International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology Research (ICETETR-2019)


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Performance Evaluation of Low Latency Communication Alternatives in A Containerized Cloud Environment
Country :: India
Authors :: Blessed Sam || Mr.S.Prasanna
Page No. :: 01-04

Reliability in cloud systems is an important aspect of delivering stable cloud services for users. Focusing on improving successful execution of tasks under resource constraints, this work proposes an enhanced and effective resource management method to achieve reliability within the cloud environment. The proposed method employs an adaptive reinforcement learning algorithm merged with the queuing theory to schedule user requests. There are many dynamic changes in the cloud environment in terms of resource availability and attributes that make a reliable task execution difficult to guarantee. As a solution to this problem, our approach employs a task scheduler, which can effectively adapt to those dynamic changes and successfully schedule user requests............


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Causality Patterns and Machine Learning For The Extraction of Problem-Action Relations in Discharge Summaries
Country :: India
Authors :: S.Swathi || Mr.V.Madhavan
Page No. :: 05-08

Clinical narrative text includes information related to a patient's medical history such as chronological progression of medical problems and clinical treatments. A chronological view of a patient's history makes clinical audits easier and improves quality of care. In this paper, we propose a clinical Problem- Action relation extraction method, based on clinical semantic units and event causality patterns, to present a chronological view of a patient's problem and a doctor's action. Based on our observation that a clinical text describes a patient's medical problems and a doctor's treatments in chronological order, a clinical semantic unit is defined as a problem and/or an action relation............



Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Classification of Leaves Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Country :: India
Authors :: || C.R.Renukarenukakishore@ || || Mrs.R.Bamalakshmi M.E
Page No. :: 09-12

In our approach, we introduce a deep learning convolutional neural networks which takes into account both hybrid and generic information. Plants plays an important role in human life ,so it is necessary to build an automatic system for recognizing plant. Leaf classification has become a research focus for twenty years. In this paper ,we propose fully connected layers structure adding into the convolutional neural network. We use this CNN model for plant leaf identification for some improvement on it to let it perform better. This approach supports classification based on varying number of plant views. We also present the qualitative results of our proposed models, based on feature visualization techniques and show that outcome depict our hypothesis and expectation.


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Continuous Heart Rate Monitoring System as an IoT edge device
Country :: India
Authors :: Ms G.Dharini || S.Nishanthini
Page No. :: 13-15

Detection of atrial fibrillation is done by checking the variations in the period of the heart rate, if a patient has atrial fibrillation then the period between each heart beat will vary. A light-based sensor can be used to detect these variations in heart rate; this is done by using Photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor which is non-invasive. The sensor consists of a LED with a photodetector and is able to detect the variations in blood volume or blood flow in the body and directly correlates to heart rate. The detected signal needs to be amplified and filtered as the signal contains a lot of high frequency noise as well as low frequency motion artifacts. The benefits of compact low-cost Wi-Fi module can be harnessed to develop a wireless continuous heart rate monitoring system enhancing possibility of atrial fibrillation detection.

[1]. Ramli, N, Youseffi, M & Widdop, P 2012, Design and fabrication of a low cost heart monitor using reflectance photoplethysmogram, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering, vol. 5, no. 8, pp. 307-316.
[2]. Toshiyo, T., Yuka, M., Masaki, S., and Masaki, Y. 2014, Wearable photoplethysmographic sensors-past and present, Electronics, vol. 3, no. 2, pp 282-302
[3]. Al-Qazzaz, N, Abdulazez, I, and Ridha, S 2014, Simulation recording of an ECG, PCG, and PPG for feature extractions, Al- Khwarizmi Engineering Journal, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 81- 91.
[4]. Team Valencell 2015, Optical heart rate monitoring: what you need to know, 15 October, viewed 19 October 2017, <>.
[5]. Hey, S, Gharbi, A, Von, B, Walter, Konig, N, and Loffler, S 2009, Continuous noninvasive pulse transit time measurement for psychophysiological stress monitoring, eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, International Conference on IEEE, pp. 113-116.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Quadrature Spatial Modulation in MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems with Imperfect Channel Estimation and Limited Feedback
Country :: India
Authors :: Mr.R.Murugan || Keerthika.S
Page No. :: 16-21

