Emerging Research Trends in Electrical Engineering-2018 (ERTEE'18)

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A Bidirectional Series-Resonant Converter For Energy Storage System in DC Microgrids
Limsha T M || Akhila R

A bidirectional series-resonant (BSR) converter is proposed for energy storage system in DC microgrid. The bidirectional converters are mainly used in electric vehicles. To determine the voltage gain of the converter, the effective duty cycles of switches are used. Thus the amplitude and direction of the transferred power is not involved, which is an improvement compared with the existing resonant converters. The proposed converter operates as buck and boost converter so that the normalized voltage gain can be regulated from zero to infinity. The direction of power flow and the operation mode can be changed automatically with the simple PWM control. In the entire operation range, ZVS turn-on is achieved for all the active switches. The current flowing through the primary and secondary side of the converter is controlled using current limit control techniques.


Keywords: - Bidirectional converter, PWM control, series resonant converter, wide voltage gain, zero-voltage switching

[1] T. Dragicevic, X. Lu, J. C. Vasquez, J. M. Guerrero (2016) DC Microgrids- Part I, Control Strategy & Stabilization, IEEE Trans.
Power Electronics,Vol. 31,Issue: 7, pp. 4876-4891, October 2016.
[2] J. Evertz, F. krismer, J. V. Den keybus, J. Driesen, J. W. Kolar, Charge Based Switching Analysis dual active bridge AC-DC
converter, IEEE Transaction on ECCE, pp. 4820-4829, June 2013.
[3] S. Kulasekaran, R. Ayyanar, Analysis, design, and experimental results of the semidual-active-bridge converter, IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, Vol. 29, No.10, pp. 5136-5147, Oct 2014
[4] Z. Pavlovic, J. A. Oliver, P. Alou, O. Garcia, J. Cobos, "Bidirectional dual active bridge series resonant converter with pulse
modulation", IEEE Transaction on APEC, pp. 503-508, July 2012.
[5] F. M. Ibanez, J. M. Echeverria, J. Vadillo , L. Fontan, A step-up bidirectional series resonant DC/DC converter using a continuous current mode ,IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, Vol. 30, No.3,pp. 1393-1402, Mar. 2015.


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A Modified Reduced Current Ripple Dc-Dc Buck-Boost Converter
Rahul C R || Prof.Veena Mathew

In this paper, a modified reduced current ripple DC-DC buck-boost converter, which can be applied for wide range of voltage. The current ripples in the output and input side can be reduced. Reduced current ripple of power electronics supplies has positive effect on efficiency and on the lifespan of sensitive power devices. The DC-DC buck-boost converter are commonly used to deliver higher load voltage from given low voltage source and vice versa. The conventional boost converter has disadvantages are requires a higher duty ratio even for realizing the moderate voltage gain, unable to reach expected levels of voltage gain at extreme duty ratios on account of excessive losses, and the efficiency on full load is low due to higher switching losses............

Keywords: - Buck-Boost converter, Fifth-order converter, Reduced current ripple, Resonating circuit, LCS Cell.

[1] M. Veerachary, "LCS-Cell for Zero Voltage Transition of Fifth-Order Boost Converter ", IEEE International Conference
on Power System, 2016, pp. 1-6.
[2] M. Veerachary and Ronil Chaudhuri, "Fifth-Order Zero-Voltage Transition Boost Converter ", IEEE International Conference
on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems, 4-6 July 2016.
[3] M. Veerachary, "Soft Switching Fifth-Order Boost Converter", Proceedings of IEEE Conference INDICON, 2011, pp. 1-6.
[4] Sungsik Park, Sewan Choi, "Soft-switched CCM Boost Converters With High Voltage Gain For High-Power Applications", IEEE Transactions On Power Electronics, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 1211-1217, May. 2010.
[5] Hang-Seok Choi, Bo Hyung Cho, "Novel zero-current-switching(ZCS) PWM switch cell minimizing additional conduction
loss", IEEE Transactions On Industrial Electronics, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 165-172, February 2002.


