Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | Preventing Profile Sensitive Information Inference Attacks in OSN using Data Sanitization Technique |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Ms. Priti N. Rathod || Prof. M. B. Kalkumbe |
Page No. | :: | 01-08 |
(OSN) On-line social networks like Facebook are increasingly utilized by many people. These networks enable users to publish their own details and modify them to contact their friends. The information generated by social media services typically said because the social network data. In several things, the information has to be revealed and shared with others. Social networks ar on-line applications that enable their users to attach by means that of assorted link varieties. Some of the knowledge disclosed within these networks is supposed to be personal. A privacy breach occurs when sensitive information about the user, the information that an individual wants to keep from public, is disclosed to an adversary. Private info discharge may be a crucial issue in some cases that is termed inference Attack..........
Keywords –Client/server, inference attack, Distributed Systems, hacking, phreaking.
[1]. j. he, w. chu, and v. liu(2006), "Inferring Privacy Information from Social Networks," Proc. Intelligence and Security Informatics.
[2]. E. Zheleva And L. Getoor(2008), "Preserving The Privacy Of Sensitive Relationships In Graph Data," Proc. First AcmSigkdd Int‟l
Conf. Privacy, Security, And Trust In Kdd, Pp. 153-171.
[3]. S. Nilizadeh, A. Kapadia, and Y.-Y.Ahn, "Community-enhanced de-anonymization of online social networks," in Proceedings of
the 2014 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, ser. CCS ‟14. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2014,
pp. 537– 548.
[4]. A. Narayanan and V. Shmatikov, "De-anonymizing social networks," in Proceedings of the 2009 30th IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy, ser. SP ‟09. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2009, pp. 173–187.
[5]. B. Zhou, J. Pei, and W. Luk, "A brief survey on anonymization techniques for privacy preserving publishing of social network
data," SIGKDD Explor.Newsl., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 12–22, Dec. 2008.
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | Recommendation Systems and its preliminary Engine Algorithms Walk-Through: A Survey |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Charanjeet Dadiyala || Neha Mogre || Priyanka Mogre |
Page No. | :: | 09-22 |
Recommendation Systems are characterized as the methods used to anticipate the rating one individual will provide for a thing or social element. These things can be books, motion pictures, eateries and things on which people have diverse inclinations. This paper covers the engineering, essential parts and different algorithms accessible of suggestion framework. It likewise covers different assessment measurements for a recommendation system.
Keywords: Recommendation systems, Collaborative filtering, Content-based filtering, Hybrid filtering technique, Evaluation, domains.
[2] Defending against malicious nodes using an SVM based Reputation System, Rehan Akbani ; Turgay Korkmaz ; G. V. S. Raju,
MILCOM 2008 - 2008 IEEE Military Communications Conference
[3] Reputation and Recommendation Systems, Ahmed Helmy, Associate Professor, Computer & Information Science & Engineering
(CISE) Department, Founder and Director: Mobile Networking Laboratory (NOMADS group), College of Engineering, University
of Florida, in the article published "CIS6930/4930 Mobile Networking [Advanced topics in computer networks] - Spring 2012"
[4] Recommendation systems: Principles, methods and evaluation, F.O.Isinkaye,Y.O.Folajimi, B.A.Ojokoh, Egyptian Informatics
Journal, Volume 16, Issue 3, November 2015, Pages 261-273, Open access
[5] J.A. Konstan, J. Riedl, Recommender systems: from algorithms to user experience, User Model User-Adapt Interact, 22 (2012), pp.
101- 123
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | Review of Recent Trends in Internet of Things |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Prof. N.A. Rathod || Prof. P.H. Jadhao || Dr. A. B. Raut |
Page No. | :: | 23-26 |
The Internet of Things (IOT) is the vast immerging technology in the field of communication networks. It is estimated that billions of devices will be connected to internet in near future. This paper provides the introduction to concept of Internet of things and recent trends in IOT. Managing transient data of sensor connected to IOT devices is issue of concern. IOT system analyzes the indoor environmental condition many predictive model are developed. Security of IOT system and application is also key area of concern, secure communication and firewall protection can help IOT system from different security attacks. Paper review all above mention areas and try to present basic of IOT and recent work in field of Internet of Things.
