November - 2018 (Volume-8 ~ Issue-11 ~ Part-3)

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Performance Analysis of Multilevel Classifiers for Feature Reduced Intrusion Detection
Country :: India
Authors :: Dharmendra Kumar || Ravi Singh Pippal
Page No. :: 01-07

The rapid growth of Internet technologies and networks has led to a significant increase in attacks and intrusions. The detection and prevention of these attacks has become an important element for security. One of the important way to achieve security is to design intrusion detection to analyse and various attacks. Intrusion detection systems have a dimensionality defect that tends to increase temporal complexity and reduce the use of resources. Therefore, it is desirable that the important data features be analysed by an intrusion detection system in order to reduce dimensionality. In this paper co-relation coefficient, particle swarm optimization and genetic algorithm based feature reduction technique is used. These reduced features are then fed to multilevel classifiers for training and testing on KDD99 dataset. Comparison of these three feature reduction technique is performed and result is shown with respect to detection rate and false alarm rate metrics.

Keywords: Intrusion Detection, Feature Reduction, Correlation, Particle Swarm Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Multilevel Classifiers.

[1]. Fleuret, F., "Fast binary feature selection with conditionalmutual information",Journal of Machine Learning Research, 5, 1531–1555, 2004.
[2]. Chebrolu, S., Abraham, A. & Thomas, P., "Feature deduction and ensemble design of intrusion detection systems",Computer and Security, 24 (4), 295–307, 2005.
[3]. Mukkamela, S., & Sung, A. H., "Significant feature selection using computational intelligent techniques for intrusion detection", Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 24, 285–306, 2006.
[4]. Horng, S. J., Su, M.-Y., Chen, Y. H., kao, T. K., Chen, R. J., & Lai, J. L. , "A novel intrusion detection system based on hierarchical clustering and support vector machines", Expert Systems with Applications, 2010.
[5]. Amiri, F., Yousefi, M. M. R. , Lucas, C. , Shakery, A. , &Yazdani, N., "Mutual information based feature selection for intrusion detection",Network and Computer Application, 34 , 1184–1199, 2011.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Online tuning of Load Frequency Controller for multi area power system: GA Approach
Country :: India
Authors :: Amit Patel
Page No. :: 08-13

In an interconnected power system, as a power load demand varies randomly, in the case of any small sudden load change in any of the areas,both area frequency and tie-line power flow interchange also vary. The main goal of Load Frequency Control (LFC) are, to hold the frequency and the desired power output in the interconnected power system at the scheduled values and to control the change in the tie-line power flow between control areas.In this paper, the Load Frequency Control achieved by implementation of following conventional controller strategies: Proportional-Integral (PI) controller and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller technique. A three area load frequency model is constructed in Matlab/Simulink by implementing the GA tuning PI controller and GA tuning PID controller to control the frequency deviations. GA tuning PID controller technique rapidly track the reference frequency of system and better result in respect of rise time, settling time, peak time etc.

Keywords: Load Frequency Control (LFC), Automatic Generation Control (AGC) Proportional-Integral (PI) controller, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, Genetic Algorithm(GA).

[1]. G. R. Hareekaanth, S. Balamurugan, "Analysis and Implementation of Load Frequency Controller for Deregulated Power System", Biennial International Conference on Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTS E), IEEE, 2016.
[2]. Zhangxin Zhou, Garng M. Huang, Shankar P. Bhattacharyya, "Modern PID Controller Design for Load Frequency Control", IEEE, 2016.
[3]. Satish Kumar Meena, Saurabh Chanana, "Load Frequency Control of Multi Area System Incorporating SMES Technology", IEEE, 2015.
[4]. Hassan A. Yousef, Khalfan AL –Kharusi, Mohammed H. Albadi, "Load Frequency Control of a Multi –Area Power System: An Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Approach", IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, 2014.
[5]. Satish Kumar Meena , Saurabh chanana, "Comparative study of load frequency control using PID and FGPI controller", IEEE Transaction, 2014.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: CARD-Utility Guided Clustered Anonymization of Relational Data with Minimum Information Loss and Optimal Re-Identification Risk
Country :: India
Authors :: Kishore Verma S || Rajesh A || Adeline Johnsana J S
Page No. :: 14-25