This paper studies the recent novel multiple- input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission technique called, quadrature spatial modulation (QSM), in underlay cognitive radio (CR) systems. In particular, a multiantenna secondary transmitter (ST) communicates with a multi-antenna secondary receiver (SR) in the presence of a primary receiver (PR). Considering only statistical knowledge of the ST-PR channel gain, the QSM-CR scheme is investigated using a mean value (MV)-based power allocation strategy referred to as MV-based scheme. Furthermore, assuming that the ST-PR channel gain is perfectly known, the QSM-CR scheme is investigated using a power allocation method based on instantaneous channel state information (CSI) referred to as CSI-based scheme............

Keywords: Interleaver Division Multiplexing (IDM) - Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) – Spatial Modulation (SM) - Quadrature Spatial Modulation (QSM)

[1]. M. Di Renzo, H. Haas, A. Ghrayeb, S. Sugiura, and L. Hanzo, "Spatial modulation for generalized MIMO: Challenges, opportunities, and implementation," Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 56–103, Jan. 2016.
[2]. J. Jeganathan, A. Ghrayeb, L. Szczecinski, and A. Ceron, "Space shift keying modulation for MIMO channels," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 3692–3703, Jul. 2011
[3]. R. Mesleh, H. Haas, S. Sinanovi´c, C. W. Ahn, and S. Yun, "Spatial modulation," IEEE Trans. on Veh. Tech., vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 2228 – 2241, Jul. 2010.
[4]. J. Jeganathan, A. Ghrayeb, and L. Szczecinski, "Spatial modulation: optimal detection and performance analysis," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 545–547, Aug. 2010.
[5]. A. Stavridis, S. Sinanovic, M. Di Renzo and H. Haas, "Energy evaluation of spatial modulation at a multi-antenna base station," in IEEE 78th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2013, Las Vegas, NV, 2015, pp. 1-5.
[6]. A. Stavridis, S. Sinanovic, M. D. Renzo, H. Haas, and PeteGrant,"Anenergysavingbasestationemployingspatialmodulation", IEEE CAMAD 2012, September 2014, Barcelona, Spain

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Mine Detecting Robot Using Wireless Tecchonology And IOT
Country :: India
Authors :: Ms.Vasanthi.D || Logeshwari.M || Priyadharshini.S || Karthiga.L
Page No. :: 22-26

This paper describes a robot using the Wireless technology to detect the coal mine. As the coal mine is a dangerous field, various fatal factors threaten people. Predominantly, it is very dangerous to enter into the tunnel without detecting the environment ahead in time, because the explosion may occur at any time. Aiming to the task, here the rescue robot can be sent to explosion environment and detect gas content and temperature, etc. Meanwhile, the environmental data detected by the robot are sent to the rescuers through SMS using GSM module. Here the Bluetooth wireless technology is used for data communication .Thus the rescuers can make the plan to save the life of miners as soon as possible. So the coal mine detect and rescue robot is a very useful robot in the coal mine disaster.

Keywords - Wireless technology, robot, GSM module, SMS, Bluetooth.

[1]. Haggle, M., Nilsson, K., and Pires, J. N. (2008). Industrial robotics. In (Siciliano and Khatib, 2008), pages 963–986.
[2]. Feron, E. and Johnson, E. N. (2008). Aerial robotics. In (Siciliano and Khatib, 2008), pages 1009–1029.
[3]. Corke, P. I., Roberts, J. M., Cunningham, J., and Hainsworth, D. (2008). Mining robotics. In (Siciliano and Khatib, 2008), pages 1127–1150.
[4]. Antonelli, g., fossen, t.i., and yoerger, d. r. (2008). Underwater robotics. In (siciliano and khatib, 2008), pages 987–1008.
[5]. Yoshida, K. and Wilcox, B. (2008). Space robots and systems. In (Siciliano and Khatib, 2008), pages 1031–1063.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Implementation of VLC Transceiver for Audio and Video Signal using LI-FI Technology
Country :: India
Authors :: Mr.B.Vinodhkumar || S.Mahalakshmi
Page No. :: 27-30