[1]. Alem Colakovic, Mesud Hadzialic "Internet of Things (IOT): A Review of Enabling Technologies,
Challenges, and Open Research Issues" Elsevier journal Computer Network, Vol. 144,17-39
[2]. Mehdi Mohammadi, mohammad Aledhari "Internet of Things: A Survey on Enabling
Technologies, Protocols and Applications" IEEE Communication Survey & AMP Tutorials, Jan 2015.
[3]. Nanjangud C. Narendra, Sambit Nayak, Anshu Shukla "Managing Large-Scale Transient Data in IoT Systems" 10th International
conference on communication System & Networks, 3-7 Jan 2018
[4]. Praveen Kumar Sharma, Tanmay De, Sujoy Saha "IoT based indoor environment data modelling and prediction" 10th International
conference on communication System & Networks, 3-7 Jan 2018
[5]. Navinkumar Maheshwari , Haresh Dagale "Secure Communication and Firewall Architecture
for IoT Applications" 10th International conference on communication System & Networks, 3-7 Jan 2018"
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | Review on Design of Regenerative Braking System and Speed Control of BLDC Motor for Electric Vehicle |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Nihal Mendhule || D. A. Shahakar |
Page No. | :: | 27-33 |
The workshop is intended to build up a Regenerative stopping mechanism and speed control for BLDC Motor. Brushless direct current engines. BLDC are getting to be well known in numerous applications including electrical vehicles in view of their capacity to take care of the demand of high power thickness, high productivity, wide speed range, and vigor, minimal effort and less upkeep. The speed control and braking strategies are proposed dependent on heartbeat width regulation strategy. Regenerative framework [RS] can enhance vitality use proficiency and acquisitions of signs like speed of turn are generally utilized in electric vehicles. Regenerative process and estimation of rotational speed in electric vehicles are uncommonly utilized. In all cases for acknowledgment of exact and ongoing control of engine drives............
Keyward: ArduinoMicrocontroller, BLDC Motor, Electric Vehicle, Regenerative Framework
[1] N. Pothirasan, Dr. M. PallikondaRajasekaran "Regenerative E-Vehicle Using BLDC Motor" International Conference on Emerging
Technological Trends [ICETT]2016 IEEE.
[2] S.M. BaqueBillah, Mohammad Jakaria,and PronabNath "A Novel Regenerative Braking System of BLDC Motor for Lightweight
Electric Vehicles: An Analysis of Braking Characteristics" 2nd International Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering
(ICEEE), 19-21 December 2017 IEEE, RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
[3] PoojaAwari, PankajSawarkar, RupalAgarwal, AnuragKhergade, Sanjay Bodkhe "Speed Control and Electrical Braking of Axial
Flux BLDC Motor" 978-1-5090-4874-8/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE.
[4] Naveen V, T. B. Isha"A Low Cost Speed Estimation Technique for Closed Loop Control of BLDC Motor Drive" International
Conference on circuits Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]2017 IEEE.
[5] P.Sarala, Dr. S. F Kodad, Dr. B. Sarvesh"Analysis of Closed loop Current controlled BLDC Motor Drive" International Conference
on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT) – 2016 IEEE.
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | Sack Info 3.0 |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Rinku Turkar |
Page No. | :: | 34-37 |
This project is based on web application. It manages the college information, student information, placement information, various different types of event going on in our college. It also keeps track records of all the information regarding students those who are placed in the various organization. It has a notice board which contains information about various cultural or technical or any sports which is supposed to be held soon. With the help of this project, you can view the previous videos with the help of internet connection..
Keywords: Introduction, Goals, History, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages, Future Scope, Conclusion.
[1]. S.R.Bharamagoudar et al , "Web-Based Student Information Management System,International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013.
[2]. Zhi-gang YUE,You-weJIN,"Thedevelopment and design of the student management system based on the network environment",2010
International Conference on Multimedia Communications,978-0-7695-4136-5/10 2010 IEEE.
[3]. R. B. Guin, S. Chakrabarti, C. Tarafdar, and S. Mandal, "A smart architectural concept for the making of a university education
systemusing cloud computing paradigm," in Proc. 2011 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, Mumbai,
2011, pp.48-52.
