8th National Conference on "Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering" [RDME-2019]

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Cost Effective Vibration Recording Instrument
Country :: India
Authors :: AvinashAherkar || SachinShingan || ShaileshGargote || Prasad Zade || Prashantvavhal
Page No. :: 01-03

Now a days, vibration measurement is important because development of proper vibration isolation system is not possible if we don't know the actual cause of vibration. Some instruments are already available in market but these instruments are having high cost. In the present work, it is aimed to develop a vibration recording instrument that will give better accuracy at a reasonable cost.

Keyword : Vibration measuring instrument, optical recording instrument, light sensitized paper, etc.

[1]. G. Giuliani, et al., Laser diode self-mixing technique for sensing application, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Optical instrumentation 4(6) (2002) S283-S294.
[2]. Anton azovtsev and Alexei barkov. Rolling element and fluid film bearing diagnostics using enveloping methods. Sound and vibration. 1995,June:10-17.
[3]. Kelly S. G., Mechanical Vibrations, Schaums Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.
[4]. Jain R. K., Engineering Metrology, Khanna Publications

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Comparative Analysis and Validation of Automobile Spring in Passive Suspension System to Study Ride Comfort through Non- Linear Approach
Country :: India
Authors :: Vinay R. Varude || Anirban C.Mitra || Shweta D. Suryawanshi || ManumohanS. Nair || Himanshu A. Patil || Vaibhav T. Bhilare
Page No. :: 04-09

Automobile spring is a crucial component of passive suspension system and has major effect on Ride Comfort and Road Holding performance. Automobile suspension systems are designed by considering the linear behavior of system. In actual practice, system behaves nonlinearly. The present work deals with non-linearity of spring and study its direct effects on the passive suspension system. Mathematical model for the Passive Suspension System is developed and equations of motion are derived. Spring Stiffness Coefficients are obtained by experimentation. The results obtained are used as an input for MATLAB-Simulink to evaluate Ride Comfort. Thus, Ride Comfort determined by Simulation is compared with the experimentation on Quarter Car Test-rig. This study tries to build bridge between theoretical and experimental values of Non Linear behaviour of springs.

Keywords: Non-linearity, Passive suspension system, MATLAB-SIMULINK, Ride Comfort, stiffness test rig, Quarter Car Test Rig.

[1]. Thomas D. Gillespie : Fundanmentals of Vehicle Dynamics.
[2]. Zhe Ji, Xiaoxian Yao, and Zuobao Liang : The Stiffness Calculation and Optimization for the Variable Stiffness Load Torque Simulation System(2017).
[3]. Ajesh Mathew, Ammar Diwan : Design and Fabrication of optimized non-linear spring in passive suspension system(2018).
[4]. Mr. Ashishkumar.A Jain, Mr. Akshay Patel, Mr. Bhargav Patel, Mr. Gunjan Desai : Simulation and analysis of active suspension system for passenger vehicles(2017).
[5]. Zhongzhe Chi, Yuping He and Greg F. Naterer : Design optimisation of vehicle suspension with Quarter vehicle model, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Numerical and Experimental Vibration Analysis of Flour Mill Motor Foundation
Country :: India
Authors :: A. A. Mohite || S. H. Sawant
Page No. :: 10-15

Vibration refers to mechanical oscillations about an equilibrium position. The oscillations may be periodic such as the motion of a pendulum or random such as the movement of a tire on a gravel road.Vibration is omnipotent, universal and multifaceted phenomena. It is an interdisciplinary field where physicist, mathematician and engineer interact in a closed loop. Research in vibration control has been an on-going study for decades, ever since the invention of mechanical systems. The vibration causes the effect on the operator of machineries. Increase the harshness level in working area..............

Keywords: Flour Mill, Noise and Harshness, Vibration, Omnipotent, Ansys Workbench