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A Novel Transformer Less Interleaved Four Phase High Step Down Dc Converter
Soumia Johnson || Krishnakumar . M

For low output voltage, high output current systems applications, Synchronous switching power converters give better performance than non synchronous converters. This paper presents an interleaved synchronous buck converter which has low switch voltage stress with high conversion ratio. The input current can be shared among the inductors so that high reliability and efficiency can be obtained and ripples also reduced, the converter performance can be improved. Thus converter features automatic uniform current sharing characteristic of the interleaved phases without adding extra circuitry or complex control methods. Capacitors switching circuits are combined with interleaved four-phase buck converter for getting a high stepdown conversion ratio without adopting an extreme short duty ratio. Synchronous rectifier technology is adopted to increase the converter efficiency. A 30V input voltage, 1.8V output voltage, circuit is simulated to verify the performance. The simulation is done in MATLAB/SIMULINK R 2012a.


Keywords: - Buck Converter, Four phase, Interleaved, MATLAB/SIMULINK, transformer-less.

[1] Hafiz Furqan Ahmed, Honnyong Cha, Ashraf Ali Khan, Heung-Geun Kim,A Novel Buck-Boost AC-AC Converter With Both
Inverting And Non-inverting Operations and Without Commutation Problem , IEEE transaction on Power electronics,, Vol. 31,
Issue: 6, June 2016.
[2] M. K. Nguyen, Y. G. Jung, and Y. C. Lim, Single-phase acac converter based on quasi-Z-source topology, IEEE Trans. Power
Electron., vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 2200-2210, Aug. 2010.
[3] C. Liu, B. Wu, N. R. Zargari, D. Xu and J. Wang, A novel threephase three-leg ac-ac converter using nine IGBTs, IEEE Trans.
Power Electron., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 1151-1160, May. 2009.
[4] F. Z. Peng, L. Chen, and F. Zhang, Simple topologies of PWM ac-ac converters, IEEE Power Electron. Letters, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 10- 13, Mar. 2003.
[5] X. P. Fang, Z. M. Qian, andF. Z. Peng, Single-phase Z-source PWM ac-ac converters, IEEE Power Electron. Letters, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 121124, Dec. 2005


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Automated Circuit Breaker with IOT Interfacing
Lakshmi Devadas || Sreelakshmi V.G || Amal Kottor || Jinendhu Justin

Statistics .suggests that majority of electrical accidents occurs during electrical line maintenance work and are caused due to mis communication between electric substation staff and maintenance staff. To prevent this we are implementing automated circuit breaker with a better interfacing. Internet of things is at the forefront in areas of real time monitoring, situational awareness and intelligence, control and cyber security which makes the system efficient secure reliable resilient and sustainable. This project gives maintenance complete control for turning ON/OFF the line. The proposed idea put forward a more secured operating condition for the line man and ensures unauthorised access and that an switching of the line does not occurs. This is realized using a password verification method...............


Keywords - Circuit breaker, power line safety,fuse,IOT.

[1] Jay Kumar, Suraya Kumar, Vivek Yadav, Naveen Kr Singh, Prashant Kr Gaur, Praveen Kr Tyagi, Password Based Circuit Breaker, Issue 1, March 2016,pp. 80-85
[2] Mr. Tarun Naruka, Vivek Kumar Sharma, Vikram Singh, Sumit,Vishnu Sharma.Password Based Circuit BreakerIJIR,Vol-3,Issue- 4,2017
[3] Athira P Nair, Josephin J, Anjana A S, Athira C P, Sebin J Olickal, Electric Line Man Safety System With OTP Based Circuit
Breaker,IJRET,April 2015,pp 23-26
[4] Guneet Bedi, Ganesh Kumar, Venayagamoorthy, Rajendra Singh, Richard Brooks and Kuang-Ching Wang,Review of Internet of Things (IoT) in Electric Power and Energy Systems,IEEE IOT JOURNAL,November 2017
[5] J.Veena, G.Srivani, Afreen, M.Sunil Kumar, J.Santhosh and K.B.V.S.R.Subrahmanyam,Electric Lineman Protection Using User Changeable Password Based Circuit Breaker,ISSN,volume 2 issue 5, 2015


