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Research Paper |
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A New Aspect Of Double-Framed Normal Fuzzy Soft Ideal Structures Over Hemi Rings |
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India |
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R.Jahir Hussain || K. Sampath || P.Jayaraman |
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01-10 |
In this paper, we provide a general algebraic frame work for handling double-framed information by combining the theory of double-framed fuzzy soft sets with hemi rings. First, we present the concepts of double-framed fuzzy soft h-ideals and normal double-framed fuzzy soft h-ideals. Second, the characterizations of double-framed fuzzy soft h-ideals are investigated by means of positive t-cut, negative s-cut and homomorphism. Third, we give a general algorithm to solve decision making problems by using double-framed fuzzy soft set.
Keywords: Soft set, Hemi ring, Double-framed fuzzy soft set, Double-framed fuzzy soft h-ideal, comparison table,. -inclusive, -exclusive
[1] H. Aktas. and N. C.agman, Soft sets and soft groups, Inform. Sci. 177 (2007), 2726-2735.
[2] F. Feng, Y. B. Jun and X. Zhao, Soft semirings, Comput. Math. Appl. 56 (2008), 2621-2628..
[3] F. Feng, C. Li, B. Davvaz and M. I. Ali, Soft sets combined with fuzzy sets and rough sets: a tentative approach, Soft Comput. 14 (6) (2010), 899-911.
[4] A.R.Hadipour, Double framed soft BF-algebras- Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.7, No.4(2014), 491-496
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Research Paper |
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Textile Weaving Order Planning Decision Support Tool Based on Fuzzy Logic |
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Zimbabwe |
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Lindani K Ncube || Takawira R Chikowore || Nqobizitha R Sibanda |
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11-17 |
In the manufacturing environment, the process of order planning is on-going as a result of more orders coming in from customers. To process the orders, raw materials are needed, and these are limited and need to be utilised efficiently in a sustainable manner. A tool, based on fuzzy logic was developed to aid textile weaving production management in decision support. Matlab 7.8.347(r2009a) was used to develop the fuzzy logic module. The tool is capable of providing an optimum number of orders that can be processed in the weaving shed given the raw material in stock and the number of orders received from customers. A verification of the model showed that from the orders that were received and the available raw material in stock, 80% of the orders could be processed instead of only 50% that were currently being processed, indicating 30% possible improvement in production, and 1.2% improvement in daily profit.
Keywords: fuzzy logic, textile weaving, order planning, decision support, beam length
[1]. A.N.M.M. Rahman and M.R. Amin, Efficiency analysis in rapier loom, International Journal of Basic& Applied Sciences, 11(03), 2011, 44-50
[2]. A. Kaur and A. Kaur, Comparison of mamdani-type and sugeno-type fuzzy inference systems for air
condition system, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, 2(2), 2012, 323-325
[3]. M.H.F. Zarandi, M. Esmaeilian and M.M.F. Zarandi, A systematic fuzzy system modelling for
scheduling of textile manufacturing system, International Journal of Management Science and
Engineering Management, 2(4), 2007, 297-308
[4]. The Mathswork Inc., Fuzzy Logic ToolboxTM User's Guide R2011b for use with Matlab. 2011
[5]. W.J. Stevenson, Production/Operations Management (Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1999)
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Research Paper |
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Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Estimation Algorithms; A Review |
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India |
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Bhasker Pandey || Dr. Shimi S. L. |
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18-22 |
The Objective of the work is to assess the improving risk stratification of measurements, unadjusted and adjusted for heart rate, of heart rate variability (HRV) and the average amplitude values and average time intervals between different peaks based on 2 to 24-h ambulatory electrocardiographic recordings; and to relate this to the decision to use an Ventricular Fibrillation and cost-effectiveness. Background: Risk stratification for high risk or low risk of lethal ventricular arrhythmic events, and hence for a decision about defibrillator implant, most commonly utilizes the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Electrocardiographic (ECG) approaches include 24-h ambulatory ECG recordings, with counts of ventricular premature contractions (VPCs), measures of heart rate variability (HRV) average amplitude and time average values...............
Keywords: Cardiac arrhythmias; Electrocardiogram; Data Analysis; Principle Component Analysis.
