The Shulu slope is located in the southern part of the Central Hebeiprovince. According to the result of the third resource evaluation, the amount of resource in Shulu west slope is up to 51.2Millionton(mt),the provedreserveofthisareacanbereachedto14.6308mt,and the remainingresource is to36.56mt,resource convertingrate is merely28.58%.The amount of residual resources is very large. It has certain exploring prospect.In this paper,the distribution characteristics of the reservoir have been summarized, and combined with the previous research results and the understanding of the formation factors, the formation pattern and the formation mechanism of the reservoir.Many fault occurred in the early stage of the forming of Shulu Sag and the later construct active stage.The fault occurrence consists of consequent fault and antithetic fault. The different combination types and the variation of fault throw control the distribution of reservoir, the influence of different types fault combination and fault throw on the reservoir are summarized. In the slope, theantithetic fault combination is favor of the forming of reservoir and the consequent fault is difficult to forming reservoir under the small fault throw with plenty sand body. The hydrocarbon will be accumulation in the upper trap.
Key words: Shulu slope, consequent fault;antithetic fault;oil and gas plane law; fault throw
[1]. Allan U.S.A model for the migration and entrapment of hydrocarbon within faulted structures[J].AAPG,Bulletin.1989.73:803-811.
[2]. Rittenhouse, G., 1972, Stratigraphic-trap classification, in R.E. King, ed., Stratigraphic Oil and Gas Fields: AAPG Memoir 16, p. 14–28.
[3]. PuXiugang,WuYongping,ZhouJiansheng,etal.Characteristics and exploration potential of lithologic-stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoirs in Qikou sag of Dagang oilfield[J].ActaPetrolei Sinica,2007,28(2):36-39.
[4]. Jackson, J.A,. ed., 1997, Glossary of Geology, 4th Ed.: American Geological Institute, 769 p.
[5]. Losh S,Eglinton L,Schoell M,et al.Vertical and lateral fluid flow related to a large growth fault,South Eugene island block 330 field,off shore Louisiana[J].AAPG Bulletin,1999,83:244-276.
In this paper, the samples' trace elements of Sha 3 member and Sha 4 member are tested. According to the characteristics of trace elements and the ratio of elements, the paper discusses the sedimentary environment, and expounds the significance of them. The results show that the value of the B element in Sha 3 member is lower, and the value of B/ Ga、Sr/Ba also shows that the main deposit environment is fresh water lake. The value of the B element in Es4 is strong enriching , shows that it belongs to the salt water sedimentary environment, the value of B/Ga、Sr/Ba also shows that the impact of the sea water or intermittent by sea water; the value of Sha 3 member and Sha4 member V/(V+Ni)、V/N、Ni shows that the sedimentary environment is a reducing environment, and in conclusion, the Sha 3 member in the studying district which environment is fresh water reducing, while the Sha4 member is sault water reducing environment.
Key words: Langgu depression; Sha 3 member; Sha4 member; depositional environment
To identify the genesis connection of the complex phase states of the gas in Nanpu Sag is conducive to the natural gas exploration achievements in the area. Based on the geochemical behavior of natural gas, the formation PVT and deliverability data, the phases of underground natural gas, and its distribution characteristics were studied, the origin of phases of natural gas and their relationship were analyzed; and sealing limit of different phases of gas was given from macro and micro sealing mechanism of caprock, by using faulted thickness of caprock and displacement pressure; exploration direction of natural gas was determined by the geochemical tracing method.
Key words: genesis of natural gas; occurrence status of natural gas; phase state of natural gas; preservation condition; Nanpu sag
[1] JIANG Fujie, DONG Yuexia, PANG Xiongqi, et al. Hydrocarbon distribution features and main controlling factors in the Nanpu sag [J]. Geoscience, 2013, 27(5):1258-1264.
[2] WANG Yongjun, ZHANG Baomin, WANG Zhengjun, et al.Geological characteristics of Odovi-rcian buried hill and main factors of oil/gas accumulation in Nanpu sag, Bohai Bay basin, China [J]. Natural Gas Geoscience, 2012, 23(1):51-59.
[3] DAI Jinxing. Identification of various alkane gas [J]. Science China Press: Series B, 1992, 22(2):185-193.
[4] GANG Wenzhe, WU Yue, GAO Gang, et al. Geochemical features and geologic significances of source rocks in Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin [J]. Petroleum Geology and Experiment, 2012, 34(1):57-65.
[5] ZHU Guangyou, ZHANG Shuichang, WANG Yongjun, et al.Forming Condition and Enrichment Mechanism of the Nanpu Oilfield in the Bohai Bay Basin, China[J].Acta Geologica Sinca, 2011, 85(1): 97-113.