[1]. Ajinkya A. Mohite, Prof. Dr. S. H. Sawant- Vibration And Noise Analysis Of Flour Mill Foundation, 05thInternational Conference On Recent Trades In Engineering, Science & Management. (ISBN 978-93-86171-12-2)
[2]. Ohijeagbon, I. O Olusegun, H. D., Adekunle, A. S., Oladosu, O. A., Bodunde, A.,Analysis of Vibration Effect on Factory Foundation in a Flour Mill‖, LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology 7(1) 2012:44-5.
[3]. Vinay V. Nesaragi, Maruthi B.H., Chandru B.T., Dileep Kumar- ‖Design and Noise, Vibration, Harshness Analysis of Engine Bonnet of the Car‖, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 7( Version 2), July 2014, pp.05-11.
[4]. Rahul R. Joshi, Prof. Dr. V. R. Naik, et al,Vibration Analysis of Critical Components of Plain Weaving Machine‖, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 2, Issue 6, June 2013, ISSN: 2319-8753.
[5]. F. Al-Badour, M. Sunar, L. Cheded, et al,Vibration Analysis of Rotating Machinery Using Time-Frequency Analysis and Wavelet Techniques, article is in press‖, Mechanical Systems and Signal, doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2011.01.017.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Analysis of Ride Comfort Using SIMULINK for A Passive Suspension System on a Quarter Car Test Rig
Country :: India
Authors :: A. C. Mitra || S. T. Sayed || S. B. Singh || S. M. Yelgir || R. D. Pawar || V. N. Chougule
Page No. :: 16-24

While the present scenarios in the automotive sector reflect to an extremely challenging atmosphere : fighting hard amongst each other in this fierce battle to outperform and outclass one another, there has been a dire need for something special when it comes to suspension systems. Ride comfort (RC) seems to be an unconfronted zone, though many theories supporting the same have been introduced lately. No road projects a profile that to its entirety seems homogenous and smooth. This has an invariably large effect on the degree of comfort that any driver would sense while driving his/her vehicle. On similar lines; this paper intends to establish a precise correlation between the implemented experiments and corresponding simulation analyses............

Keywords - Correlation coefficient,Damping coefficient,MATLAB-SIMULINK,Ride Comfort(RC),Spring stiffness

[1]. ISO 2631-5:2018(en), Mechanical Vibration and Shock – Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole Body Vibration -Part 5: Method for evaluation of vibration containing multiple shocks, 2018-07, Pages 1-33.
[2]. D.E. Goldman, A Review of the Subjective Response to Vertical Motion of the Human Body in the Frequency Range 1 To 70 Cycles per Second, Naval Medical Research Institute, Report No. 1, March 16, 1948.
[3]. U.S. Katu, R.G. Desavale and R.A, Kanai, Effect of Vehicle Vibration on Human Body – RIT Experience (Rajaram Bapu Institute of Technology Sakharale Jan 2009).

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Design and development of Hybrid Drone
Country :: India
Authors :: S. P. Gadewar || A. D. Sawant || V. B. Limaye || P. G. Devadkar
Page No. :: 25-27

The authors have tried to put emphasis on the major design parameters of the hybrid drone system. Much effort has been spent on the materialselection of the system. Hardware design paramters, motor and electronic speed controllersystems, aerodynamics of the system, etc. are discussed in detail. The selection of components isdone on the basis of practical and theoreticalconsiderations. The availability of the components in the marketisalsokept in mind. If all the parameters are favourable and optimallyselectedthen the system canbeimprovised and customised as per the need of the situation in whichit has to beused.

Keywords: Aerodynamics, Controller Systems, Drone, Hybrid, Motor, HydrogenCell

[1]. B.O.Omijeh, V.M. Oden, K.J. Joseph, J.A. Erameh, "Design and construction of a quadcopter with payload for pipeline inspection and surveillance" IJAREEEIE, vol:5, issue 6, June 2016, ISSN print- 2320-3765, ISSN online- 2278-8875
[2]. A.Balachandran, D. Karelia, Dr. J.Challa, "Material Selection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle", IAEME vol. 5, issue 8, August 2014, pp 34-40, ISSN print: 0976-6340, ISSN online: 0976-6359.
[3]. G.Ononiwu, A.Okoye, J.Onojo, N. Onuekwusi," Design and Implementation of a Real Time Wireless Quadcopter for rescue operation", American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), Volume 5, Issue 9, 2016, pp-130-138, ISSN Print: 2320-0936, ISSN Online: 2320-0847
[4]. https://www.goodluckbuy.com/emax-gt-series-1090kv-outrunner-brushless-motors-type-gt2826-04-max-2-5kg-thrust-.html
[5]. https://www.banggood.in/Hobbywing-Skywalker-2-6S-60A-UBEC-Brushless-ESC-With-5V5A-BEC-For-RC-Airplane-p- 1039598.html?rmmds=buy&cur_warehouse=CN

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Modal Analysis of Titanium Nitrite Coated Stainless Steel Hip Joint Implant
Country :: India
Authors :: S . L. Gavali || H. V. Vankudre || K. N. Vijayakumar
Page No. :: 28-35

In this paper modal analysis of Hip joint implant used in Total Hip Replacement (total hip arthroplasty) is made. Objective of performing the modal analysis was to decide structural analysis of hip joint in static loading or in dynamic loading condition. Material used for Hip joint is Stainless steel 316L coated with Titanium nitrite. As coating is not contributing significantly to improve the mechanical properties of the implant but helps to improve the biocompatibility of hip joint. Modal analysis is the study of the dynamic properties of systems in the frequency domain. Modern day experimental modal analysis systems are composed of sensors..........

