August - 2012 (Volume-2 ~ Issue-8 ~ Part-4)

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Research Article
Automatic Traffic Monitoring System Using Lane Centre Edges
N.Kapileswar, M.Sunil Babu
ANED :   0.4/3021-02840108
iosrjen   3021-0208-0408 iosrjen

Robust and reliable traffic monitoring system is an urgent need to improve traffic control and management. Vehicle flow detection appears to be an important part in traffic monitoring system. The traffic flow shows the traffic state in fixed time interval and helps to control the traffic. This paper proposes an automatic traffic monitoring system which is used for estimating the important traffic parameters from video sequences through vision based cameras, and also used to detect the traffic flow in different lanes. Mainly this paper tells that how to detect the lanes and vehicle centres in different frames. This is used to count the number of vehicles in different lanes based on lane width.


Keywords: - Traffic monitoring system, video processing, frame difference, Noise removal, Vehicle flow detection, lanes detection, edge detection, traffic parameters

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Research Article
Optimization of Speech Recognition using LPC Technic
Vipulsangram K Kadam, Dr.Ravindra C Thool
ANED :   0.4/3021-02840913
iosrjen   3021-0208-0413 iosrjen

Here you implement a speech compression technique known as Linear Prediction Coding (LPC) using DSP System Toolbox from Mat lab functionality available at the MATLAB command line. In this system we uses the Levinson-Durbin and Time-Varying Lattice Filter blocks for low-bandwidth transmission of speech using linear predictive coding. At present, VBEC automatic determination only considers the optimum topology for training data, and does not consider the effects of the decoding condition on the optimality (e.g., mixture and state pruning process and the search parameter dependence in decoding) for the optimum model topology. We need further study on the superiority from a practical point of view. In future work, I would like to extend the model determination taking the decoding process into consideration, for example, by reflecting the effect of the decoding strategy of the mixture or state pruning process in the objective function of our optimized tool for speech recognition. We have further focus on how to optimize the optimum area as shown in following fig1. considering the decoding process. This can be achive by LPC Technic as shown below. [10]



[1] Ahmed, M.S. Dept. of Syst. Eng., King Fahd Univ. of Pet. & Miner., Dhahran ,Comparison of noisy speech enhancement algorithms in terms of LPC perturbation, Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Date of Publication: Jan 1989,Volume: 37 , Issue: 1 Page(s): 121 - 125

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[5] Bhattacharya, S.; Singh, S.K.; Abhinav, T, Performance evaluation of LPC and cepstral speechcoder in simulation and in real-time Recent Advances in Information Technology (RAIT), 2012 1st International Conference on Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/RAIT.2012.6194531 Publication Year: 2012, Page(s): 826 - 831

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[9] Vaidyanathan, P.P., Multirate Systems and Filter Banks (Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1993).



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Research Article
Application of GGBS stabilized Redmud in Road Construction
CH.V.Hanumanth Rao, Ganapati Naidu. P, P.V.V .Satyanayarana , S.Adiseshu
ANED :   0.4/3021-02841420
iosrjen   3021-0208-0420 iosrjen
Redmud is a waste product from Alluminium industry. For its bulk utilization a detailed experimental programme was conducted to study the behavior of Redmud when stabilized with GGBS (Ground Granular Blast Furnace Slag) which is a waste product from steel manufacturing plants. In this present study the Redmud was stabilized with 5, 10,15,20,25 and 30 percentages of GGBS. The unconfined compressive strength, Split tensile strength and California bearing ratio tests were conducted at 1, 3, 7 and 28 days curing periods only. From the test data it was observed that 25% GGBS has shown higher values compared to other percentages and at 28 days it has shown maximum values than other curing periods. A higher value of CBR i.e, 35% was obtained for 25%GGBS at 28 days curing period. Hence Redmud stabilized with GGBS can be used as subbase, base course and also subgrade material for road construction.
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Research Article
Associations among entities related to Alzheimer Disease using Ontology based approach
R.Porkodi , Dr.B.LShivakumar
ANED :   0.4/3021-02842132
iosrjen   3021-0208-0432 iosrjen

Text mining is similar to data mining, except that data mining tools are designed to handle structured data from databases whereas Text mining can work with unstructured or semi-structured data sets such as emails, full-text documents and HTML files etc. The research aspect in Text mining includes Information Extraction, Information Search and Retrieval, Text Document Categorization (Supervised Classification), Text Document Clustering (Unsupervised Classification)and Text Summarization. This research work focuses on Information Extraction and mining of Association rules in which the Information Extraction is used to identify and extract textual information of specific types of entities and their relationships, and the mining of Association rules is nothing but extraction of semantic knowledge among entities that are extracted by Information Extraction phase. The goal of our research is to design information extraction approach to extract entities from Medline abstracts and to mine association rules among extracted entities. This work uses Bioinformatics databases Gene Ontology, MeSH ontology and Medline abstracts related to a particular interest particularly abstracts related to Alzheimer Disease.


Keywords: - Information Extraction, Gene name, Protein name, Regular Expression, Medline abstracts, Ontology, Alzheimer disease.

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[10] Palakal, M., M. Stephens, S. Mukhopadhay, R. Raje and S. Rhodes, 2002. A Multi-level Text Mining Method to Extract Biological Relationships. Proc. IEEE Computer Soc. Bioinformatics (CSB) Conf., pp: 97-108.


