The driver for the choice of alternating use of modulation scheme is to increase the data rates where there is enough signal power to transmit it and improve the overall throughput performance. The adaptive modulation is a bit loading scheme exploited to increase the throughput performance of a communication link. This scheme will take into account the varying SNR values across the N subcarriers and instantaneous channel quality, and adapt a modulation scheme to the subcarrier based on the target performance level. Thus, more bits can be transmitted over a subcarrier while achieving the desired performance level. The modulation mode is picked from modulation schemes standardised for 3GPP LTE downlink-QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM, and consideration is also given to BPSK and 8PSK schemes. A target performance threshold is adopted for each modulation mode in a subcarrier viewing it as AWGN subchannel. The average throughput obtained from the simulation with the constraint of the PC is 86.895 Mbps.
Keywords:- BER, Bandpass Modulation, Communication Channels, Mapping
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Differential evolution algorithm is a heuristic global optimization technique based on population
which is easy to understand and implement. In this paper we proposed a classification model base on
differential evolution algorithm. The proposed model provides a good practicability and promising future for
pattern identification.
Keywords: classification model, differential evolution, Intelligent Optimization.
Global warming has emerged today as a life-threatening issue for the world. Since concrete is one of the most consumed material after water on the earth for infrastructure & construction industries, a commendable contribution can be made by optimizing the use of cement and natural resources in concrete manufacturing. High volume Fly Ash (HVFA) concrete is one of the major developments since last two decade leading to utilization of Fly Ash in a bulk quantity and thereby reducing cement consumption and ultimately reducing emulsion of CO2 in order of one ton per a ton of cement. Durability of concrete structure is another important parameter effecting the sustainability of concrete technology in addition to minimizing use of virgin material. Experimental investigation has been carried out by authors to study effect of 12mm triangular polyester fibre on engineering and durability properties of HVFA concrete. Engineering parameters include compressive and flexural strength, impact and abrasion resistance. Durability aspect is studied through Rapid Chloride Penetration Test (RCPT) as per ASTM C 1202 and comparative study for RCPT test is discussed for plain and fibre reinforced HVFA concrete in this article. The article describes durability parameters of HVFA concrete, methodology of RCPT, standards and test report of special additives to HVFA.
Keywords: - Durability, Fly ash, Fibre, RCPT
[1] A. Bilodeau, V. Sivasundaram, K.E. Painter, V.M. Malhotra, Durability of concrete incorporating high volumes of fly ash from sources in the USA, ACI Mater. J. 91 (1) (1994) 3– 12.
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[1] A. Khandani, J. Abounadi, E. Modiano, and L. Zheng, ―Cooperative routing in static wireless networks,‖ IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 2185–2192, Nov. 2007.
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[3] T. Korakis, S. Narayanan, A. Bagri, and S. Panwar, ―Implementing a cooperative MAC protocol for wireless LANs,‖ in Proc. IEEE ICC, Istanbul, Turkey, Jun. 2006, vol. 10, pp. 4805–4810.
[4] H. Shen and S. Kalyanaraman, ―Asynchronous cooperative MIMO communication,‖ in Proc. IEEE WiOpt, Limassol, Cyprus, Apr. 2007, pp. 1–9.
[5] K. Sundaresan, R. Sivakumar, M. Ingram, and T. Chang, ―A fair medium access control protocol for ad-hoc networks with MIMO links,‖ in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM, Hong Kong, Mar. 2004, vol. 4, pp. 2559–2570.
Child labour is any work done by the children in order to economically benefit their families or themselves directly, at the cost of their physical, mental or social development. The most common NGOs use a framework that includes orientation and level of operation. An NGO's orientation refers to the type of activities it takes on. These activities might include human rights, environmental, or development work.The study aimed to assess the role of NGO worker stopping of child labour. A study was conducted in Lucknow city. A total of 120 sample were selected (60 NGO worker and 60 child Labour) in different criteria using the random sampling technique. A different prevention of strategy used in self-made questionnaire to assess the role of NGO worker stopping of child labour. The study findings revealed that educational level of the NGO workers fluctuate from the most preferred criteria of child Labour prevention strategies present. The study found that education, health, self-image and self- esteem strategies vary with qualification of NGO workers in the prevention of child Labour.
Keywords: Child Labour, NGO worker, Education, Strategy.
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Research Paper |
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Bandwidth Efficient GNDA |
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Kerala |
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Uma Narayanan ||, Arun Soman |
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40-43 |
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10.9790/3021-03624043 ![]() |
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With the tremendous advent of internet and related technologies the significance of adhoc networks are increasing day by day. Adhoc networks are infrastructure less, self-creating wireless networks. Since nodes are mobile and topology changes dynamically route selection becomes very difficult. This type of network is easily vulnerable to internal and external attacks due to the presence of bad neighbor nodes. Identification of nodes as good or bad is based on its flow capacity, signal strength and relative positioning of nodes in the network. Also due to the high mobility of nodes energy consumption is also more. Power is one of the most important design criteria for adhoc networks as batteries provide limited working capability to the mobile nodes. Power failure of a mobile node not only affects the node itself but also its ability to forward packets on behalf of others and hence affects the overall network lifetime. In this paper we are introducing two concepts for efficient selection of good neighbor nodes and effective bandwidth selection for routing.
Keywords: AODV, MANET, Bandwidth Efficient GNDA, Traffic
[1] Umang Singh, B. V. R. Reddy,M. N. Hoda,"GNDA: Detecting good neighbor nodes in adhoc routing protocol", Second International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology,2011.
[2] H. Yang, X. Meng, and S. Lu, Self-Organized Network-Layer Security in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2002, 11-20.
[3] Y.-C. Hu, A. Perrig, and D. B. Johnson, Efficient Security Mechanisms for Routing Protocols. Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS '03, SanDiego, USA, 2003, 57-73.
[4] Chang J-H, Tassiulas L, "Energy Conserving Routing in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks," Proc. IEEE International Conf. On Computer Communications (IEEE Infocom) 2000;
[5] C.Siva Ram Murthy and B.S.Manoj, "Ad hoc Wireless Networks", Pearson 2005.ISBN 81-297-0945- 7.
Scheduling refers to a set of policies and mechanisms supported by operating system that controls the order in which the work to be done is completed. Scheduling is the best method to improve the performance of the network by re-arranging the system parameters. The basic of need of scheduling is to keep the CPU busy as much as possible by executing a (user) process until it must wait for an event, and then switch to another process. This paper involves the various issues on which the performance of the network depends.
Key Words: Scheduling, Network performance, efficiency, throughput.
[1] Yang-ping Chen, Lai-xiong Wang, and Shi-tan Huang Xi'an ―A Novel Task Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Multiprocessor Systems‖ 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation Guangzhou, China.
[2] Lars Lundberg and Hakan Lennerstad Department of Systems and Software, School of Engineering, Blekinge Institute of Technology, 372 25 Ronneby, Sweden'' Slack-Based Global Multiprocessor Scheduling of Aperiodic Tasks in Parallel Embedded Real-Time Systems‖.
[3] Jian-Jia Chen Chuan-Yue Yang, Hsueh-I Lu, Tei-Wei Kuo ‗‗Approximation Algorithms for Multiprocessor Energy-Efficient Scheduling of Periodic Real-Time Tasks with Uncertain Task Execution Time‖ IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium in 2008.
[4] Paulo Baltarejo Sousa , Bjorn Andersson and Eduardo Tovar ‗‗Implementing Slot-Based Task-Splitting Multiprocessor Scheduling‖ IEEE 2011.
[5] operating system internals and design principal, fifth edition by William stallings
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