August - 2015 (Volume-5 ~ Issue-8 ~ Part-4)

Paper Type


Research Paper



"Sign Language Translator"






Mr. Sangam Mhatre ||, Mrs. Siuli Das

Page No.



0.4/3021-05840104 aned
3021-0508-0404 iosrjen

In this work, many ways of communications are used between human and computer, while using gesture is considered to be one of the most natural way in a virtual reality system. Because of its intuitiveness and its capability of helping the hearing impaired or speaking impaired, we develop a gesture recognition system. The Hand Talk glove is a normal, cloth driving glove fitted with flex sensors. The sensors output a stream of data that varies with degree of bend made by the fingers. Flex sensors are sensors that change in resistance depending on the amount of bend on the sensor. They convert the change in bend to electrical resistance - the more the bend, the more the resistance value. The output from the sensor is converted to digital and processed by using ARM7 processor and then it responds in the voice using speaker.


Keywords: speech impaired, hand signs, sensor glove, easy communication.

[1] P. Buehler and M. Everingham, "Upper body detection and tracking in extended signing sequences". International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 95, 180-197, 2011.
[2] Oya Aran.B.S and in CmpE.M.S, in CmpE. "VISION BASED SIGN LANGUAGE RECOGNITION:MODELING AND RECOGNIZING SOLATED SIGNS WITH MANUAL AND NON-MANUAL COMPONENTS". Graduate Program in Computer Engineering.Bo¸ gazi»ci University.1-169,2008 .
[3] Supawadee Saengsri and Vit Niennattrakul, "Thai Finger-Spelling Sign Language Recognition System".IEEE.457-462, 2012 .
[4] Rini Akmeliawatil, Melanie PO-Leen Ooi et al, "Real-Time Malaysian Sign Language Translation using Color Segmentation and Neural Network". Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference Warsaw, Poland.IEEE.1-6,2007 .
[5] Yang quan,"Chinese Sign Language Recognition Based On Video Sequence Appearance Modeling",IEEE.1537-1542,2010.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Application of Meta learning in Banking Sector






Sanjay Kumar Sen ||, Dr. B.K. Ratha

Page No.



0.4/3021-05840510 aned
3021-0508-0410 iosrjen
The data mining technology is a process of identifying patterns and information from a huge quantity of data. In a single repository data base where data is stored in central site, then applying data mining algorithms on these data base, patterns are extracted which are converted into information. It becomes important area for financial organization like banking sector, insurance sector, stock market etc. Banking systems gather huge amount of data like customer information, transaction details, loan details, credit card details etc. It helps to find hidden patterns in a group and discover unknown relationship in the data. Instead of quantitative and statistical data characteristics, this technique helps in data interpretations for the banking sector. Data mining tools helpful for leading banking for credit scoring service and approval predicting payment lapse, fraud detecting etc. By applying data mining techniques bankers are getting advantage in competitive market. It is also helpful for the retailers for customer buying tradition and also desires. This proposed work in this paper is the combination of supervised machine learning algorithms, Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Adaboost and Logitboost, Bagging and Dagging are proposed for classification of banking data. These resulted forms help researchers to detect fraud in banking data. The experimental result shows the performance analysis of different meta-learning algorithms and also compared on the basis of misclassification and correct classification rate. Smaller misclassification reveals that bagging algorithm performs better classification of banking data fraud detection technique.. The proposed work in this paper is the combination of five supervised machine learning algorithms, Classification and Regression Tree (CART), Adaboost, Grading, Bagging are proposed for classification of banking data. The experimental result shows the performance analysis of different meta-learning algorithms and also compared on the basis of misclassification and correct classification rate. Smaller misclassification reveals that bagging algorithm performs better classification of banking data fraud detection technique.
[1] QUINLAN, J. R. (1988). C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, CA.
[2] C4.5 Algorithm - Disponible in . Accessed in 25 July 2010.
[3] Bruno Carneiro da Rocha1,2 and Rafael Timóteo de Sousa Júnior2 "IDENTIFYING BANK FRAUDS USING CRISP-DM AND DECISION TREES" International journal of computer science & information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol.2, No.5, October 2010.
[4] Mabroukeh, N.R. and C.I. Ezeife, 2010. A taxonomy of sequential pattern mining algorithms. ACM Comput. Surveys. DOI: 10.1145/1824795.1824798
[5] Ramageri, B.M. and B.L. Desai, 2013 Role of datamining in retail sector. Int. J. Comput. Sci. Eng., 5. Moradi, M., M. Salehi, M.E. Ghorgani and H.S. Yazdi, 2013. Financial distress prediction of Iranian companies by using data mining techniques. Organizacija, 46: 20-27.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Longitudinal Analysis and Prospective of Medical Cost for Hypertensive Diseases: Case of Mexico



North America



Dora Elena Ledesma-Carrión ||, Lidia Hernández-Hernández ||, and María Teresa Leonor Muciño-Porras

Page No.