In a trendy world of wireless technology, we are using many numbers of devices to access the internet. Most of these devices use wireless communication. In electromagnetic spectrum due to lack of radio spectrum, we cannot use it for longer time. It will be led to network complexity, shortage of bandwidth and an increased risk of interference of radio frequencies. This conflict occur in Wi-fi in order to overcome this we are going to Li-fi technology. Li-Fi is a new way of wireless communication that uses light waves to transmit data instead of radio waves. Light-emitting diodes are used to transmit the data in visible light spectrum. Li-fi uses visible light communication and it has a promising future. On comparing with Wi-fi it has low latency, high efficiency, accessible spectrum, and high data can be achieved. It is highly secured so the data cannot be hacked. This paper aims at designing Li-fi transceiver for audio and video signal transmission with large increase in transmission distance and improvement of channel capacity.

Keywords: Li-Fi, li-fitransceiver, Visible light communication.

[1]. A. Bhati, M. Hansen, and C. M. Chan, ―Energy conservation through smart homes in a smart city: A lesson for Singapore households,‖ Energy Policy, vol. 104, no. February, pp. 230–239, 2017.
[2]. I. Meena and D. Kumar, ―A Review Paper on Li - Fi,‖ in National Conference on Innovations in Micro-electronics, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies, 2016, no. February, pp. 9–11.
[3]. P. Mishra, J. Poddar, and S. Priya, ―A Review On LiFi : The Green WiFi,‖ Int. Res. J. Eng. Technol., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 99 –103, 2016.
[4]. A. Jovicic, J. Li, and T. Richardson, ―Visible light communication: opportunities, challenges and the path to market,‖ IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 51, no. 12, pp. 26–32, Dec. 2014.
[5]. S. Wu, H. Wang, and C. Youn, ―Visible Light Communications for 5G Wireless Networking Systems: From Fixed to Mobile Communications,‖ IeeeNetw., vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 41–45, 2014.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Encoding and Decoding of High Capacity Color Qr Codes For Mobile Applications
Country :: India
Authors :: Soniya.S || Ms.B.Hemalatha, M.E.,(Ph.D)
Page No. :: 31-35

The use of color in QR codes brings extra capacity, but also inflicts tremendous challenges on the decoding process due to chromatic distortion cross-channel color interference and illumination variation. Particularly, we further discover a new type of chromatic distortion bin high density color QR codes cross module color interference caused by the high density which also makes the geometric distortion correction more challenging .To address these problems ,we propose two approaches ,LSVM-CMI and QDA-CMI, which jointly model these different types of chromatic distortion. Furthermore, a robust geometric transformation method and several pipeline refinements are proposed to boost the decoding performance for mobile application...........


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: A High Performance Scalable Pre-Processor for Network Security Systems
Country :: India
Authors :: Savitha.K || Ms. S. Lakshmi, M.E., (Ph.D.) (Hod)
Page No. :: 36-40

Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) and Anti-Denial-of-Service (DoS) employ Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) which provides visibility to the content of payload to detect network attacks. All DPI engines assume a pre-processing step that extracts the various protocol-specific fields. However, application layer (L7) field extraction is computationally expensive. We propose a novel Deep Packet Field Extraction Engine (DPFEE) for application layer field extraction to hardware. DPFEE is a content-aware, grammar-based, Layer 7 programmable field extraction engine for text-based protocols. Our prototype DPFEE implementation for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and HTTP protocol on a single FPGA, achieves a bandwidth of 408.5 Gbps and this can be scaled beyond 500 Gbps............



Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Power Quality Enhancement in Smart Grid System
Country :: India
Authors :: MissR.Preetha || Dharani.T || Geethanjali.T || Indhumathi.E
Page No. :: 41-45

In order to the mitigate of power quality disturbance in smart grid system due to voltage swells using one of the powerful power custom devices namely Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). Almost all power quality problems originate from disturbances in the distribution networks. Power quality issues are gaining significant attention due to the increase in the number of sensitive loads. The DVR is normally installed between the source voltage and critical or sensitive load. Many of these loads use equipment that is sensitive to distortions or dips in supply voltages. Maximum AC loads consumes reactive power, it causes poor power quality in power system. The new configuration of DVR has been proposed using pic microcontroller.............

Keywords: dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), interleaved boost converters, pic microcontroller

[1]. M. Bollen, Understanding Power Quality Problems. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2000, ch. 1, pp. 1–35. [2] H. Fujita and H. Akagi, "Voltage-regulation performance of a shunt active filter intended for installation on a power distribution system," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 1046–1053, May 2007.
[2]. A. Ghosh and G. Ledwich, "Load compensating DVR in weak ac systems," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1302–1309, Oct. 2003. [4] A. Elnady and M. Salama, "Unified approach for mitigating voltage sag and voltage flicker using the DVR," IEEE Trans. PowerDel., vol. 20, no. 2, pt. 1, pp. 992–1000, Apr. 2005.
[3]. S. Rahmani, A. Hamadi, and K. Al-Haddad, "A Lyapunov-functionbased control for a three-phase shunt hybrid active filter," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 1418–1429, Mar. 2012.
[4]. M. K. Mishra and K. Karthikeyan, "A fast-acting dc-link voltage controller for three-phase DVR to compensate ac and dc loads," IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 2291–2299, Oct. 2009.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Voice Assisted Text Reading System For Visually Impaired Persons Using TTS Method
Country :: India
Authors :: A.Sankaran || R.Barath Priyadarshan || A.Mohamed Thaaric || S.Nataraj
Page No. :: 46-51

According to the World Health Organization, out of 7.4 billion population around 285 million people are estimated to be visually impaired worldwide. It is observed that they are still finding it difficult to roll their day today life and it is important to take necessary measure with the emerging technologies to help them to live the current world irrespective of their impairments. In the motive of supporting them We have proposed a smart spec for the blind persons which can perform text detection thereby produce a voice output. This can help the visually impaired persons to read any printed text in vocal form. A specs inbuilt camera is used to capture the text image from the printed text and the captured image is analyzed using Tesseract-Optical Character recognition (OCR).............

Keywords: OCR, TTS, Audio module, Android.

[1]. Yi, C., Tian, Y., & Arditi, A. (2014). Portable Camera-Based Assistive Text and Product Label Reading From Hand-Held Objects for Blind Persons. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 19(3), 808–817.doi:10.1109/tmech.2013.2261083
[2]. R. U. Shekokar , A Survey On Camera Based Assistive Technologies For Visually Impaired Peoples,2016.
[3]. Ramesh Babu.Y, Vision Based Assistive System For Label Detection With Voice Output,2017
[4]. Ch.Sridevi Reddy, Image Processing Based Assistive System For Label Detection With Voice Output For Blind People, IJRRECS/August 2016
[5]. X. Chen, J. Yang, J. Zhang and A. Waibel, "Automatic detection and recognition of signs from natural scenes," In IEEE Transactions on image processing, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 87-99, 2004.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Computer Vision Based Toll System
Country :: India
Authors :: Dr.V.Bharathi || A.Jayalakshmi || S.Ralya || R.Sharmila || T.Thamizhselvi
Page No. :: 52-58

Many highway toll collection systems have already been developed and are widely used in India. Some of these include Manual toll collection, RF tags, Barcodes, Number plate recognition. All these systems have disadvantages that lead to some errors in the corresponding system. The system is based on Computer Vision vehicle detection using OpenCV library in Embedded Linux platform. The system is designed using Embedded Linux development kit (Raspberry pi). In this system, a camera captures images of vehicles passing through toll booth thus a vehicle is detected through camera. Depending on the area occupied by the vehicle, classification of vehicles as light and heavy is done. Further this information is passed to the Raspberry pi which is having web server set up on it. When raspberry pi comes to know the vehicle, then it access the web server information and according to the type of the vehicle, appropriate toll is charged. This system can also made to count moving vehiclesThe number plate of the vehicle is captured and the image is converted into text form. The vehicle can be checked whether it is registered or not by comparing the captured image with the database from the RTO that contains details about the registered vehicles

Keywords: ....