Fuyu oil layer exploration is potential and its reservoir type is complexed. Due to its poor of porosity and permeability, its production capacity depends mainly on oil and gas reservoir fractures situation. Fractures can not only provide reservoir space, improve matrix permeability, but also be the main migration path and the key factor for low permeability sandstone reservoir capacity. Thus, the rule of fractures distribution has become the most important issue to improve the efficiency of exploration and development. Since the fracture is affected by many factors, which requires a comprehensive method of geological, logging, geophysics, experimental analysis, production test data to describe. The history of construction and development is employed to analyze the times of fracture formation. The late Qingshankou formation was the major period when fractures were formed, with high angle and vertical fractures being the dominant. NW trending and NNE trending tension vertical fractures oriented, NW trending and NE trending conjugate shear fracture followed in Fuyu oil layer in Xingshugang area. The result of this study is significant to efficient development of similar reservoirs.
Key words: Xingshugang oil field; present geo-stress; numerical simulation
The Cretaceous reservoir is the main oil and gas bearing stratum in the Junggar Basin, which contains enormous resource potential. But the exploration degree of the Cretaceous reservoir was very low. The pattern of oil and gas accumulation was very complex. Based on this model, the author of this paper studied the geological characteristics of the four controlling factors of Cretaceous reservoirs in the Junggar Basin and established the quantitative mathematical model of four controlling factors. The comprehensive index was weighted average probability of single controlling factor. According to this comprehensive index, we predicted the favorable accumulation areas of the Cretaceous system in Junggar Basin. The result showed: the most favorable areas of Cretaceous system were Luliang uplift, Chepaizi-Mosuowan paleo-uplift and Zhangbei fault zone. More than 84% of oil wells were found in the predicted favorable areas. It proved the validity and feasibility of this model.
Keywords:Junggar Basin; Cretaceous system; Model of functional elements matching controlling on hydrocarbon accumulation; Quantitative analysis; Prediction of favorable reservoir areas
In order to determine the time of hydrocarbon expulsion in the five typical superimposed basins in the eastern peripheral basin group of Songliao Basin in China, the hydrocarbon expulsion threshold theory and hydrocarbon generating potential are used to figure out the hydrocarbon expulsion threshold and corresponding vitrinite reflectance, and combined with the basin simulation technology, restore the thermal evolution of organic matter. The following conclusions are obtained. The hydrocarbon expulsion thresholds are between 640 ~ 940 m and the corresponding Ro are 0.5-09%in the five basins, Ro value is affected by the organic matter abundance and organic matter type. The hydrocarbon source rocks in the lower cretaceous formations mainly began to hydrocarbon expulsion at the end Early Cretaceous, the part of the hydrocarbon source rocks expelled hydrocarbon after the Palaeogene.
Keywords: Songliao peripheral basins, hydrocarbon expulsion threshold, hydrocarbon generating potential, thermal evolution history of organic matter, basin simulation technology, the time of hydrocarbon expulsion
[1] Pang Xiongqi. Theory of expulsion threshold controlling oil distribution and its application[M]. Ptroleum Industry Press, Beijing, 15-133.
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Inflation is a challenge to traditional accounting |
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China |
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Cheng Zijian |
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33-36 |
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Inflation", since inflation refers to a sustained rise in the price level, the process of how to measure the price level is an important issue, in simple terms, is a lot of money chasing a small amount of goods, cause commodity prices to rise, the purchasing power of money decrease. Inflation is the inevitable phenomenon of rapid economic development, traditional accounting should be adapted to the needs of the development of market economy, improve the unreasonable system, make the accounting system in line with the flexibility, applicability and practicality, the accounting work to better service for the society.
Keywords: - inflation; traditional accounting; the price level; the challenge
[1] Hou Chengqi, gong six don, zhang weiying. Core inflation: theoretical models and empirical analysis [J]. Journal of economic studies, 2011, 2:4 to 18.
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[4] jian-xin geng. The price changes accounting related question discussion [J]. Journal of accounting monthly, 2000, 22:5-6.
In order to do more study in Marine carbonate reservoirs in China, this article described the evolution of the carbonate diagenetic, mainly introduced the mud crystallization, compaction, pressolution, recrystallization and cementation of four mainly kinds of carbonate diagenesis The protection of porosity in the process of diagenesis is another point of this artical, some conclusions were put out. By analyzing the degree of different regions, it is showed that different pore filling on the compaction effect of porosity. It is very meaningful for the study of Marine carbonate reservoir in our country.