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Book Reader for Blind
Amal Jojie || Ashbin George || Dhanya Dhanalal || Nayana J

Human communication today is mainly via speech and text. To access information in a text, a person needs to have vision. However those who are deprived of vision can gather information using their hearing capability. Book reader is a camera based assistive text reading to help blind person in reading the text present on the text labels, printed notes and products .It involves Text Extraction from image and converting the text to speech converter, a process which makes blind persons to read the text. This is the first step in developing a prototype for blind people for recognizing the products in real world, where the text on product is extracted and converted into speech. This is carried out by using Raspberry pi, where portability is the main aim which is achieved by providing a battery backup and can be implemented as a future technology. The portability allows the user to carry the device anywhere and can use any time.


Keywords - Raspberry PI, Open CV, Optical character recognition Tesseract, Text-to-Speech

[1] OCR based automatic book reader for the visually impaired using Raspberry PI International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (A High Impact Factor, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal) Vol. 4, Issue 7, January 2016
[2] International Journal of Scientific Research Engineering & Technology (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 – 0882 Volume 6, Issue 5, May
2017 B-LIGHT: A Reading aid for the Blind People using OCR and Open CV
[3] International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007
Certified Organization) Vol. 5, Issue 3, March 2016 Hardware Implementation of Smart Reader for Visually Impaired People
Using Raspberry PI
[4] A Smart Reader for Visually Impaired People Using Raspberry PI D.Velmurugan, Volume 6 Issue No. 3 2016 IJESC
[5] SSRG International Journal of Industrial Engineering– (IJIE) – Volume 4 Issue 2 - March 2017 ISSN: 2349 Tamil Book Reader for People with Visual Impairment using Lab view


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Comparative Study of Different Soft Switching Bidirectional Dc- Dc Converters
Bindhu Babu || Divya S

Bidirectional DC-DC converters are widely used in industrial applications. High voltage conversion ratio, high efficiency and economy are challenging issues for the research and development of advanced bidirectional DC-DC converters. Various kinds of soft-switching converters are introduced here for different applications like fuel cells, super-capacitors, etc. These soft-switching methodologies can increase the switching frequency of the converter with reduced switching losses. This paper presents an analysis and comparative study of several soft switching non-isolated bi-directional DC-DC converters. Furthermore, a soft-switching circuit with an active snubber is designed and realized to reduce EMI and losses in switching devices.......


Key words: - DC-DC converters, zero-voltage-switching, active snubber

[1] Jae-Won Yang and Hyun-Lark Do (2014),"Soft-Switching Bidirectional DCDC Converter Using a Lossless Active Snubber",
IEEE Trans Ind Electron.,2014 March; 59(11):414854.
[2] Jae-Won Yang and Hyum-Lark Do " High-efficiency Bidirectional DC-DC Converter with Low Circulating Current and ZVS
Characteristic throughout A Full Range of Loads" IEEE Trans Ind Electron.,2014
[3] Yong Zhang, Xu-Feng Cheng, Chengliang Yin, and Si Cheng "A Soft-switching Bidirectional DC-DC Converter for the Battery
Super-capacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System" IEEE transactions on industrial electronics, Jan.2018, vol: PP, Issue: 99.
[4] Ratil H Ashique, Zainal Salam, Mohd Junaidi Abdul Aziz "A High Gain Soft Switching Non-Isolated Bidirectional Dc-Dc
Converter" Nov.2016.
[5] W. Li, H. Wu, H. Yu, and X. He, "Isolated winding-coupled bidirectional ZVS converter with PWM plus phase-shift (PPS)
control strategy". IEEE Trans. on Power Electron,Dec. 2011. vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 35603570