[4]. R. M. Leod, Management Information Systems, Third Ed., Science Research Associates, 1986, pp. 17-19. [5] L. Long, Management
Information System, PrenticeHall, 1989, pp.116-117.
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | Designing Security Implementation in Cloud Computing Depend On User Behavior and Decoy Technology |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Sonam Satyanarayan Tiwari || Prof. Roshani Talmale |
Page No. | :: | 38-44 |
Recently information technology growing fast to provide users with various services like data access, upload data and download it from anywhere using internet but it will lead to security problems. One of them is secret key file, Password files have a great deal of security issue that has influenced a great many clients as well the number of industry. Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm in which resources of the computing infrastructure are provided as services over theweb. Cloud computing efficiently modifies the way we utilize computers and guarantees access and storage of our private data and business information. These new computing and communication models face new data security challenges. To keep sensitive userdata confidential from untrusted servers, traditional methods usually apply cryptographic methods like encryption by sharing data decryption keys only to genuine users.............
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Encryption, Security, Decoy Technology, User Profiling Behavior.
[1]. S. E. Coull, J. Branch, B. Szymanski, and E. Breimer. Intrusion detection: A bioinformatics approach. In Proceedings of
the 19th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, pages 24{33, 2001.
[2]. S. E. Coull and B. K. Szymanski. Sequence alignment for masquerade detection. Computational Statistics and Data
Analysis, 52(8):4116{4131, 2008.
[3]. R. A. Maxion and T. N. Townsend. Masquerade detection using truncated command lines. In DSN '02: Proceedings of
the 2002 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, pages 219{228. IEEE Computer Society,
[4]. R. A. Maxion and T. N. Townsend. Masquerade detection augmented with error analysis. IEEE Transactions on
Reliability, 53(1):124{147, 2004.
[5]. M. Oka, Y. Oyama, H. Abe, and K. Kato. Anomaly detection using layered networks based on eigen co-occurrence
matrix. In Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 2004.
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | Student Management System |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Triveni Rahangdale |
Page No. | :: | 45-48 |
This project is based on web application. It manages the college information, student information, placement information, various different types of event going on in our college. Student Management System is software which is helpful for students as well as the school authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. It is very time consuming and costly. Our Student Management System deals with the various activities related to the students. In the Software we can register as a user and user has of two types, student and administrator. Administrator has the power to add new user and can edit and delete a user. A student can register as user and can add edit and delete his profile. The administrator can add edit and delete marks for the student. All the users can see the marks.
Keywords: Introduction, Goals, History, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages, Future Scope, Conclusion, Reference.
[1]. S.R Bharamagoudar et al, "Web-Based Student Information Management System", International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer and Communication Engineering Vol.2, Issue 6, June 2013.
[2]. R.M. Lead, Management Information System ,Third Ed., Science Research Associates, 1986, pp. 17-19.
[3]. R. B. Guin, S. Chakrabarti, C. Tarafdar, and S. Mandal, "A smart architectural concept for the making of a university education
systemusing cloud computing paradigm," in Proc. 2011 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, Mumbai,
2011, pp.48-52
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | The ERP Software for Enterprises |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Sagar Narnaware |
Page No. | :: | 49-52 |
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an integrated software solution offered by a vendor to support the seamless integration of information flows through an organization. The ERP Software is Web Application enables enterprises to manage their resources with a complete control and security. The ERP is an automation system for the enterprises which provide greater speed to manage enterprises easily. The ERP provides data security, data integration, and authorization and so on. The ERP provide good interface to user so they can work easily. This is the web application so it can be possible to work from anywhere, anytime. It provides facility to user to maintain their transactions for future uses.
Keywords: Introduction, Goals, History, Evaluation, Functions, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages, Future Scope, Conclusion.
[1] Addo-Tenkorang, R., Helo, P. 2011. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): A Review Literature Report. Proceedings of the World
Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS), Vol. II, October 19-21, San Francisco, USA
[2] Al-Fawaz, K., Al-Salti, Z., Eldabi,T. 2008. Critical Success Factors in ERP Implementation: A Review. European and Mediterranean
Conference on Information Systems(EMCIS2008). May 25-26, Al Bustan Rotana Hotel, Dubai
[3] Al-Mashari, M., Zairi, M. 2000. The Effective application of SAP R/3: A proposed model of best practices. Logistics Information
Management, 13:3, pp. 156 – 166.
