July - 2018 (Volume-8 ~ Issue-7 ~ Part-3)

Paper Type


Research Paper



Photochemical Screening with Estimation of Total Falconoid Content in Parthenium Hysterophorus and In Vitro Analysis of Antimicrobial Activity






Saksham Khusharia || Nikunaj Bhardwaj

Page No.



There is a continuous need for human society to discover new antimicrobial compounds having diverse chemical structures and innovative mechanisms of action for novel and reemerging infectious diseases. Therefore, researchers are progressively turning their consideration to traditional medicine, looking for new leads to develop improved drugs against microbial infections. Plants yield a diverse variety of bioactive molecules, making them rich source of different types of medicines. Parthenium hysterophorus is a weed plant reported to be used as remedy for a number of diseases. The leaf extracts of Parthenium hysterophorus were assessed against all the test microorganisms. An extract from the Parthenium hysterophorus leaves were screened for their phytochemical ingredients and its antimicrobial activity against clinical isolates of many microbial cultures.............


Keywords: Parthenium hysterophorus, Antimicrobial activity, Leaf extract, Antimicrobial, Antibiotics, Phytochemical screening, Well diffusion method.

[1]. A comparative study on antibacterial activity of common weeds. Int. J. Pharm. Biosci., 2: 677-683.
[2]. Adeniyi, B.A. and O.O. Ayepola, 2008. The phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of leaf extracts of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Eucalyptus torelliana (Myrtaceae). Res. J. Med. Plant, 2: 34-38.
[3]. Ali, E.M.M., A.Z.I. Almagboul, S.M.E. Khogali and U.M.A. Gergeir, 2012. Antimicrobial Activity of Cannabis sativa L. Chin. Med., 3: 61-64.
[4]. Aneja, K.R. and C. Sharma, 2010. Antimicrobial potential of fruit extracts of Elettaria cardamomum maton (Chhoti: Elaichi) against the pathogens causing ear infection. Pharmacologyonline, 3: 750-756.
[5]. Aneja, K.R., C. Sharma and R. Joshi, 2011. In vitro efficacy of amaltas (Cassia fistula L.) against the pathogens causing otitis externa. Jundishapur J. Microbiol., 4: 175-183.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Comparative Analysis between Routing Protocol Aodv & Taodv






Rajeev Sharma || Dr. Anil Chaudhary

Page No.



VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks) is a particular kind of (MANET) Mobile Ad-hoc network, in which vehicles on the road from the nodes of the networks. VANETs several applications are used in Intelligent Transportation System. Various kinds of challenges in vehicular communications have been addressed and to recognize. This research paper based on with recital evaluation (AODV) Ad-Hoc on-Demand Distance Vector routing protocols using mobility model Intelligent Driver Model with Intersection Management based on metrics such as packet distribution ratio average end to end delay and throughput. In this research paper we also present how the sumo simulator communicates with Network Simulator. The result of sumo as a text file.Ns2 and Sumo are open access tools. Research methodology based on NS-2 and sumo simulator open access simulator. The major aim of this paper is to improve the enhancement and performance of AODV protocol. In this investigation, the performance of AODV has been analyzed by means of packet delivery ratio, E2E delay, packet damage ratio.


Keywords: VANET, AODV, SUMO, NS-2.

[1]. M. Guezouri and A. Bennaoui, Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in Vehicular Networks. I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2013, 10, 11-16.
[2]. K. Venkateswarlu, G. Murali, Performance Evaluation Of Dsdv, Aodv Routing Protocols In Vanet,IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308, May 2015.
[3]. Tajinder Kaur, A. K. Verma, Simulation and Analysis of AODV routing protocol in VANETs,International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE) ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-3, July 2012.
[4]. Anuj K., Gupta Harsh Sadawarti and Anil K. Verma "Performance analysis of AODV, DSR & TORA Routing Protocols ,IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.2, No.2, April 2010 ISSN: 1793-8236.
[5]. http://vanet.eurecom.fr.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Determination of Physical Parameters and Metal Ions Concentration in Soil Samples around the Parva Village, Tq. Parbhani, Dist. Parbhani






Vilas Y.Sonawane || Department of Chemistry

Page No.