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Comparative study on Bridge type Negative Luo converter fed BLDC motor drive
Baiju Antony || Gomathy S

Motors are an integral components of every moving equipment's that we use for different types of moving applications. There are several types of motors available for all these applications, But among all these types of motors the benefits of BLDC motors in low and medium power applications is proven to be much efficient than the other type motors considering the factors like high flux density per unit volume, high efficiency, silent operation, low electromagnetic interference and low maintenance requirements. In Permanent Magnet BLDC motors comparing to the conventional induction motor instead of using brush type commutation we utilize a three-phase voltage-source inverter controlled by a switching control...............


Keywords - BLDC motors, Diode Bridge Rectifier, Power Factor, Luo converter and Ultra Luo converter.

[1] C. L. Xia, Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor Drives and Controls,Wiley Press, Beijing, 2012.
[2] T. Kenjo and S. Nagamori, Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1985.
[3] R. Krishnan, Electric Motor Drives: Modeling, Analysis and Control, Pearson Education, India, 2001.
[4] Limits for Harmonic Current Emissions (Equipment input current 16A per phase), International Standard IEC 61000-3-2, 2000
[5] B. Singh, V. Bist, A. Chandra and K. Al-Haddad, Power Factor Correction in Bridgeless-Luo Converter-Fed BLDC Motor Drive, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 11791188, March-April 2015.
[6] A.Emadi . A. Khaligh . Z. Nie. and Y. Joo Lee: Integrated Power Electronic Converters and Digital Control. Chapter 3: Power
Factor Correction CRC Press 2009.


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Design And Analysis Of Dc-Dc Converter For Photovoltaic (PV) Applications
Sangeetha U G

Renewable sources like solar photovoltaic PV, wind turbines plays prominant role in electricity generation . Photovoltaic PV source is one of the biggest source of world energy requirement.For small applications, solar PV generates energy at low voltage and therefore require a high efficiency DC-DC converter to step up the voltage level. To handle this issue, a coupled inductor based high gain, high efficiency dc-dc converter with intermediate capacitor is introduced. Perturb and Observe algorithm is used to track maximum Power Point (MPPT) in photovoltaic array. The converter is analysed considering operation in continuous conduction mode of operation .The converter is designed and simulated in PSIM platform with MPPT.


Keywords - Coupled inductor, Maximum power point tracking (MPPT), PV system, Voltage gain ,Perturb&Observe(P&O).

[1] J. H. Lee, T. J. Liang and J. F. Chen, "Isolated Coupled-Inductor- Integrated DC–DC Converter With Nondissipative Snubber for SolarEnergy Applications," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 61, no. 7, pp.3337-3348, July 2014.
[2] J. Xu, "Modeling and analysis of switching DC-DC converter with coupled-inductor," in Proc. IEEE CICC, pp. 717-720, 12-15
May 1991. A. F. Witulski, "Introduction to Modeling of Transformers and Coupled Inductors" IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 10, no. 3, May 1995.
[3] F. S. Garcia, J. A. Pomilio and G. Spiazzi, "Modeling and Control Design of the Interleaved Double Dual Boost Converter," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 3283-3290, Aug. 2013.
[4] P. W. Lee, Y. S. Lee, D. K. W. Cheng, and X. C. Liu, "Steady-state analysis of an interleaved boost converter with coupled
inductors," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 47, pp. 787-795, Aug. 2000.
[5] C. T. Choi, C. K. Li, and S. K. Kok, "Modeling of an active clamp discontinuous conduction mode flyback converter under
variation of operating conditions," in Proc. IEEE PEDS, vol. 2, pp.730-733, 1999.