Key words: carbonate rocks; diagenesis; dolomitization
The heterogeneity of the reservoir refers to the basic properties of the reservoir (lithology, physical property, electric property and oiliness) in three dimensional space on the distribution of heterogeneity[1]. Based on the comprehensive utilization of drilling geology, logging, thin section analysis data testing a newly drilled oil well and production performance data, combined with detailed core observation and description, Wang 9 well area of reservoir geological characteristics in Wangji oilfield of Henan are studied. In this area mainly developed mud and properties of sandwich, statistical development dissection analysis showed that the interlayer region layer is basically stablly distributes, but the variation of thickness is large. According to the representations of the development of interlayers, interlayer distribution frequency and interlayer distribution density, distribution of in-layer interlayer is complex. The analysis of particle,thin section,property shows that objective to reservoir physical property belongs to Medium porosity and medium permeability reservoir and High porosity and permeability reservoir,but there are some differences between each layer, distribution of high porosity and permeability of basic and sedimentary microfacies can provide good correspondence. When we establish the heterogeneity of the reservoir evaluation parameters, study the heterogeneity of inner layer, interlayer and plane,we find that the majority of horizon shows medium - strong heterogeneity.
Key words: Wang 9 well area, He 3 Formation,heterogeneity,Individual Sand Body
On the basis of geological drilling, logging and thin section analysis, combining with detailed rock core observation and descriptions, we studied sedimentary facies of H3Ⅳ5 member in the Wang 9 area. According to particle size and thin section analysis, there is fine sandstone and siltstone in the member at most. On the basis of rock core observation, conducting phase analysis of single coring well, we identified the interval as delta which developed delta front and front delta subfacies, including seven types of microfacies which are underwater distributary channel, mouth bar, underwater overbank sand, sand sheet, split between underwater distributary channel, the former delta mud and turbidite sand. A variety of typical microfacies phase model logging were built. All of the single facies analysis of non-coring wells. Three sections of sedimentary microfacies and the plane sedimentary microfacies graphs of Ⅳ5 member of formation were draw. The northern Wangji delta and eastern Houzhuang braided river delta were the major source of the work area.
Key words: sedimentary facies; delta front facies; phase analysis of single well; plane phase
[1] Zhong Junyi, Li Guilin,Ge Hui, et al. Structural Characters and Oil Trap Efficiency in the Northern Slope of Biyang Depression. Geological Prospecting series, 2003, 18(3): 149-154.
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[3] Yang Daoqing, Lu Jianlin. Cenozoic Biyang seg structural evolution and its formation mechanism[J]. Journal of Oil and Gas Technology, 2005, 27(4): 416-4191.
[4] Yanghua. Ordos Basin sedimentary sequence and hydrocarbon accumulation[M]. Beijing: Geological Publishing House, 2007, 60-142.
[5] Cui Lianxun. Study of sedimentary microfacies in Ⅲ layer of He 3 reservoir of Wangji Oilfield[J]. Inner Mongolia Petrochemical Industry, 2012, (10): 135-137.
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Cash flow method application of defects and their solutions |
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China |
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Cheng Zijian |
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59-61 |
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Cash flow method(DCF model) is based on the enterprise during a certain period in the future business activities of free cash flow discount method, calculate the enterprise value of the current [1]. This method firstly get widely used in western enterprise value appraisal, introduced into China in beginning as replacement cost method, and other means of verification, the current has been independent for use as a mature method in enterprise valuation, especially in the widely used in the process of corporate takeovers and mergers.
KeywordsCash flow; Application of defects; Solutions
[1] zhang xinming, Qian Aimin. Enterprise financial statement analysis [M]. Cambridge university press, 2008.
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[1] Ren Desheng, Liu Li, The Tectonic Styles of the Fault Depression Basin and Oil/Gas--The Example of the Eastern Sag of Liaohe Basin[J]. Offshore Oil, 2003, 23(3):16-22.
[2] Duan Yongxu. Condition analysis of hydrocarbon accumulation in Niu 74 [J]. West-china ExplorationEngineering, 2008, 9:65-66.
[3] Qiu Yinan, Xue Shuhao, Ying Fengxiang, et al. Continental Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of China[M]. Petroleum industry press, 1997, 147-217.
[4] Xiao Lihua, Meng Yuanlin, Hou Chuangye, et al.Diagenetic Modeling and Prediction of Secondary Pore Zone in the Deep of the Shengping Area in the Songliao Basin[J]. Geological Review, 2003, 49(5):544-551.