[1] Tsu-Wang. Shen, Hsiao-Ping Shen, Ching-Heng Lin, and Yi-Ling Ou, "Detection and Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) For Personal Healthcare", IEEE Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society International, Lyon France,pp. 2075-2078, 23-26,August 2007.
[2] Fijoy Vadakkumpadan, Natalia Trayanova, Laurent Younes, and Katherine C.Wu, "Left-Ventricular Shape Analysis for Predicting Sudden Cardiac Death Risk", IEEE 34th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society San Diego, California USA, pp. 4067-4070, 28 August - 1 September, 2012.
[3] F Chiarugi, V Sakkalis, D Emmanouilidou, T Krontiris, M Varanini, I Tollis,"Adaptive Threshold QRS Detector with Best Channel Selection Based on a Noise Rating System" International Journals on Computers in Cardiology, vol 34,pp.157−160,2007.
[4] Joyce C. Ho1, Yubin Park, Carlos M. Carvalho, Joydeep Ghosh" DYNACARE: Dynamic Cardiac Arrest Risk Estimation", Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics , Scottsdale, AZ, USA. Vol. 31 of JMLR: W&CP 31 pp. 333-341,2013.
[5] Komala.k, M.Z. Kurian, Ashwini.S.Shivannavar" Real Time Access & Control of EMG Signals Using LabVIEW Based Web Browser" IEEE 3rd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification in Communication, Hong Kong, pp. 406 – 409 , 20-22 August 2009.
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Research Paper |
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Design, Simulation andAnalysis of Self-Adjusting Bicycle Front Wheel |
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India |
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Dhiral Sawlani |
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23-33 |
The primary requirement of front suspension in bicycles is to absorb shocks, provide better handling, riding comfort and safety to the rider. A newly designed front wheel with five self-adjusting spokes that have provision of shock absorption directly through the standard bicycle rim can be an inclusion to the effectiveness in the design of the conventional bicycle rim with front shock absorbers and to overcome the limitations offered by a prototype of four spoke self-adjusting wheel design. The newly designed bicycle wheel is based on the standard bicycle rim with an arrangement of five Spring Steel Strips instead of conventional spokes. A Pentagonal Hub is used that supports the Axle of the bicycle and Spring Steel Strips. The Spring Steel Strips act as supporting member as well as a damping member................
Keywords: Standard Bicycle Rim, Bicycle Wheel, Shock, Shock Absorption, Spring Steel Strips, Pentagonal Hub, Finite Element Analysis.
[1]. D. L. Milliken, J. C. Martn, J. E. Cobb, K. L. McFadden and A. R. Coggan, "Validation of a Mathematical Model for Road Cycling Power," Journal of Applied Biomechanics, no. 14, pp. 276 - 291, 1998.
[2]. V. B. Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements Third Edition, New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, 2012.
[3]. D. G. Wilson, "Power and speed," in Bicycling Science 3rd Edition, Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2004, pp. 123 - 169.
[4]. R. Pandey, Development and Simulation of Test Bench for Truck Brakes, Indore: Sri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology & Science, 2014.
[5]. AZoM, "AISI 1008 Carbon Steel (UNS G10080)," 2018. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 2 January 2018].
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Research Paper |
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Equipment Productivity Forecasting Model for Multi-storey Building Construction Through Regression Analysis |
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India |
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Neelima Suresh J || Sahimol Eldhose |
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34-40 |
Construction productivity measurement is the analysis into the ratio of total output to the total input of the construction process. Inputs generally refer to labor, equipment and materials costand output in terms of total value of the project. The aim of this study is to identify critical factors that affectsequipment productivity and to develop a mathematical model for equipment productivity forecasting of building construction and to do the validation of the model. Identification of factors is done by conducting literature survey and interview session with the site engineers,project engineers and contractors and are evaluated using relative importance index method. Based on the identified factors equipment productivity forecasting model is developed usingMultivariate Linear Regression Technique(MLR).The model was developed using 50 sets of data collected from multi-storied residential projects in Trivandrum. It is found that MLR have the ability to forecast the productivity with good degree of accuracy of the coefficient of correlation(R) 73% for Equipment productivity model.
Keywords: ....................