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Design Of Different Controllers In Quadcopter
Jeemol Mariya Alias || Anandhan A.R || Aathira M Menon || Rijin Baby

Quadcopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle with four propulsors.Design of controller is necessary for the proper and safe movement of quadcopter under any adverse conditions like climatic changes,air bumps etc..For attain stability under these conditions we design different controllers.For design the controllers we choose 3 control variables such as pitch,yaw and angle.As part of derive the equations of mathematical modelling first define and explained the coordinate system.By using this coordinate system the controller parameters are designed.First derive all the parameters by using Newton-Euler's equations.Then by using these we design controllers using different control techniques.Here mainly using PID controller,Adaptivecontroller,Model Reference Adaptive Controller(MRAC),Self Tuning Regulator(STR) and kalman filter based controller.The final stage is to analyse and compare the stability of the system using these controllers and choose the most stable controller for quadcopter.


Keywords - Newton-Eulers Equation, PID controller,Adaptive controller,Model Reference Adaptive Controller(MRAC),Self Tuning Regulator(STR),kalman filter based controller.

[1] Teppo Luukkonen,:Modelling and Control of a Quad copter. Mat-2.4108, School of Science, Espoo, 2011.
[2] Zoran Benić, Petar Piljekand Denis Kotarski "Mathematical Modelling of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles With Four Rotors "
Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 14(1), 88-100, 2016.
[3] Luis E. Romero, David F. Pozo, Jorge A. Rosales"Quadcopter Stabilization by Using PID Controller"Fecha de recepción: 21 de septiembre de 2014 - Fecha de aceptación: 17 de octubre de 2014 .
[4] Asif Sajjad Khan Anjum, Rana Ali Sufian, Zain Abbas, Ijaz Mansoor Qureshi
[5] "Attitude Control of Quad copter Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Control" Department of Electrical Engineering Air University
Islamabad Pakistan April 2016.


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Design of Interleaved Push Pull Converter For Photovoltaic Systems
Mandeep Anand || Rahul P P || Eldhose K P || Linss T Alex

This paper puts forward a proposal for design of a Interleaved push pull DC-DC converter which employs a half bridge current fed push pull DC-DC converter scheme to increase the output voltage obtained from the PV arrays. The proposed system consists of two push pull DC-DC converter modules connected in IPOS configuration to form a single Interleaved DC-DC converter system. This Interleaved converter system is suited for both medium and high power PV applications and provides much better efficiency compared to other converter systems. It is expected to exhibit better boosting capability while showing a significant reduction in switching losses associated with the converter system............. 


Keywords - DC-DC converter IPOS configuration, Interleaved converter,isolated DC-DC converter ,.push pull DC-DC Converter,PV panels.

[1] S.Kenzelmann ,D.Dujic, F.Canales, A.Rufer"Interleaved DC –DC converter comparison of modulation methods".
[2] Daniel Montesionos-Miracle, Miquel Massot Campos,Samuel Galceran-Arellano, Alfred Rufer,Joan Bergas jane "Design and Control of a Interleaved Multilevel DC –DC converter for Regenerative Application ".
[3] Ramesh giri, Raja Ayyanar and Enrique Ledezma,Dept of Electrical Engineering Arizona state university ,USA"Input series and Output Series Connceted Interleaved DC-DC Converter with Active Input Voltage and Output Voltage Sharing ".
[4] B R Lin,Sheng-Zhi-Zhang,Department of Electrical Engineering,National Yunlin University of Science and Technology,yunlin
640,Taiwan "Implementation of a Interleaved Full Bridge DC-DC Converter"
[5] Hamid Behjati, Ali Duvaudi & Frank Lewis "Interleaved DC-DC Converter on Graphs:Cooperative Control"


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Development of Multiport Converter for Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
Reshma V S || Rajesh S K

This project presents a multiport converter with pulse width modulation (PWM) and phase shift control for renewable energy systems. The proposed converter works on the principle of an interleaved boost full bridge circuit. The advantages of zero voltage switching (ZVS) and zero current switching (ZCS) is applied in this work. By this method the voltage regulation is improved and powerflow can be regulated. Power flow between the inputs is controlled by duty cycle and voltage can be regulated via phase shift. Primary side MOSFETs achieve ZVS and secondary side diodes operate under ZCS. This converter can operates on various modes according to the availability of renewable energy source and load consumption...............