The natural environment is clean, but due to multifarious activities of man, it gets polluted resulting in what is called environmental pollution. In the present study it was preferred to investigate the soil samples for its determination of various physical parameters and metal ion concentrations in soil various sample around Aland area Taluka Parbhani Dist. Parbhani. Soil sampling is the most vital step for any soil Analysis. As a very small fraction of the huge soil mass is used for analysis. This information will help farmers to decide the problems related to soil nutrients amount of fertilizers to be added to soil to make production economic. Six representative samples were collected and analyzed for its total alkalinity soluble carbonate and bicarbonates, Chloride, PH, Conductivity, Exchangeable Calcium and Magnesium. Chloride content was ranging from 0.05 to 1.98 g/100g, conductivity was ranging from 0.114 to 0.173micro ohms, the PH range from 8.36to 9.78 the value of exchangeable calcium and magnesium was found to be from 6.56 to8.96.


Keywords: Physicochemical, soil, analysis, Aland

[1]. L Jaishree; Somwanshi; SK Akuskarint; Int.J.chem.Sci.2008, 6(1), 255-261.
[2]. K Kanimozhi; A Panneerselvam; Archives of Applied Science Research. 2011, 3 (2), 525-536.
[3]. AK Gupta; MLVarshaney; Practical Manual for Agricultural Chemistry. Kalyani Publisher, 1994, 3-26.
[4]. NN Garba; A.Isma'lla; UK Asma; ZN Garba; B.I Tijjni,; European Journal of Applied Engineering and Scientific Research., 2013, 2 (2), 23-27.
[5]. KP Kordlaghari; SN Sisakht; A. Saleh; Annals of Biological Research., 2013, 4 (3), 105-108.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Cost Estimation for Mobile Application Development: Review






ziema Mushtaq || abdul Wahid

Page No.



A Mobile phone has evolved from being a voice communication system to a medium for technology. Mobile applications are a kind of software that is installed on a mobile device with some important differences than traditional software application and web applications. Most of the organizations have switched their web application based software's to a mobile application based software's. With the growth of smart phones there is a great demand for smart applications. For software companies it is important to deliver application software's on time, within budget and with high accuracy. Effort estimation is the fundamental area that chooses budgetary constraints related to mobile application development which keeps company to maintain accurate estimates for mobile application development to maintain their reputation in the market. In this paper, different reviews are made clear to propose a way cosmic an appropriate method that can be used to size mobile application in a fast and accurate way.


Keywords: Mobile effort estimation, Function size measurement, Estimation models.

[1]. Abdullah, N. A. S., Rusli, N. I. A., & Ibrahim, M. F. (2013). A case study in COSMIC functional size measurement: Angry bird mobile application. 2013 IEEE Conference on Open Systems, ICOS 2013, 139–144. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICOS.2013.6735063
[2]. André Nitze. (2013). Measuring Mobile Application Size Using COSMIC FP. In Software Metrik Kongress.
[3]. Arnuphaptrairong, T., & Suksawasd, W. (2017). An Empirical Validation of Mobile Application Effort Estimation Models, II.
[4]. Atiqah, N., Abdullah, S., & Rusli, I. A. (n.d.). Cosmic Fpa Calculator for Mobile Application Development Cost Based on Unity3D Game Engine.
[5]. avneet kaur, kulwant laur. (2017). Effort Estimation for Mobile Applications using Use Case Point ( UCP ) Effort Estimation for Mobile Applications using Use Case, (December).


Paper Type


Research Paper



Designing The Performance Measurement System And Sni Iso 9001:2008 Quality Objectives Of Pt Amm Using Cascading Balanced Scorecard Method And Ahp






Jarot Kusumo Wibowo || Bustanul Arifin Noer

Page No.



All this time, PT AMM has only apply SNI ISO 9001:2008 which as quality management system, wherein the measurement of organizational performance using quality objectives. SNI 9001:2008 gives only general overview, there is no priority and it can not be used as reference in decision making. PT AMM requires a performance management system that is comperehensive and synergistic with quality objectives of SNI ISO 9001:2008. The preferred method is the cascading balanced scorecard which cascade process means to distribute down (vertical alignment) the company's strategic objective to the department. After the determination and stipulation of the strategic objectives and key performance indicators then subsequently weighted each criterion using AHP (Analytical Hierachy Process)..............