[4] Al-Mashari, M. 2003. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems: A research agenda.Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol.
103/1, pp. 22-27
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | The Role of Pedagogical Agents in Designing KITWEB |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Mrs. Anagha A. Ralegaonkar || Dr. S. B. Thorat || Dr. Pritam R. Patil || Dr. P. B. Tamsekar |
Page No. | :: | 53-58 |
An intelligent tutoring system is computer software designed to simulate a human tutor's performance and assistance. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) are designed with using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques in computer programs and called cognitive tutors or Knowledge Based Tutoring Systems which can guide learners to progress in the learning process at their greatest and to facilitate instruction. . Although CAI software is commonly used as a teaching material it also inspires learners. But for the effective use this software must be individualized. So to develop such personalized software the instructions that are provided by the software must be individualized and also it should motivate the student in such teaching.............
Keywords- Pedagogical agents, ITS, CAI, AI
[1]. Craig, S. D., Gholson, B., & Driscoll, D. M. (2002). Animated Pedagogical Agents in Multimedia Educational Environments:
Effects of Agent Properties, Picture Features, and Redundancy. Journal of Educational Psychology 2002, 94(2), 428-434.
[2]. Baylor, A. L. (2005). The Impact of Pedagogical Agent Image on Affective Outcomes. Paper presented at the Workshop "Affective
Interactions: The Computer in the Affective Loop" at the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, San Diego, CA.
[3]. Baylor, A. L. (1999a). Intelligent agents as cognitive tools for education. Educational Technology, 39(2), 36-40.
[4]. Atkinson, R. K. (2002). Optimizing learning from examples using animated pedagogical agents. Journal of Educational Psychology,
94, 416-427.
[5]. Baylor, A. L. (2002b). Expanding preservice teachers' metacognitive awareness of instructional planning through pedagogical
agents. Educational Technology Research & Development, 50(2), 5-22.
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | The Trend of Online Shopping In 21 st Century |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Dhanwantari K. Nanhe |
Page No. | :: | 59-62 |
An online shopping system that permits a customer to submit online orders for items and/or services from a store that serves both walk-in customers and online customers.Shopping cart is an online store that enables websites owners to sell their product online. It is a web shopping cart that web enables the day-to-day sales functions.The system helps the customer to purchase the product with and without Credit-Card Information. It includes sophisticated products and customer management module(i.e.Dashboard module and User module ).This website will be useful to anyone who wants to purchase items using internet. It generates the Reports related to the system.
Key Words:Introduction, Goals, History, Online-process, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages, future scope, Conclusion.
[1]. Abdul–Muhmin, Alhassan G. (2010). "Transaction Size Effects on Consumers' Retail Payment Mode Choice", International
Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol 38 (6), pp 460– 478
[2]. Adkins LeHew, M. L. and Cushman, L. M. (1998). "Time Sensitive Consumers' Preference for Concept Clustering: An
Investigation of Mall Tenant Placement Strategy", Journal of Shopping Center Research, Vol 5 (1), pp 33–58.
[3]. Aggarwal, A. (2000). "Current Issues in Indian Retailing", European Retail Digest, Vol 25, pp 70–71.
[4]. Ailawadi, Kusum L., Beauchampb, J. P., Donthu, Naveen, Gauri, Dinesh K. and Shankar, Venkatesh (2009). "Communication and
Promotion Decisions in Retailing: A Review and Directions for Future Research", Journal of Retailing, Vol 85 (1), pp 42–55.
[5]. Alexander, N. and Silva, M. D. (2002). "Emerging Markets and the Internationalization of Retailing: The Brazilian experience",
International Journal of Retail Distribution and Management, Vol 30 (6), pp 300–314.