[1] . Abdulaziz M. Jarkas and Camille G. Bitar (2012) "Factors Affecting Construction Labor Productivity in Kuwait",
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,138,pp.811-820
[2] . Abraham Assefa Tsehayae and Aminah Robinson Fayek (2016) "Developing and Optimizing Context-Specific
Fuzzy Inference System-Based Construction Labor Productivity Models",Journal of Construction Engineering and
[3] . Argaw Tarekegn Gurmu and Ajibade Ayodeji Aibinu (2017) "Construction Equipment Management Practices for
Improving Labor Productivity in Multi-storey Building Construction Projects", Journal of Construction
Engineering and Management, 143,pp.810-813
[4] . Arun Makulsawatudom and Margaret Emsley (2014) "Factors Affecting The Productivity Of The Construction
Industry In Thailand: The Foremen's Perception", Construction Research Congress, 130,pp.340-363
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Research Paper |
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Technical Assessment of Two Alcohol Generator Sets |
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Costa Rica |
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Kattia Solís || Pedro Casanova |
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41-47 |
This study aimed to evaluate the performance of two gensets, using as fuel, alcohol from fuel station and farm distillery. Specifically, to evaluate the power generation, the specific fuel consumption as well as the efficiency of the two gensets. The alcohol fuel from farm distillery was produced from residues of sugar cane aguardiente (head and tail), with an alcoholic content of 91%. It was used a single-phase generator of 10 kVA and three-phase generator of 42 kVA. For the generator 1 the specific fuel consumption was 0.93 L kWh-1 and 0.90 L kWh-1 and for generator 2 was 0.62 L kWh-1 and 0.71 L kWh-1 for alcohol from fuel station and farm distillery, respectively. With the increasing of power, the specific fuel consumption decreased and the efficiency increased. When the working power generator set increase, the efficiency increased. It was determined that the efficiency for the generator 1 was greater when it was used alcohol from farm distillery for the same load. In the case of the generator 2, the efficiency was higher with the ethanol fuel station for power values between 22.27 and 25.99 kW.
Keywords: Energy generation, alcohol, alternative fuel, generator, bioelectricity.
[1] M. F. Neves, V. G. Trombin, G. Consoli. O mapa sucroenergético do Brasil. In: Etanol e bioeletricidade: a cana-de-açúcar no futuro da matriz energética. Coordenação e organização Eduardo L. Leão de Souza e Isaias de Carvalho Macedo. São Paulo: Luc Projetos de Comunicação, 2010.
[2] ANP. Resolução ANP Nº 7, de 9/2/2011. Estabelece as especificações do álcool etílico anidro combustível ou etanol anidro combustível e do álcool etílico hidratado combustível ou etanol hidratado combustível, contidas no Regulamento Técnico ANP nº 3/2011. Available at
[3] CIMA. Resolução Nº 37/2007. Dispõe sobre a adição de álcool etílico anidro combustível à gasolina. Available at$f=templates$3.0.
[4] F. Nigro, A. Szwarc. Veículos Flex. No resumo de: Etanol e bioeletricidade: a cana-de-açúcar no futuro da matriz energética. Coordenação e organização Eduardo L. Leão de Souza e Isaias de Carvalho Macedo. São Paulo: Luc Projetos de Comunicação, 2010. Available at
[5] BNDES - CGEE. Bioetanol de cana-de-açúcar: energia para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Organização BNDES e CGEE. Rio de Janeiro: BNDES, 2008. 316 p.
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Effect of Alkali Environment on the Tensile Strength of A Welding Line In an Injection Molding Part |
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Vietnam |
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Thanh Trung Do || Pham Son Minh |
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48-52 |
To observe the effect of alkaline concentration on weld line strength, after the molding process, the molded part was soaked in alkaline solution. Alkaline solutions with pH levels of 7.0, 8.0, 9.5, 11.5, 12.5, and 13.0 were applied for a period of 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, and 5 months. The experimental results show that with the same soaking time, the strength force is reduced with higher alkaline concentration. In the case of pH 13.0, the strength decreased rapidly in the first month and changed from 34.75 to 30.39 MPa (about 9.1%).
Keywords: Plastic process, injection molding, alkali environment, weld line strength.
[1] S. Fellahi, A. Meddad, B. Fisa, and B.D. Favis, Weldlines in injection-molded parts: A review, Adv. Polym. Technol., 1995; 14(3) :169-195.