Keywords: Quality Objectives, SNI ISO 9001:2008, Cascading Balanced Scorecard, Analytical Hierarchy Process, OMAX (Objective Matrix), Traffic Light Systems, Current Performance Indicator.

[1]. Welirang, F.,(2016). Indonesia: Wheat Flour Industry Overview & Food Futures And Agrifood 2025+Opportunities. Perth Australia: APTINDO-Jakarta.
[2]. Badan Standardisasi Nasional, (2008)."Indonesian National Standard (SNI ISO 9001-2008): Quality Management System-Requirement" BSN, Jakarta.
[3]. Sumaedi, S and Yarmen M, (2011)."Designing Quality Objectives of Personal Certification Board Using Balance Scorecard", Industrial Engineering Journal Vol. 12 No.1, Februari, Jakarta.
[4]. Jovanovic et. al (2008), "Between Balanced Scorecard and Quality Management System" International Journal For Quality Research UDK-005.21/006.35 (100) ISO Scientific Review Paper (1.02), Montenegro.
[5]. Vloeberbghs, D and Bellens (1996). "Implementing The ISO 9000 Standards in Belgium", Proquest Document Link, Milwaukee.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Double Sequence Spaces of Fuzzy Real Numbers of Paranormed Type Under An Orlicz Function






Bipul Sarma

Page No.



In this article we study different properties of convergent, null and bounded double sequence spaces of fuzzy real numbers defined by an Orlicz function. We study different properties like completeness, solidness, symmetricity etc.


Keywords: Fuzzy real number, solid space, symmetric space, completeness.

[1]. Basarir, M. and Sonalcan, O.: On some double sequence spaces; J. Indian Acad. Math. 21(2), (1999); 193-200.
[2]. Bromwich T.J.IA: An Introduction to the Theory of Infinite Series; MacMillan and Co. Ltd. New york (1965).
[3]. B. Choudhary and B.C. Tripathy: On fuzzy real-valued F ( p) sequence spaces; Proc. International
Conf. 8th Joint Conf. on Inf. Sci. (10th International Conf. on Fuzzy Theory and Technology) Held at Salt Lake City, Utha, USA, during July 21-25, 2005, USA, 184-190.
[4]. Hardy G. H.: On the convergence of certain multiple series; Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.; 19 (1917).
[5]. Kaleva, O. and Seikkala, S.: On fuzzy metric spaces; Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 12 (1984), 215-229.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Business Models of a Solar Powered Charging Station for Electric Two-Wheelers in Hanoi-Vietnam






Le Thi Thuy Hang || Cu Thi Thanh Huyen || Bui Bao Hung || Pham Van Duy || Nguyen Xuan Truong

Page No.



Nowadays, the marker of electric vehicles (EVs) has grown increasingly powerful. This has affected strongly demand on the charging infrastructure that still is so scanty, for them. In addition to the increasing of charging stations from the grid, the solar power charging stations (SPCS) also should be considered because of the benefits that they could get back, such as no noise, chemical pollutants or radioactive substances, etc. Through the finding out on business models of SPCS for EVs on the world, the studied team will give the basic information on them and the potentials to apply them in the conditions of Vietnam (like in Hanoi).


Keywords: Electric vehicles (EVs), Solar power charging stations (SPCS), Business models of SPCS.

[1]. Kristin Abkemeier, David Beeton, David Howell, Tom Turrentine, and Martijn van Walwijk, "Global EV Outlook 2013 – Understanding the Electric Vehicle Landscape to 2020", Paris: International Energy Agency, April 2013, pp. 14-15.
[2]. Jessica Robinson, Gary Brase, Wendy Griswold, Chad Jackson and Larry Erickson, "Business Models for Solar Powered Charging Stations to Develop Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles", Switzerland: Sustainability Editorial Office, October 2014, pp. 5-19.
[3]. Abdul Rauf Bhatti, Zainal Salam, Mohd Junaidi Bin Abdul Aziz, Kong Pui Yee, Ratil H. Ashique, "Electric vehicles charging using photovoltaic: Status and technological review", Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd., September 2015, pp. 7-11.
[4]. Imran Rahman, Pandian M. Vasant, Balbir Singh Mahinder Singh, M. Abdullah-Al-Wadudb, Nadia Adnan, "Review of recent trends in optimization techniques for plug-in hybrid, and electric vehicle charging infrastructures", Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd., December 2015, pp. 3- 4.
[5]. Nick Nigro, Dan Welch, Janet Peace, "Strategic planning to implement publicly available EV charging stations: A guide for business and policymakers", Virginia: Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, July 2015, pp. 14-15.


