 335, 1996, 87–95.
[4] G K Nürnberg and R. H. Peters, The importance of internal phophorus load to the eutrophication of lakes with anoxic hypolimnia, Limnol. Oceanogr., 29, 1984, 190–194.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Study on Effect of Shape of Wall Jet on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Flat Plate






A.Z.A. Saifullah || Rasel Ahmed || Md. Arifuzzaman

Page No.



The present study aims to investigate by experiment the heat transfer characteristics of a mild steel plate by using three different shapes of Wall Jet, namely, Circular Jet, Elliptical Jet and Rectangular (Plane) Jet. It is found that Nusselt Number (Nu) increases up to Reynolds Number (Re) 14000and its rate of increasing is in the order of Circular>Elliptical>Rectangular. While Re>14000, rate of increasingNu becomes in the order of Elliptical>Circular>Rectangular.Pressure Co-efficient (Cp) decreaseslogarithmically for any value of Re.It is observed that for a fixed value of span-wise distance like 10.67cm,Cpfor Circular, Elliptical and Rectangular Wall Jetsare consecutively 0.074278, 0.02678 and 0.018569.If Cp decreases rapidly, heat transfer rate will decreases rapidly. Hence,cooling rate for Wall Jet flow follows the prescribed order ofCircular>Elliptical>Rectangular at low Re and Elliptical> Circular> Rectangular at high Re.


Keywords: - Wall Jet, Momentum, NusseltNumber, Reynolds Number, Pressure Co-efficient,Major axis.

[1] D. Li, X. Xia, F. Sun, Numerical Study on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Gas Turbine Coated Blades, 978-1-4244-4812-8, IEEE, March 2010, 1 – 4
[2] Yonghan Kim, Yongchan Kim, Heat transfer characteristics of flat plate finned-tube heat exchangers with large fin pitch, International Journal of Refrigeration,28, 14 April 2005, 851–858.
[3] A. Achaichai, T.A.Cowell, Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Characteristics of Flat Tube and Louvered Plate Fin Surfaces, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Brighton, Polytechnic, Moulsecoomb, Brighton, UK.
[4] Vinayak S. Powar, Prof. M. M. Mirza, Performance of Louver Fin Pattern as Extended Surface Used To Enhance Heat Transfer – A Review, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN: 2248-9622, 3(6),Nov-Dec 2013, 1409-1413.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Anti Facial Spoof By Using Lytro's LFC






T. Silpasree || N.DilipKumar

Page No.



The liability of the face recognition systems in the biometrics is a growing concern today, as still it remains vulnerable to the various sophisticated attacks that in determined the reliability of biometric systems. In this paper, we present a novel approach which accurately detects and mitigates the spoof attacks on the face by introducing a new Lytro called light field camera (LFC), also known as Plenoptic camera. LFC can records the multi dimensional data and also capture information about the light field emanating from the scene: i.e., the intensity of the light as well as the direction that the light rays were traveling in the space............


Keywords: - Biometrics, face-recognition, spoofing, security, Refocussing, light field camera.

[1] R. Raghavendra and C. Busch, ―Presentation attack detection algorithm for face and iris biometrics,‖ in Proc. 22nd Eur. Signal Process. Conf. (EUSIPCO), sep. 2014, pp. 1387–1391.
[2] I. Chingovska, A. Anjos, and S. Marcel, ―On the effectiveness of local binary patterns in face anti-spoofing,‖ in Proc. Int. Conf. Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), Sep. 2012, pp. 1–7.
[3] R. Raghavendra, B. Yang, Kiran B. Raja, and C. Busch, ―A new perspective—Face recognition with light-field camera,‖ in proc. Int. Conf. Biometrics (ICB), Jun. 2013, pp. 1–8.
[4] N. Erdogmus and S. Marcel, ―Spoofing in 2D face recognition with 3D masks and anti-spoofing with Kinect,‖ in Proc. IEEE 6th Int. Conf. Biometrics, Theory, Appl. Syst. (BTAS), Sep./Oct. 2013, pp. 1–6.
[5] S.Chakraborthy and Dhrubajyothi Das ―Overview of face liveliness detection" in proc. IEEE IJIT vol.3 no.2, Apr 2014


Paper Type


Research Paper



Multichannel Signal Processing Using Tas5508 and Tas5121






Dr.Kadam Vipulsangram K || Sirsat Amole A

Page No.