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | Travelling Salesman Problem using Differential Evolutionary Algorithm |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Vanita G.Tonge |
Page No. | :: | 63-67 |
This paper presents an efficient and powerful population based algorithm that is Differential evolutionary algorithm which has been successfully apply on travelling salesman problem. The travelling salesman problem is one of the large classes of "NP Hard "optimization problem. It has applications in science and engineering field. An efficient solution to this problem reduces travelling costs and the objective of this problem is based on the applications used. For the travelling salesman problem shortest distance is an objective function. In this paper we have used recursive DE algorithm to implement the travelling salesman problem. Recursive DE improves the time complexity of algorithm and gives improved result.
Keyword: Differential Evolution, TSP, Mutation, Crossover operator, Optimization.
[1]. David S. Johnson,Lyle A.McGeoch ,"The Travelling salesman Problem: A case Study in Local Optimization".november 20,1995
[2]. Brian Hegerty, Chih-Cheng Hung, and Kristen Kasprak," A Comparative Study on Differential Evolution and Genetic Algorithms
for Some Combinatorial Problems",
[3]. A.K.Quin,P.N.Suganthan,"Self-adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm for Numerical Optimization"0-7803-9363-
[4]. Thomas H.Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein,"Introduction to Algorithms Second Edition", PHI
[5]. Godfrey C. Onwubalu, B.V. labu, "New Optimization Techniques in Engineering", published in springer
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | Virtual Reality: A New Design Methodology For Students |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Bharti R. Dikhit || Dr. Keshao D. Kalaskar || Asst. Prof. Pankaj B. Dhumane || Dr. Yogesh Sharma |
Page No. | :: | 68-69 |
Virtual Reality (VR) refers to as technology which is combination of virtual objects and real–world objects in environments, these technologieswill provide good and better platform to students for their better future studies than the manual material. The purpose of the studies is to accelerate learning and understanding of concepts of VR and 3D models. Due to the nature of various learning styles many students need to interact with 3D scenes to enhance various visualization skills.
Keywords: Virtual Reality (VR), Mobile learning, 3D spatial visualization, audio visual, learning styles.
[1]. One, P., Two, P., Archival, D., Rights, I. P., & Three, P. (n.d.). 3D and virtual reality : standards and methods for acquisition,
storage and visualization of digital three- dimensional models for objects or scenes of cultural interest, 2–9.
[2]. Alkhamisi, A. O., &Monowar, M. M. (2013). Rise of Augmented Reality : Current and Future Application Areas, 2013(November),
[3]. Brandel, S. (n.d.). 4D Objects for Animation : Immersion on Virtual Reality, (Figure 1), 2–6.
[4]. Bowman, D. A., Mcmahan, R. P., & Tech, V. (2007). Virtual Reality : How Much Immersion Is Enough ?
[5]. Brazley, M. D. (2018). Architecture, Virtual Reality, Spatial Visualization, Learning Styles, and Distance Education, 4(2), 10–16. 20180402.11, ISSN no 2472-1107.
Paper Type | :: | Research Paper |
Title | :: | Wireless Communication |
Country | :: | India |
Authors | :: | Swati Pohankar |
Page No. | :: | 70-73 |
The term wireless communication was introduced in the 19th century and wireless communication technology has developed over the subsequent years. It is one of the most important mediums of transmission of information from one device to other devices. In this technology, the information can be transmitted through the air without requiring any cable or wires or other electronic conductors, by using electromagnetic waves like IR, RF, satellite, etc. In the present days, the wireless communication technology refers to a variety of wireless communication devices and technologies ranging from smart phones to computers, tabs, laptops, Bluetooth Technology, printers. This article gives an overview of wireless communication and types of wireless communications.
Keywords: Introduction, Types, History, Features, Advantages, Disadvantages, Future Scope, Conclusion.
[1]. Wireless Communications, Principles and Practice (2nd Ed.), T. S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, 2002.
[2]. Wireless Communications and Networking, J. W. Mark & W. Zhuang, Prentice Hall India, 2006.
[3]. WCDMA for UMTS, Radio Access for Third Generation Mobile Communications(3rd Ed.), Editors: H. Holma & A. Toskala, Wiley, 2004.
[4]. Digital Communications (5th Ed.),// 4th edition J. G. Proakis & M. Salehi, McGraw Hill, 2008.
[5]. Error Control Coding (2nd Ed.), S. Lin & D. J. Costello, Jr., Prentice Hall, 2004
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