Paper Type


Research Paper



The Passive Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell Performance Investigation For Applying With The Portable Electronic Devices






Penyarat Saisirirat

Page No.



Ethanol is an attractive fuel since it is less toxic and has higher energy density than methanol and can be produced from biomass. Direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFCs) appear as a good choice for producing sustainable energy for portable applications. However, they are still far from attaining acceptable levels of power output, since their performance is affected by the slow electrochemical ethanol oxidation and water and ethanol crossover. In the present work, the experimental study on the performance of a passive DEFC is described. The experimental performance testing were studied about three kinds of the ethanol blended. There are the ethanol was blended with pure distilled water, the ethanol was blended with conventional drinking water and the ethanol was blended with normal tap water...........


Keywords: Drinking water, Ethanol, Fuel cell, Pure distilled water, Tap water, Temperature.

[1]. Larminie J, Dick A. Fuel cell systems explained. 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons: West Sussex; 2003.
[2]. Wongyao N, Therthianwong A, Therthianwong S. Performance of direct alcohol fuel cells fed with mixed methanol/ethanol solutions. Energy Convers. Manag. 2011;52:76-81.
[3]. Xu Q, Zhao TS, Yang WW, Chen R. A flow field enabling operating direct methanol fuel cells with highly concentrated methanol. Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 2011; 368: 30-80.
[4]. Roelofs KS, Hirth T, Schiestel T. Dihydrogenimidazole modified silica-sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) hybrid materials as electrolyte membranes for direct ethanol fuel cells. Mater. Sci. Eng. B. 2011; 1767 : 27-35.
[5]. Matsuoka K, Iriyama Y, Abe T, Matsuoka M, Oguni Z. Alkaline direct alcohol fuel cells using an anion exchange membrane. J. Power Sources 2005; 150: 27-31.


Paper Type


Research Paper



An Android Overlay Based Safety System For Children






G. Prashanth || Adersh G

Page No.



The crime rate against children has been exponentially increasing over the last few years. Despite the fact that numerous techniques have been deployed to assuage this, the prevailing technologies are found to be ineffective. This paper proposes an idea that enables us to monitor and track children about their whereabouts using overlay concept through mobile based application. Using Geocoding, we can determine the users who are within the defined location. This application will notify parents via NotificationManager whenever their children are not present in the registered safe proximity. The safe proximity and unsafe proximity can be added manually by the user through this application. In case of crisis, the child can communicate with emergency contacts through an inbuilt chat box. Thus, ensuring the parents to track the safety of the child's environment.


Keywords: child safety, overlay, Android.

[1]. Snehal P. Umratkar, Prof. Ram Kumar Secure Children Tracking Through Android Application , International Journal Of Scientific Research And Management (Ijsrm)||Volume||3||Issue||3||Pages|| \ 2441- 2451||2015||Website: Www.Ijsrm.In Issn (E): 2321-3418
[2]. Abhijit Paradkar, Deepak Sharma All In One Intelligent Safety System For Women, International Journal Of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 130 – No.11, November2015
[3]. Dongare Uma, Vyavahare Vishakha and Raut Ravina, ―An Android Application for Women Safety Based on Voice Recognition‖, Department of Computer Sciences BSIOTR wagholi, Savitribai Phule Pune University India, ISSN 2320–088X International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC) online at www.ijcsmc.com,Vol.4 Issue.3, pg. 216-220, March- 2015.
[4]. Bhaskar Kamal Baishya, ―Mobile Phone Embedded With Medical and Security Applications‖, Department of Computer Science North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology Nirjuli Arunachal Pradesh India, e-ISSN: 2278-0661 p- ISSN: 2278-8727 IOSR Journal of Computer Engg (IOSR-JCE) www.iosrjournals.org, Volume 16, Issue 3 (Version IX ), PP 30-3, May-Jun. 2014.