Today's requirement of multichannel audio system can be full filled by using the TAS5508 eight channel digital pulse width modulator which provides both advanced performance & a high level of system integration. Multichannel audio system using PWM based open-loop digital class-d audio power amplifier pusses a fundamental problem of inherent nonlinearity of PWM process. This can be overcome by using a high performance digital power amplifier TAS5121 from Texas instruments incorporate in. The dynamic range control (DRC) techniques described to get the both compression & expansion capabilities over the three separate & definable regions of audio signal levels. Loudness compatioation is explained & the performance of demodulation filter is given to attenuate the high frequency components of the output signals that are out of the audio band. Lastly the performance analysis is given.


Keywords: - ..........................

[1] http://www.ieee.org/portal/cms_docs/pubs/confstandards/pdfs/Author-PDF-Guide-V32-WIN.pdf.
[2] http://www.ams.org/tex/type1-fonts.html.
[3] http://mpa.itc.it/markus/highres_pdf.html.
[4] E.G. Williams. Fourier Acoustics – Sound Radiation and Nearfield Acoustic Holography, Academic Press, 1999.
[5] J.B. Allen and D.A. Berkley, Image method for efficiently simulating small-room acoustics, J. Acoust. Soc. Am, vol. 65, No. 4, pp. 943-948, Apr. 1979.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Improved Signal Processing and Calibration Methods for GPR Tomography



United States



Yasar Guzel || Ali Nassib

Page No.



A fast matchedfilter reconstruction technique for ground penetrating radar (GPR) tomography is proposed for generating 2D images of buried objects with signal processing techniques to calibrate GPR data. Reconstruction of a 2D image from these data is achieved with numerical discretization and matched-filter techniques. This requires less computational power and is simpler to implement relative to matrix inversion or other inversion methods. The primary benefits, as compared to other GPR imaging methods, are improved resolution and 2D imaging for easy survey analysis..............


Keywords: - Born approximation, Calibrations, Ground penetrating radar, Radio frequency, Matched-filter, Tomography.

[1] K. H. Ko, G. Jang, K. Park, and K. Kim, "GPR-Based Landmine Detection and Identification Using Multiple Features," Int. J. Antennas Propogations, vol. 2012, 2012.

[2] A. Dyana, C. H. S. Rao, and R. Kuloor, "3D Segmentation of Ground Penetrating Radar Data for Landmine Detection," in 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), 2012, pp. 858–863.

[3] M. C. Wicks, "RF Tomography with Application to Ground Penetrating Radar," in Signals, Systems and Computers, 2007. ACSSC 2007. Conference Record of the Forty-First Asilomar Conference on, 2007, pp. 2017–2022.

[4] T. J. Cui and W. C. Chew, "Diffraction Tomographic Algorithm for the Detection of Three-dimensional Objects Buried in a Lossy Half-Space," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 42–49, 2002


Paper Type


Research Paper



Reconstructing ISAR Target via Dipole Model



United States



Dr. Ali Nassib || Yasar Guzel

Page No.



This paper addresses a unique method of ISAR dipole model image by employing vector dyadic contrast function technique. The current ISAR imaging algorithms rely upon the assumption that the area under investigation consists of a superposition of infinitesimally small isotropic scatterers (i.e., the point scatterer model). This approximation fails to capture the true real-world scattering mechanisms occurring within the targets of interest. Therefore, this paper proposes a batter imaging technique which based upon the assumption that targets can be modeled as a collection of infinitesimally small dipoles. The orientation of each dipole is accounted in a dyadic contrast function. The image reconstruction, i.e., retrieval of the dyadic reflectivity function from measured data, will not only provide information regarding the shape but also the direction of predominant edges of the target.


Keywords: - Inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR); Dipole model (DM), Point scatterer model.

[1] C. Balanis, Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, Wiley, 2012.

[2] K. Barkeshli, Advanced Electromagnetics and Scattering Theory, Springer, 2014.

[3] C. OZDEMIR, Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With Matlab Algorithms, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons INC, 2012.

[4] D. K. Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1989.

[5] A. Nassib, T. Negishi, D. Erricolo, M. Wicks et L. Lo Monte, «A Dyadic Target Model for Multistatic SAR/ISAR Imaging,» chez 2015 IEEE International Radar Conference, Arlington, 2015.