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Research Article
Landscape Image Filtering via Aesthetic Inference
Mahsa Ghane, Asadollah Shahbahrami
ANED :   0.4/3021-02843338
iosrjen   3021-0208-0438 iosrjen

Today's because of increasing photography facilities, produce a high number of images. Hence, we need devices and applications for better images search and stronger management of them based on qualities or quantity of aesthetic. These help us to create digital image albums and auto management of contents according to aesthetic concept. In this paper first, we want to introduce the general features in aesthetics in different scopes of photography such as portrait, macros, news, sports, animals and etc. Second, trying to determine the particular influence of each feature on different scopes of photography because aesthetic features are presented in photography are very general. Next, among of these provided features, the top six features that specifically have the highest influence on the landscape images are proposed. Accuracy verification of these features was shown by comparing images from a standard dataset. Supposing the ranking of aesthetic in the dataset from 1 to 7, 1(very ugly)and 7(very beautiful), it is observed that proposed features was influence due to their ranking in dataset were more than 5 and none of them had ranking scores with less than 5 in the standard dataset..


Keywords: - Aesthetics Rating, Datasets, Inference, Digital photography

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Review Article
Research on Electric Heating Technology In-situ Oil Shale Mining
Yi Pan, Jingming Zhang, Xu Wang, Shuangchun Yang
ANED :   0.4/3021-02843944
iosrjen   3021-0208-0444 iosrjen

The oil shale resources are very abundant with its reserve three times as much as world's proven oil reserve. However, by the limitations of traditional technology and mining methods, the development of oil shale technology is restricted to a great extent. Now researchers are studying the in-situ retorting technology through heating the underground oil shale directly. Then the released oil and gas will be collected on the ground. Among them, electric heating technology is more mature compared with others. In this paper, the oil shale's physical properties are presented in detail. At a high temperature, the oil shale will be cracked as the generation of lots of pores and fractures, which improves the permeability of oil shale fundamentally and creates good conditions for the output of oil and gas. Meanwhile, some of the most advanced technologies of electric heating process around the world will be discussed as well. By contrast, ICP has greater advantages over other technologies in environment protecting, cost and product. After comprehensive analysis, the development trend of future electric heating technology will be forcasted in this paper.


Keywords: - oil shale, shale oil, ICP technology, electric heating, in-situ retorting

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Review Article
The technical research on advanced treatment and reuse of petrochemical sewage
Shuangchun Yang, Dan Deng, Min Yang, Si Li and Yi Pan
ANED :   0.4/3021-02844553
iosrjen   3021-0208-0453 iosrjen

At present, many countries in the world are facing serious water crisis, the shortage of water in our country is particularly prominent, especially refining industry, water shortage and water pollution problems in our country have seriously affected the survival of enterprises and sustainable development. In this paper, based on literature research and field investigation, two stage discharging sewage of some petrochemical company was as our object. Feasibility research on the deep treatment and process unit effectiveness analysis was carried on, then a biological aerated filter and reverse osmosis system was put forward as the core (biological aerated filter-and inclined plate sedimentation-walnut shell filter-more medium filter-Filter-reverse osmosis system-sodium ion exchanger). The original process is very complicated and lengthy, but the new has a very strong special aim and a good impact resistance capacity, more reasonable process and more advanced technology.


Keywords: - sewage, advanced treatment, reuse, some petrochemical company

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Review Article
Research on the Application of Corrosion On-line Monitoring System in Oil Refining Industry
Pan Yi, Zhang Liming, Huang Chong and Yang Shuangchun
ANED :   0.4/3021-02845457
iosrjen   3021-0208-0457 iosrjen

Corrosion monitoring has increasingly become a focused major issue of oil refining industry. As is well-known, there are a great deal of impurities causing serious corrosion to pipeline, reducing working life of petroleum pipeline. In recent years, our country refines high-sulfur crude oil, equipment corrosion problems become more prominent.Under the background of anticorrosive in science, this paper introduces some common using monitoring technologies, latest corrosion monitoring system, and discusses details the system structure and working principle. This system can collect corrosion data from oil pipeline synthetically and effectively, analyses scientifically corrosion data, understands the extent of the corrosion, studies corrosion rule, predicts corrosion trend, finds the reason of corrosion, puts forward the anticorrosion scheme, which provides decision-making basis for corrosion protection scientifically.


Keywords: - corrosion, pipeline, monitoring system

[1] Yong Zeng. Comparative online monitoring system in the application of distillation unit[J].Journal of Petroleum Chemical Corrosion and Protection, 2011, 3:47-50.
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[3] Liqun Zheng, Zegui Wan, Nan Gao, Chengfeng Zhang. Refining corrosion monitoring technology application and device progress[J].Journal of Petroleum Chemical Corrosion and Protection, 2012, 2:47-50.
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[8] Xiaohui Yang, Jiyang Rao, Yannan Wang. Application of online monitoring technology in petrochemical industry[J].Journal of Petroleum Chemical Corrosion and Protection, 2011, 3:40-42.
[9] Faping Yang, Guibo Wang. Puguang gas field ground airtight gathering and transportation system corrosion monitoring and control system[J]. Natural Gas Industry, 2012, 1:94-97.
[10] Qiang Zhang, Wen Chen, Mengwei Yang, Maoqiu Liu, Shuang Peng, Tan Gu. High acidic gas field corrosion monitoring technology research[J]. Oil and Natural Gas Chemical Industry, 2012,1:62-65.