[3] C. H. Wu, W. J. Liang, Effects of Geometry and Injection-Molding Parameters on Weld-Line Strength, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2005; 45(7) :1021–1030.
[4] N. Merah, M. Irfan-ul-Haq, Z. Khan, Effects of injection molding weld on fatigue crack resistance of CPVC at different temperatures, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2004; 155 – 156 :1261 – 1265.
[5] C. S. Chen, T. J. Chen, R.D. Chien, S. C. Chen, Investigation on the weldline strength of thin-wall injection molded ABS parts, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2007; 34 (4) :448 – 455.
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Metal Spray Deposition and Corrosion Properties of Brass Coatings on Plain Carbon Steel Substrates |
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Iran |
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Mohammad Reza Dastan || Gholam Hosein Khalaf |
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53-58 |
Coating is a process that is partially or completely applied on the surface of the elements and alloys in different ways to prevent the base metal from corrosion, wear and failure at high temperatures. Thermal spray coating is one of the most effective coating methods to protect surfaces. In this process, relatively thick coatings layer is deposited. Optimum coverage conditions are selected based on the desired requirements. In this research, brass alloys with thicknesses of 0.75 and 1 mm were coated on plain carbon steel via metal spray coating method. In order to study the surface behavior, corrosion testing was performed to determine corrosion conditions. Salt spraying was also performed to determine the lifetime of the coating, and finally a pin to disk wear test was performed............
Keywords: Thermal spray, brass alloys, corrosion, wear.
[1] E. Turunen, T. Varis, T.E.Gustafsson, J.Keskinen, P.Lintunen, T.Fält, S-P. Hannula "Process optimization and performance of nanoreinforced HVOF sprayed ceramic coatings"Proceedings of16th Internatioal plansee seminar(2012).
[2] N. Jegadeeswaran, M. R. Ramesh, K. Udaya Bhat "Oxidation Resistance HVOF Sprayed Coating 25% (Cr3C2-25(Ni20Cr))75%NiCrAlY on TitaniumAlloy" Procedia Materials Science 5 (2014 )11–20
[3] Al-Fadhli H.Y., J. Stokes, M.S.J. Hashmi, B.S. Yilbas, The erosion–corrosion behaviour of high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) thermally sprayed inconel-625 coatings on different metallic surfaces, Surface & Coatings Technology 200, 5782–5788. (2006).
[4] Thermal Spray Materials Guide, Sulzer Metco, May ۲۰۱۲
[5] Ringey D. A., Glaeser W. A., "Wear Resistance", Metals Handbook, ASM, Ed. 9, Vol. 1, pp. 579-638.
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Implementation of Pwm Technique For Integrated High Gain Boost Resonant Converter |
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India |
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S.Sathishkumar || R.Nagarajan || R.Yuvaraj || M. Sridhar || M.Elangovan |
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59-66 |
The Effective photovoltaic (PV) power conditioning requires well organized power conversion and accurate maximum power point tracking to neutralize the effects of panel mismatch, shading, and variation in power output during a daily cycle. This paper presents a unique method for widening the input range of pulse width modulation of integrated resonant converters and it maintains high conversion efficiency with low component count, galvanic isolation and simple control circuit. The technique primarily unites constant ON, constant OFF, and fixed frequency control depending on the required duty cycle. With hybrid-frequency control, the circuit also retains zero current switching for the output diodes, minimizes the switching loss, and eliminates circulating energy at the transformer across the entire operating range.
Keywords: Current Source Inverter (CSI), Photovoltaic (PV), Extended Switched Inductor quasi-Z-Source Inverter (ESL-qZSI), Z-Source Inverter (ZSI).
[1] Yi-Ping Hsieh, Jiann-Fuh Chen, Tsorng-Juu Liang and Lung-Sheng Yang, Novel High step up DC-DC Converter with Coupled-Inductor and Switched-Capacitor Techniques for a Sustainable Energy System, IEEE Trans. Power Electron. Vol. 26, No. 12, December 2011.
[2] R.Nagarajan and M,Saravanan, "Performance Analysis of Multicarrier PWM Strategies for Cascaded Multilevel Inverter," European Journal of Scientific Research (EJSR), Vol.92 No.4, pp. 608-625, Dec. 2012.