Keywords - Hybrid energy systems, interleaved boost full bridge, multiport converter, phase shift control, renewable energy.

[1] H. Al-Atrash, F. Tian, and I. Batarseh, "Tri-modal half-bridge converter topology for three-port interface," IEEE Trans. Power
Electron., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 341–345, Jan.
[2] Z. Zhang, R. Pittini, M. A. E. Andersen, and O. C. Thomsen, "A review and design of power electronics converters for fuel cell
hybrid system applications," Energy Procedia, vol. 20, pp. 301–310, 2012.
[3] H. Wu, K. Sun, R. Chen, H. Hu, and Y. Xing, "Multiport converters based on integration of full-bridge and bidirectional DC–DC
topologies for renewable generation systems," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 856–869, Feb. 2014.
[4] H. Wu, J. Zhang, X. Qin, T. Mu, and Y. Xing, "Secondary-side-regulated soft-switching full-bridge three-port converter based on bridgeless boost rectifier and bidirectional converter for multiple energy interface," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 4847–4860, Jul. 2016.
[5] W. Li, J. Xiao, Y. Zhao, and X. He, "PWM plus phase angle shift (PPAS) control scheme for combined multiport DC/DC
converters," IEEE Trans.Power Electron., vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 1479–1489, Mar. 2012.


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Digitalization of Net Metering
Alex Eldho Baby || Anand Ashok M || John Joy || Nandith Mohan

Net metering is one of the newest concept that makes a revolution in the current world. This concept has been a tremendous success in many countries like United States, Germany. The idea behind the net metering enables a significant positive response from the people. The consumer, supplied from the utilities for their power needs generates a part of the power from any renewable sources such as sun, wind etc...That part of power produced by the consumer can be used for powering their households. The excess power generated by the consumer can be given to the utilities for which the former are rewarded with reduced electricity bills or it can be credited for subsequent billing cycle. When the power which is generated by the consumer is not sufficient to satisfy their power needs, then the utility power can be consumed...........

[1] K. Maharaja, P. Pradeep Balaji, S. Sangeetha, M. Elakkiya, "Development of Bidirectional Net Meter in Grid Connected Solar PV System for Domestic Consumers,"
[2] Jagruti Thakur, Basab Chakraborty School of Engineering Entrepreneurship, "Smart net metering models for smart grid in India",4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications,Palermo,Italy
[3] Vinayaka R Deskar, Vinod Kumar M P, Pradeep Kumar, Swami Gururaj M, "Design of Net Meter Using FPGA," IEEE
International Conference On Recent Trends In Electronics Information Communication Technology, May 20-21, 2016, India
[4] Tania Tony, Sivraj P. and Sasi K.K.,"Net Energy Meter with Appliance Control and Bidirectional Communication Capability",
2016 Intl. Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Sept. 21-24, 2016, Jaipur, India
[5] Zhang Li,Bai Lianping,"Research about bi-directional electronic energy meter and power quality analyzers", 2013 Third
International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control


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Ear Based Driver Drowsiness Detection System
Vibin Varghese || Amritha Shenoy || Sreeram Ks || Remya K P

Driver drowsiness is one of the most common reason for the road accidents. Sleep disorders causes the fatigue of driver and this results in the increasing number of road accidents. Nowadays about 30% of road accidents is caused due to the alertness of the driver. In order to reduce the accidents related to the driver drowsiness it is necessary to frame a system which accurately detect the drowsiness of the driver. By detecting the drowsiness level and providing a warning to the driver the accidents can be avoided. This paper describes a method which detects the driver fatigue accurately in real time and to provide a warning signal. In this paper Raspberry pi 3 module is used to detect whether the driver is fatigue or not using EAR method. Raspberry pi is used because it is faster to retrieve images from the camera and fast enough to detect a driver's feature in real
time. In this paper a technique to detect driver drowsiness using of Open CV (open source computer vision), raspberry pi and image processing is presented.