0.4/3021-05841121 aned
3021-0508-0421 iosrjen

The treatment unit costs are similarly between men and women, but there are more men than women with hypertension and increasing the medical costs. Medical costs are calculated for hypertensive diseases for all age groups of Mexican people and sex into range of 2012-2050. Probabilities of entrance or disease detection, permanence or in treatment and departure or death are calculated for each age group and sex. The maximum probabilities for each case are 1.92% (60-64), 53.31% (85+) and 3.13% (85+) for male. Analogously, for female are 2.45% (60-64), 72.46% (85+) and 2.27% (85+), respectively. The maximum number of people in treatment is between 20 and 29 years old, decreasing up to 65-69 (male) and 60-64 (female) years of age and, 70+ (male) and 65+ (female) increases again because of other sickness appear linking with hypertension.


Keywords: - aging, health, hypertension, medical costs, prospective.

[1] (CELADE) - División de Población de la CEPAL, "Guideliness for the modules making on aging in the dwelling surveys. Latinoamerican and Caribean Center of Demography [Directrices para la elaboración de módulos sobre envejecimiento en las encuestas de hogares Centro Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Demografía]," (Publicación de las Naciones Unidas, ISSN versión impresa 1680-886x ISSN versión electrónica 1680-8878 ISBN: 978-92-1-323244-6 LC/L.2969-P N° de venta: S.08.II.G.81, Santiago de Chile, noviembre de 2008).
[2] Prajneshu, "Diffusion approximations for models of population growth with logarithmic interactions," Stochastic Processes and their application, Vol. 10, pp. 87-99, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1980.
[3] Secretaría de Salud, "The mortality in Mexico 2000-2004, avoidable deaths: magnitude, distribution and tendencies [La mortalidad en México, 2000-2004. Muertes Evitables: magnitud, distribución y tendencias]", (Subsecretaría de Innovación y Calidad Dirección General de Información en Salud, México, 2006).
[4] Villarreal-Ríos Enrique, Campos Esparza Maribel, Galicia Rodríguez Liliana, Martínez González Lidia, Vargas Daza Emma Rosa, Torres Labra Guadalupe, Patiño Vega Adolfo, Rivera Martínez María Teresa, Aparicio Rojas Raúl, Juárez Durán Martín, "Annual cost per capital in the first attention level by gender [Costo anual per cápita en primer nivel de atención por género]," (Unidad de Investigación Epidemiológica y en Servicios de Salud Querétaro, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Ciencia y Saúde Coletiva, 16(3):1961-1968, 2011).
[5] Academia Nacional de Medicina de México, Academia Mexicana de Cirugía, Instituto de Geriatría, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, "Aging and health: a proposal for and action plan [Envejecimiento y salud: una propuesta para un plan de acción]," (UNAM, México, 2012).


Paper Type


Research Paper



Maintenance Policy for a Repairable System with a Linearly Increasing Hazard rate and Predetermined Availability






Mwaba Coster ||, Qiong Liu

Page No.



0.4/3021-05842227 aned
3021-0508-0427 iosrjen

This paper discusses the determination of an optimal maintenance policy for a repairable system exhibiting a linearly increasing hazard rate, a constant repair rate and a predetermined availability. Under the preventive maintenance policy, the system availability is guaranteed and the time interval between preventive maintenance actions incurring minimal cost is analysed and presented.


Keywords: Preventive maintenance,Corrective maintenance, Linear hazard rate, Availability

[1] Wang, H. A survey of maintenance policies of deteriorating systems. European Journal of Operational Research 139, 2002,469-489.
[2] David Sherwin, A note on block and bad-as-old renewal of components with limited system time horizon, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 3(2), 1997,143-147.
[3] Rao, A.N. and Bhadhury, B.,Opportunistic maintenance of multi-equipment system: A case study, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 16(6), 2000, 487-500.
[4] Kardon, B. and Fredendall,L. D., Incorporating overall probability of system failure into a preventive maintenance model for a serial system, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 8(4), 2002, 331 – 345.
[5] Sami El-Ferik& Mohamed Ben-Daya, Age-based hybrid model for imperfect preventive maintenance, IIE Transactions, Vol.38 (4), 2006, 365-375.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in Bass fish (Morone Saxatilis) at Rodoni Cape, in Adriatik sea, Albania.






Enkelejda Kucaj ||, Uran Abazi, ||, Erinda Zharra Abazi

Page No.