Accumulation of relational data about the individual are exponentially grooming to support various organisations in maintaining financial records, manufacturing and logistical information and personnel data. These organisations are required to publish their data for analytical purposes. However this may cause privacy breach, if an invader deeds to link the possibly identifiable information to the records present in the published databases. Many data anonymization procedures that averts this threat by altering relational data before release have proposed in recent years, however these procedures suffers from information loss and utility loss. To address this issue, we propose a new utility guided clustered anonymization framework to anonymize relational data with high utility and less information loss.............

Keywords: Clustered Anonymization, Relational data, k-anonymization, Classification, Privacy and Utility.

[1]. Sweeney, L. (2002). k-anonymity: A model for protecting privacy. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 10(05), 557-570.
[2]. LeFevre, K., DeWitt, D. J., &Ramakrishnan, R. (2006, April). Mondrian multidimensional k-anonymity. In Data Engineering, 2006. ICDE'06. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on (pp. 25-25). IEEE
[3]. Ciriani, V., di Vimercati, S. D. C., Foresti, S., &Samarati, P. (2007). K-Anonymity. In Security in decentralized data management. Springer-Verlag.
[4]. El Emam, K., &Dankar, F. K. (2008). Protecting privacy using k-anonymity. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 15(5), 627-637.
[5]. Loukides, G., & Shao, J. (2007, March). Capturing data usefulness and privacy protection in k-anonymisation. In Proceedings of the 2007 ACM symposium on Applied computing (pp. 370-374). ACM.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: A Review on Use of Synthetic Geogrids for Soil Reinforcement
Country :: India
Authors :: Ayush Mittal
Page No. :: 26-29

In recent times, soil reinforcement is considered as one of the most important tool in various civil engineering projects since removal and replacement is not an economically viable option. One of the most important applications is in field of subgrade stabilization of pavement. As the subgrade serves as the foundation for pavement it should have sufficient load carrying capacity. In India more than 20% land area is covered with soils having low CBR and shear strength values. The pavement constructed over such soils deteriorates significantly under heavy wheel loads. In order to overcome such situations recently use of geosynthetic materials comes into picture. Their use reduces the construction cost and time drastically in comparison to other conventional reinforcement materials. The present study reviews the available state of the art knowledge on use of synthetic geogrids in soil reinforcement purposes including their types, initial development and use areas.

Keywords: geogrid, pavement, reinforcement, stabilization, subgrade.

[1]. J.G. Zornberg and R. Gupta, Reinforcement of pavements over expansive clay subgrades, 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2009, 765-768.
[2]. S.A. Naeini and R.Z. Moayed, Effect of plasticity index and reinforcement on the CBR value of soft clay. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 7(2), 2009, 124-130.
[3]. O. Azadegan and G.R. Pourebrahim, Effect of geogrids on compressive strength and elasticity modulus of lime/cement treated soils, EJGE, 15, 2010, 1571-1580.
[4]. C.A. Adams, N.Y. Amofa and R.O. Boahen, Effect of Geogrid Reinforced Subgrade on Layer Thickness Design of Low Volume Bituminous Sealed Road Pavements, IRJES, 3(7), 2014, 59-67.
[5]. S. Tiwari and M. Vyas, Effect of Geogrid Reinforcement on Pavement Subgrade, International Journal for Scientific Research and Development, 5(5), 2017, 183-186.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: A Review on SDN Principles in Wireless Mesh Networks
Country :: India
Authors :: Tapodhir Acharjee || Abhilash Chakraborty || Raktim Deb
Page No. :: 30-37

Software Defined Network (SDN) is the next generation network paradigm came into existence by separating data and control plane, with a centralized network management and optimization using global network information. However, overheads incurred by SDN are quite high, so its potential benefits must be evaluated in each networking setting. Fortunately, the benefits of SDN appear to outweigh the overheads incurred by it in most of the Wireless environments so far. In this paper, we will discuss SDN principles proposed and applied till date to WMN. SDN provides an arbitrary path for data flow by using a centralized controller, thereby making it very useful in deploying fine-grained traffic engineering algorithms in WMNs............