Keywords : Drowsiness, Open cv, Face detection, Eye detection, HOG, EAR.

[1] Hang-Bong Kang, "Various Approaches for Driver and Driving Behavior Monitoring: A Review", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on
Computer Vision Workshops, IEEE 2013. pp. 978-0-7695-5161-6.
[2] Ruijia Feng, Guangyuan Zhang, and Bo Cheng, "An On-Board System for Detecting Driver Drowsiness Based on Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Using Dempster-Shafer Theory", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Networking, Sensing and Control, IEEE 2009. pp. 978-1- 4244-3492-3.
[3] Sahyadehas, K. Sundaraj and M. Murugappan, "Detecting Driver Drowsiness based on Sensors: A Review," Sensors, 2012.
[4] M. Ingre, T. ÅKerstedt, B. Peters, A. Anund, G. Kecklund, "Subjective sleepiness, simulated driving performance and blink
duration: Examining individual differences," J. Sleep Res., 2006.
[5] Y. Sun, X. Yu, J. Berilla, Z. Liu, and G. Wu., "An in-vehicle physiological signal monitoring system for driver fatigue detection,"
in Proc. 3rd International Conf. on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, USA, Sept. 2011, pp.1-16.


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αβ To Dq (Parke's) Transform Based Control Study On Grid Tied Iverter To Operate As A FACTS Device For Improving Power Transfer Through Transmission Lines
Madhavadas M || Vibin C Thomas

The power produced by the solar inverter can be linked to grid either in 3 phase or in single phase mode. For low power applications the produced power is linked to grid by single phase power conversion techniques. Most of the power converters work on different conversion techniques at PV-DC side and Inverter- AC side. Here the introduced technique provides both DC and AC sides which are controlled simultaneously (Single stage conversion). The major advantage is that the control provides better time management in isolating and grid tie time requirement. Here a SRF PLL is used, and controlled by Parke's transformation for the AC side, and Fractional Open Circuit Voltage (FOCV) based MPPT control for the DC side is provided. The VSI can be controlled by Hysteresis control mode implemented as an internal loop where the reference current magnitude for this loop is generated from an external Voltage control mode............


Keywords : GTSI, STATCOM, isolator, SRF PLL, FOCV, Hysteresis control, THD.

[1] Rajiv K. Varma, Shah Arifur Rahman, Tim Vanderheide, "New Control of PV Solar Farm as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM) for
Increasing Grid Power Transmission Limits During Night and Day",2015, IEEE Transactions on power delivery
[2] Rajiv K. Varma, Shah Arifur Rahman, Tim Vanderheide, "Real-Time Digital Simulation of a PV Solar System as STATCOM (PVSTATCOM)
for Voltage Regulation and Power Factor Correction",2012 IEEE electrical power and energy conference.K.
[3] Narain G Hingorani, "Understanding FACTS", Concepts and technology of Flexible AC Transmission System.2000,IEEE Press Marketing ISBN : 0-7803-3455-8.
[4] Nidhi Mishra and Bhim Singh, "Performance of Single Stage Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converter based Grid Interfaced PV System", 2015, 1ST IEEE international conference on power electronics. Intelligent control and Energy systems (ICPEICES-2016)
[5] Jeanette Lam Min Yi, R.T. Naayagi, Thillainathan Logenthiran, "Modelling and Implementation of Single Phase Dual Stage Grid- Tied Solar Power Inverter". 2016 IEEE region 10 conference (TENCON) - proceedings of the international conference.