Keywords - Biocompatibility, Titanium Nitrite Coating, Hip Joint, ANSYS, FFT Analyzer.

[1]. Harris WH. The problem is osteolysis. Clin Orthop 1995; 311:46 - 53.
[2]. Brummitt K, Hardaker CS, McCullagh PJ, Drabu KJ, Smith RA. "Effect of counterface material on the characteristics of retrieved uncemented cobalt -chromium and titanium alloy total hip replacements‟. Proc Inst Mech Engng [H] 1996; 210: 191-5.
[3]. Harman MK, Banks SA, Hodge WA. "Wear analysis of a retrieved hip implant with titanium nitride coating‟. J Arthroplasty 1997; 12: 938-45.
[4]. Rodriguez D, Gil FJ, Planell JA. "Wear resistance of the nitrogen diffusion hardening of the Ti6Al4V alloy‟. J Biomech 1998; 31(Suppl. 1):49.
[5]. Yachia D, Beyar M. New treatment modality for penile urethral strictures using a self-expanding and self-retaining coil stent: UroCoil. Eur Urol 1993;24:500-4.
[6]. Wroblewski BM. Wear of the high-density polyethylene socket in total hip arthroplasty and its role in endosteal cavitation. Proc Inst Mech Engng [H] 1997;211:109 -18.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Measurement of Stress by Strain Gauge using NI Lab VIEW and its Validation with Simulations
Country :: India
Authors :: A.C. Mitra || P.M. Khaire || R.V. Shinde || P.S. Pamu || O.L. Jaybhaye
Page No. :: 36-40

Mechanical elements are subjected to various stresses due to different loading conditions hence it is necessary to calculate the values in order to avoid failure of the structure. A component fails because of axial stress, bending stress and torsional stress. The work presented here aims at developing a test rig to measure bending stress developed in cantilever beam. The test rig uses strain gauge in Wheatstone full bridge configuration to sense the deformation. Data Acquisition System is used to measure the stress due to point load and is integrated with NI LabVIEW software. Experimental and theoretical results are in close agreement and the Flexural formula was successfully validated.

Keywords: Bending stress, Data Acquisition System, NI labview, Strain gauge, Wheatstone network

[1]. Dr. Sadhu Singh, experimental stress analysis (Khanna Publishers, Fourth Edition, 2015, 103-110).
[2]. Eva LABAŠOVÁ determination of modulus of elasticity and shear modulus by the measurement of relative strains, faculty of materials science and technology in trnava slovak university of technology in Bratislava, 24(39), 2016.
[3]. Thomas C. Moore, Sr., Recommended Strain Gage Application Procedures for Various Langley Research Center Balances and Test Articles, NASA Technical Memorandum 110327, 1997.
[4]. Ahmed Ibrahim, Yeong Ryu, Mir Saidpour, Stress Analysis of Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels, Modern Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 1-9.
[5]. Lanka Ramesh, P. Srinivasa Rao, K. Ch. Kishore Kumar, D. Kiran Prasad, Experimental and Finite Element Model Analysis of uncracked and cracked Cantilever beam, International Journal of Advanced Research In Science, Engineering and Technology, 3(1), 2016.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Performance Evaluation of Mist Spray Direct Evaporative Cooler through Experimentation
Country :: India
Authors :: A. M. Deshmukh || S. N. Sapali
Page No. :: 41-47

In residential building, the comfort cooling system likethe air conditioning system is one of the major energy consuming appliances. Evaporative cooling systems are predominantly preferred as asubstitute to air conditioning systems sacrificing comfort to a certain level.The performance of a Mist Spray Direct Evaporative Cooler (MSDEC) is evaluated basically on four parameters viz. reduction in air temperature, saturation efficiency, cooling capacity, and noise level. This research article focuses on the development of MSDEC, its performance evaluation and comparison with the Conventional Evaporative Cooler with Honeycomb Pad Arrangement (CECHPA) under the same.............