[5] Meng YuanLin,Li Na, Huang Wenbiao, et al. Diagenetic facies analysis and high quality reservoir prediction of the Cenozoic in southern segment ofwestern slope of Liaohe Depression[J]. Journal Of Palaeogeogra Phy, 2008, 10(1):33-41.
Seismic attribute technology can extract the useful and latent information from seismic data, providing abundant and effective data for oil field exploration and development and a possible mean to solve complex geological evaluation. Therefore it improves the value of seismic information in the application of oil and gas exploration and development. On the basis of the fine horizon calibration and fine structure interpretation, Seismic attribute were extracted for the purpose layer in research area. Combining with the actual drilling and logging data and the sensitive analysis of seismic attributes, the post-stack seismic reservoir prediction research was carried out through optimizing the amplitude, dessert and frequency division attribute and favorable reservoir facies belt distribution and sand body distribution rule are qualitatively understood. Combining with geological characteristics and oil and gas enrichment regularity for the purpose layer, comprehensive evaluation of reservoir was studied. The Fuyu oil layer reservoir prediction in Zhaoyuan area obtained the good geological effect and provide important basis for the determination of exploration target zone.
Key words: Zhaoyuan area; sedimentary characteristics; Fuyu layer; delta facies; distribution characteristics; reservoir pattern
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Study on sedimentary facies of Niu 74 block |
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China |
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Lihuan Song |
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72-75 |
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Through the study of Niu 74 block, are established in the research area of fan delta sedimentary model, the target layer mainly developed the fan delta plain subfacies and fan delta front.And the sedimentary facies control reservoir physical property and oil-gas-bearing possibility was studied. The results show that it is obviously controlled by sedimentary facies, and sand body of distributary channel are thickness, good physical properties and high oil saturation; sand body of distributary interchannel are thin, poor physical property and low oil saturation.
Keywords: Sedimentary facies; Stratigraphic division;Fan delta
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[5] Shanley K W,McCabe P J.Perspective on the sequence stratigraphy of continental strata [J].AAPG Bulletin.1994,78(4):544-568.
The old oil field will enter the stage of high water cut, high recovery degree after a long-term water flooding development, the seepage resistance in strongly water washing part will become more and more small, and it can produce the consequences of ineffective circulation of the injected water along the edge passage, which will seriously affect the oil recovery and the development benefit. The formation of dominant channel is the inevitable trend and result of the water flooding oil field. By studying its formation, it can be divided into two aspects: the development characteristics of the reservoir itself and the influence of the production process. Its development features include: reservoir rock facies, physical characteristics, sedimentary rhythm, heterogeneity, thickness and the characteristics of the pore structure. The effects of production process include: hydrodynamic flushing action, fluid friction and the impact of the drilling process.
Keywords: - Dominant channel; Big hole; Water injection development; Cause analysis
[1] DENG Xiaojuan,ZHANG Xiaolei,ZHU jing. Dominant channel model of the reservoir and the analysis of recognition[J].Oil Drilling & Production Technology,36(5), 2014, 69-74.
[2] BAI lei,ZHA Kejian,MENG Yaling,Dominant channel research of reservoir of group Qiqubadaowan in Karamay Oil Field. Xinjiang Oil & Gas,10(1), 2014, 88-91.
[3] WANG Yuqin,CHEN Fanghong,GU Hongjun. Take advantage of interwell tracer to study the flow channel. Xinjiang petroleum geology,32(5), 2011, 512-514.
[4] XIAO Honglin. Research on identification standard of advantageous channel of sandstone reservoir. Engineering technology popularization. 16, 2014, 68-69.
[5] ZHANG Xiaolu. Micro characteristics and identification standard of dominant channel. Inner Mongolia petrochemical industry. 16, 2013, 146-149
After water injection, water content of reservoir rises gradually, heterogeneity and high water-containing nature reduces the efficiency of water injection. Based on the oil reservoir characteristics of Xingnan Development Area pure oil zone, this article develops a set of reservoir thickness division, reservoir parameter calculation and automatic interpretation of the comprehensive reservoir evaluation method, providing the basis for oilfield development adjustment. Using the method above to calculate the reservoir parameters, such as porosity, permeability and irreducible water saturation, the results show to meet the data measured by coring well, thus this method can provide the accurate data for the fine geologic description. The principle is simple and clear, which has achieved good application effect in Xingnan development area and can be extended to other area with the description and evaluation of reservoir with strong heterogeneity of other area which adopts the water flooding method.
Keywords: - Xingnan oilfield ,reservoir parameters, thickness division, porosity, Saturation
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