This research paper is intended to develop a finite queueingmodel M/M/c/K+Flush/Kwhich can help it in designing and implementation in order to obtain an efficient, low cost, and high-speed MANET.In this context, weemphasize on characterizing the average waiting time at the node, queueing delay,node utilization andmaximum achievable throughput per nodeso as to analyze some of the performance measures in order to enhance the QoS of MANET.The paper establishes a Markovian queueing model for MANET andpresents results that have been carried out via MATLAB. Impact of parameters such as the speed, the arrival rate and service rate on a mobile node in a given area using Poisson distribution is investigated.
Keywords: MANET, Markovian queueing model, Node utilization, Quality of Service (QoS).
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