Keywords: Software Defined Networks (SDN), Wireless Mesh Network, Router, Open-Flow.

[1]. McKeown, N., Anderson T., Balakrishnan H., Parulkar G., Peterson L., Rexford J., Shenker S., Turner J.; OpenFlow: enabling innovation in campus networks, ACM SIGCOMM Comp. Comm. Review, Vol.38, No.2, 2008.
[2]. P Dely, A Kassler, N Bayer, "OpenFlow for Wireless Mesh Networks", IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Mesh and AdHoc Networks (WiMAN 2011), Hawaii, USA, August 2011.
[3]. M. Mendonca, K. Obraczka, and T. Turletti, "The case for softwaredefined networking in heterogeneous networked environments", ACM conference on CoNEXT student workshop, 2012.
[4]. S. Hasan, Y.B. David, R.C. Scott, E. Brewer, S. Shenker, "Enabling Rural Connectivity with SDN", Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2012- 201.
[5]. Andrea Detti, Claudio Pisa, Stefano Salsano, Nicola Blefari-Melazzi Electronic Engineering Dept. University of Rome "Tor Vergata"(2013). Wireless Mesh Software Defined Networks (wmSDN). [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Feb. 2018].

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: An Effficient Segmentation and Binarization Method for Recognition of Degraded Devanagari script Scan document Images
Country :: India
Authors :: Sushilkumar N.Holambe || Prof. Ulhas B.Shinde
Page No. :: 38-45

Image segmentationis is very helpful in degraded devanagari character recognition process. The Image segmentation is process of clustering the pixels depending on some property of the image,e.g., intensity gray levels, color, texture, depth, edge continuity. After segmentation,the whole image is partitioned into smaller regions, i.e., regions corresponding to individual surfaces, objects, or natural parts of objects. Segmentation can be used for object recognition, estimation of occlusion boundary within motion or stereosystems, image compression, image editing, and/or image database, image compression, image editing, and/or image database look-up.............

Keywords: Image segmentation • Binarization • Thresholding Document image binarization, Image thresholding • Adaptive local binarization

[1]. U. Pal, M. Mitra, B.B. Chaudhuri, Multi-skew detection of Indian script documents, in: Sixth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Seattle, WA, 2001, pp. 292–296.
[2]. U. Pal, S. Sinha, B.B. Chaudhuri, Multi-oriented text lines detection and their skew estimation, in: Third Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, India, 2002, pp. 270–275.
[3]. I.S.I. Abuhaiba, Skew Correction of Textural Documents, J. of King Saud University. 1423 (2003) 67–86.
[4]. P. Saragiotis, N. Papamarkos, Local skew correction in documents. I, J. of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 22 (2008) 691–710.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Sarcasm Detection of Twitter Data using Sentiment Analysis
Country :: India
Authors :: Ms. Shiva Nandini
Page No. :: 46-48

Sentiment Analysis is the process of calculating and predicting whether a piece of writing is positive, negative or neutral. It is used to derive the speculation or judgement of the writer, usually an internet user. Emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, cautiousness, etc. can be easily classified as positive, negative, or neutral. But sarcasm, being a refined form of irony, might be usually used for various schemes, such as criticism or travesty. However, it is hard even for humans to perceive. Therefore, recognizing sarcastic statements can be very helpful to improve automatic sentiment analysis of the data collected from micro blogging websites or social networks.............

Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, sarcasm, sarcasm detection, tweets.