0.4/3021-05842831 aned
3021-0508-0431 iosrjen

The present study was carried out to determine the level of bioaccumulation of some heavy metals in fish which comes from the discharge of Ishmi river which has a length of 79 km from Tirana and flows into the Cape of Rodon in the Adriatic Sea. Three heavy metals, namely merkury (Hg), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) were selected for this study. The concentrations of heavy metals (Hg, Pb, Cd ) were measured in muscles at about thirty fish species collected from five main landing areas in the Adriatik Sea. The levels of heavy metals varied significantly among fish species and organs. As expected, muscles always possessed the lowest concentrations of all metals. The concentration of metals in the present fish muscles were accepted by the international legislation limits and are safe for human consumption. Metal concentrations were determined by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer after nitric acid digestion of samples. Based on the results observe that all the fish samples were negative, they are very low in comparison with the permitted values.


Keywords: - Adriatik sea, Bioaccumulation, Heavy metals, fish, pollution,

[1] Burger, J.; Gaines, K. F.; Boring, S.; Syephans, L.; Snodgrass, J.; Dixon, C. (2002). Metals levels in fish from the Savannah River: Potential hazards to fish and other receptors. Environ. Res. 89: 95-97p.
[2] Elnabris KJ, Muzyed SK, El-Ashgar NM. Heavy metal concentrations in some commercially important fishes and their contribution to heavy metals exposure in Palestinian people of Gaza Strip (Palestine). J Assoc Arab Univ Basic Appl Sci 2013;13:44e51. http://www.sciencedirect
[3] Karadede-Akinand, H. and Ünlü, E. (2007). Heavy metal concentrations in water, sediment, fish and some benthic organisms from Tigris River, Turkey. Environ. Monit. Assess. 131: 323-337p.
[4] Kucaj E, Abazi U. Assessment of heavy metals in sediments and Phragmites Australis in Tirana river, Albania. European Journal of Physical and Agricultural Sciences 2015: 2056-5879 .
[5] Kucaj E, Abazi U. Seasonal variation in the physico-chemical Parameters of Tirana river. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER). 2015: 120-124e8


Paper Type


Research Paper



A Novel Technique for the better analysis of Ice Properties using Kalman Filtering






Rajwinder Sidhu ||, Gurbakash Phonsa

Page No.



0.4/3021-05843238 aned
3021-0508-0438 iosrjen

SAR algorithm has been used to detect the sea ice to save the ship from any kind of damage. So that ship does not strike with ice. SAR algorithm applied on RADAR1 imagery data to get accurate results. Pixel based segmentation MIRGS algorithm to segment the ice has been studied. Due to this we can differentiate the ice based on its properties. PMA detector has also been studied and thus can easily detect and recognize target by knowing the signal values. There are many methods for multitemporal segmentation from the MODIS data called TempoSeg method for multiyear sea ice floes has also been studied. RADARSAT1 imagery data which is used by Synthetic Aperture Radar to detect the ice of sea at different regions of the oceans. Automated algorithm gives better result of target using R1 imagery data. In project work, we have to implement the automated SAR algorithm to detect sea ice which is already implemented. In further work we have to enhance this automated SAR algorithm to get more accurate results using RADARSAT1 imagery data and will try to use the RADARSAT2 imagery data to make it compatible to SAR algorithm.


Keywords: Sea Ice, SAR, Floe, Rater Scan, Dual Polarization, Kalman Filtering

[1] Xuezhi Yang; Clausi, D.A., "Evaluating SAR Sea Ice Image Segmentation Using Edge-Preserving Region-Based MRFs," Selected Topics in AppliedEarth Observations and Remote Sensing, IEEE Journal of , vol.5, no.5, pp.1383,1393, Oct. 2012
[2] Mari-Ann N. Moen Pnthony P. Doulgeris, Stian N. Anfinsen, Nick Hughes, Angelika H.H. Renner, " Comparison of feature based segmentation of SAR Satellite Sea Ice Images with manually drawn ice charts", 2009
[3] Bernd Scheuchl, "Potential of RADARSAT-2 data for operational sea ice monitoring", CJRS, 2004
[4] B. Ramsay, D. Flett, H. S. Andersen, R. Gill, S. Nghiem, and C. Bertoia. Preparation for the operational use of RADARSAT-2 for ice monitoring. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, June 2004.
[5] B. Scheuchl, R. Caves, D. Flett, R. Abreu, M. Arkett, and I. Cumming "ENVISAT ASAR AP data for operational sea ice monitoring" In Proc. IEEE,International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, volume 3, Sept. 2004


Paper Type


Research Paper



Modeling Highway Manoeuvring Overtaking Sight Distance in Slope-Ascending Direction in Two-way Traffic Single Lane Highway






Patrick Onuamah

Page No.