[3] A. S. Masoum, F. Padovan, and M. A. S. Masoum, "Impact of partial shading on voltage- and current-based maximum power point tracking of solar modules,"Proc. IEEE PES General Meet., 2010, pp. 1–5.
[4] R.Nagarajan and M,Saravanan, "A Carrier - Based Pulse Width Modulation Control Strategies for Cascaded Multilevel Inverter," International Review on Modeling and Simulations (IRMOS), Vol 6.No1, pp-8-19, Feb. 2013.
[5] M.Elangovan, R.Yuvara, S.Sathishkumar and R.Nagarajan, "Modelling and Simulation of High Gain Hybrid Boost Converter," International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER), Volume 5, Issue 6, pp. 9- 14, June-2017.
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Research Paper |
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An Experimental Analysis on the Effects of Additives with Blends of Alternative Fuels on CI Engine Performance Using Modified Piston Geometry |
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India |
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M. Suresh || R. Hari Prakash || B. Durga Prasad |
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67-75 |
Around the world, there is a growing increase in biofuels consumption, mainly ethanol and biodiesel as well as their blends with diesel that reduce the cost impact of biofuels while retaining some of the advantages of the biofuels. The usage of additive is also predominant in the current era of auto motives. The inclusion of small amounts of chemical lead to improvement of many engine, combustion and emission characteristics. In this paper, the improvement in performance of engine is experimentally analyzed by considering four additives. These are 2-Ethylhexyl Nitrate, Octyl Nitrate, Isopropyl Nitrate and Di-Tert-Butyl Peroxide. These additives are added to two alternate fuel blends, one from Thurayi seed oil and other from Cuban royal palm seed oil. In addition to the investigation of these fuels in standard piston, two modified of piston configurations are considered the effect of additives is also inspected.
Keywords: Additives, CI engine, Emission analysis, Nitrate additives, Piston geometry.
[1] Lilia C. Fernfindez, "Effects of D-004, a Lipid Extract of the Fruit of the Cuban Royal Palm (Roystonea regia) or the Lipidosterolic Extract: A Controlled, Experimental Study". Current Therapeutic Research, Vol 69(1), 2008
[2] Edward Ntui Okey and Peggy Ari Okey, "Optimization of biodiesel production from nonedible seeds of Delonix regia (Gul Mohr)". International Journal of Bioresource Technology 2013, Vol. 1(1), PP: 01 – 08.
[3] Carmen L. Morales et al, "Physico-chemical characterization of the residual cake of D-004 production: lipids extract of the Roystonea regia fruits.Technical note". Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science2013, Vol. 47(4), pp.409-411.
[4] Nu´bia M. Ribeiro, Angelo C. Pinto, Cristina M. Quintella, et al., "The Role of Additives for Diesel and Diesel Blended (Ethanol or Biodiesel) Fuels: A Review", Energy & Fuels, American Chemical Society, 21, 2433-2445, 2007.
[5] H. K. Imdadul, H. H. Masjuki, M. A. Kalam, N. W. M. Zulkifli, M. M. Rashed, H. K. Rashedul, I. M. Monirul and M. H. Mosarof, "A comprehensive review on the assessment of fuel additive effects on combustion behavior in CI engine fuelled with diesel biodiesel blends", RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 67541.
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Research Paper |
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Textile Weaving Order Planning Decision Support Tool Based on Fuzzy Logic |
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Zimbabwe |
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Lindani K Ncube || Takawira R Chikowore || Nqobizitha R Sibanda || Peeps Gonde |
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76-81 |
In the manufacturing environment, the process of order planning is on-going as a result of more orders coming in from customers. To process the orders, raw materials are needed, and these are limited and need to be utilised efficiently in a sustainable manner. A tool, based on fuzzy logic was developed to aid textile weaving production management in decision support. Matlab 7.8.347(r2009a) was used to develop the fuzzy logic module. The tool is capable of providing an optimum number of orders that can be processed in the weaving shed given the raw material in stock and the number of orders received from customers. A verification of the model showed that from the orders that were received and the available raw material in stock, 80% of the orders could be processed instead of only 50% that were currently being processed, indicating 30% possible improvement in production, and 1.2% improvement in daily profit.
Keywords: Fuzzy logic, textile weaving, order planning, decision support, beam length.