[1]. Mondher Bouazizi and TomoakiOtsuki," A Pattern-Based Approach for Sarcasm Detection on Twitter", in Vol 4, pg. no 5477-5488, September 28 2016.
[2]. PyaePhyo Thu and Nwe New ICIS 2017, May 24-26, 2017," Impact Analysis of Emotion in Figurative Language", in IEEE ICIS, pg. no 209-214, May 24-26, 2017.
[3]. Parvesh Kumar Singh and Mohd Shahid Husain," Methodological Study of Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis Techniques", in International Journal on Soft Computing (IJSC) Vol. 5, pg. no 11-21, No. 1, February 2014.
[4]. Mondher Bouazizi and TomoakiOtsuki," A Pattern-Based Approach for Multi-Class Sentiment Analysis in Twitter", in vol 5, pg. no 20617-20639, august 18 ,2017.
[5]. Bing Liu," Sentiment Analysis: A Multi-Faceted Problem", in IEEE Intelligent Systems, January 2010.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Effect of High-k Gate on the functioning of MOSFET at nano meter sizes
Country :: India
Authors :: Dr. S.P. Venu Madhava Rao
Page No. :: 49-53

The scaling of MOSFET has undergone very rapidly and the size of the device has become so small that it required changes in the design, material used for the fabrication of the MOSFET etc. As the size of the device has become very small the thickness of the Silicon Dioxide used for Gate has also become very thin. This results in a significant increase in leakage currents of the Gate and reducing the performance of the MOSFET. In this paper several methods have been proposed to optimize the MOSFET design for better performance.

Keywords: MOSFET, High-k Dielectric, Doping, Gaussian Doping Density, Uniform Doping Density.

[1]. The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductor, 2011, Emerging Research Devices.
[2]. S.M. Sze, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 2nd Edition, 1981, p. 868
[3]. Colinge J P. Silicon on insulator technology: materials to VLSI. 2nd ed. Norwell, MA: Kluwer: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1997.
[4]. Mitiko Miura-Mattausch, Hans Jürgen Mattausch,Tatsuya Ezaki, ―The Physics and Modeling of MOSFET‖, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2008.
[5]. G. Venkateshwar Reddy and M. Jagadesh Kumar, ―A New Dual-Material Double-Gate (DMDG) Nanoscale SOI MOSFET—Two-Dimensional Analytical Modeling and Simulation, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol..4, no.2, pp.260-268, 2005

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: A Novel Machine Learning Approach to Detect Credit Card Fraud Using ECSVM
Country :: India
Authors :: Anusree.B || Ramesh Kumar. B
Page No. :: 54-62

Credit card fraud Detection is a serious and important problem in the current digital world for the banking customers and ecommerce websites. Customer‟s use the credit card in both ways one is direct transaction and other is digital transactions, direct transactions made through customer and billing department of the purchasing shop. But the digital transactions made through the website credit card user gives their details card number, expiry date, and ccv number in the website. Maximum credit card fraud transactions arise in the online transaction digital side only..............

Keywords: AdaBoost, classification, machine learning, hybrid method, credit card, fraud detection, predictive modeling, voting.

[1]. Ignacio Amaya De La Pena. "Fraud Detection In Online Payments Using Spark ML".[2017] [2]. Joseph King-Fung Pun. "Civilizing Credit Card Fraud Detection Using A Meta-Learning Strategy", Diss. 2011.
[3]. Maira Anis, Mohsin Ali, Amit Yadav. "A Proportional Study Of Decision Tree Algorithms For Class Imbalanced Learning In Credit Card Fraud Detection". International Journal Of Economics, Commerce And Management. Vol. III, Issue 12, December 2015.
[4]. Tamanna Chouhan, Ravi Kant Sahu. "Classification Technique For The Credit Card Fraud Detection". International Journal Of Latest Trends In Engineering And Technology Vol.(10)Issue(2), Pp.283-286. April 2018.
[5]. V.Dheepa, R.Dhanapal. "Performance Based Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Support Vector Machines". Ictact Journal On Soft Computing, Volume: 02, Issue: 04, July 2012.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Determinants of Effectiveness of Women's Self-Help Group- A Conceptual Study
Country :: India
Authors :: Priyanka Sharma || Dr. A. Dhanalakshmi
Page No. :: 63-66