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: E Nose for Identification of Odour Level and Quality of the Food Product
Country :: India
Authors :: Ms.Krithiga .B || Poongodi .S
Page No. :: 59-62

Food quality is a most essential factor to our day-to-day life. Now-a-days the food quality gets bad due to many food industry waste, food waste mixed into food resources, etc., according to food quality control board statement, lack of food quality monitoring is the key reason for increasing the level of food chemical. In this project, a live monitoring system with customized food sensor are used. Atmega328 microcontroller is utilized for measuring food quality. The sensor values are updated for processing and monitoring through a graphical view. The Proposed system is used to analyze the food samples.

Keywords: Electronic nose, gas sensor, embedded kit.

[1]. B. A. Botre, D. C. Gharpure, and A. D. Shaligram, "Embedded Electronic Nose and supporting software tool for its parameter optimization", Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, Elsevier, vol. 146, pp. 453-459, 2009.
[2]. D. Moore, "Instrumentation for trace detection of high explosives," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 75, no. 8, pp. 2499-2512, August 2004.
[3]. lskandarani, M. and N. Shilbayeh, "Design and analysis of a Smart Multi Purpose Electronic Nose System," Journal of Comp. Sc., vol. 1(1), pages 63-71, 2005.
[4]. K.I. Arshak, C. Cunniffe, E.G. Moore and L.M. Cavanagh, "Custom Electronic Nose with Potential Homeland Security Applications," lEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, Houston, Texas USA, 7-9 February 2006.
[5]. J. Kim, H. Byun, and C. Hong, "Mobile robot wirh artificial olfactory function", Transaction on control, automation and systems engineering, vol. 3, No. 4, pp 223-229, 2001.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Full-Duplex Cognitive Radios: From The Energy Efficiency Perspective
Country :: India
Authors :: Priya.S || Mr. Anandan, M.E.
Page No. :: 63-67

In traditional cognitive radio networks (CRNs), the interweave, underlay, overlay and hybrid spectrum sharing schemes are only spectrum-efficient in specific circumstances. In order to improve the robustness of spectrum sharing schemes in a dynamic traffic environment from the perspective of energy efficiency, adaptive spectrum sharing schemes are proposed in this work for both half-duplex (HD) and fullduplex (FD) CRNs. The proposed schemes allow the secondary users (SUs) to adaptively access the licensed spectrum, provided that PUs' traffic arrives at a low rate and energy efficiency gains exist. Based on the intermittent nature of the arrival and departure processes for PUs' traffic, closed-form expressions of energy efficiency for the traditional interweave, underlay, overlay, hybrid and the proposed schemes are investigated for both half-duplex and full-duplex modes. By defining energy efficiency loss, the impacts of the spectrum sensing error and channel estimation error are...........

Keywords: .....


Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Vehicular Communication System Using LI-FI for Collision Avoidance
Country :: India
Authors :: Mrs.M. Ramani || B.A. Mani Megala || B. Prathibha || S. Sandiya
Page No. :: 68-73

Vehicular communication systems are networks in which vehicles and roadside units are the communicating nodes, providing each other with information, such as safety warnings and traffic information. Li-Fi (Light – Fidelity) is a visible light communication (VLC) system that uses Light-Emitting Diodes(LEDs) for data transmission. The existing system provides an alert message to avoid collisions but the drivers will not consider the alert message all the time. The aim of the project is to prevent accidents by controlling the speed of the vehicle and then it is stopped automatically using relay. When a vehicle is jammed at the road, an alert message will be sent to the following vehicles. The distance between the two vehicle is calculated using Ultrasonic Sensor and the information is sent to the corresponding person.

Keywords: ...