Keywords : Mist nozzle, Evaporative cooling, Spinning disc

[1]. Igor Kovacevic, Maarten Sourbron, The numerical model for a direct evaporative cooler, Applied Thermal Engineering, (2016)
[2]. J.M. Wu, X. Huang, H. Zhang, Theoretical analysis on heat and mass transfer in a direct evaporative cooler, Applied Thermal Engineering, Issue 29, (2009) 980-984
[3]. Chenguang Sheng, A. G. Agwu N nanna, Empirical correlation of cooling efficiency and transport phenomena of a direct evaporative cooler, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Congress and Exposition IMECE2011, Denver, Colorado, USA
[4]. EI- Sayed G. Khater, Performance of direct evaporative cooling system under Egyptian conditions, Journal of Climatology & Weather Forecasting, Volume 2, Issue 2, (2014)
[5]. B.Riangvilaikul, S. Kumar, An experimental study of a novel dew point evaporative cooling system, Energy and Buildings, 42 (2010) 637-644

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Low cost Automation in Polyhouse
Country :: India
Authors :: S. S. Ichake || V. A. Parabkar || P. R. Magdum
Page No. :: 48-54

Agriculture is the backbone of our country. The available management is not sufficient to that of requirement. Today the farmer themselves manages all the things which crop requires, but every person do not have the exact knowledge of the quantity and the time to apply to the crop. So here we have developed the system that will manage the temperature and intensity of Pesticides for the crops using the Micro-Controller, Every seeds manufacturing company as well as regional agricultural colleges provide the yearly scheduled for the crop. Our system will take this as the input through the program and then it will maintain temperature and intensity of pesticides in poly-house.............

Keywords: Temperature control, Intensity of Pesticides, Micro-Controller, Poly-house

[1]. Baldwin, K. R. "Soil Quality Considerations for Organic Farmers", Organic Production, Centre for environmental farming systems (2006), pp.1-14.
[2]. Jonnala P. &Sathyanarayana G.S.R., 2015, "A Wireless Sensor Network for Poly-house Cultivation using Zig-bee Technology", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 1819-6608, Vol. 10, No. 10,June 2015, pp. 4413-4418.
[3]. Khandelwal S.A., 2012, "Automated Green House Management Using GSM Modem", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies (IJCSIT), ISSN: 0975-9646, Vol. 3 (1) , 2012, pp. 3099-3102.
[4]. Rangan K. &Vigneswaran T., 2010, "An Embedded Systems Approach to Monitor Green House", 2010 IEEE, pp. 61-65.
[5]. Gautam I. & Reddy S.R.N., 2012, "Innovative GSM Bluetooth based Remote Controlled Embedded System for Irrigation", International Journal of Computer Applications Vol. 47, No.13, June 2012, pp. 1-7.

Paper Type :: Research Paper
Title :: Enhancement of Convective Heat Transfer of Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger using Nano fluids
Country :: India
Authors :: Rahul Mahajan || Akshay Dumbare || Vaibhav Gogawale || Pravin Dhore
Page No. :: 55-58

Aim is that the study of convective heat transfer of nanofluids with a base water in shell and tube type heat exchanger. The convective heat transfer rate is changes with the volume concentration. Heat transfer coefficient increases with increase in volume concentration. Different parameter are affect on the transfer rate in horizontal shell and tube type of heat exchanger like friction factor, viscosity, volume concentration etc. The convective heat transfer rate of nanofluids with base fluid is greater than the distilled water. And heat transfer efficiency is also improved by increasing thermal conductivity.

Keywords: Al2O3 nanofluid, Heat transfer, nanofluids, nanoparticles, shell & tube type heat exchanger

[1]. Jaafar Albadr, Satinder Tayal, Mushtaq Alasadi , "Heat transfer through heat exchanger using Al2O3 Nanofluid at different concentrations" case studies in thermal engineering, 2013,38-44
[2]. Gabriela Huminic, Angel Huminic, "Application of Nano fluid in heat exchangers: A review", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, (2012),pp- 5625-5638.
[3]. JonathanCox, Reza Sadr , "Thermal Evaluation of nano fluid in Heat exchanger", International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfe ,(2013)5-9.
[4]. Manjunatha.k, B.Vishnu Prasad, Sandeep .k, S.Veeresh Kumar, "Nanofluids for heat exchangers", International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology,Volume 6, 2016.
[5]. K.Hamid, W.H. Azmi, "Experimental investigation of nanoparticle mixture ratios on TiO2-SiO2 nanofluids heat transfer performance under turbulence flow" International journal of Heat and mass transfer,2017, 617-627.