The concept of Self-Help Group has its origins in rural areas and it has been introduced along the rural and semi urban women to improve their living conditions. SHGs are an effective instrument to encourage rural savings and gainful employment.The success of SHG has gained wide pervasiveness and several banks have established SHG-Bank linkages as a medium of rural business expansion leading to rural entrepreneurship. In the recent years, SHG-approach has occurred to be one of the most aggressive and effective strategies for empowering women. SHGs have been evidently instrumental in bringing about structural changes in rural economy. SHGs are instrumental in providing a major driving force to sustainable rural growth of the nation. This paper aims at exploring the determinants of effectiveness of women‟s Self-Help Group.

Keywords: Self-Help Group, Empowerment, Determinants

[1]. Sankaran, "Trends and Problems of Rural Women Entrepreneurs in India; Southern Economist, 2009, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 11-12.
[2]. Sakkunthalai and Ramakrishnan, "Socio-economic Empowerment of Women‟ Kisan World, July 2006, Vol. 33, No. 7, p. 31.
[3]. Suguna, Empowerment of Rural Women through Self-Help Groups, Discovery Publishing House, New Delhi, 2006, p. 73.
[4]. DAC Network on Gender Equality GENDERNET) (2011), Economic Empowerment, Issue paper.April 2011, Development issue committee (DAC), OECD, Paris.
[5]. Dadhich, C.L., "Microfinance a panacea for poverty Alleviations, Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics", Vol. 56, No. 3, July-Sept. 2001, pp 420-425.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Improvement in Quality of Service (QoS) within VANETs: A Survey
Country :: India
Authors :: Mr Amol S. Dudhe || Dr Salim Y. Amdani
Page No. :: 67-71

VANETs have gained great focus among the researchers since last few decades. The areas of great interest are the types of routing, and quality of service (Qos). The main challenge is to find the ways to counter the continuously changing VANETs topologies and its high speed nature, and then determining which routing protocols are best suited for a particular transmission type; and which ones provide more consistent and stable routing performances. Due to special characteristics of VANETs, QoS (Quality of Service) provisioning in these networks is a challenging task. QoS is the capability of a network for providing superior service to a selected network traffic over various heterogeneous technologies. In this paper we present an overview of Vehicular Networks,QoS Concepts, QoS challenges in VANETs and approaches which aim to enhance the Quality of Service in Vehicular Networks.


Keywords: VANET, Vehicular Networks, Quality of Service (QoS), Delay, Packet loss, Throughput.

[1]. AbubakarAminuMu'azu and Sallam Osman.Fageeri , "Enhanced Bandwidth Reservation Guaranteesfor QoS Routing in Vehicular Network"in 2017 International Conference on Communication, Control, Computing and Electronics Engineering (ICCCCEE), KhartoumSudan,PP 12-17,2017.
[2]. T. K. Mak, K. P. Laberteaux, R. Sengupta and M. Ergen, "MultichannelMedium Access Control for Dedicated Short-range Communications," in Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 58, pp. 349-366, 2009.

[3]. Prabhakar D. Dorge , Sanjay S. Dorle, Megha B. Chakole and Dhiraj K. Thote "Improvement of QoS in VANET with Different Mobility Patterns,"in 2012 International Conference on Radar, Communication and Computing (ICRCC), Tiruvannamalai,TN., India., pp.206-209,Dec 2012.
[4]. B.Sreedevi, Y.Venkatramani, and T.R.Sivaramakrishnan,"Performance Comparison using AODV and AOMDVProtocols in Heterogeneous Hybrid Cluster Routing usingPartial Authority Nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Networks,"European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216XVol.58 No.4 (2011), pp.542-549, EuroJournals Publishing,Inc. 2011.
[5]. S. R. Biradar, KoushikMajumder, Subir Kumar Sarkar,andPuttamadappa C, "Performance Evaluation andComparison of AODV and AOMDV,"S.R.Biradar et al. in (IJCSE) International Journal on Computer Science andEngineering Vol. 02, No. 02, 373-377, 2010.