Background: Brazil is the world's second largest producer of papaya, behind Mexico and India, respectively. Among the main consumers of Brazilian fruit are the United States, England, Germany and Portugal. The species Carica papaya is the most cultivated in the world. However, papaya is constantly infested and attacked by diseases and pests. Materials and Methods: The experiment was carried out in experimental area of papaya, cultivated with the species Carica papaya of the formosa group, belonging to the Experimental Farm of CEUNES / UFES in São Mateus – ES, Brazil.. The experiment was conducted in a 4 x 2 x 2 factorial scheme, with two distances (10, 20, 30 and 40 cm), two faces (exposed face and the back of the fruit near the stem) two spray systems (Electrostatic system connected and off) and four replicates,.........
KEYWORDS: Carica Papaya, Application distance, Spray
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