[1] A.N.M.M. Rahman and M.R. Amin, Efficiency analysis in rapier loom, International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 11(03),
2011, 44-50
[2] A. Kaur and A. Kaur, Comparison of mamdani-type and sugeno-type fuzzy inference systems for air condition
system, International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering, 2(2), 2012, 323-325
[3] M.H.F. Zarandi, M. Esmaeilian and M.M.F. Zarandi, A systematic fuzzy system modelling for scheduling of textile
manufacturing system, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 2(4), 2007, 297-
[4] The Mathswork Inc., Fuzzy Logic ToolboxTM User‟s Guide R2011b for use with Matlab. 2011
[5] W.J. Stevenson, Production/Operations Management (Boston: Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1999)
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Research Paper |
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Analysis on Reliability Evaluation in Power System |
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India |
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Naresh Kumar Yadav |
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82-89 |
Assessment of reliability performance in each power systems has to be performed in a cost-benefit structure. The model, yet, a time-consuming task, particularly for the systems which includes a huge count of feasible configurations, so simpler modalities referred to the reliability indices evaluation are utilized. This paper makes a clear survey on fifteen reliability evaluation approaches. Three details like used methodology, performance measures, and best performance is categorized and reviewed under various forms like diagrammatic representation and tables.
Keywords: Reliability Evaluation; power System; performance Measure; Time-Consuming; Electic power Nomenclature.
[1]. Rade M. Ciric and Nikola L.J. Rajakovic, "A new composite index of reliability of supply in the industrial systems with distributed generation", Electrical Power and Energy Systems, vol. 44, pp. 824–831, 2013
[2]. S. Thapa, R. Karki and R. Billinton, "Utilization of the Area Risk Concept for Operational Reliability Evaluation of a Wind-Integrated Power System," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 4771-4779, Nov. 2013.
[3]. Pavlos S. Georgilakis and Yiannis A. Katsigiannis, "Reliability and economic evaluation of small autonomous power systems containing only renewable energy sources", Renewable Energy, vol. 34 pp. 65–70, 2009.
[4]. C. D'Annunzio and S. Santoso, "Wind power generation reliability analysis and modeling", IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2005, San Francisco, CA, USA, vol. 1, pp. 35-39, 2005.
[5]. R. Karki, Po Hu and R. Billinton, "A simplified wind power generation model for reliability evaluation", IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 533-540, June 2006.
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Research Paper |
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Survey on Power Transmission Behaviour of Microgrid |
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India |
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Naresh Kumar Yadav |
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90-96 |
The power transmission network, as a standard between utilization centers and power generation, includes a limited capability in addition to its own security concerns. Deregulation in electricity markets took place when the transmission network was not capable to hold the entire desired transactions are owing to certain contraventions in its functioning limits. Deregulations in electricity markets, if not controlled, can pave the way to oligopoly and market power. Hence, this survey intends to review various topics related to grid power transmission in power systems. Accordingly, the algorithmic classification for the surveyed papers was analyzed and portrayed. In addition, the performance measures and the maximum performance achievements are also analyzed and demonstrated in this survey along with the research gaps and challenges.
Keywords: Power transmission; MG; Performance measures; Research gaps; Maximum achievements.
[1] Y. X. He, J. Jiao, R. J. Chen, H. Shu, ―The optimization of Chinese power grid investment based on transmission and distribution tariff policy: A system dynamics approach‖, Energy Policy, vol. 113, pp. 112-122, February 2018.
[2] TurajAmraee, HosseinSaberi ―Controlled islanding using transmission switching and load shedding for enhancing power grid resilience‖, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 91, pp. 135-143, October 2017.
[3] Francesco Cadini, Gian Luca Agliardi, Enrico Zio, ―A modeling and simulation framework for the reliability/availability assessment of a power transmission grid subject to cascading failures under extreme weather conditions‖, Applied Energy, vol. 185, Part 1, pp. 267-279, 1 January 2017.
[4] Rodrigo Carareto, Murilo S. Baptista, CelsoGrebogi, ―Natural synchronization in power-grids with anti-correlated units‖, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1035-1046, April 2013.
[5] Hugh Scorah, Amy Sopinka, G. Cornelis van Kooten, ―The economics of storage, transmission and drought: integrating variable wind power into spatially separated electricity grids‖, Energy Economics, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 536-541, March 2012.
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