0.4/3021-05843942 aned
3021-0508-0442 iosrjen

Many vehicles on the highway move at speeds below the design speed obviating overtaking maneuvers by vehicles that move at the design speeds. The paper is an attempt to formulate a model to determine the minimum overtaking sight distance to be maintained by an ascending overtaking vehicle driver on an inclined double lane divided highway. The vehicle and road user characteristics as well as the vertical road geometry are combined to assess the overtaking distance by formulating a mathematical model that satisfies the laws of the mechanics of motion.


Keywords: Overtaking maneuver, graphic model, one-way traffic, perception-reaction time, visibility

[1] G.Singh, J. Singh, Highweay Engineering, 5th Edition, reprint, India, 2013, ch. 6, pp. 138-152.
[2] R. Layton, "Stopping Sight Distance and Decision Sight Distance", Transport Research Institute,, Oregon State University, 1997, Discussion Paper 8A, pp. 1-25.
[3] D.C. Gazis, D. C. Azis, F.S Hiller, "The Problem of the Amber Signal in Traffic Flow," Operations Research 8, March-April 1960.
[4] R.H.Wortman, J.S. Matthaas, "Evaluation of Driver Behavior at Signalized Intersections," Transportation Research Record 904, T.R.B, Washington, D.C., 1983.
[5] M.S. Chang, "Timing Traffic Signal Change Intervals Based on Driver Behavior," T.R. Record 1027, T.R.B, Washington, D.C., 1985.

Paper Type


Research Paper



Obtainment of Background Image Using Depth Information



South Korea



Soon-kak Kwon ||, Dong-seok Lee

Page No.



0.4/3021-05844346 aned
3021-0508-0446 iosrjen

Extracting objects from background using the color image has some weaknesses. Using the depth image, these weaknesses can be solved. However, the depth information has some noise so the extraction of the object is incorrect. In this paper, we measure the accuracy of the methods in obtaining the background image from accumulation images. We find the best method of obtaining the background depth image.


Keywords: - Extraction, Depth information, Depth camera

[1] M. Siddiqui and G. Medioni, "Human pose estimation from a single view point, real-time range sensor", In Workshop on Computer Vision for Computer Games at Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2010.

[2] R. Munoz-Salinas, R. Medina-Carnicer, F.J. Madrid-Cuevas, and A. Carmona-Poyato, "Depth silhouettes for gesture recognition", Pattern Recognition Letters, vol.29, no.3, pp.319-329, 2008.

[3] P. Suryanarayan, A. Subramanian, and D. Mandalapu, "Dynamic hand pose recognition using depth data", In International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010.

[4] B. Choo, M. Landau, M. DeVore and P.A. Beling, "Statistical Analysis-Based Error Models for the Microsoft KinectTM Depth Sensor", Sensors, vol.14, no.9, 2014.

[5] C. V. Nguyen, S.Izadi, and D. Lovell, "Modeling Kinect Sensor Noise for Improved 3D Reconstruction and Tracking". 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 2012 Second International Conference on, 2012.


Paper Type


Research Paper



Dufour And Heat Source Effects On Heat Mass Transfer Flow Past An Infinite Vertical Plate With Variable Thermal Conductivity






I. J. Uwanta, ||, I. G. Abor and ||, Murtala Sani

Page No.



0.4/3021-05844759 aned
3021-0508-0459 iosrjen

A numerical solution of unsteady heat mass transfer flow past an infinite vertical plate with variable thermal conductivity is presented, taking into account the effects of diffusion-thermo (Dufour number) and heat source. The influences of various parameters on the velocity, temperature and concentration profiles are studied graphically while the skin friction coefficient, Nusselt and Sherwood numbers are tabulated.


Keywords: Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Thermal conductivity, Dufour Number, Heat Source, Vertical Plate

[1] Al-Odat, M. Q. and Al-Azab, T. A. (2007). Influence of chemical reaction on transient MHD free convection over a moving vertical plate. Emirates Journal of Engineering Research, 12(3): 15–21.
[2] Alam, M. S. and Rahman, M. M. (2006). Dufour and Soret effects on mixed convection flow past a vertical porous flat plate with variable suction. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 11(1): 3–12.
[3] Alam, M. S., Rahman, M. M., Ferdows, M. K., Koji, M. E. and Postelnicu, A. (2007).
[4] Diffusion-thermo and thermal-diffusion effects on free convective heat and mass transfer flow in a porous medium with time dependent temperature and concentration. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2(1): 81–96.

[5] Anghel, M., Takhar, H. S. and Pop, I. (2000). Dufour and Soret effects on free convection boundary layer over a vertical surface embedded in a porous medium. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Mathematica XLV(4): 11–21.